Hey peeps! :) I've really been wanting to see a Big Hero 6 watching the movies/trailers fanfic ever since I saw the movie, but there aren't any yet! So I decided to make one myself!

Hope you enjoy! :D

Hiro had been working on his microbots for several days now, and they were finally ready for the showcase. He had to admit that he was feeling pretty nervous about the showcase. What if he didn't get in?

Hiro walked over to one of the blue bin containers and opened it, looking at all of the microbots inside. There were hundreds, just in the one container. Tadashi walked over and they stared at them all, and Tadashi stuck his fist out. Hiro stuck his fist up and they fist-bumped.

Suddenly there was a blinding white flash of light, and Hiro yelped as he jumped back. Hiro and Tadashi both covered their eyes when the light became too bright and they vanished.

The Lucky Cat Cafe had just closed and Aunt Cass was trying to decide whether to eat a delicious looking iced-donut or not. She decided to just stuff it and eat the caramel donut. It wasn't as if she couldn't make more for the cafe later.

She grabbed the donut and walked up the stairs to her living room. Mochi the fat cat twirled around her legs and purred, and she leant down to pat him with one hand and eat her donut with the other.

She stood back up and started wondering if she should make some dinner for her nephews, and she started walking to her kitchen with Mochi following her. She was at the top of the stairs when there was a bright white light. She closed her eyes tight and grabbed the railing with her free hand. She disappeared.

Up in Hiro and Tadashi's room Baymax's red container/charging station was surrounded by a white flash of light and it disappeared.

It had been a long day of helping Hiro with his microbots - or in Fred's case reading comic books - and Wasabi was driving them all in the van. He was giving them rides back to their houses so they wouldn't have to walk home.

Before they could get to Honey Lemon's house; which was the closest, there was a red light and Wasabi had to stop.

"Do you guys think Hiro's gonna get in to SFIT?" Wasabi asked as they waited for the red light to turn green.

Fred laughed. "Of course the little man's gonna get in, his microbots are awesome!"

"They are, I can't wait for the presentation!" Honey exclaimed.

GoGo rolled her eyes and smirked, "I'd be surprised if he didn't get in."

The light turned green and Wasabi drove through. They were almost at Honey Lemon's when there was a sudden blinding white flash of light and Wasabi yelled and pulled over to the side of the road. They all covered their eyes and everyone in the van vanished.

At SFIT, Professor Callaghan was thinking about how much he hated Krei and how much he missed Abigail.

He idly wondered if any of the inventions at tomorrow's showcase would help him avenge Abigail, but he doubted it. Although he was going to take some supplies to fake his own death just in case.

There was a bright flash of white light and he covered his eyes, wondering if something had malfunctioned or blown up. He disappeared before he could find out.

At the San Fransokyo police department, Bob the policeman was sitting behind his desk, waiting for his shift to end.

It had been a perfectly normal day, and he was bored. The only disturbances had been cats stuck in trees and old ladies' purses being snatched.

He sighed and spun in a circle on his rolling desk chair. Suddenly there was a blinding flash of light and he covered his eyes. He wondered if there was anything wrong with the power, but it was too bright to open his eyes. He vanished.

There was a brilliant flash of white light and everyone that had disappeared found themselves sitting on a red, carpeted floor.

"Uhhh... what just happened?" Hiro asked in confusion, but shrunk back when everyone stared at him.

Everyone jumped when a new voice spoke up from behind them, "Hi!"

They turned to see who spoke (which relieved Hiro, since everyone had stopped staring at him) and saw a strange girl, and she looked around Hiro's age.

She had long limbs, she was skinny and pale, and she was smiling at them (although her eyes slightly narrowed when they landed on someone in the group, but no one noticed).

She had long gold hair with copper streaks that was in a high-ponytail and lavender-blue eyes with a few freckles on her cheeks. She was wearing a blue leopard-print shirt that had the words '2 COOL 4 SCHOOL' on it under a purple, unzipped hoodie. She had a black belt and black track-suit pants with a picture of a phoenix on the top of the right pants leg. She had lavender-and-silver runners with gold lightning bolts on the sides. She was also wearing a gold watch on her left hand.

"To answer your question Hiro, I brought you all here." She looked at Hiro as she spoke, and he was a little weirded out that she knew his name.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but who are you, how do you know my little brother's name, and how did you bring us here?" Tadashi asked, and her grin widened.

"Oh yeah, I should probably introduce myself. My name is PhoenixWillowsRox88, but you can call me Phoenix. I know all of your names because of reasons that I can't tell you, but I brought you all here with my author powers." The girl - or Phoenix - got up and shook all of their hands.

"Unbelievable." Hiro muttered, but no one heard him.

Aunt Cass looked confused, "What are author powers?"

"Author powers are special powers that every fanfiction author has. Just so you know, I brought you all here to watch some special movie trailers."

Bob the policeman raised an eyebrow at Phoenix. "So you're telling me that you brought us all here using... magic powers, just to watch movie trailers?"

"Pretty much. The only thing you missed is that these movie trailers are about things that are gonna happen in the near future." Phoenix looked pleased that they'd all caught on so quickly, but everyone was gaping at her.

"Should I file a report that you kidnapped us, or..."

Phoenix cut Bob off. "Don't worry, as soon as we're done here I'll send you all back to the respective places you disappeared from."

"Okay, but where are we watching these trailers?" Hiro asked.

"I have a theatre to go to, but there's something I need to do first." She walked over to a red, container-like object that was in the shadows and said, "Ow."

Instantly it started beeping and a circle started flashing. It opened up and a big, white, marshmallowy robot inflated. "Hello. I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said 'ow'."

"Baymax is here...?" Tadashi looked so bewildered.

Phoenix ignored him for the moment. "Hello Baymax. I'm Phoenix, and you are rather important to the events coming up, so can you please stand with everyone else?"

Baymax did as he was told, but when he was standing next to Hiro and Tadashi he tilted his head to the side. "I am confused. Do you not need medical attention?"

"No Baymax." Phoenix assured him, and she turned towards a blank stretch of light purple wall. Everyone else turned to look at the wall, and looked at Phoenix quizzically when they saw nothing there.

Phoenix clicked, and a door appeared in the wall. Everyone gaped at it and Bob was starting to feel creeped out: after all, he didn't believe in magic.

"C'mon everyone, this way to the theatre." They all followed Phoenix, not really feeling like they had a choice.

They were in a large theatre. There were plush chairs like in a normal movie theatre, but all of the ones in the front row had special designs on them. From left to right there was: a SFIT logo; a police hat; a donut; a first-aid cross, Megabot; a phoenix; a bike; a lizard; a pink bouncy-ball looking thing; some wasabi; and an extra large seat with a picture of Baymax.

"Okay, the chair you're gonna sit in has a picture of something that is connected to you, or in Baymax's case, is you. So look at them and figure out where you're gonna sit." Phoenix explained.

Callaghan had the SFIT logo, Bob had the police hat, Aunt Cass had the donut, Tadashi had the first-aid cross, Hiro had Megabot, Phoenix had the phoenix, GoGo had the bike, Fred had the lizard, Honey Lemon had the pink ball, Wasabi had the wasabi, "One time!" he'd growled when he found it, and Baymax had the Baymax chair.

"Okay, the trailers will start in a moment. Does anyone need something to eat and drink or do you have to go to the Toilet? Because now's the time to go." No one had to go to the toilet, but everyone except for Bob, Callaghan and Baymax ended up with popcorn. They all had a drink of lemonade, though.

"It's time to start the trailers! And remember: this is all gonna happen." Phoenix announced, and the screen flickered to life.

Here's the first chapter! The first trailer will be in the next one, and I wrote it all myself! I watched both trailers and wrote out everything in script form, then I went back and edited everything for better reading purposes. It took all afternoon yesterday and all day today!