Hello all! This is one of my first attempts at writing, so please, throw all your critique at me! The only way I can improve is to know what I did wrong, and how to correct it.

Same with literally every fic ever, I do not own the rights to Halo or Metroid. Bungie and 343i owns Halo. Nintendo, Retro Studios and Team Ninja *shudders* Owns Metroid.

Chapter One

'Where am I?' Samus thought to herself. It was the question she had been asking herself for a while now, as she lay there in the dark, unable to move. Truth be told there was a lot she couldn't remember, like how she even got here, or any of her memories at all. It had taken awhile for her to even remember her name.

'Great, yet another situation you have gotten yourself in Samus…' she thought, then paused. Where did that come from? It seemed some of her personality was coming back at least. She tried once again to remember something, anything. Memories she did manage to bring up were hazy, and unfocused. Mentally grunting in frustration, she tried to move, again. And again, she couldn't. She sighed internally, and started the process all over again…

'How much time has passed?' she thought, it had seemed like an eternity she had been stuck in….where ever she was.

'Why did I awaken now? There must be a reason…' Again, she came up blank.

'Hmm, maybe I should try to go back to sleep. It beats just sitting here like a-'she started thinking, when the most nerve wreaking pain she had ever felt assaulted her brain. She screamed noiselessly, her head feeling like it would split open.

It was then, that she saw it. A clear memory, finally she could get some answers, she thought as her head throbbed. The memory was of her, getting into what looked like a strange pod, with two figure standing either side. As she climbed in, she looks up at each one. One was thin, and appeared to be a woman. Her skin was a grayish color, and she wore robes made of what looked like pure silver. She didn't seem to have a nose like Samus did, but her face wore a smile, eyes warm.

The other figure was even stranger. With a lack of better words, he seemed to be a huge, bipedal bird. She didn't know how, but to her he seemed old, very old. His features were sharp, his feathers a dulling gray. But he too shared a warm look in his eyes. Samus couldn't help but feel an odd attachment to this strange creature. A name floated into her mind.

'Old…Bird…' she thought, and knew instantly it was his name. She tried to think of the woman's name, this time taking longer.

'Li…Librarian' she thought, rolling the word of her mental tongue. The name also seemed to fit.

Both Old Bird and the Librarian exchanged words, words she couldn't hear or remember, then Old Bird made an odd hand sign and slowly walked out of the room they were in, looking back as he did so. Samus felt incredibly distressed at watching him leave, but couldn't put her finger on why. After he was gone, the Librarian turned to a small pedestal next to her pod, and said something.

To her shock, a small man appeared on the pedestal, talking back. He was small, small enough that he could fit into her palm. He was a pale blue, and appeared to be see through. He wore what looked like a smart uniform of some kind, complete with an official looking hat. This man also seemed incredibly familiar, so much so that a name popped into her head within moment of seeming him. She smiled mentally, more memories of this small person flooding in.

'Adam…' she thought fondly. She couldn't remember how they had met yet, or how long she had known him, but she knew he was her best friend, and they both shared a bond.

The two talked for a while, before Adam seemed to sigh, and vanish. The Librarian turned to Samus, smiled, her eyes teary. She pushed something out of sight, and the memory started getting hazy again. She watched the pods doors start to close. She thought that was the end of the memory, and tried to fish for more. She was startled when she heard a voice, not her own. She focused on the memory again, listening to the voice. It was the Librarian, speaking to her as she fell asleep. She couldn't understand the words at first, having to play it over again in her head to understand a few times. The Librarian smiled.

"We will give everything to save the Galaxy from the Flood, but it's up to you, to ensure its future. Goodbye, Samus Aran". The words were lyrical, and yet contained pain. This must have been the last time she ever saw Samus. The pod doors closed, and the memory ended.

Samus didn't know what to think.

'Save the galaxy? From what?' she thought, her mind racing as she tried to remember more. 'She mentioned a flood of some kind….' She didn't know why, but thinking about that word send a shiver down her spine, and filled her with dread.

'And what did she mean, give everything?' she pondered. She imagined it had something to do with why she was in this pod in the first place, she certainly wasn't in here for a joy ride. She kept replaying the memory over and over again in her mind, making sure she hadn't missed anything, or something new might pop up, but no. It wasn't much, but it's all she had. Just as she felt like sleeping again, her mind exploded once again, except instead of feeling like screaming, she felt like cheering. 'Right, time to get some answers' she thought, and started combing through her mind once again, intent of finding out who she was and why she was here.

'My name is Samus Aran, and I am a bounty hunter, the best of the best. I brought the notorious space pirates to their knees, and helped save the galaxy from numerous calamity's, including the destruction of the Metroid parasites. I was freelance, but worked for a Galactic Federation, who are a conglomerate of alien races. I was born on….Hmm, ok, moving on.

I was raised by an ancient alien race called the Chozo, who trained me and gave me an armored suit, made in part of my people's technology, and part of theirs. I worked for the federation for a while when I was young, before setting out to be independent. I had few friends, one being Old Bird, who I thought of almost like a Father. Another was Adam, my old commander back in my Federation days. Even after I left, we kept in contact. I then got word that he had fallen during an attack on federation space. He was taken, and his mind brought back as an A.I, and was then promptly taken by me, no necessarily with the federations consent. Look, I had to do it, he was my friend, and I wasn't going to have them make him compute Pi all day.

Anyway, we traveled the galaxy together, arguing and saving people, usually with style. But that all changed when…..' She drew a blank. Samus had remembered a lot, including random bits and pieces, but couldn't make the connection between the first thing she remembered, and all this new stuff. She found this really, really frustrating, and felt a dire need to punch something, preferably squishy.

'Nice to see my personality hasn't changed' she thought with amusement, as annoyed as she was. She still hadn't figured out how to move or anything along those lines, but she was content with figuring out who she was first. After all, she had been in far worse situations, and had always come out on top.

'Right, from the top….My name is Samus Aran….'

Samus was really irritated now, bordering on anger. She bad been in here for what seemed like forever, and she hadn't made any new progress. She wanted to yell, or throw stuff. She supposed she could yell and throw stuff, but that seemed like over kill.

'Someone. Let. Me. Out. Now!' she raged in her head. So focused on her anger she was, that she didn't notice the noises. Subtle at first, but getting louder. A hissing sound, then a thud. She stopped her little rage fest, waiting to see if there was more to come. When nothing happened for about thirty seconds, she shrugged mentally, and was about to continue her self rant, when the darkness made way for light, bright white light, and the still air turned into a freezing wind. She also noticed she was moving, although not of her own accord. It seemed even gravity was going to make her life miserable, as she fell out of the vertical pod and landed in a heap on the floor, which was also cold.

She gasped loudly, to her it seemed it was the first breath she had taken in forever. 'I'm out, holy hell I'm out' she thought, seeming to hear her own voice for the first time. Her voice was slightly husky, yet distinctly feminine. It had a sharp, dangerous edge to it, and yet a hint of something akin to sarcasm. She gasped several more times, breathing in as much air as she could. She also noticed how cold she was, her body shivering. She had huddled into a ball on the floor instinctively.

She also noticed she was naked, which she felt should have bothered her more. It was also at this time she noticed other noises, noises she had assumed were her when she fell. Now however, she was conscious enough to notice it wasn't her, and wasn't a machine of some kind. It sounded like….voices.

'I'm not alone.. .' she realized. Her body took over. She shot up into a kneeling position and looked up. Straight into the face of something monstrous. She gulped.

'Well shit' she thought.