Disclaimer: Everything belongs to James Dashner, except the dog.

Gally had always said that every single second of every day had to be spent doing something important. Taking a stroll was Gally's definition of worthless. Minho didn't care. He loved taking these aimless walks around the park. Well, he couldn't exactly call them walks. After all, Minho would walk, then jog, and maybe even sprint. He did whatever he felt like doing, no meaning nor pattern. But it was a routine. He came to the park, every other day. It was his routine. He was never interrupted and he just had the time to think. It was never really interesting. That all changed one day when a dog decided to bound right into his life.

It was a Wednesday, and Minho decided was jogging slightly, pondering the Literature Essay he had due that week. And then he saw the dog. It was a cute Fox Terrier and it was running pretty fast. Belatedly, he realized it was coming for him. Minho's eyes widened and the small terrier jumped on top of him. Minho slowly smiled, and knelt down. The dog was spazzing adorably, and Minho couldn't help but admit that he had a soft spot for dogs. Minho ran his hands over the dog, who wriggled in excitement.

"Captain! Oh my, I am so sorry!" Minho looked up in at the face of the most gorgeous boy he had ever seen. He had long-ish blonde hair, and a beautiful British accent. His eyes were a sparkling blue, which were now looking apologetic. They stared at each other for a couple seconds, during which Minho forgot to breathe. The dog licked Minho's face, snapping him out of his trance.

"Oh, sorry is this your dog?" Minho asked, with a sheepish grin.

"Yeah, thanks," the boy said, clipping a lime green leash to the dog's collar. Minho looked at the dog, and wondered what his name was. "Captain Jack."


"That's his name." Minho wondered if he was really that obvious.

"A Doctor Who fan, are we?" The boy grinned.

"My sister actually."

"And how about you?" Minho asked, in a flirtatious tone. And then he couldn't help but mentally slap himself for that. What if he's not interested?



"Hello Minho."

"Hi Newt." Newt smirked at him, "What's a boy like you doing out here in this weather?" Minho never really thought about the weather now. True, it was January, but he never really noticed.

"Just walking around."

"Would you be averse to helping me walk my crazy dog around?" Oh yes I'd love to hang out with you. And get to know you. And… Minho cleared himself of thoughts like those. He barely even knew Newt.

"Sure. Looks like you need it." Newt looked affronted.

"I'll have you know that I train him very well, thank you very much!" Minho scoffed playfully. Newt rolled his eyes, and then his phone started ringing. Newt took out his phone and answered it.

"Hm? Yeah, okay. Don't worry, Ma. Yeah, I'm there. Bye," He hung up, "On second thought I have to leave now." A pregnant silence. I couldn't help but feel extremely disappointed.

"I'm free tomorrow at lunch." he said, breaking through the silence. I smiled. Thank God.

"Me too. I'll meet you here?" Newt smirked, nodding, "Wait a minute." I patted my pockets for a notebook and a pen. After writing down my phone number and a smiley face, I knelt down to Captain Jack, "Here Captain, you're going to have to give this to your owner later, okay?" I heard Newt giggling, "His owners right here, you know."

I shrugged.

"Goodbye Minho." he said, walking away.

"Goodbye Newt." As I stared at his retreating figure, I realized I probably had a large goofy grin on my face. Maybe these walks weren't so worthless after all.

(A/N: I'm thinking of writing a collection of these drabble fics. Thanks for reading! Please review!)