Summary: Hiro and Gogo find themselves having a casual sexual encounter one evening. But not everything goes as planned for poor Hiro. Gentle femdom. Rated M for sexy content.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. If I did, this would be canon. And I'd be directing the direct-to-Blu-Ray short based on this story.

Author's Note: My first foray into particularly explicit smut fiction. I've struggled to maintain a certain level of brevity while also employing the amount of detail I'm comfortable with in my writing. Reviews are always appreciated as long as they're constructive!

Small Hiro Sex

Chapter 1: In Which Baymax Inadvertently Gets Hiro Laid

Hiro Hamada was in heaven. Currently engaged in spirited, rapid-paced conversation, he'd have to consider Fred's latest idea, movie night, to be a pleasant success. Fred had recently suggested that the group dedicate one night a week to hanging out and watching a movie since most of them spent the majority of their free time at the lab and did little else outside of school work. This first occasion was taking place at Hiro's house since, unfortunately, Fred's in-mansion theatre was in the process of being renovated to accommodate a screen twice as large as the previous one. Next week they'd be enjoying a movie on a two-thousand inch screen. Hiro, Fred, Honey Lemon, Wasabi, and Gogo had just finished their first film and had spent the past half hour or so excitedly discussing it before eventually seguing into more casual conversation and finally dispersing. Hiro bid his friends farewell as they, one by one, decided they ought to be heading home to get some sleep. Eventually, only Gogo remained, having no reason to take off early.

Baymax, who had made himself fairly scarce for the evening, suddenly popped up beside Hiro to state matter-of-factly, "It appears your heart rate has risen by 5% in the last minute; are you experiencing any str—," Baymax was interrupted by Hiro exasperatedly telling him everything was fine. One may've thought Hiro would be used to Baymax's inappropriate sharing of personal information by now, but it was particularly difficult to adapt to when one was in the throes of puberty such as Hiro. Gogo, fairly used to Baymax's overprotective nature, didn't think much of it and shrugged it off. "So," she asked, "what've you been into lately?" Baymax once again perks up, his programming having been activated by a simple vocal inquiry which could be easily answered by a cursory glance at his recent memory banks. Baymax chimes in as Hiro is trying to shove him into his charging station to shut down, "Hiro and I have been extensively researching sexual development in adolescent males to—"

"BAYMAX!" Hiro exclaimed, cutting Baymax off again, unable to believe what Baymax had just divulged. At that moment, Hiro would've given anything to wake up from this nightmare, but the unfortunate circumstances that'd befallen him were all too real. He quickly shuts down Baymax and makes sure he is in standby mode, unable to activate at all unless manually. No more outbursts like that tonight. No thanks.

Gogo had managed to keep her composure throughout the ordeal, telling herself that she could laugh at Hiro's misfortune later. Hiro wracks his brain trying to think of a way to change the subject before he turns back around to face Gogo, but he finds himself drawing a blank. The embarrassment was incredible, and it didn't help that he had always found Gogo somewhat intimidating to be alone with. She could be so intense and… sexy. As Baymax had made painfully obvious, Hiro was stumbling through puberty with a relatively laughable amount of grace. And being very physically attracted to a close friend of his wasn't making it any easier. Sheepishly, Hiro turned to face Gogo, still trying to think of something to change the subject. Unfortunately, his mind went completely blank again as soon as he saw Gogo's expression. She'd donned quite the smirk and cocked eyebrow while he'd been brainstorming. "Oh no," Hiro thought to himself as he saw her expression; that was an expression of impending taunting and ridicule. Nothing good could come from this.

"So, learning about the facts of life, are we?" Gogo inquired with a small chuckle, unabashedly taking the conversation in the direction she thought would be most entertaining. And she found watching Hiro squirm uncomfortably pretty entertaining. The little guy was pretty cute when he was embarrassed; she'd contemplated it on more than one occasion.

Unable to find a way to avoid the question, Hiro figured he'd best just get it over with and answer her question. "Yeah, I guess," he replied meekly, rubbing his neck and looking downward. Phew, that wasn't so bad. At least it had ended there – couldn't get any worse now that he'd just answered her question, right? "Like what?" Gogo inquired, raising a curious eyebrow. Nothing could've prepared Hiro for that question coming out of the blue like that. His eyes widened slightly, and he froze in place momentarily, trying to figure out if he'd heard her correctly. Hiro couldn't help but be baffled at how incredibly casual Gogo was being about this. After regaining his composure, he nervously stammered, "N-nothing in particular."

"Aw c'mon, Hiro. Sex isn't this big, scary mystery. Everybody has to learn about it one way or another. No shame in that," she replied, walking across the room to place her hand on his shoulder, wanting to convey she was being sincere. Hiro continued to look downward, clearly still uncomfortable due to Baymax's revealing outburst.

Suddenly, something dawned on Gogo. "Baymax said your heart rate had increased; was it because of me?" This may've sounded presumptuous to some, but Gogo was no stranger to people being attracted to her. She'd have to be an idiot to not notice how many people, though generally not her close friends, were clearly enamored with her bodacious bod. And, at this moment, she was getting the distinct impression that Hiro's embarrassment was being magnified due to his being uncomfortable being alone with her.

Hiro's face transitioned to a healthy red color as his embarrassment grew; he'd been found out. Unsure of what to do, he didn't answer. Instead, he continued his gazing downward, slightly opening his mouth as if to say something, but no words came. Gogo looked down at Hiro knowingly. She glanced askance toward the door to Hiro's bedroom. She moved to the door and locked it before turning to face Hiro again. She walked back toward him, "Seriously, Hiro, it's not weird. A ton of people think I'm sexy," she mused, placing her hands on her hips and looking at Hiro's resolutely uncomfortable stance. Seeing that he still hasn't feeling any better, she decided to try a different approach. She closed the distance between them, standing only a few inches in front of him, she looked down at the top of his head, which continued to look downward as Hiro tried to find the appropriate way to diffuse the situation.

Gogo knocked lightly on Hiro's skull a few times. "Knock knock, anybody home?" Gogo asked sarcastically, hoping to provoke a response from Hiro. Hiro finally found his ability to look up. "Sorry," he said in a hushed voice, "It's ju-," Gogo knocked on his head again. "Don't be sorry," she encouraged, "I said it's fine. Nothing to be ashamed of. And honestly, who could blame you? I mean, look at all this!" she proclaimed as she gesticulated at her curves and accentuated features. Hiro's eyes darted back to the ground, or rather, they tried to. Unfortunately for Hiro, Gogo'd taken Hiro's chin gently in her hand and kept him from averting his gaze. Hiro wasn't expecting that; his eyes were now forced to focus on the incredibly attractive woman now standing in front of him. Though Gogo wasn't that much taller than Hiro, he'd have sworn she towered over him at this moment. His darted about her figure as his cheeks reddened still. She was so close he could smell a faint scent coming from her; it was a pleasant aroma. He didn't have a familiar word to associate it with, but the term he decided on was, "womanly".

"Wanna do it?" Gogo asked, breaking Hiro's concentration on her body. "W-wha-," Hiro stammered, flabbergasted at what he'd heard. "It'd be fun. I wouldn't mind at all. And, honestly, you're pretty cute yourself," she added, touching the tip of his nose to punctuate her statement. Hiro's first instinct was to look down at the ground again, but, instead, he looked up at her, wanting to gauge her sincerity. "It'll just be fun and casual, y'know, fuckbuddies!" she elaborated, not wanting Hiro to get the wrong idea. Hiro took a moment to think. Gogo, wanting to elicit a response sooner than Hiro was willing to give one, began slowly walking forward, forcing Hiro to walk backward to avoid them colliding. She was slowly pushing him toward the bed. "Here, just have a seat and I'll give you a little peek, to see if it'll help you make up your mind," she cooed, looking down at Hiro as he sat upon edge of the bed.

She took a few steps back and reached to remove her shirt. Off it came in one swift motion, revealing her lacey, purple bra beneath. She then turned around, bending over slightly to reach for her the waistband of her sweat pants. Down they came in one swift motion, pooling at her ankles before she stepped out of them. Gogo now stood in her lacey, purple bra and panties facing away from Hiro. She placed her hands on her hips, rocking them back and forth a time or two before turning on her heel to face Hiro again, revealing her front to him again.

Hiro was dumbfounded; she was as sexy as he'd imagined, but to imagine that she was here, offering to teach him about sex was cause for pause. Unfortunately, Hiro's higher brain functions were on hibernate for the time being since his mind was focused on the woman stripping in front of him. His cheeks continued to glow bright red. He was embarrassed, but he wasn't going to look down anymore. He could feel his heart rate increase, his body becoming excited.

Gogo wiggled her hips and stepped toward Hiro, placing her hands on his knees where he sat. This gave Hiro a clear view of her cleavage only a few inches from his face. "Sooo?" Gogo asked hopefully. Hiro hesitated, but spoke, "Y-you are really sexy." "Thanks," Gogo responded, sitting on his lap. Her considerable rump placed itself squarely on Hiro's lap, eliciting a gasp from Hiro as it pressed against him. "You're pretty cute, yourself," Gogo added. "I-I still dunno. It's just…," Hiro trailed off. Something was clearly bothering him, but Gogo had nothing to go off of in terms of figuring out what. "Don't feel pressured, Hiro. If you're not comfortable with it, that's totally fine. But I figure you might enjoy it more than you think, so take as much time as you need to decide," Gogo comforted, slowly lifting herself off of Hiro's lap. Hiro immediately missed her warmth and the feeling of her bottom pressing against him. "But, for your consideration: " Gogo stated as she stood to face away from Hiro. She bent over slightly, reached for her panty line and began tugging them down slowly. As they descended her hips, her nethers were revealed to Hiro, sitting only a few inches away. He fought to not simply bury his face in as he was well within range to do so. Her panties reached her knees and Hiro could see everything. Her cheeks were slightly spread due to her slightly bent-over stature, giving Hiro a clear view of both her back and front doors. Gogo didn't want to pressure Hiro, but she also wanted Hiro to be honest about what was troubling him. She felt her method of persuasion would likely get Hiro to come clean of his own accord.

Hiro's eyes widened at the sight of Gogo's naked beauty. The ass being presented to him was truly a marvelous one in his eyes. Once again, Hiro noticed a scent coming from her; this time from her nethers. This one was raunchier and more… erotic than before. Gogo looked over her shoulder to see Hiro's reaction. She was pleased to see him unabashedly gawking at her butt. She wiggled it a bit before turning on her heel again to face Hiro, revealing her neatly trimmed bush on her front end. Hiro was about eye-level with her pelvis and she stood but a few inches in front of him. The scent was beginning to overpower him; it was strong, and inviting. Hiro looked up at Gogo with yearning eyes, yet he still maintained a sliver of reservation. Gogo reached behind her and unclasped her bra singlehandedly, allowing it to drop to the floor, leaving her now completely naked in front of her horny, pubescent little friend. "I promise, Hiro, there's nothing to be ashamed of about our bodies," she sympathetically proclaimed while kneeling down in front of Hiro. "R-right," Hiro responds halfheartedly. "Don't sound so unsure of yourself!" she exclaimed, knocking on his skull again.

Gogo placed her hands on Hiro's shorts, tugging at them ever so slightly. "So, whaddaya say?" she asked, glancing down at the boy's crotch, then up to his eyes. Hiro's eyes met hers, nodding his head. "Alright," he replies with a modicum of confidence. Gogo's hands grip his shorts slightly tighter as she gets the answer she was looking for. "Glad to hear it. Would you be okay with being naked as well?" Hiro's reservations resurfaced momentarily, but he nodded his head again. Gogo began tugging on Hiro's short enough to make them begin their descent down his hips, slowly revealing his briefs underneath. Gogo blushed slightly as she saw the cute underwear Hiro was sporting underneath his clothes. Whitey tighties. She couldn't say she was surprised; her smirk returned. Hiro decided he may as well ditch his shirt as well, and pulled it over his head and tossed it aside. Gogo admired Hiro's petite and nubile figure.

Once Gogo had successfully pulled Hiro's shorts to his ankles and discarded them, she reached for the waistband of his briefs. She heard Hiro's gasp very slightly as she did. She looked up to him to make sure he was okay before proceeding; he nodded in response.

She tugged on his briefs to remove them in one fluid motion; no point in putting it off anymore. Unfortunately, she wasn't prepared for what she saw. "Oh," she thought to herself as her eyes registered what she'd revealed. Her eyes widened slightly with surprise, but she worked hard to maintain her composure. Now it was all clear why Hiro was so reserved and nervous. There were two distinct causes for Gogo's surprise.

Firstly, Gogo was expecting Hiro's girth to be modest, given his age, but she did not expect that he would have the smallest penis of any she'd ever seen tucked away in those briefs of his. Secondly, despite Hiro's enthusiasm and excitement, he appeared completely flaccid. Gogo wagered it couldn't have been more than an inch and a half long. Gogo choked bag a small giggle, "Damnit, I just told him there's nothing to be ashamed of. Don't laugh. It's the worst possible thing you can do right now. Hiro needs reassurance," Gogo mentally kicked herself for almost letting a giggle scape. Returning to the task at hand, she tossed Hiro's underwear off to the side. She silently decided to instigate a handjob, er, fingerjob? "Maybe direct stimulation will get Hiro's little guy up and going," she reasoned. She brought her right hand to touch the tip of his foreskin, which appeared to cover the just about the entire shaft as well as the head, given small area it had to cover. Hiro winced at the sensation, letting out a small gasp as Gogo's fingers made contact with his foreskin. She gently began stroking the foreskin back and forth, revealing the tip of Hiro's member when pulled fully back. Gogo kept looking to see if it would begin swelling and hardening up, but it didn't seem to twitch with any sign of life at all. She could hear Hiro's breathing become shallow. Worried, Gogo looked up to see if he was alright.

Hiro's face was buried in his hands, and he'd begun to tremble slightly. "I-I'm sorry," he apologized between shallow breaths. "I…I can't. I can't. It doesn't…get… hard," he explained, struggling to find the least mortifying way to explain. Gogo nodded understandingly, "Oh that's normal for some guys their first time; it's just because you're too nervous," she comforted, hoping Hiro's wording didn't mean what she thought it meant. "N-no, I mean, ever. I-it never has," the poor boy stammered as he explained his tragic ailment. Gogo heard a quiet sniffle from behind his hands. Unsure of what to do, she continued her gentle fingerjob on his soft member. The quandary gave Gogo pause.

"That's why Baymax said you'd been researching sexual development in adolescent males?" she asked. "Yeah," Hiro responded in defeat, raising his head slowly from his hands. "Nothing works. It's just… hopeless," he mourned the sex life he never got to have. Gogo was certain Hiro was almost ready to call it quits, but she wasn't about to give up on him so easily. And then she had an idea. An awful idea. Gogo got a wonderful, awful idea. A sly grin spread across her cheeks as she looked up at Hiro and halted her halfhearted fingerjob.

"Hiro, when're you gonna finally learn to start using that big brain of yours?" she inquired, poking his forehead. "I already told you," Hiro responded, "B-baymax and I researched it and nothing has helped. I've been using my brain." Gogo rolled her eyes, "You haven't been using it the right way, dum dum. Remember what you told us? You've gotta find another angle. Look at the problem a different way and figure it out from there. Lucky for you, you've got me to handle that for you this time." Gogo stated matter-of-factly. Hiro, perplexed, but curious, looked at her quizzically, still trembling slightly. Gogo stood and fetched her backpack which lay strewn on the floor of Hiro's room. From it, she fetched two things: a bottle of lubricant and a strap-on dildo. "Never leave home without it," Gogo patted herself on the back mentally. Sex products in hand, she returned to sit beside Hiro on the bed, cozying up next to him. Hiro had taken the liberty of hiding his shame with his hands while Gogo had been busy. His hands now rested in his lap, covering him completely.

"Now, now, none of that," Gogo chastised, waving his hands away from his lap, "No shame allowed, got it, Hiro?" Hiro nodded meekly as he placed his hands at his sides. Gogo sat the bottle of lubricant and the strap-on dildo on the bed beside them.

"The issue you're facing is definitely a tough one, Hiro, but there are more options that you're not considering," Gogo lectured. She continued, "To put it simply, if you can't be on top, then you'll be the bottom!" Hiro's cheeks glowed red once again. He wasn't completely sure what she was implying, which was to be expected given his limited sexual experience. "I-I'm not sure I…" Hiro trailed off, looking from Gogo to the strapon, and back to Gogo. "Here," Gogo said, "It's easier to show than to explain."

Gogo stood, giving Hiro, once again, a rather nice view of her bodacious ass. She picked up the strap-on dildo and donned it, giving her the appearance of having about a 6" penis jutting from her crotch. She placed her hands against Hiro's chest, giving him a light push backward onto the bed, landing him on his back. Gogo grabbed the bottle of lubricant and applied a generous amount of lubrication to her rubber rod. The gears had begun turning in Hiro's head by now and he was beginning to put the pieces together. He was nervous, but open to Gogo's suggestion, as she made it sound like it was a perfectly fine alternative to what he'd been trying to achieve. After making sure her dildo had been sufficiently lubricated, Gogo gently took Hiro's legs and spread them apart, lifting them slightly as to reveal to her his hitherto hidden backdoor. Gogo fought to keep herself from drooling as she took notice of Hiro's particularly supple and squeezable butt. "That is one fuckable ass if ever I saw one," she mused to herself as she took another handful of lubricant and proceeded to apply it to Hiro's puckered entrance. Hiro squirmed and tried not to make all sorts of embarrassing noises as she carefully prepped his bottom.

Hiro's breath caught in his throat as he saw Gogo begin to position the head of the fake penis which completely dwarfed his own at the entrance of his now rather slick ass. Gogo looked down at him with concern, wanting to pause to make sure he was okay with going ahead. Hiro released his breath, relaxing himself and nodding to Gogo. Hiro bit his lip as Gogo leaned over him, finally pressing the head of her dildo against Hiro's opening. "Aah," Hiro moaned softly at the novel sensation. He gripped the sheets as the head finished penetrating his entrance and began sliding further into him. Gogo bit her lip as she watched the boy squirm and grip the sheets beneath her as he tried to accommodate the new feeling. She continued sliding her length into him slowly, until she'd buried it up to the hilt, at which point she paused for a moment, allowing Hiro to relax for a moment.

"So, how do you like it?" Gogo asked with a smirk, silently noting a small glisten of precum at the tip of Hiro's still-flaccid member. Hiro could feel the walls of his anus clenching around Gogo's firm girth, pulsing with his heartbeat. "I-it feels so—Aaah!" Hiro was cut off by his moans of pleasure as Gogo began pulling her length out of him. "Oh Hiro, you're a natural at this. I think you were meant to be a great bottom," Gogo giggled as she watched his face contort trying to stop making those sounds. Gogo bit her lip as she placed her hands firmly on Hiro's hips and began rocking back and forth at a steady pace, pushing her entire length in each time. Shortly thereafter, Hiro was forced to abandon his attempts at quieting his pleasured moans; the sensation was simply too overwhelmingly good. "Aah, mmnAaah, aahn, mfffn," he moaned, gripping the sheets harder than before. Gogo slightly increased her pace now that Hiro was clearly enjoying himself with each and every thrust she gave.

Gogo's pace change did not go unnoticed by Hiro. His moans became more desperate and ragged as Gogo continued to work his tight, virgin ass. Hiro was in heaven. He'd never imagined it felt so good being the bottom. Granted, he'd never imagined he'd be a bottom in the first place, as he wasn't aware of the possibility before Gogo introduced him to it. Gogo began to thrust deeper, and harder as her pace quickened once again. Hiro's eyes rolled into the back of his head as Gogo suddenly hit his prostate for the first time. Gogo knew she'd found a sweet spot and continued her assault on it, hitting it time after time, giving Hiro the best fucking she could without going overboard on his first time.

Gogo's plowing continued for some time, hitting Hiro's prostate again and again. She couldn't get enough of Hiro's cute moans and his squirming. His blushing face and his tight ass enticed her to fuck him relentlessly. However, bringing the young boy to orgasm was proving a fair challenge. Luckily, Gogo had no plans on resting until Hiro had a proper orgasm.

Suddenly, Hiro attempted to speak. "G-GogooOOAH," he half-spoke, half-moaned as Gogo didn't let up her pace for a second to let him speak. "Everything okay, Hiro?" she asked as she continued pulling his hips to meet her own. "I-I-I th-thiiii-i-nk I'm c-c—" he was cut off by Gogo placing a finger on his lips, shushing him. Gogo leaned down over Hiro to gain more leverage as she wanted to make a sprint to the finish line in her typical action-girl style. Having leaned down far enough, she placed her mouth next to Hiro's ear.

"Sshh, just woman up, Hiro," she cooed into his ear, hoping her dirty talk would give him the gentle nudge he needed to go over the edge.

Hiro moaned in ecstasy as Gogo hit his prostate one final time, burying her length in him. Hiro saw stars as the overwhelming sensation of the orgasm flooded over his consciousness. While Hiro's ass was the center of his attention, little did he know that his still-flaccid member had begun dribbling a small river of cum from beneath his foreskin. Gogo made sure to keep her dildo buried to the hilt as Hiro rode out his first orgasm.

After the waves of pleasure subsided some minutes later, Hiro was able to finally catch his breath and look up at Gogo, who gingerly removed her length from his ass. He couldn't help but let another moan escape his lips as the head left his entrance, leaving him feeling somewhat empty. Gogo looked down at Hiro, admiring the small river of cum he managed to dribble out during his orgasm.

Gogo caught Hiro's glance and gestured down to his penis with her eyes. Hiro thought he was seeing things, but sure enough, he'd cum. He looked up at Gogo with a thankful expression before lying his head back and resting his eyes for a moment. Gogo took this opportunity to do some cleaning up. Lowering her head down to Hiro's small river of cum, she kissed the tip of his penis, licking up the cum that flooded his foreskin. Hiro's eyes shot wide open as the sensation jarred him. The tip of his penis had never been so sensitive before! Gogo giggled at his reaction as she finished licking up the remains of his virginal orgasm.

Gogo grabbed Hiro's ass triumphantly, proclaiming, "See? Different angles." Hiro smiled up at her and nodded. "Thanks, Gogo. This was great. Really," he said breathily, keeping his sentences short since he was still coming down from his orgasm. In a flash, he bolts upright and hugs her tightly, burying his head in her chest. Gogo returned the hug, resting her chin on his head.

Some minutes later, after having gotten dressed and such, Gogo announced that she should probably be heading home. They'd lost track of time during their little escapade; Gogo had been plowing Hiro for a solid 2 hours before he came to orgasm. They shared another hug before Gogo ruffled Hiro's hair and took off. Gogo put a little bit of extra sway in her hips for Hiro to enjoy watching as she walked away. She couldn't wait for her next opportunity to teach little Hiro about some very raunchy things.

Chapter 1 End

Chapter 2 Preview: Hiro, wanting to be able to bring Gogo to orgasm, asks her for advice on how he could go about doing so. Because of his… shortcomings, Gogo suggests he practice oral. Gogo then teaches Hiro how to eat pussy and ass like a pro by giving him his first rimjob.