Decided to start another story. It's different from the ones I normally write, it's parnternered with I'mthealphahearmeroar we each help write the chapter together.. Born Werewolf!Stiles Enjoy!

**Edited by I'mthealphahearmeroar**

Chapter one

Stiles pov:

The sun was shining through the curtains and brightening the dark room as I started with my day by getting dressed into some Khaki tan pants with my favorite Batman shirt. As I was slipping my shirt over my head I managed to stub my toe on my computer stand.

"Ah! Son of a bitch." I screamed in pain. My toe bled for a few seconds before the skin started knitting up.

"Son are you alright up there?" My dad asked from downstairs. I could practically hear the frown in his voice.

"Yes, just stubbed my toe but it healed." I replied.

"Okay." He answered back.

Yeah, uh, I forgot to mention that I am a born werewolf from my mom's side. She said I would find my mate sooner or later but that has not happened yet. I block my scent from other wolves my taking this pill that Dr. Deaton has been giving me since I was a young teenager and it has worked. I was supposed to be alpha but I passed it down to my cousin because I didn't want that huge responsibility.

I went downstairs to get some breakfast and look through the paper for a job. I was somehow going to tell my dad I want to move out on my own. I reached the kitchen and took a seat.

"Hey son, I fixed some Blueberry pancakes, your favorite." He smiled.

"Thank you, they look so mouth watering." I said as my wolf inside bounced

with excitement.

"You look like you have something on your mind." My dad brought up.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about me getting a job and getting my own place or maybe even finding a roommate." I told him nervously.

"Son, you're nineteen years old, you don't have to be nervous about telling me you want to move out. Sure I'll worry about you and the werewolf situation but you're a grown up and I have to except that." He pointed out, understanding what I wanted.

Dad finished up his coffee and got ready for work. I grabbed the newspaper and started to look through the classifieds under part time job. As my eyes examined over the jobs I finally found one that was just about twenty-minutes from here. The position they were hiring for was a barista at the local coffee shop called "Rise and Grind", the place that had opened up a few weeks ago. I dialed the number that they had displayed on the newspaper and waited for someone to answer.

"Hello, thank you for calling Rise and Grind, this is Erica, how may I direct your call?" A soft voice spoke through the phone.

"Yes, I saw your ad in the newspaper looking for a barista part time." I replied back.

"Yes, you will have to come in, she only does interviews in person." Erica, her soft voice replied.

"Okay, when should I come in?" I asked patiently.

"How about tomorrow?" She asked.

"Sure, what time?"

"Is 9 a.m. fine?" Erica asked.

"Okay see you tomorrow, what is your name by the way?" She asked.

"Stiles Stilinski." I answered.

"As in Sheriff Stilinski?" She snorted.

"Yes, that's my dad." I said, rolling my eyes. (Not that she could see.)

"Okay Stiles, see you tomorrow."

"Okay, bye." I hung up the phone and was happy that I might have already found a job, though next came the roommate thing.

I scammed my eyes back over the newspaper as dad came downstairs dressed in his sheriff's uniform.

"Did you find a job yet?" He asked as I looked up from the newspaper.

"They're hiring at that new coffee place downtown called Rise and Grind." I replied.

"Awesome, when do you go in and get interviewed?" He asked.

"Tomorrow, because the manager only does in-person interviews." I said.

"Okay, good luck on finding a roommate and make sure the person is sane and not crazy." He chuckled. "I will be home at midnight, love you." Dad said, kissing my forehead.

"Love you too dad, and I'll be careful." I said, rolling my eyes.

Dad left and I got on my laptop and searched through the ads on Craigslist until I roamed my eyes over a certain ad.

Looking for a roommate who is clean, can help with the bills

and easy to get along with. Must make sure he or she asks before inviting guests over for the night. Must be a non-smoker. You can email me at DHale1984 Please note that this ad only applies to a person over the age of 18.

I pulled up a new tab and opened my email, typing in the assigned email that the ad had written down before starting to write my response.

Hi, uh, my name's Stiles. I just found your ad and would like to apply for becoming your new roommate. Um, well, I'm 19 and starting college in the fall. I don't smoke-that's a nasty habit, man, I don't see how anyone could willingly inhale that many chemicals into their body, eww. I just got an interview for a job so if that follows through I will have no problem with paying bills. Um, what elseā€¦ Oh. Yeah. There not much of a chance that I'll have any guest sleeping over so you don't need to worry about that-not really popular with the ladies, or men for that matter, ha. Soooo, uh, yes. That's it, I guess. Um, if you have any questions just ask me and I'll be happy to answer. (Oh, yeah, just forgot). One more thing. I'm bi sexual-as you could see from the men and ladies thing, heh. That's not going to be a problem is it? If it is I can understand. Just get back to me when you can and let me know if it is? I won't mind, honest.)

I hit send and that was it, all I have to do now was wait. I pulled my phone out and sent Scott a text.

Hey want to hang for a bit? Or you with Allison?

My phone buzzed a few seconds later.

Sure, and no I'm not with Allison. She is at a family reunion for the week :(

Great! Aw, buddy, you'll live. Just come right in when you get here.

Okay :)

Before Scott came over I got my Playstation 4 out and plugged everything in and sat the games, Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty next to the console so it was already done when he got here. I got on Facebook to check my e-mail and scrolled through my news feed and finally I heard Scott scuffing his feet against the floorboard as he came upstairs. Being a werewolf had its perks. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention Scott was a bitten werewolf. He was bitten by a rogue alpha three years ago and he found out about me a couple of months after that after he saw me change into my full wolf form on the full moon. I was brought out of my thoughts by Scott.

"Hey buddy, come in and sit." I said cheerfully.

He sat next to me and took a controller.

"So what game first?" I ask.

"Grand Theft Auto." He replied quickly and excitedly.

I took the disc out of its case and put it gently in the ps4. The game finally loaded after waiting about 2 minutes.

"Get ready to get your ass kicked." I said, smirking.

"We'll see in the end." Scott challenged.

My eyes glowed golden-yellow at the mentioned challenge and we got started.

Scott and I started off taking people's cars and riding along in them as we went all through town, well until Scott got me caught and police were chasing after us.

"Scott, go faster before we get caught!" I yelled.

"I'm trying but they're all over the place." He said, frustrated.

Scott got us busted by the police.

After we were done playing that we decided to eat lunch, then Scott had to go to work at the vet with Deaton. Scott and I went down to the kitchen and fixed ourselves some Turkey sandwiches.

"So how did your dad take it that you are moving out?" Scott asked, after taking a bite.

"He understands that I'm grown up, and it's time to be on my own. I have a job interview tomorrow at Rise and Grind." I told him.

"Awesome, what about the roommate thing?"

"I found this ad on craigslist so I emailed him that I'm interested so now I'm just waiting on a reply from him." I said, shrugging.

Before I knew it Scott had to leave.

"Thanks for today buddy, have fun at work." I said as he walked out the door.

I was alone now so I went upstairs and laid down on my bed. I found myself dozing off.

Two hours later:

I stretched and groaned as I looked at the clock to notice it was 4 o'clock. I had fallen asleep for two-hours. I decided to check my email to see if that guy had replied. I opened the google chrome task bar and typed in . I noticed I had one new message in my inbox. It was from that guy. I opened the email.

Stiles, hi, my name is Derek. Thank you for taking an interest in my ad. I had a few other offers but they were not exactly the type of people I could see myself being able to live with. Yeah smokers are disgusting, I have never took up the habit. To your question about having a problem of bi-sexual people, I do not have a problem with that. I actually have a best friend who is gay, his name is Danny. So it is fine :) Sounds cool, good luck on your interview. We can set up a time to meet in person and have you sign the lease and go over everything.

Talk to you soon,

Derek Hale

After I read his e-mail I was happy to find out that Derek picked me to be his roommate. The only thing I needed now was the job at the cafe.


Hoped you liked the first chapter, there is more to come. Please review and let us know what you think.


Wolflover1989, I'mthealphahearmeroar