"Here's your Caramel Macchiato and Peppermint tea."

"Thank you, Rosie." Tauriel thanked the strawberry blonde girl she had gotten to know well through Kíli. It was the day of New Year's Eve and excitement was buzzing in the streets. The Major Bard Bowman would be holding a grand party at his residence in Dale, and throughout the city multiple venues had been decorated to house all its citizens. That way the whole city could celebrate together. Ever since the Great Fire that had ruined Dale and Laketown, special attention had been given to its citizens. To remind them of the hardship but also how far they had come since then. The spirit of togetherness was still very strong. And although the people of Dale and Laketown were a close-knit community, they had opened their doors to any newcomers. Kíli's own ancestor Durin the Deathless had settled here before the fire and destruction, his people setting up mining in the surrounding mountains, later named Erebor. His great-grandfather Thrór had witnessed the fire's destruction. The Ereborians, Dale, Laketown and even some from Mirkwood, had worked together to rebuild the city and create the melting pot of cultures in was today.

Bard's ancestor Gideon had also been the Major during the Great Fire and Bard took pride in his heritage. He also strongly believed that the past taught lessons for today, something he could bore his children with. But although he was a man a tradition, he could also throw marvellous parties. And Tauriel and Arwen were excited to no end. They had gotten their hair styled at Aegnor, a high-end stylist whose clients included royalty. Naturally, Arwen was related and thus the young women could go there. Tauriel usually wasn't one for pampering and too much luxury, but she definitely didn't mind the perks that came with being best friends with Lady Arwen Undómiel of Rivendell.

It had turned into a girl spa-day and the both of them relished it. They had time to unwind from the last stressful weeks and catch-up.

"I am glad Aragorn is here. It will be great to see him again." Tauriel said and Arwen smiled happily. She knew the happiness would end soon when Aragorn would go back to Osgiliath. But for now, she enjoyed every second and both had been using any spare time to make the most of it. Her trip with Tauriel to Dragon's Lair hadn't been in vain.

"Yes, it was such a great surprise. He's excited to see you all again. Legolas and Gimli both gave him too many letters to give to you and Kíli."

"I am excited to read them." Tauriel said, ignoring the pain and worry in her heart for Legolas. She placed her hand on Arwen's. "I am also glad you will be helping out at the refugee centre. Your heart has become lighter." And Arwen nodded, remembering her conversation with her grandmother. She was glad to finally have something useful to do.

"It will be useful and take my mind off things. It will feel like I am helping Aragorn in a way. I am glad you and Éowyn understand this." And Tauriel laughed.

"The three of use aren't very good at staying put. We are strong, independent women and can fight on our own." She said hotly, an eager shimmer in her eyes. She was glad that December was over. In January Lothlórien would open again for shooting, and her whole body and mind were aching for it. Then she softened. "But fighting and helping alongside our men makes it all even more worthwhile." And Arwen could definitely cheer to that.

But now it was time for some fun and her fashion background would always make a reappearance.

"So, which dress?" she asked eagerly and Tauriel had to laugh at her two completely different personalities.

"I am wearing the golden dress. The one we got a few years back in Rohan." And Arwen, who knew Tauriel's closest better than herself, nodded.

"The short one with the low back and scales? Yes, very nice! It looked great on you then. Shame you didn't wear it." And Tauriel pulled a face.

"I didn't feel comfortable in it then. It didn't feel right."

"You were the only one who thought so. Everyone else thought it looked great. Even Elladan agreed. I had never seen his ears so red." And Tauriel groaned mortified, remembering the embarrassing and awkward moment for both of them. Arwen ignored her and continued.

"No really, if Kíli hadn't come along to claim you, I would have started match-making."

"Arwen, he's your brother! Besides, he's way too old for me…" Arwen waved her protests away.

"Exactly! I know him and you the best, and age is never a problem. It's only like what? 10 years?" Tauriel rolled her eyes and her friend laughed. "Anyway, Kíli came and thwarted that plan. But I still love that dress, so glad you're wearing it. You will steal the show, poor Kíli."

"What do you mean?"

"He's going to shoot every man at the party."

"Don't be ridiculous. Besides, does Aragorn know about that silver number you picked out?" Arwen grinned. She had been very happy finding the shimmering silver dress that wrapped around her like water with thin shoulder straps. She was usually quite humble about her appearance, but even she could see she looked great. Aragorn had wholeheartedly agreed when he saw it. She smiled at the memory.

"We will both look great my dear. Now come, lets drink and get back to Rivendell. We need to get ready." Tauriel laughed.

"You will need all the time we can get!" And Arwen playfully stuck out her tongue.

Arwen called Lindir and he picked them up not long after. They drove past the mountainous borders of Dale and into the countryside. After half an hour, Tauriel could see the familiar entrance of the valley in which Rivendell lay. On the edge of the Estate lay some of the villages and towns. Driving along the winding river towards the immense waterfall, that was one of the region's famous landmarks. Every year it attracted many hikers who wanted to admire the water spectacle from up close. Such visitors were always welcomed warmly by the people of Rivendell. Known for their love of herbs and medicine, all visitors would be presented with a nice cup of herbal tea to reflect on the beauty of nature they just witnessed.

Lindir took a right bend in the road and the Rivendell Estate house doomed into view. Despite being raised in Mirkwood, the house also known as Imlardis, always took Tauriel's breath away. Peacefulness radiated from its white marble stone, with its many arches, domes, and balconies overlooking the valley. Tauriel was curious what Kíli would think about it when he would come pick her up tonight.

When the young women arrived, Celebrían greeted them warmly. She was happy to see Tauriel again. After Lemaril's death, Celebrían had taken the girl under her wing and was only too happy when she and Arwen became vast friends. Their contrasting mentalities balanced each other out and they were always ready to help each other in need. Celebrían had at first been hesitant about Tauriel dating Kíli Durin, knowing their family histories. But she and her husband of all people knew that an unlikely pairing could develop the strongest of bonds. So, seeing the young woman happy made Celebrían happy too. She was also glad her own daughter was finally getting out of her own difficult situation with Aragorn. A mother's worry was never far away, but she could only applaud Arwen's shift in mentality. It would be better for both her and Aragorn if she could put her energy into being helpful for the refugees arriving in Dale and Rivendell.

She led the women inside and prepared some nice hot drinks to battle the cold. Tauriel had gifted her a lovely perfume in elegant crystal bottle. It was one of Celebrían's favourites. They were further greeted by the twins, who has per usual were trying to get out of the dreaded bath time. Their father Elrohir followed their every move. Tauriel barely had time to give him her Christmas blessings.

As they drank their drinks and nibbled on some light snacks Lindir had prepared before the party, Arwen turned seriously to her friend.

"How are you feeling after Thranduil told you about your parents?" She knew it was a difficult topic. She had not known about it until Tauriel called her, after which she confronted her father, who also confirmed it. While the news has been difficult, knowing about the manner of their passing had created peace in Tauriel's mind. She and Kíli had talked about it for the past few days. Finally events and memories started to make sense to her.

"It is difficult, and it still hurts. Some times it feels as if I have to relive the pain and sadness all over again. But I am determined to try and remember whatever I can. I want to avenge their deaths." She said, her eyes determined. Arwen saw her mother shift uncomfortably. She too had her own demons of the past that she preferred to keep buried deep inside her.

"Sometimes there is a reason we have blocked our minds to not relive certain horrors." Celebrían said softly. "Do not force yourself my dear. If your mind is ready, it will reveal what you are looking for. But promise me to always be careful. Sometimes the past should remain that way or else it consumes you." She said as she turned away towards the window. Darkness had meanwhile descended upon the Rivendell valley, only the moon was a beacon of light. Arwen rose from her seat and lay an arm around her mother's shoulders.

"Naneth…" she whispered softly and Celebrían looked at her daughter. Their hair made then seem opposites. It saddened her at times that none of her children had inherited her family's golden or silver hair. But Arwen had her large blue eyes that always shone such kindness. Yes there was still kindness in the world. She was glad her children and grandchildren could remind her so everyday, lifting the veil of darkness. She softly kissed her daughters brow.

"Come now, we need to get ready to celebrate the start of a new year. I still have to drag your father out of his study."

And with that the three women went upstairs. Tauriel let Arwen have a field day with her makeup. She stopped trying to count the amount of brushes her friend used. But she had to admit the elegant eyeliner and soft eye shadow looked great and she returned the favour.

They had just put on their dresses and were busy with their jewellery, when there was a knock on the door and Aragorn appeared. Tauriel greeted her friend happily, glad to see him here safe and sound.

"I am glad to see you all in one piece. How are you doing?"

"Coping. The situation is difficult but we've been able to manage. I have to give credit to Gimli and Legolas for that."

"It must be difficult to leave them behind."

"Yes, but I know they are capable. I really longed to come back here and see all of you." Tauriel didn't miss how he used the opportunity to hold on to Arwen tightly.

"We all missed you too Aragorn. How is Legolas?"

"He is doing better than most. Making himself useful wherever he can. He has recently started to help out at the local hospitals, helping the nurses cope with the incoming wounded. Thankfully it's been quiet these past weeks so must are able to recover."

"I am glad to hear it."

"And what about you? Arwen told me these past months have been difficult." Aragorn's eyes pierced through her soul.

"Yes it has. Good and bad things keep happening. I at times feel like a boat trying to settle after a storm. Many highs, and many lows. But we are getting there." She smiled at her two dear friends.

"I am glad Kíli had been a constant beacon for you." Aragorn said warmly. He knew as no other how love, whatever the source, could truly help fight the battles in life.

"Yes it has been a true blessing to have him in my life." Tauriel agreed.

"It will be great to see some more of him. Gimli has told me many tales." Then he turned to Arwen, admiring how striking she looked in her silver dress. "I think you're missing something." Arwen angled her hips.

"And what could that be?" She asked coyly, her blue eyes sparkling. Aragorn didn't answer but reached behind his own neck and pulled Arwen's Evenstar necklace from beneath his own shirt. Arwen gasped, tears in her eyes. After several long and difficult months of separation the jewel now hung delicately around her neck.

"I don't think I will need it's protection tonight so you should wear it." Aragorn said softly. "I'll claim it back later." Arwen gave a smile.

"You wouldn't be allowed to leave this country without it." And she reached up to give him a kiss.

Tauriel felt happy to see the love her friends felt for each other, that after nearly five years didn't appear to be diminishing any time soon. She wished them all the happiness and hoped the coming year would be a bit easier for them.

"A bit sickening don't you think?" She grinned and looked at Elladan who was leaning elegantly against the doorpost. He looked as handsome as ever, his dark blue shirt highlighting the flecks of blue in his otherwise bright grey eyes. His long black hair hung smoothly over his shoulders. Even with her heels, he still towered over her. His eyes sparkled happily.

"I am used to it, just happy to see it again." She said and nodded in agreement.

It had been difficult for him in the beginning to see Aragorn and Arwen together. His baby sister with his dear friend that he considered to be a brother. It had felt like a betrayal. But now, with foresight into the future, he was only glad. He could only trust a man such as Aragorn with his sister's heart. Aragorn knee the twins had accepted him into the family as brother-in-law. As long as he didn't screw things up, they would always have his back.

Elladan turned back to Tauriel.

"You look beautiful." He said and admired how her flaming hair contrasted with the shimmering golden dress. He smiled, recognising the dress from several years ago. She had grown into a more confident and beautiful woman since then. Elladan wasn't as outgoing as his twin. He preferred coming home from a long horse ride and settling into a leather armchair with a book. Elrohir had became a public spokesperson for Rivendell Estate while Elladan preferred to organise everything behind the scenes. He never felt comfortable showing all his feelings to the world, not even to the people he loved. Sometimes he regretted that quality. When Elrohir met his wife Elendiel, Elladan felt he had lost his second half. Then Arwen and Aragorn got together and he lost his sister and friend. And he still clearly remembered how his heart felt after he danced the Riverdance with Tauriel at Lothlórien, before handing her back to Kíli's arms.

He sighed inwardly and focused on the positive sides. His family was happy and now complete. He loved his two nephews and seemed the only one able to control their temper. It made him feel proud that the children were so drawn to him. And who knew what the new year would bring?

Tauriel had felt a blush form on her cheeks. She wished Arwen hadn't said anything about Elladan that past afternoon. But she thanked him nonetheless and complimented him in return. Thankfully the toddler twins saved them both from potential embarrassment.

"Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!" Half in tears Elrodal and Elrohan attacked Elladan, sobbing dramatically into his black pants. "We don't want to comb! We don't want it! Tell Ada!" Amused he looked at the two terrors. They had inherited their mother's unruly black curls that currently resembled bird nests more than hair. He scooped both boys up into his arms.

"Come on. It's a party. Don't you want to look nice?" They really didn't, both vehemently shaking their heads. Tauriel laughed. Elladan frowned.

"But haven't you heard of the Dragon?" The twins eyes became huge saucers, again shaking their heads, curls flopping around.

"Well," Elladan told them seriously, "Every year a dragon sneaks around at Bard's party. We cannot see him but he does us. And if you don't look nice he gets angry and will come into your room at night." The boys looked terrified at the prospect.

"But if you comb your hair, I promise the dragon will be very nice to you." Elladan said softly. The twins blinked, feeling conflicted. They really hated to brush their hair after bath time. But an angry dragon sounded worse. They shared a look between them that Elladan recognised as one only twins could share. His plan had worked.

"Uncle help us with the comb?" Elrohan asked and his brother bounced excitedly.

"And fights the dragon Uncle!" And Elladan smiled.

"Of course, come on!" He said putting the boys down and they squealed excitedly as they followed him to his own chambers.

"I don't know how he does it!" Tauriel turned to see Elrohir leaning against the wall. "Sometimes I think I should just give them to him. If we're lucky they won't even notice the difference." And she laughed.

"Children always like other people the best. Elladan gets to be the fun uncle and you have to deal with the rest."

"That makes the idea make even more sense. I get the nice times…"

"Are you giving our kids away again?" Elendiel said smiling, having finished her own preparations. She had an exotic look about her with her mass of black curls and turquoise eyes. She wore a fitted with gown. Elrohir reached over to kiss her brow.

"I wouldn't dream of it my star." Making both women laugh. Then the doorbell went and Tauriel instantly went down.

There stood Kíli. He had unzipped his thick leather jacket and Tauriel was he wore a fitted white dress shirt and black vest, topped with a golden tie to match her dress. He had tried to gather his thick brown hair and tame it with an Ereborian clasp. He had even trimmed the sides of his beard to create some crisp and clean lines. Tauriel thought he looked great. His dark eyes went over her appreciatively and gave her a kiss.

"Hello love, you look gorgeous, as always." And Tauriel smiled at him.

"So do you."

"Are you ready?" At that moment Elrond and Celebrían appeared. Elrond was struggling with his tie and so Celebrían promptly took over.

"My dear, we should be ready, but go ahead," Celebrían told them. "At least one part of our party will be there on time, in case my grandsons need convincing getting in the car." Tauriel smiled knowingly.

"I hope you don't mind Kíli." Elrond asked but Kíli smiled.

"Not at all sir! We will see you there." And with that he took Tauriel's hand, who had put on her long beige coat, and led her to the car. Usually he would prefer riding his bike, but with their fancy dress and the winter's cold, the car was a better option.

Kíli cruised up, out of the Rivendell valley and through the mountains, towards the shimmering lights of Dale. He took Tauriel's hand and softly kissed it. She turned to him and felt happiness settle into her heart.

"Thank you for picking me up Kíli."

"Of course!"

"Are you excited?"

"Yes! I haven't seen Mayor Bard for a while, and I heard great things about his parties. But most of all," And he turned to her, loving how her eyes sparkled so beautifully from the moonlight and the snow. "I am just happy to celebrate this New Years together." And he squeezed her hand. It had been a difficult year with many ups and downs. But entering the new year with her by his side, he knew it could only start out great.

As they drove, Tauriel told him about her day with Arwen and he filled her in about his. Within no time they reached the Dale Estate. Some quests would drive up to the front steps and let their cars be driven off. But neither Kíli nor Tauriel cared for such luxuries and Kíli quickly found themselves a parking space. They hurried through the snow and were glad to be inside and greeted by Sigrid, Bard's oldest daughter. The young woman had braided her blonde hair elegantly and dainty pearls hung from her ears. Kíli thought her red dress looked great on her. He instantly remembered how a few years ago she had had a massive crush on Fíli. It had been very cute from afar. Poor Fíli had felt flattered but didn't see it as a possibility as they were 10 years apart. She had just turned 15 when she met him at his 25th birthday feast. Now, three years later, she had blossomed into a beautiful woman and Fíli it seemed, was far from her mind. Kíli saw another young man not far from her side. The man had his head turned, busying himself with the coats. But with a full head of blond hair it was obvious he came from Rohan. Her type it seemed.

"I am glad to see you here Kíli, it has been a while. Tauriel, lovely to see you as always."

"Thank you, Sigrid." Tauriel smiled and Kíli shook Sigirid's hand.

"It is great to see you again. I hope you and your family are doing well." She smiled at him.

"Very well. You will see father later. I believe Bain and Tilda are already entertaining themselves inside."

The pair entered the Grand Hall hand in hand. Kíli was blown away by all the decorations. Four gigantic Christmas trees stood in the corners, with an oversupply of food and drink on the tables. The Hall was divided into sections where people could stand and dance, but also numerous tables and chairs for people to sit at. He caught glimpses of adjoining rooms that housed some quieter sitting areas and different entertainment. A band from the Shire had been hired to supply cheerful music all throughout the night for everyone to enjoy.

And enjoy they did! Soon Arwen and her family arrived. Thranduil appeared not too long after and he and Kíli decided to play pool in one of the adjoining rooms. Tauriel meanwhile was happy to be reunited with Éowyn, who she hadn't seen the entire holiday month. Everyone was introduced to Nashwa and her and Boromir's son Ecthelion. Arwen in particular didn't mind carrying the baby around the rooms.

"Careful, people might think you have become a grandfather again." Theoden jokingly told Elrond, who simply smiled. He quite enjoyed being a grandfather. It felt like raising children with all the great aspects and without the worry.

"I would welcome it my friend." He told Theoden.

"Are those thoughts you have to concern yourself with Theoden?" Thranduil remarked. He had lost the pool game to Kíli and it had wounded his pride, much to Kíli amusement. Theoden looked at him in shock.

"What, Theodred? He's only allowed to dance with his lady I fear."

"And he better keep it that way, or you will have more to fear about." From behind them came the grumbling voice of their host. Bard was glaring at the dancefloor. Now Tauriel and Kíli recognised the blond man. Sigrid was dancing with Theodred!

Kíli leaned over to Tauriel.

"Oh, this is going to be good!" Tauriel wasn't sure if she agreed. Theoden looked a bit afraid and Thranduil was back to being thoroughly amused. Elrond meanwhile was calmness himself.

"Bard, relax! They're only kids…"

"Exactly! Make sure your son remembers that." Bard had now turned his glare towards the Lord of Rohan.

"Are you questioning how I raised my son?" Theoden replied hotly.

"Now gentlemen… Bard, they are both adults." Elrond tried to calm them down, but one look told everyone that Bard didn't see Sigrid as anything but his little girl.

"Da!" Suddenly Bain appeared. Bard's son, now 17, was shooting up, growing into a tall and lanky lad. Quite good for archery Tauriel mused. Perhaps she should introduce him to Celeborn. She looked around to find his silver mane. Within seconds she found his silver eyes instead. It appeared he had already spotted Bain. Tauriel couldn't help but shake her had in amusement. Nothing got past that man.

"Da, are you threatening Theodred again? Sigrid told me you would."

"And I am sure you also made some sibling-pact to distract me. Forget it son, it's not going to work."

"Nah, I just wanted to let you know I saw Tilda sneak upstairs with a bottle of mead. Oh, also, Alphros went with her."

"Blasted! I am never inviting any sons of Rohan or Gondor here again until my girls turn 30!" Cursing Bard started to make his way to their private staircase.

"What about the ladies Da?" Bain called cheekily.

"No!" came the loud reply, making everyone laugh.

Sigrid appeared to have seen the commotion and joined her brother.

"What did you tell Da?"

"Apparently Tilda is drinking with Alphros."

"Nice! Now go, before Da finds out you tricked him."

"You still owe me!"

"Yes, yes! Thank you, now go!" Laughing Bain left to find his mates and Sigrid hurried back to the dancefloor with pink cheeks. She left behind an amused Kíli and Tauriel. The fathers however looked less pleased.

"Is that how they plot nowadays?" Elrond asked, a bit pale, thinking of all the times he had been worried about Arwen. Tauriel laughed and he gave her a sharp look.

"That time during the Mirkwood Harvest Festival… you and Arwen both went to Éowyn's did you not?" Luckily Éowyn passed by and heard the question.

"But of course! Where else would they have gone?" She confidently threw her golden hair over her shoulder.

"And that day you fell ill and stayed at Mirkwood?" Theoden asked sharply. "You were with her the entire time?" He turned to Tauriel as his niece's smile faded a little.

"Of course. Luckily we had plenty of mushroom soup on hand." Tauriel laughed but saw a confused look dawning on Thranduil's face.

"Wait… there were no mushrooms…" he mumbled and Tauriel and Éowyn hastily made their excuses.

"Kíli, let's go dance!" Tauriel pulled her love away with her and Éowyn mumbled something about Faramir trying to find her.

"It appears we never change…" The men, who were now convinced they had been lied to far more often than they believed, turned around to find Celeborn smiling at them.

"What do you mean?" Thranduil asked but Celeborn kept his eyes focused on his son-in-law.

"You should ask Elrond. I do believe the older we get, the more we understand our elders. It is satisfying that we all experience the same feelings, don't you think?" He gave a predatory grin, before disappearing again into the crowd.

"I always admired your bravery in dating Celebrían Elrond."

"Shut up Thranduil!"

Tauriel and Kíli danced until their feet hurt but kept enjoying themselves. Having so many of their loved ones around made it a wonderful evening.

"Oh Kíli, I hope everything will feel this great!" Tauriel told him as he swayed her on the dancefloor.

"I promise you I will try to make every day as good Amrâlimé." Tauriel sighed happily into his shoulder. She knew how serious he was about his promises. As if they were written into stone. Before they knew it, Bard had taken to the stage. His humour seemed to have improved over the hours. Perhaps made possible by several glasses of mead.

"My dear friends! I am glad to have seen so many of you here tonight. It joys me to enter the new year with all of you. We can look back to a prosperous year for Dale and her neighbours. Our bonds have strengthened, and trade has flourished. All great things! And they provide a future for our next generation. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for our southern neighbours. I would like it give a moment of silence to all those who have lost their lives or livelihoods in Mordor, and to those currently giving their all at the front." Bard halted and a silence descended onto the entire Hall. Tauriel felt a shiver run down her spine. She closed her eyes and thought of poor Boromir. But also, of Legolas and Gimli. She felt Thranduil's hand on her shoulder as he too thought of his son, and of the men and women he had lost in Gundabad. She opened her eyes and saw Faramir and Éowyn huddled together with Nashwa and Ecthelion. Sorrow surrounded them but they found strength in each other. Kíli pulled her closer against him and softly kissed her brow.

After a minute Bard finally thanked his guests.

"Now I would like to raise my glass to this new year. Let us continue our friendships and put an end to the suffering around us. Let us be a better person for ourselves but also the people around us. To be a better and more understand father to my children." Laughter filled the Hall as his children cheered.

"Once the clock strikes, I would like to invite you to the garden and terrace. Although he couldn't be here himself, Master Gandalf was kind enough to supply us with some excellent fireworks." Bard raised his glass in the air. "To the new year!"

"To the new year!" came the collected response and at that moment the clock started to ring. A cheerful "Happy New Year!" filled the entire Hall. Kíli gave Tauriel a long kiss and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Happy New Year my love."

"Happy New Year Kíli."

Together they made their way into the terrace, congratulating everyone along the way. The cold night sky became filled with the most spectacular fireworks Kíli had ever seen. The colours danced brightly in the sky.

"I am thankful to be here with you my darling." Tauriel told him softly.

"Me too my love. Let's make this year a great one." Kíli replied and she nodded in agreement.

"I think this year will be one of many surprises." She said slowly as they admired the spectacle. She felt Kíli smile as he leaned against her.

"Since you all seem to have a gift of foresight, will they be good or bad surprises?" Tauriel chuckled.

"You know I do not have that gift. But I think it will be both. You need both light and darkness. How can we appreciate the good if nothing bad happens?"

"And you told you such wise words?"

"My mother…" He looked at her and saw a memory dawning upon her. He would ask her later. Right now, he wanted to enjoy the present with her by his side.

"She was right."