The Nice School of Magic
by Healer Pomfrey

All recognizable characters belong to J. K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story.
I am not a native speaker of English. Please excuse my mistakes.

This story is COMPLETELY AU. If you don't likt it, don't read it!

"You're a phoenix, aren't you?" Hermione asked in apparent amazement. "You're beautiful."

#Yes, I'm a fire phoenix, and I've been the old grumpy one's, oh sorry, Albus Dumbledore's familiar for a small eternity# Fawkes replied, causing Harry to chuckle.

"Can you understand him?" Susan enquired, giving Harry a sharp look.

"Yes," Harry replied in confusion and repeated the bird's words.

"What happened to Professor Dumbledore?" Susan asked with apparent interest.

#He's gone now, but recently, he wasn't as pure as he should be, so I was considering leaving his nest anyway# Fawkes informed them, fluffing his feathers in a huff.

'I'll have to ask Dad about it. Maybe he knows something,' Harry thought, recalling that it had been Dumbledore who had made him ill with the basilisk pox.


In the morning, Severus strode by the seventh years' table and showed Harry the front page of the Daily Prophet, from where the red lettered headline caught his eye.

'Former Headmaster of Hogwarts and Head of the Wizengamot
Albus Dumbledore dies chocking on a Lemon Drop'

'Serves him right for poisoning me,' Harry could not help thinking, while Susan voiced, "Good riddance."

"I wonder if Dumbledore's death..."

"... has something to do with Harry's poisoning," the twins spoke up, when the seventh years were enjoying their evening in their tree house.

"I didn't do anything," Harry replied, wearily, causing everyone to laugh.

"Not you, Harry," Hermione reassured him.

"But there are enough adults who'd surely be happy to avenge you," Susan added, grinning.


It was almost a year later, half through their eighth year, that Harry received a much awaited letter from the French Ministry of Magic.

Minister Duval sent him a map of a huge piece of land as well as a confirmation that the land marked in the map was the property of Harry Snape, born on 31 July, 1980.

"Show me," Susan demanded.

"Where exactly is it?" Hermione wanted to know.

"It's the property adjacent to our park," Harry replied in absolute amazement. "How cool is that?"

The eighth years decided that it was extremely cool and proceeded to spend much time on planning the soon to-be-built hospital building.


While the students studied for their NEWTs and at the same time for their masteries, healing exams and other subjects needed for their future occupation in the hospital, the headmistress contacted Minister Duval. After profusely thanking him for the support of Harry's idea and for giving him the land for free, she asked if he could recommend an architect who would be able and willing to build the hospital according to her students' wishes.

Harry and his friends were lucky. Due to his connections and - of course - his position, Minister Duval was able to hire the wizard known as the best magical architect in France for them. Shortly before the beginning of their last school year, Harry, Susan and Hermione met with Monsieur Dupont and handed him a sketch of how they wanted the hospital to be. All of their classmates had worked together to produce the sketch, and it was extremely detailed.

By the time, they had finished their NEWTs, the hospital building was completed. While Alicia and Roger spent the following months with the equipment of the inside of the building, apart from studying to become a mediwitch respectively mediwizard, Cedric took his healer's exam at a magical hospital in Tokyo, where he also studied Laser magic, Hermione, Mary and Hannah completed their healer's exams in France, Neville took his Herbology mastery, and Terence and Adrian studied Finance with the goblins at the small Gringotts branch in Marseille. The Weasley twins as well as Harry and Susan took their potions masteries, and at the same time Harry and Susan succeeded in developing the wolves cure together with their father.


When the Nice Medical Centre for Magical Maladies opened its doors just a year later, it soon became famous, not only in France but all over Europe, for its specialities of Laser magic as well as the wolves cure. An additional attraction of the hospital that brought many visitors to Nice was the hospital's special souvenir shop, in which Fred and George Weasley sold prank potions and other prank and entertainment objects for patients and visitors - with huge success.

They soon realised that they were in dire need of more staff, and two years after the opening of the hospital, Draco, Ginny and Luna joined the staff as additional healers, and Felix became the Potions Masters' assistant, even while he was still a student.


After three years of leading the well known hospital, head potions master Harry and head healer Hermione as well as Susan and Neville decided to get married in a huge double wedding that took place on the combined grounds of the school and the hospital under participation of thousands of wizards and witches.

While Harry presented his new wife with a computer, for which he had spent three years trying to make it work in the magical world, his wife handed him a small phial.

"Harry, I hope it'll work. Oh well, I'm fairly sure it will," she said, smiling. "It's a combination of a potion and a couple of charms. When you take the potion, I'll only have to cast a certain spell at you, and you should be cured from Mr. Malfoy's dark spell."

"Let me try right away," Harry said, eagerly, and gulped down the potion, before he looked at his wife, who immediately began to wave her wand at him.

"That's it, dear," she said in determination. "How do you feel now?"

"I didn't feel too bad in the first place," Harry admitted, "although I could already sense the full moon. But now I feel completely well. Thank you so much. You're absolutely the best," he replied, feverishly trying to suppress the tears that welled in his eyes.


When Minerva took the two couples aside and asked where they intended to spend their honeymoon, she receive a quadruple chuckle in return.

"We're going to spend our honeymoon at the school..."

"... in our old tree house..."

"... There's no better place..."

"... for a holiday," Harry and Susan informed her, grinning.

"Well, our school is surely a nice school of magic," Minerva replied, returning a fond smile.

'And our Medical Centre even nicer,' Harry thought to Barkymort, 'apart from the tree houses.'

The End

Thanks to the kind reviewers for their support throughout this story!