A/N: Thank you so much to all my new followers and favorite-ers! I'm so sorry it took me some time to get this one out. I got occupied at work which is usually when I work on this.

Special thanks to all those who reviewed - Marlene101, Genesis Valkarian, Blayze Trevelyan and lollipopmonkiez. It makes a writer feel really good to get some feedback so thank you for taking time to do so.

On with chapter 3!

Chapter 3: A Difficult Decision

"I need to leave Skyhold. On my own. As soon as possible."

Eventually, Dorian had been able to get the story out of her, piece by piece, holding her and rocking her as she cried. She felt ridiculous. She was the fucking Inquisitor and the Herald of Andraste, Maker's breath. She'd faced down a would-be God and won without so much as a shiver, but this whole situation with Lorna had her feeling like a scared fifteen year old all over again.

Era and her advisers stood in her room in a tense silence. The question of "what to do" hung heavily in the air. The young mage had an idea, but she knew it wouldn't be liked.

Morrigan, who had been included due to her experience as a witch of the wilds herself, was the first one to speak up. "So the plan to keep Erathine guarded at all times failed. What a surprise." Hawke, to her credit, did not say anything to the obvious attack from the dark haired witch; however, the blonde mage's jaw clenched visibly and it almost looked like there were a few minor electrical sparks around her fingertips until Cullen took he hand closest to him and kissed her knuckles. It was a little overly hostile, especially since Morrigan hadn't spoken up against Hawke's plan when it was proposed. "This woman is very powerful. To have kidnapped a nobleman's daughter and gone unseen at a ball, even whilst masks were removed? Formidable, indeed."

"Thank you for stating the obvious, but I didn't hear a plan in there anywhere," Julissa sniped, and there was almost an audible crack of thunder as the two magical women's gazes locked.

Morrigan's scowl could have been deadly. "Watch yourself, you glorified gutter-"

"Now is hardly the time for pettiness, no?" Leliana interjected, looking at both women like she had expected better of them.

The exchange was almost... entertaining, especially considering that Leliana was (most likely) younger than Morrigan and not too much older than Hawke and yet, she was acting like their mother. It was also comforting that things went on as normal. Hawke and Morrigan continued to barely tolerate each other, only begrudgingly admitting to having a smidgen of respect for the other's magical prowess.

Leliana looked between the two, checking to see if the storm had passed. Hawke at least had the decency to look slightly abashed. Morrigan still looked quite angry, but had the grace to say nothing further and merely lean against the wall with a wilting scowl and a watchful eye. Satisfied that they wouldn't tear into each other anymore for now, Leliana turned her attention the group at large. "If one thing is true, it's that we do need a plan."

"This isn't like when we were fighting Corypheus," Cullen added, his hand still holding Hawke's and smoothing her fingers. "This isn't a job for the entire Inquisition." Here, he looked over at Era. "Your fear of this woman, understandable as it is, might make you seem... weak, as would sending in forces to take care of one enemy."

It stung, but Era couldn't argue. She didn't just seem weak - she felt weak.

"Not to mention, Erathine told us Lorna herself said she had eyes everywhere." Josephine looked pensive, defined dark eyebrows pulling her brow into a light pucker and her lips turned down into a light frown. "The Inquisition is a large force, and we were being somewhat indiscriminate during the war with Corypheus about who we were welcoming into our order. There'd be no possible way to vet every last member of the Inquisition, nor even those in our walls as we've become quite a trade center since the war ended. We've got new merchants coming and going daily."

"Then there's just one solution," Morrigan said, her eyes boring into Era, her tone leaving no room for argument, and Era knew she'd reached the same conclusion.

"I need to leave Skyhold. On my own. As soon as possible."

The uproar was instantaneous and filled even her large chambers to the brim with shouting, Cullen loudest of them all. The handsome commander's face contorted in anger. "Are you mad!?" he exclaimed above Josie's concerned, "My lady!" and Leliana's stubborn, "Out of the question." Hawke was suspiciously quiet. Cullen pulled away from his love and approached Era, striding closer until he towered over her, looking down at her. "You are absolutely insane if you think we'll let you leave here, unprotected."

A deadly calm came over Era and she tuned the rest of what the angry man said after that. They wouldn't "let" her leave? She watched as he continued to yell and he could barely hear the din of her two other advisers joining in, telling her what she couldn't do. Era had had enough of this conversation. She gently laid a hand on the commanders chest plate and channeled all her magic quickly and precisely in a wave of force through her palm. She saw it just barely register in the commander's face what she was doing before he went flying away from her, landing with a loud clanging of armor against stone. All yelling went silent and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of Cullen huffing as he tried to regain his breath.

"You won't let me leave?" Era asked, her voice devoid of it's usual kindness or sweet nature. This was all The Inquisitor and her force and command. Era didn't bring out this side of her often, but she needed it now to remind those who'd forgotten exactly who she was. "I'm afraid, my dearest friends, you don't have an option. You are my advisers, meaning you may tell me that you think this is a bad plan and advise against it, but you may not - and will not - command me on what to do."

Morrigan was pleased. "Ah, there's the Erathine I knew."

Josephine was not so pleased, nor were the others. "But my lady, your duty to the Inquisi-"

"Josephine!" Era snapped, cutting her off with a powerful roar that clearly startled the Antivan woman. Era took it down just a notch before continuing. "There will be no more discussion on this matter. I am going. My duty is first to myself and my child. I'm sure the Inquisition will survive this relatively peaceful time for a few months while I figure out what to do about Lorna."

Cullen finally caught his breath and stood up with the assistance of Hawke. "My apologies, Lady Inquisitor. It was not my place to question your judgement." Era accepted his apology with a gracious nod, even though he still looked rather displeased. "May I ask that you don't travel alone, however. Perhaps an escort?"

Era mulled the idea over. She had to admit, there were certainly some advantages to not going it completely alone. Less chance of someone taking her completely by surprise. Assistance against any run-of-the-mill bandits that she may run into, especially later down the line when she was larger of stomach and slower and more tired for it. And two people wouldn't be much easier to track than one so it wouldn't hurt. Era nodded, "Alright, I see the merit of that. I will be leaving Skyhold on my own, but perhaps I could meet an escort at a rendezvous point soon after?" She looked around the room and there seemed to be a general consensus that that would work.

"It shouldn't be someone easily identified as part of the Inquisition, however," Leliana added. "It'll be hard enough to disguise you as it is. I suggest dyeing the white streaks in your hair black so that you're less recognizable. So then who should we send to accompany you?"

Hawke was smiling impishly. "I've got just the people to get you out of Thedas."

Era sensed that it was better for her not to ask - at least, not yet, and so she accepted that with smile and a good-natured shake of the head.

The others began to leave the room, Morrigan first, sweeping out of the room quickly, as she'd been closest to the door, then Leliana and Hawke, trailed by Cullen, already whispering about plans for her travels, Era was sure. However, Josephine hadn't moved and was standing in her room, a hesitant look on her face. "What is it, Josie?" Era asked, going to sink on the edge of her bed. She felt exhausted. All of the stern and forceful nature had left her and she was left with the sweet, if sleepy, Era as before.

"My Lady," Josephine started, her voice clearly unsure of whether she should say anything at all. "What of The Iron Bull?"

Hearing his name was like a punch to the gut. She'd agonized over this once she'd come to the decision to leave Skyhold. "He can't know, Josie. Someone could intercept the note and find me. It's just not safe. Bull has to be left in the dark, as much as I hate to do it to him."

Josie nodded solemnly, bowed her head a little and left the young mother-to-be alone with her thoughts.

~The Feeling of Fear~

It was smoldering in Kirkwall. Bull and the Chargers were just on their way back from the Wounded Coast with Varric. The merchant dwarf was in his usual garb, Bianca strapped to his back and a grin on his face. "I have to tell you, that last kill was quite something. Artistry with an ax. Do you mind if I describe that move in my next novel?" he asked Bull.

Bull laughed heartily. "Go right ahead, Varric, though I expect a dedication. 'To the Iron Bull. May you ever paint red with your ax,'" he joked, clapping the dwarf of the shoulder as he joined him in laughter.

The rest of the party was not nearly so high in spirits. The other members of the Chargers were practically slogging through the slums of Lowtown behind the two jolly men. Dalish had sprained her ankle when diving behind a rock and her new little boy toy was too wiped from the fight to heal her on site so he was propping her up as she limped through the streets. Krem's breast plate had been dented and had been pressing harshly into his chest and so he'd been forced to remove it, which meant you could vaguely see the tops of his bound breasts over his loose fitting tunic while he grumpily carried the plate at his side. Grim and Stitches were carrying a passed out Rocky - who, after, several years of trying to develop his own gaatlok, had still not learned that during the heat of battle was not the best time to test his new formulation - and Skinner trailed behind all, just generally not of a good disposition.

"Hey, Chief," Krem, shouted up at his captain, causing both men to look back him. "I think we could all use a good import today - not any of that cheap stuff Varric's been treating us to."

"Hey," Varric said, mock-defensively, but it was easy to see he was still of good humor and the jab was all in good fun. "If you want one of them fancy ales, you've all got to chip in. I could live off the Hanged Man's piss water if I had to."

Bull chortled. "According to the Julissa, that's what you did for several years while she was out being a Champion."

Varric shot the Bull a raised eyebrow. "And you believed her? I also lived on debauchery and stories."

That one earned a collective chuckle from the group, but that could also be because they had just reached the top of the steps that lead to the front door of the Hangman. It was a little hole in the wall bar that Varric stayed in rather than an estate, even though he could certainly afford one. The original had been blown half to bits in the battle between the mages and templars of Kirkwall several years before but a new one had been constructed and did some of the best business in Kirkwall, especially with half of Hightown still in ruin. Varric sometimes grumbled about missing the grime and dirt and disreputable nature of the old Hangman, but it still wasn't exactly a highbrow spot.

The gaggle of Chargers burst through the door into the Hangman. "Barkeep, a round of your finest! We're celebrating a job well done," Varric announced as they entered. With a sidelong glance at Bull he said, "You all owe me five gold."

Bull chuckled heartily and picked up a tankard from the tray that was incoming towards their table that the rest of the Chargers were settling down at. Well, all except Rocky, who'd been dumped unceremoniously on the floor of the tavern. Bull had just taken a swig of his ale when he felt a timid tap on his shoulder. He turned to see a small elven serving girl staring up at him with the biggest forest green eyes that he'd ever seen. "This missive came for you earlier, serah," she said, holding out a folded up piece of paper. Her little bone thin hands were shaking. Bull sometimes forgot how scary he could be since it was a rare event he was out of the presence of those who knew him well these days.

"Thanks, cupcake," Bull answered back, easily slipping back into his old flirtatious facade that put people at ease around him.

She blushed a little and skittered off to get back to her duties. Bull smiled and turned his attention to the note. On the front of the parchment, in familiar beautifully cultivated handwriting was written 'The Iron Bull.' He unfolded it and began to read.

"My Bull, my Kadan,

I already miss you so much. I'm happy to hear that you've reached Kirkwall safely, even if it is a madhouse over there. Should mean you and your Chargers will fit right in, as you're all a bunch of crazies anyway, and in the short time you've been there, you've already collected a new one. You can't take Dalish anywhere, can you?

And you can't expect too much from Kirkwall. It's only been a few years since that big blow out - literally. Is it too soon to make jokes like that? Whatever. The Chantry went boom along with half of the rest of the city and whatever wasn't hit by the explosion was damaged by the fighting, looting and rampant demons. I mean, you've heard Hawke's stories about that final day in Kirkwall. And because so many people fled, they don't have the same man power or resources we do up in Skyhold. I mean, you did say there's only a handful of templars left. People are probably hiding from the scary mages.

And despite what you seem to think, I quite enjoy stealing the covers from you. It usually leads to something along the lines of what you probably witnessed in the Blooming Rose and oh, how I miss that. Your arms around me, the heat of you, your commanding presence, your massive...

Ahem, I seem to miss it more than I first realized. I'm dampening my smalls just thinking about it.

Lady Josephine is doing well.

As for the rest of us, we're scrambling to get ready for the Ball - yes, I promise to eat some of the food in your honor. I'm not looking forward to it, but Josephine did get me a new dress. I promise to have someone make a quick sketch of me in it and send it forthwith in my next correspondence.

By the way, you never did mention that Dorian propositioned you for a tumble in the sheets after you and I'd gone a couple rounds. Or that you said no, even though we hadn't agreed to be 'together' yet. You liiiiiked me!

Other than that, nothing much is new. We're still doing small tasks for the Inquisition since there's nothing major going on right now. Relative peace is actually a little boring, especially if you're the figurehead of a massive organization committed to bringing peace about. I mean, when Corypheus was about, I never got to rest. I was always fighting. Sometimes even when I was sleeping. Remember that one time I struck that bandit with lightning before I'd even woken up? Those were the days. Now I'm lucky if I come across any rogue mages or anything higher class than a gaggle of really unorganized bandits.

Anyhow, I hope your time in Kirkwall is fruitful. Have fun on your ventures. I hope to see you soon, my dearest Kadan.

All my love,


Bull finished the letter with a soft smile that had the Chargers in a tizzy, making playful jabs about being whipped and things of the like, and a little stiffness in his pants that made him glad that he always wore loose trousers. He folded the letter back up neatly and stuffed it in a small pocket on his belt before downing the rest of his tankard which he'd temporarily forgotten about with a letter from his beloved in his hand. "Hey Krem," he boomed, smacking said Charger on the shoulder as he approached. "Era says that Josie is doing well. You want to ask anything else before I go write her back?"

The former 'Vint's cheeks tinged red as the other Chargers turned their attentions to him and began chanting "Krem and Josie, Krem and Josie," and he ducked his head, muttering a quick, "No."

"Are you sure?" Bull asked, loving every second of torturing is lieutenant.

"Oh, just go write your wife, you sadistic giant," Krem replied, hiding his face behind his tankard as he took another swig, but it was still pretty clear he was embarrassed.

"She's not my wife," Bull responded easily. "At least, not yet."

Bull returned to his room and took a sheet of paper from the desk that was littered in paper butterflies and a few dragonflies and flowers. Dalish just couldn't help herself. He took his time jotting a reply to Era, even going so far as to include a lewd sketch of the two of them in the letter. Andraste, how he missed her. He couldn't wait to get back to Skyhold. He'd keep her captive in that room for days. And then he'd make sure she was his for the rest of their lives.

The Qunari man folded up his letter and passed it to a serving girl who was walking down the hall. "Could you make sure this gets sent to Skyhold, darling?" he asked, and she giggled, blushed and nodded, taking the note in her free hand, balancing a tray full of empty mugs on the other.

Bull pulled Era's note back out of the small pocket on his belt and read it over again. It made him feel warm all over to hold her words in his hands. It was almost like having a piece of her, even though she was thousands of miles away. The note even vaguely smelled of her perfume. He pulled the other thing he'd been hiding in his belt for the last couple days. The blue opal ring glinted in the low lantern light. It was cut into a smooth heart and had a single, tiny diamond set on either side.

The moment he saw her, he'd get down on one knee, he swore to himself, eager to see the band on her finger.

Bull slipped the ring and the note back into his belt pocket and buttoned it shut before leaving his room and rejoining his men and Varric back in the tavern area. Varric seemed to have conned Skinner, Aros, Grim and Krem into a round of Wicked Grace. Stitches was on the ground with Rocky, who was just coming to. Bull remembered a time in his life when his Chargers were all he needed. This small group was pretty much his family. How much one woman had changed everything.

"Deal me in. I want to play the next round," Bull said, bumping Krem over and dropping down on the bench.

~The Feeling of Fear~

The light sloshing of the sea against the bow of the boat was soothing to the pirate captain. The salty sea air flowed through her dark tendrils of hair, or at least those that weren't secured down by a bandanna, her hat or wrangled into a variety of braids with ornaments hanging from them. Her tongue absently rolled around the stud that poked through her lip, making the little gold orb bob in and out through the little hole.

Isabela felt extremely restless. They'd been docked for days now, repairing the flagship and her favorite of her fleet after a little rough and tumble with some smugglers they'd put out of commission. But she couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to happen.

As she leaned out over the front of the boat, she noticed something against the dark horizon, coming toward the ship. It was small, but quick, and was cutting though the sky like there was no wind, no gravity and nothing to hold it back. Isabela straightened up. "Fenris, get up here," she commanded, watching the little speck as it grew larger and larger. A bird.

She heard leather against wood as her love ascended from their quarters below deck. "What?" the grouchy elf, asked. Isabela wordlessly pointed up at the incoming bird. "A... bird?" he asked, confused. He squinted out at the tawny speck and as it came closer, he could distinguish the tawny color and the sleekness of its bird body. "A hawk. Hawke." He sighed. Hawke thought she was so clever, using the bird her surname was derived from as her signature messenger bird. "I wonder what she wants this time."

The two sailors waited as the bird descended, circling as it went, and landed on the railing. Fenris was about to approach to take the missive from it's talon, but there wasn't any.

"What the..."

Isabela trailed off as a green flash of light enveloped the deck, and where the bird had rested stood Hawke herself. Her long blonde braid whipped in the night air as she straightened out from the crouch her transformation had left her in. "Hey," she greeted, hopping from the rail down onto the deck with a light thud and a cheeky grin. "How's it going?"

Isabela raised one dark eyebrow. "For you to come here yourself, something big must be happening."

Hawke shrugged and beamed at her friends. "You know me too well." Julissa walked forward and grabbed an old friend on each side, hooking an arm around both of their necks and pulling them down to her height. "I've got a mission for the two of you."

A/N: And that's chapter 3!

I'm not really sure what I'd like to say about this chapter other than I'm sorry that it took so long. Please review and tell me your thoughts.

Signing off -

Lass of the Lake