I'm uploading on both accounts, and deleting the chapters I rewrite, so we are starting from the beginning. The story is totaly changed, so the same phobic Elsa but a MUCH better and developed story, this is the only chapter that is pretty much 're-read'. Enjoy

Disclaimer: I do not, nor ever will, own Disney's Frozen, Elsa, Anna, Hans, Kristoff, Sven, Idunn, Adgar, Gerda, Kai, and


Advertisements are for chumps.

"I'll see you tonight!" A smile was drawn to the ginger's head as she skipped joyfully down the hall, eyes bright.

She was excited to go home and tell Kristoff about her 'wonderful' day.

Maybe she too excited, and that caused her to slip on the marble floor and nearly plummet down the staircase.

Her head hit the floor and her breath hitched. She sat up and rubbed her temples.

"Okay, 'don't run in the halls', noted." She smiled and lifted to her feet, only to be startled by the horrid cry of distress that emitted from downstairs.

"P-Please..." the voice muttered, breath shallow and shooken with sobs.

"Hello?" Anna said as she regrouped herself and stepped down the first step, rubbing her leg and nervously taking small steps.

"Please!" A scream howled through the building, a sharp blood curdling song of agony and pain, but the fear was clearly visible.

Anna's heartbeat began to speed. Even know she was now terrified, it was either be a coward or a so called 'hero'.

She stepped down the stairs carefully, making sure not to stumbled over her own feet.

The ginger tilted her head and took three quiet steps towards the trembling frame. The young platinum blonde held onto the railing for dear life, a dark crimson leaking from her side, staining her jacket.

Anna didn't know what to do. Should she get an adult? This isn't even a student at this school.

Anna stepped forward and the floor created a loud echo, causing the blonde to shudder.

The girl looked up at the redhead. Her eyes were wide with sharp icy blue orbs that held a story that was filled with horrors and unforgettable pain. Her cheeks were flushed cheeks with a decent amount of faint freckles, but they were noticeable.

"I'm Anna..." The blonde just stared at her with a blank expression.

She looked about 19, maybe even 20, her skin was very pale and her eyes were baggy. Anna stepped forward just a bit more but wasn't prepared for what happened next.

The blonde's arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a tight embrace, clinging onto her waist.

"No leave... stay here... no leave me..." the blonde sniffed, tears dampening Anna's 'Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're Cu-Te' hoodie.

Grammar Anna thought as she rolled her eyes, brain seeming dysfunctional as she was squeezed by the girl.

The blonde pulled her away arm length and stared into her warm teal eyes.

"Be mine... snuggle me..." Anna's cheeks flushed red at the girls sudden affectionate language. Without warning, the strange girl leaned forward and nuzzled the redhead softly, brushing her nose across her (Anna's) freckled face.

The blonde leaned in, breathe echoing through Anna's ears.

"Oh wow..." Anna said as the girl snuggled into her neck, tightening her grip. Anna attempted to move but that caused even more mayhem.

"Sta-a-a-y!" The young blonde wailed, tears forming in her eyes once again.

"I'm sorry, I really need to go get help-"

"Stay!" she cried

"I'm sorry, please let me go" Anna pleaded, trying to move away.

"No! Stay!"

"No!" She pushed the girl away and scooted to one of the lockers, breathing heavily.

Anna looked down at the young girl who stared back at her with a blank expression. As soon as she took one step away the girl screamed in protest.

"NO! STAY! NOT FAIR! STAY WITH ME!" she wailed, thrashing her fist into the air as tears streamed down her face.

"God help this child..." She sighed kneeling back down.

She felt two long arms latch onto her, squeezing her tightly. Anna lifted up with the girl still attached and began to walk, one arm curved over the girls back to help her walk.

"Whats your name?" She asked breaking the silence.

"E-Elsa" She stammered, baring her teeth as more pain shot up her side.

"Where do you live?"

"Mama left... no love me" She sniffled.

"SO you live with your Papa?"

"NO love me..." Elsa avoided eye contact.

"So where do you live?"

"No live... no home! No Papa! NO mama!" Elsa grabbed the ginger's arm and sunk her teeth into her skin angrily.

"H-Hey! What the- Stop It!" Anna protested, pulling Elsa's hooked canines out from deep in her skin.

What the hell! Blood slid down her forearm and fell to the floor with a wet splash.

Anna looked over and gave Elsa a narrow eyes annoyed look.

"Why did you bite me?"

Elsa licked her lips then responded with a pout "You no listen..."

"Ok, I'm sorry Elsa" Anna said, rubbing the top of the girl's head softly.

"Woof Woof!" Elsa yelled, making Anna yelp and nearly fall backwards but luckily she caught herself in time.

"What? Why are you 'woofing'?" Anna questioned.

"Dog say Woof Anna! Dog Woof! Dog Woof!" the blonde smiled, imitating a dog's call.

"What does a cat say then?" Anna snickered.

"What a cat?" Elsa went deadpanned.

"Oh... umm... its a feline" Anna said, explaining the best way she could.

"OH! I know what cat say!"



Anna chuckled.

She was still worried though. She never saw how bad the wound actually was.

Anna led Elsa to her car outside, the blonde startled when the engine came roaring.

"It's fine, get in."

Elsa shook her head.

"It a monster." she whispered.

"No, it's a cadillac, now you need to hurry up before that wound gets infected and you get sick." Anna carefully led her to the back seats, letting her lay down.

Anna wasn't someone who was good with big responsibilities, and now she probably had an illegal vigilante in her backseat.

But she knew deep down that this was worth being late to dinner with Kristoff.