Chapter 1: Everything is Lost

Clockwork looked at the unconscious boy in sympathy. He had failed to stop his future self from murdering his family. Clockwork cared, he really did. This was the best way for both worlds though, and frankly, he couldn't ignore that.

He sighed. He wanted so badly to save Daniel's family and friends. Hopefully he would be able to make a new life in Equestria.

Danny's eyes fluttered open, "Clockwork..." he slurred.

"Hush young Daniel, it will be alright." Clockwork soothed. Danny's eyes closed again and he drifted off into sleep. He picked up the sleeping child. "You have done your best young Phantom and now it's time for your second chance."

In the swirl of Clockwork's portal they disappeared. No one would ever know where Daniel Fenton had gone.