
*Please, be welcomed to my new story. I hope you like this preview.

*Disclaimer: I don't own Spider-Man or any Marvel character.

"The Unbreakable Spider-Man"

Spider-Man fanfic

By Spidey_Legend

'Chapter One'

Created and Finished: 31/05/2015

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but nobody thinks on changing himself" Alexei Tolstoi.

Andrea Vecchiato was having a difficult time in the Brazilian jungle; but he didn't have any choice. He had to go to the Amazonas because of the rare plant his boss Carlton Strand hired him for.

However, he had another purpose. In the jungle it's the final component to freed Diablo from his alchemical prison.

He could care less about what Strand could do to him. Once Diablo is freed, he would take care of the greedy business man and he would be his replacement just like the prophecy established around the 15th century.

Andrea knew about Diablo dying and ending in the alchemist prison waiting to resurrect, but didn't do nothing to prevent it, because Diablo ordered him and that's why he is here now.

Andrea smiles thinking about Strand's death. He knew that Carlton is a ruthless person. He proved with his predecessor Orwell Strauss, despite Orwell being an incompetent idiot. No matter to who and he is not an exception. That's why he couldn't fail in this mission.

He remember how Carlton enjoyed belittling Orwell, forgetting that once in a time he was his mentor in the difficult and competitive world of chemistry and biotechnology. After almost thirty years later Orwell was an old man living his last years meanwhile his pupil is rich and famous.

Andrea never voiced his opinion in that regard. He was a survivor.

That's why he served Strand, until he can complete his plan.

However, Andrea never put in his mind a random event which at first was considered bad luck to the previous team.

The first team failed miserably when they didn't returned. In fact, no one knew what happened with them. Strand Corporation thought them dead and that's why he is now, trying to fix the problem.

Finally, they discovered the reason of why the first team got lost.

He cursed himself for that.

If he knew it, Andrea would have gone to Peru. The Peruvian jungle now seems a better prospect; but no, he had to chose Brazil because he didn't want to hear the name Peru again.

Andrea Vecchiato is dead.

His assistant assigned in this mission is dead too.

The team was ripped apart completely and she was the only survivor.

Wendy Conrad is the mercenaries' name trying to escape that beast's attacks in the form of an arachnid while she cursed herself for having accepted this job that was taking her to the inevitable death.

Initially, she was skeptical because she thought the previous team was full incompetent. Now she was proved wrong. She never imagined that fate.

However it was now different as she faced her own death. Apparently, she and the rest of the team trespass a sanctuary of an elder spider-demon that nobody seemed to remember it.

Al Apaec is the name without mercy. The attacks were relentless and slowly devoured, poisoned and beheaded all human beings that he saw as a threat or an insult to his place of dwelling.

Wendy tried futilely her utmost to eliminate or at least to protect herself. In the end it was useless.

Finally Al Apaec reached and slowly approached her. Enjoying what would be the end of the blonde mercenary.

The Blonde would never return to her country or see her family. Speaking of them, Wendy is regretted not to see her sister and her niece again.

Her beloved niece, Lana Baumgartner could be adorable when she wanted to, but she had a big and a dirty mouth.

Wendy had warned her sister Lori on the matter but she never listen. Her sister could be so stubborn.

Now that memory didn't make much sense.

The most important thing before she died, to the mercenary at least, was her memories of the last time that the three of them shared in the past holiday in Bahamas.

In the end, Wendy Conrad would die with a smile remembering her surviving family.

On the other hand, to the spider demon Al Apaec, it didn't matter. He has his last prey in his claws ready to die.

Al Apaec is tired of humans.

He is tired of the trespass by the humans.

That's why he attacked them. Obviously, he enjoy but maybe, one day they would learn to not mess up with him and will left him alone.

It was his sanctuary.

He would never commit the same mistake when he decides to help Norman Osborn.

Taran, the great priestess in the Temple of the spider in Peru woke up scared after the vision of Al Apaec attack's on the humans who invade his Brazilian lands.

"I don't understand. Why is happening this now?"

"Something has changed my girl"

Taran turned her head to her back and saw the figure of their worshipped God, Anansi.

"What exactly did change?

"Peter Parker survived and Otto Octavius is dead"

"But…shouldn't have happen in about a year?"

"You are right, although it seems someone decided to intervene and change everything"

"Who did it?"

"I don't know my child. I'm block"

Anansi smiled like a rascal at Taran's surprises expression.

"Obviously it's someone powerful and dangerous. This change would have unknown consequences for everyone.

"What can we do?"

"Besides having faith, we must take urgent measures.

"Which are these urgent measures?" Taran wasn't sure but Anansi was confident.

"I would unleash the full power of Madame Web. Instead on one Avatar, there will be three of them and we must do it quickly".

"What can I do?"

"First, it's time to Julia Carpenter wo awake from her coma. Then heroine Jessica Drew will be the second power.

"Who will be the third one?"

"Someone who was waiting a very long time to shine again"

Then Anansi put some images in her mind about the third member.

Taran was still unsure about the election but she trusts Anansi's decision.

After the death of Otto Octavius, Peter took a few days for himself.

The world was still astonished about the living death of Doctor Otto Octavius, one of the most prominent American supervillains and swear enemy of the hero Spider-Man.

In particular, to Peter meant rethinking his heroic mission.

Peter knew that if he had failed to return to his body, Octopus would have made havoc and when someone discovers the trick, it would be late. A supervillain in his body is a lethal weapon and his reputation will be tarnish and ruin forever but not only in his hero career, but in his civilian life too.

That's the main reason to why Peter this time would take the initiative. Spider-Man was always reactive. He would change that. Now he would attack first. He remembered that train of words said to Anya Corazon time ago, shortly after getting her powers.

He would use his scientific genius to prevent the problems. He had thought about using technology like Tony Stark or Reed Richards. It work for the, If he is carefully, he would work for him too.

However, he had decided that he would need a team too. His past experience with the Avengers and the fantastic four convinced him that a colleague could fill the gap of another member whenever a problem can't be resolve by one hero.

Peter was thinking about who could ask to be member of his team when the doorbell rang.



After the second call, Peter decided to attend the door and opened it, just to have a surprise.

On the door was the imposing figure of his former and still gorgeous former girlfriend Mary Jane Watson.

"Can I enter for a moment?"

Peter felt a tone of doubt in her voice but simply comply nodding his head.


*Well, that's all for now but I hope you like it because this is an ambitious proyect.


-Andrea Vecchatio indeed is a character in Earth-1610 who is an enemy of that Universe Diablo. I change that. He would not appear again.

-Orwell Strauss is an Original Character who would not appear again.

-Carlton Strand was supposed to be Peter's enemy in an old movie project by director James Cameron. He will probably have another appearance.

-Wendy Conrad is Earth 616 Bombshell. Lori and Lana Baumgartner are Earth 1610 Bombshell so I decide that in this Universe they are family. After Wendy's death, Lori and Lana will be in my universe the new Bombshell but in a different form develop in the future.

-Anansi, Taran and Al Apaec will have a reprisal in future's chapters.

*As you read in the final part, Peter is thinking about making a team. Besides him, there will be six more members. Dazzler and Sif are confirmed members. In the future I would published a poll where you can vote who would be the other four. Meanwhile, you can suggest anyone you want.

*See you next time.

