An apology for keep you waiting and a small note about the story. This is set in a RWBY Alternative Universe so i wanted to put another version of the Saiyans in here, one where they are not bloodthirsty barbarians but a honorable warrior race. Kind of like the Spartans of the 300 movie. R&R

A little history

Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang were on the library and Ruby planned the battle strategy for the task.

"Alright Team, we'll split in pairs. Blake, Yang, you two will search on the Faunus History section, either races or factions. Weiss and I will search on Remnant Geography and encyclopedias. I don't think it matters where we get the information but the more we can find the best. Everyone ready?" The three members of the team nodded "Alright on three"

"On three?" Weiss asked confused

"One…Two…" Ruby took a deep breath and bended her knees slightly and her right hand formed a fist.

Weiss looked at Ruby and turned to the other half of the team and noticed that Yang and Blake were doing the same. Then it clicked.

Please don't…

"BANZAI!" Ruby released a mighty battle cry, followed by the echoing roar of the faunus and the brawler.


Why do I stand with these…? Weiss asked to herself as she covered her face with her hand. After a few seconds to compose herself she looked at her team and they were… staring at her.


"Come on Weiss. Say it" Yang said smirking. In fact, all three were smirking as if expecting her to do or say something but wha- Oh…OH NO no way!

"No" she deadpanned, leaving no room for argument

"Is that your last word?" Blakes' voice changed, she was no longer smirking. Her face changed into a plane void of emotion. Only the piercing stare of her golden eyes remained.

Weiss did not flinch, she met the burning gold with ice cold blue, not moving from her spot and not giving any sign of doubt.

In the end the faunus closed her eyes, ending the stare. The heiress smirked victorious but the victory was short lived as Blake spoke "Ruby"

Confused, Weiss moved her gaze towards Ruby. Bad choice.

"What's that suppose to-" She could not finish her as she witnessed something that she has never seen before. Her mind could not process the power of one of Rubys' most powerful techniques. Something with that power should not be used lightly. it should be used only as last resort and against a force of pure evil. It was…

The puppy eyes.

Weiss had heard Yang talking about Rubys' not-so-secret weapon but she always thought that Yang was over reacting. But now facing the stare at all its might Weiss could feel her stare melting, her heart skipped a beat, her lung forgot to exhale the air inside of them and her mind could only focus on those silver pools, losing itself on some kind of spell. Eventually the word came out.

"B-b…banzai…" defeated and ashamed Weiss lowered her head. She had faced her ultimate rival and failed.

"Close enough. Now come on!" Ruby grabbed Weiss hand and dragged her to one of the tables and almost forced her to sit down. Before Weiss could say a word, a cloud of rose petals appeared where Ruby used to be standing, seconds later the same girl reappeared carrying a large amount of books, she placed the books in the table and gave one to Weiss before sat down and started to read.

Weiss simply looked at her leader for a moment before open the book. "This dolt is going to kill me with her cuteness…wait…WHAT?!" She could feel heat making its way to her cheeks for that thought. She quickly buried her face in the book and tried to focus on the too-close-to-read- words.

Blake and Yang simply enjoyed the show not far from them happy with the result.

"Come on Blake, you can check on the books while I surf the internet"

"Alright. But if I catch you watching cat videos again I will not help you with any more homework or exam"

Needing no other warning, the blonde nodded and joined with the other half of the team with her partner following close behind.

Under the shadow of a tree, Son Goku was resting with his hands behind his head and eyes closed. For most people, he could pass as if he was sleeping; enjoying the good weather on summer with almost no care about what was happening in the world around him. But the truth was far beyond that. He was more conscious about his surrounding that anyone in the area. He was sensing.

He can sense the energy of every living thing including the plants of the forest, the ground he was resting on, the air that filled his lungs, or the near rivers and lakes in the forest. He could feel the energy of almost every creature that lived in the forest.

Even the creatures of Grimm.

The Grimms are living creatures and just like any person, animal or plant, but the difference between a Grimm and any other creature is their energy signature. While everything else has mostly positive energy, the Grimms are beings of pure negative energy and the result of all that negativity is a soulless creature ready to kill as soon as they spot their prey. And recently Goku had felt not only and increase in their strength but also something even darker approaching.

Moving his mind from the forest he focused on the academy. Carefully picking every person in the area and registering their signature. He felt the students, everyone with great potential in them, the Hunters training their respective teams, the professors enjoying a free day and students stressing themselves with homework or exams.

"Professor Son." A female voice broke his concentration. He stood from his spot and greeted the person with a small smile waving his hand.

"Good morning Glynda" Goku stood from his place and waved to the Blonde Huntress

"Professor, do I need to remind that we are on school ground? It is not professional to call a fellow teacher by its name."

"Yes I know but we are also friends" he smiled "you don't need to be all formal with me."

The answer he received was a frown with a raised eyebrow form Goodwitch.

"Alright but you need to relax a little. Professor Goodwitch"

"Maybe you are right. But for now let's keep thing like this" the faintest hit of a smile appeared on her "Ozpin send to give you your new scroll"

Goku blinked "A new scroll? What for?

"For you to be able to keep in contact with your students and the institution in case something happens. For example, someone ends up injured during your training you can call the infirmary inform them about the situation before hand so they will be ready. I know that it will happen. Last time you broke almost every bone in your body along with all nearly tearing your muscles. Honestly I am surprising to see you still walking…or talking at all"

Goku laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head at the mention of his little 'incident' during what was supposed to be a normal casual training and ended up with him in a body cast for a month. "Yeah…I remember that. I'll be more carefully with the team. Promise"

"Speaking of them, where are they?" Glynda looked around the area but found no signs of team RWBY in the area "Should you be training them now?"

"Yeah I know but I send them to do a little research about the Saiyans"

"Professor" Glynda said "You know that there are no records about it. They did a really good job in covering it"

"Not good enough. Remember, there is someone here beside us and Ozpin who knows about it"

Glynda just nodded and let silence sink in, only disturbed by the calm sound of steel clashing against steel, explosions and gun firing in the distance. But otherwise it was really a peaceful day. The moment of silence didn't last long before Goku asked something.

"So, Glynda" he took his battle stance and smirked, challenging the Goodwitch "How about a little spar before lunch?"

Glynda Goodwitch took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She fixed her glasses to prober position before met his gaze and smirk back at him. She pulled out her weapon, ready to fight. Just like old times.

The girls continued their research; time passed and so did their book. Minutes after minutes, books after books, but despise their combined minds they find nothing noting on the Faunus or their different races. Eventually the brawler succumbed first.

Groaning in annoyance and tiredness Yang finally snapped

"THIS IS POINTLESS! We have been reading almost every book that could have anything about Faunus, races, factions, even the Faunus Right Revolution but we still can't find even the smallest hit about what 'Saiyan' could mean!" she slammed her head against the table and groaned again before start taking deep breaths to calm herself.

Ruby fell too, placing her head in the piles of books she had brought and read.

"I give up… Weiss I don't think that we'll ever find anything."

The heiress sighed and rubbed her temples "Come on Ruby, we haven't found anything yet. There must be something somewhere."

"Yang, any luck with the web?" Blake asked tired

The blonde did not lifted her head, instead she just rolled her head to see Blake "I found my new favorite song if that's worth something"

Weiss inched the bridge of her nose. What little patience or calm she had left it was slowly depleting. "You are supposed to be searching for one miserable word not looking for pathetic excuses of music!"

Yang stood from her seat and approached to the heiress with her scroll in hand "I was not looking for 'pathetic excuses of music' I just typed 'Saiyan' and that was first and only result" She handled the device to Weiss "here listen" They listened for only a minute until they heard it.

"Reign supreme?
In your dreams;
You'll never make me bow.
Kick my ass?
I'm world-class,
And Super Saiyan now."

"'Super Saiyan'?" Weiss muttered confused.

"Yang, does it says who wrote or sings the song?" Ruby asked

"Hang on, let me check" a quick search for any clues about the song's origin proved to be just as successful as the rest of their research.

"Nothing, it just says 'anonymous' or 'artist unknown' "

"So we have nothing" Ruby said

Contemplating their result, Blake suggested what it seems like the wisest thing to do

"Maybe we should take a break. What you guys think?" both Ruby and Yang immediately nodded. The three girls turned to see the white themed member of the team.

"I suppose we can use a five minutes rest" All members releasing a relieve sigh as they either stood and stretched their limbs or closed their eyes, giving them a needed break.

"Good morning ladies"

They all turned to the new voice and found Doctor Oobleck walking through the library alleys placing and arranging book in the correct order. Some students just placed the books close where they found them but almost never where they belonged. Only a few of them, like Belladonna, Schnee, Lin and Nikos returned the books they used where they belonged. It's always good to see the young generations interested in literature but they need to learn how to put the book where they found them.

Ruby almost immediately stood to greet their professor. "Good morning Professor-"


Ruby winced "Right, Doctor. How are you?"

"I'm good. But tell me. Why are you four in here? Should be the four of you be honing your skills under the instruction of your new trainer?" Oobleck asked, surprisingly not talking one hundreds words per second.

"Yeah but… he asked us to do a small research before we can start our training but…"

Blake continued where Ruby left "But we haven't found a thing Doctor, not even on the books we thought that could have something"

"I found a song on the internet but I doubt that he was asking for that"

After a few seconds of contemplation Oobleck decided to help them with their assignment. Just a little bit.

"I see. May I ask what you were asked to find?"

This time Weiss intervened "We were told to search for the word 'Saiyan', Our trainer said that it has to do with his race so we thought that we should search in the Faunus History like the Right Revolution or factions and the different kinds of Faunus."

"We even checked Remnant geography maybe it was an island or some territorial thing. But we found nothing." Ruby explained.

"Miss Rose, who asked you to search about the Saiyans?" Oobleck's voice changed. It was low, deep and…concerned?

Ruby was surprised by the sudden change in the Doctor's attitude. She carefully answered "Umm…our new professor, his name is Son Goku" Oobleck visible relaxed once he heard the name of the Huntsman. He walked at the table that the team were using and took a seat facing the four of them.

Oobleck looked around the area making sure that they had enough privacy to talk. Once he was sure that they could talk without unwanted witnesses he directed his attention to the team. A stern look in his eyes and voice low enough so only they could hear him.

"What I am about to tell you must not be discussed with no one except Son Goku. None of your friends can know about this. If you have more questions then ask them to your professor. He obviously trusts you enough to give you this assignment so I am going to tell you what I know I can share with you four. For the rest, you are going to wait for Son Goku to tell you about it. Understood?"

The four girls were taken a back for their Professor's attitude. Normally Oobleck was willing to share almost any information with his students, to give them the gift of knowledge and help them to have a better and more understanding view of the world. He hesitating in sharing the meaning of one world could mean that it was either classified information, or something that they were not supposed to know yet.

Understanding the seriousness of the situation the four girls sat down and leaned closer to Oobleck and nodded at once, agreeing with him.

"It's not surprising that your search was not successful. Saiyan, or Saiya-jin, is the name of a race that it's known by few. To most people there are only two sentient beings in Remnant, the Humans and the Faunus. But there is another race. The Saiyans"

He paused for a moment to see the reactions from the four girls and they just looked confused. They were going to need more details to understand what it a Saiyan.

"Saiyan is a warrior race that lives for battle and honor. For a saiyan, facing an impossible enemy in the battlefield and end up victorious is the greatest honor that could achieve in its life. A Saiyan seeks to improve itself, to break its own limits, to be stronger that the day before and even stronger the next day. To fight a warrior's battle. Sometimes that meant to the death."

A moment of silence passed in order to let the information sink in their minds. It was difficult to believe but the information was coming from one of their professors, a person that dedicated his life in the search of knowledge and they knew that Oobleck will not talk about the topic unless he was sure that the information was legit. But it still the four members of the team needed a moment. After all, not every day you were informed about the existence of another race that could very well be sitting right next to you.

Weiss was the first to collect her thought "So where can we find more about the Saiya-jins?"

"Im afraid that there is not much about them, in fact I didn't knew about them until almost a decade ago. I have been trying to recollect as much information about them except from a few testimonies and diaries but I know that without the Saiyans' help, the Faunus Right Revolution could had a different ending, Remnant would be submerged in an even darker time."

"The Saiyans involved themselves in the Faunus Revolution?" Blake asked. She was now curious to know more about them, the Saiyans. If what Dr. Oobleck was saying was true then she and all the Faunus in Remnant should be thankful to them, to the Saiyans

"A Saiyan does not look different form a Monkey-Faunus. They both share the appendage of a primate. But for the Humans of that time, they were Faunus and not Saiyans, they didn't even knew about the Saiyans. So they targeted them as well. The only way to difference a Saiyan from a Faunus is by the Saiyan spiky dark hair and the brown tail that does not match their hair color. As I am sure that you noticed when you first met Goku."

"How did they join forces?" Weiss asked

"If I remember correctly the leader of the Faunus Revolution asked to the Saiyan leader to join forces. The Saiyans are a warrior race so their society is centered in war. They are raised to be the finest warriors in this world. They have a unique mix of pride to never back down a challenge, and honor to never pick a fight against someone that had no means to defend themselves. If a Saiyan saw someone abusing of another person, they almost immediately intervened and show them what it means to be a warrior. And that what they saw in the Faunus, someone that was not able to fight back and needed the help of a mighty warrior to save them. A little narcissist way to put it but not all of the Saiyans are like that. And in the end the alliance worked to the best for everyone"

"So they just slip their armies in half and mixed them together?" Yang asked.

"On the contrary, for every one hundred Faunus there was about thirty Saiyans. So they just they just split their numbers in order to have Saiyans in the Faunus ranks. The Saiyans' army was smaller number compared to the Faunus forces but what they lacked in numbers, they compensated in battle. One trained saiyan alone could take down at about three human soldiers at once. They are natural fighter, forged in the fire of combat. They took place in every major battle like the conquering and defense of Fort Castle. Thanks to the bravery of the Saiyans, the Faunus won the war. Unfortunately there are no records about them."

A moment of silence passed when Oobleck stop talking. He let the information to sink in, knowing that it was too much for just one lesson but unfortunately he didn't knew much more about the Saiyans.

Blake was the first one to talk, her mind collecting every piece of information and trying her best to understand it.

"If there are no records then…how do you know so much about them?" No even during her time in the White Fang has she even heard about something called Saiyan. One would think that a group that called itself to be the one that will bring equality to the Faunus would at least mention them.

"Because I have the honor to know and be friend of two Saiyans"

An explosion was heard too close to the library followed by tremor that shook the library ground itself. Books fell from its stalls. People fell to the floor as they were not expecting something like that to happen.

Yang was the first one to ask what they were all thinking "What the hell was that?!"

"That, ladies" The four students turned to see the Doctor looking out the window "Is a Saiyan"