This chapter is more on drabbles than one-shots!

I find myself quite like writing super short drabbles, since I don't need to rack my brains to think up of 1-2k+ words long chapters.

This drabble contains more than the shippings, since I wanted to write something to commemorate the ending of the manga. Of course, the shippings are there.

I have just finished reading Assassination Classroom, and I have no doubts that Kayano didn't end up with Nagisa. There was a lot of of hintings, but many people still tries to believe that Kayano ended up with him. Maybe I'm wrong, but there's so much evidences that proves that it's not Nagisa Kayano ended up with. (There's also some that points to her ending up with him, but it's all up the the readers' guess.)

This chapter may contain some spoilers, but they are mild and I've twisted many stuffs.




Sometimes, Nagisa wonders what would have become of their relationship if Karma and him never did drift apart.


Sometimes, Karma would feel a longing gaze directed at his back. He would never, ever look back though. It was only thanks to his willpower that he could bury the urgency to turn back and stare back, unflinching, into those clear blue eyes. Sometimes, Karma would feel like a coward whenever he's the one looking at the other's back.


Sometimes, Asano wishes to escape all his duties as the 'ruler' of the school, rip off his ever-present mask and just act like the child he is inside.


Taking a peek at his ex-friend, Karma narrowed his yes at the baseball fanatic -whatwashisnameagain- who was always slinging an arm around his best friend.


Once again, he stood up from his seat to receive another honours award for achieving the best results out of his batch mates. Asano briefly wondered if someone would-could- ever steal his 'crown' away from him.


When he had heard that Nagisa was going to be in the same class as him, Karma blamed the fast thumping of his heart on the morning jog to the arcade.


Would things have been different if they were of different years? Nagisa always stops himself from going down this specific lane of thoughts. He should be satisfied with the way things are now.


Though Nagisa might had accepted her Valentines chocolates last year, Kayano knew she was one step too late when all she could see reflected in her crush's eyes was a mop of red hair.


Nagisa would never have suspected that getting a job as a teacher was so hard. Well, not until a fellow teacher complained about his predicament to him. Maybe, just maybe, having connections with the higher ups was a good thing.


The first time Karma arrived at Nagisa's house, he found himself pleasantly delighted by the presence of a single framed photo beside Nagisa's bed.


During lunch break, Asano would find his eyes drifting to a certain blue head, wondering if having the company of a student from Class E would help lift some of the burden off his shoulders. He quickly dismissed his thoughts though.


His first kiss had tasted like strawberry, a bit glossy and a bit too mature for his liking. His second was done to save a friend's life. His third made him wonder if fireworks tasted as wonderful as his friend's lips. He highly doubted that.


Manami Okuda would have stopped at nothing in her attempts to befriend a fellow genius, but looking at the fixated expression her classmate shot the blue haired boy, Manami doubted she could ever fill the hole Shiota Nagisa left on him.


Nagisa held the storybook tightly against against his chest. It had just been one word. One word that sent his mind whirling with hopeful thoughts until the other party had left the library. It was the first time they had exchanged more than just small glances from their respective seats. And it was also the first time Nagisa thanked himself for being 5'3'' tall.


Whenever Koro-sensei pass by a vase of flowers, he would always think back to the time when he had ruined his perfectly innocent student. He shouldn't have done it, but he had. He had deprived his apprentice of all the attention he was starved of. It was a regret, a sin that he would never be able to redeem himself of.


Karasuma has always regretted leaving the job of murder to children half his age. Even till now, a part of him wished that he had been the one who had ended their beloved teacher's life.


If he were to describe them, Karma-kun is like a devilish imp. Always playful, but serious when needed. Meanwhile, Asano-kun is like knight in shining armour who would only despite his position as a 'knight'.


Testing his infamous death glare on one of his followers, he smirked when the achieved result was just as he had predicted. If a person taller than himself(And he knew he was tall) could be intimidated and cower with just his sight, why wouldn't his rabbit of a teacher just bow down to him like the rest? Shiota Nagisa is an enigma. An enigma he vow to defeat one day.


Someday, Nagisa thought to himself. Someday, he would be the one looking down. Someday, someday, he would defeat Karma's height by a huge margin.


It was an understatement to say that he was surprised to find an ex-schoolmate being introduced during the teachers' conference. He certainly didn't expect Asano Gakushuu, of all people, to have the job of teaching as a career.


Grimacing at the strap that clung onto his shoulders, Nagisa was slightly put off at how a dress could still look so good on him.(Oh no, he was not bragging. He was miffed, to say the least.) When he looked up to find his eyes making contact with a pair of eyes that were filled with disbelief, Nagisa could only curse Karma's name. Well, he did do a good job in making the 'leader' of the delinquent class he was teaching incapable of words for a few minutes.


Because of his low tolerance for alcohol, Nagisa would always wake up to find himself nestled against Asano's pillow the next morning. His first thought would always be on how comfortable the blonde's bed was, and his following thought would be on how he should really stop accept invites to drinking parties.


Staring at the sleeping face of his colleague, Asano decided to blame it all on the alcohol when his brain momentarily paused and gave an okay sign to his body to lean down without his permission.


It was normal for gangs to barge into the classroom-it was like a daily routine for those in the class. However, it was abnormal to see his petite man of a teacher single-handedly destroy all the 'visiting' delinquents(effortlessly, he dared to add) while still assuming his teaching role.


Looking at the wedding dress that fit her teacher as perfectly like the diamond ring on her hand, Kayano found herself wishing that she too, could one day be in the same position. However, it only took one glance at the feminine male's entwined fingers to shatter her once possible yearnings.


Not for the first time, Nagisa wonders how life would have been like if Koro-sensei didn't appear in his- in any of their lives. It's a thought that thankfully stayed as a thought.


It was an understatement to say that Asano's and Karma's reunion after 7 long years was a disaster. Insults was shot and countered one after another, glares were received and thrown over the dining table. Thankfully, they had Nigisa in the middle of the dispute, or things would have gotten out of hand.


End of chapter

A/N: I have always wanted to try writing a (Short)drabble series.

And since I wouldn't want to change my -around 1k word long- chapters, I did 27 short drabbles for this chapter, and it had been fun!

+ I actually can imagine Asano as a teacher after his graduate, taking after his father's footsteps and becoming the principal of a school

++ The name of Nagisa's student wasn't revealed, so I couldn't actually name him for the author, so I referred to him using 3rd person speech.

+++ For those unclear, #12 was for Karma and #23 was for Asano.

++++27 drabbles cause Tsuna 3


Replies to Reviews

Catturner7007- I have absolutely no idea! As many as I could, I guess :3 I enjoy procastinating when my brain is still functioning enough to write a chapter or two.

2- Maybe some hintings, but main pairing is still NagisaxKarma and NagisaxAsano.

Guest- Yes! Nagisa is love, Nagisa is life. I know, Natsuki wasn't the best, but well, it stayed?

CrazywithKaruNagi- Hope you are satisfied with today's update! Though short, I quite liked it myself. And from your name, a KaruNagi shipper huh? :3

StainedSculpture- I have tried(Salute*) to portray Nagisa like how canon Nagisa would act, and hopefully I do a good job in doing so. Thank you for the awesome review!

Psycho-otaku-Yup yup! Nagisa is just adorable like that. I had actually had quite a hard time coming up with what Nagisa would reply, but thankfully many of you have taken it kindly with encouragement. Thank you!

Darkness7913- I fully agree that it's more 'hot' with malexmale pairings, but seeing that there's a lack of Female Nagisa fictions, I tried to write one :P. Thank you for the review and for loving this fiction! (It's always good to feel appreciated.)

Visually Dreamer – ~~:3 I try~~ This chapter isn't as 'cute' or 'fluffy' or 'romantic', but well, you might still like it :D


See you next chapter~