A/N: So it has happened. I've joined the DA:I train. And guess who I fell head over heels for because they are the sweetest little sprit to ever save me from an Envy demon? ^.^

SO I give you these little prompts. I'm unsure how many I'll do, but I've already got ten planned out now, and number can only grow right? Not all of them are Cole/Inquisitor, but a good portion of them are. My Inquisitor is named Aziff Cadash and she is a dwarf fighter; slight warning of background. She lived in Dusttown before the Carta shipped her topside.

Keep your hand and feet in the fic at all times and thank you for stopping by my humble little story. Enjoy Reasons to Remember.

#1. Evidence

Aziff Cadash was one of those people who had to see it to believe it. Like the Stone, magic, lyrium; she had seen these things, felt these things, and knew them to be true. She had met her ancestors before they returned to the Stone; even had a few drinks with them. To tell her they weren't still hanging around was silly; whenever she was underground she could hear them humming in the caverns.

This whole Andraste thing was...not so solid.

She had seen a woman in the Rift. She had reached out to Aziff; a helping hand if Aziff had ever seen one.

So Aziff Cadash had seen it. But was it real? And what did that mean?

The dwarf glared down at the mark on her palm. Anchor. Key. Andraste's Chosen.

There it was right there; her evidence that something had happened. Something big. She just didn't know the what questions she should ask to get the answers she seeked.

Or if she truly wanted those answers at all.

Aziff had grown up a dirty duster living in the squalor of Orzammar's underbelly. She had often scoffed at the topside religions. Why would she waste time lamenting over some bigger-than-thou being and blaming her problems on it when she should be fessing up to her problems herself, because they were just that; hers. The Stone had been all she needed to believe; her Ancestors lead her through the dark, and, occasionally, allowed her insight. The rest of her faith, which at the time wasn't much but hope and a sturdy shield, was piled into working towards a better life for herself.

Needless to say, 'Harold of Andraste' had not been what she had in mind.

So where did that leave her? Was she a prophet? A champion of a Goddess she never believed in?

The dwarf let out a groan and set her head against the desk, softly bumping her forehead into the cool wood at regular intervals.

"Frustrated. Confused. Wishes she could see through the fog, but she can't. Blinding, binding, boggling. She thinks questions will get her answers, but the light just makes it harder to see."

Aziff didn't even have to lift her head to know who was speaking. After hearing the way dwarves spoke in the Carta she found Cole's speech patterns...nice. Musical.

"Thank you." the spirit answered her unsaid compliment.

"Don't let it go to your head." Aziff mumbled weakly against the desk, despite knowing it wouldn't. She wasn't even sure Cole had an ego.

"You want evidence. Proof that you are what they named you."

The Inquisitor raised her head and sighed. From her chamber she could see evening falling fast into night. The silhouette that was Cole stood slightly outside the bay windows.

She had gotten a lot of shit for allowing Cole to stay. She, politely, told those shit throwers to shove their complaints up their arses. Aziff had few experiences where people had wanted to help her. None where they had wanted it without something in exchange. The Carta always needed something, and if you could get it, it would cost you. A lot. Sometimes your life.

So, not but a month ago, Aziff is with this Envy demon who is wrecking through her mind, right? Technically, due to her race, she shouldn't even have to deal with this, and that lack of experience or warning or whatever had made her extra vulnerable. She hadn't a clue what was going on, or how to deal with it. All she had ever known was hitting things that threatened her. That didn't work in her mind. As if that wasn't bad enough, she hadn't known that her mental floundering had drawn attention from other spirits and demons. Envy had sliced open her mind like gutting a Bronto and now all the flies who had never tasted meat wanted to try. She had been in danger of losing herself, if not to Envy, then to the scores of lesser beings that waited for to take advantage of her weakened state.

One brave little spirit had gotten there first, however, and wasn't afraid to cross the Envy demon that had claimed her. He protected her, drove the others away and, after that was done, helped drive Envy out too. When her mind was her own again and she fought Envy in the flesh, he was there.

Aziff dealt with the Templars and had gotten then as an ally to the Inquisition; a major victory. But only because of one person. She turned the thank him, but he was gone. Andraste's knickers, he hadn't even asked a 'thank you'!

Cole had done far more boons to her than any others of her inner circle. He helped and helped and helped, but never asked for anything in return. He was altruistic and kind and it was humbling to hear him more than see him smile when they helped people, because that's all he ever wanted.

A thought crossed Aziff's mind. Who was more like a true disciple of Andraste? The 'chosen one' or the one that everyone dismissed as an evil demon?

"You don't know what to believe."

Aziff started. When had he gotten that close? The drooping brim of his hat was almost brushing her nose. The sprit was leaning over her desk, eyes hidden behind his hair, boring into her with an intensity she could feel.

"I...Your right." Of course he was. "I can't remain questioning forever; I've become a sodding holy symbol!"

She shook her head, looking down grimly at her hands. Palms that had once matched, no longer did.

Something cool wrapped around her marked hand. Cole's pale hand cradled Aziff's.

"Your evidence is here. This is all you need." his voice was barely above a whisper. It had a strange undertone to it. Reverence?

She knew what the mark was supposed to represent! What she needed was-

"You misunderstand. I - I did it wrong." Brows once peaceful furrowed. "Faith is slippery. Soap in your hand. The tighter you grip the less you have it. Sliding, slipping, gone, but not forgotten." He closed her hand into a fist, hiding the mark from view.

"You wait for faith to find you. This" -he tapped her knuckles- "is evidence of what you should be believing in."

Suddenly her eyes burned. She wanted to cry, but she hadn't cried in years. Ultimately, she decided against it. Instead she gave Cole a watery smile.

Was it an answer? No, not really. But it was something. Cole he - he didn't care about all this political stuff. He just wanted her to be okay.

Aziff smiled softly and covered her hand over his.

"Thank you." she whispered. Cole's own mouth quirked slightly into a ghost of her own expression.

"Happy to help."