Oswald's Bad Day

by ElvenAC14

Oswald woke up to a glorious day. The birds were singing, the animatronics were dancing and prancing about their day, everything seemed perfect. All except for the rabbit waking up to a scratchy throat, a sore back and a sniffling nose.

He hopped downstairs to get breakfast. As he poured his cereal into a bowl, a note caught his eyes. He picked it up and read out loud.


I am visiting Clarabelle to help her make pies. I'll be back soon, honey-bunny!



"Well, I guess I'm alone." Oswald thought. "Maybe I'll relax and take a walk."

When he finished his breakfast, he went upstairs, brushed his fur and teeth, and walked outside. Even though he is the King of Wasteland, he didn't want to be treated like an actual king. Just because he is the king doesn't mean everyone should make a fuss about him. So he walked and waved to the toons he pasted by and most waved back. He was enjoying the peaceful stroll, when he suddenly heard a big crash.

One of the gremlins named Gus flown to him, "We need your help, Oswald!"

"Show me the problem!" Oswald said.

Gus took Oswald to a destroyed animatronic body, whose head was the only thing that was left. Oswald groaned, "Goofy! What happened this time?"

"Gosh!" said Animatronic Goofy. "When they said don't mix chemicals together, they meant it."

"He has been playing with Prescott's chemistry set…" Gus said, bluntly.

Oswald and Gus searched high and low for the rest of Goofy's body. All the while, Gus noticed that Oswald has been sniffling and he was pink in the face. Oswald bent over for one of Goofy's parts, and he groaned in pain. His back hurt so much!

"Oswald, are you alright?" said Gus.

"Huh?" Oswald just noticed the gremlin beside him. "Oh…yeah! I'm just fine. It's just my allergies, that's all. I just need to ignore it."

"And get a chiropractor…" Gus muttered to himself. He knew that Oswald was not well, but he wouldn't argue with him. When you argue with Oswald, it almost seems impossible. He's more of a stubborn goat than a lucky rabbit!

Oswald rolled his eyes, he heard Gus mutter to himself, but he decided to ignore it and focus on Goofy's problem. When they found all the missing parts, Oswald immediately went to work and fixed Goofy in a few minutes. Goofy stumbled a few times, but got himself back on his feet.

"Thanks, Ozzy!" said Goofy. "How can I repay, ya?"

"You don't need to do anything!" Oswald said quickly, he didn't want Goofy doing anything for him. Goofy is rather…clumsy.

"Okay, just let me know." Goofy said as he walked away, stumbling and sliding as usual too.

Oswald coughed, "Well, now to get back to my morning walk." All of a sudden, he remembered something. His ears jumped off of his head, "Oh no! I forgot about the Bunny Children! I was supposed to pick them up from Fanny's house!"

He ran as fast as he could, his ears following him. His ears poked at him while he ran, he looked down and picked them up. When he got to Fanny's house, he put his ears back on and knocked on the door. Fanny came out smiling and the Bunny Children leaped on to their father. Oswald laughed as they hugged and tickled him.

"N-no! P-Pl-EASE! St-St-A-P! Stop!" laughed Oswald, nearly losing his breath and coughing harshly in between chuckles.

"But we wanna play!" said one of the Bunny Children.

Fanny giggled, "Alright, I think your father had enough. Line up!"

The Bunny Children lined up and Oswald got up, still coughing. He said hoarsely, "Thank you for taking care of the Bunny Children. Ortensia and I really appreciate it. You see, we had to fix some of the town and we couldn't leave the Bunny Children alone."

"You're welcome, Oswald." said Fanny. "If you need a babysitter, you can count on me! By the way, are you okay? You look tired."

Oswald sniffled, "I'm fine, thanks. Well, got to take the kids back home. Goodbye!"

"Goodbye!" Fanny waved.

Oswald walked home with the Bunny Children following behind him. What he didn't know was that one of the 420 children he had saw the ice cream shop. The child gotten tempted and went in. Oswald, not knowing this, focused on mostly getting home and getting medicine for his throat. It was tickling and sore.

He sniffled and frowned, these allergies were starting to annoy him.

One of the Bunny Children, not able to talk yet, tugged on his arm and jumped around in front of him. He looked down and saw that he had a look of worry on his face. Oswald smiled, "Oh, your concerned too? Don't worry Oswald Junior, your father is strong."

The bunny groaned, he was trying to tell his daddy that one of the children wandered off. He finally gave up and went back in line.

When Oswald got home, he felt tired, but he felt like counting the children before lying down on the couch.

He mumbled to himself as he counted, "Okay…one…two…three…thirteen…twenty three…thirty three…fifty three…ninety three…Junior! Put the china down! Alright…hundred and ninety three…two hundred and ninety three…three hundred and ninty nine… Where's the last junior?"

All of them shrugged, except for a little bunny hopping around, trying to get his father's attention. But Oswald didn't see him, much to the junior's dismay.

"I got to go find him!" Oswald said, panicked that one of his children were gone. "The rest of you stay here and behave! Oswald J. One?"

An older girl bunny child came up, "Yes, father?"

"Can you make sure that the younger ones behave while I'm gone?" asked Oswald. He never done this before, but it was an emergency.

"Okay, daddy!" she said.

Oswald closed the door and the younger bunny kids lined up, expecting an order. But, the girl smiled.

"LET'S PARTY!" She yelled and every bunny cheered.

Meanwhile, Oswald looked everywhere for the last Bunny Child. He was worried so much about him! He started thinking, "What if he fell in the river? What if someone kidnapped him? Wh-Wh-What if he fell in thinner?!"

"AAHH!" Oswald screamed and started calling his Bunny Child. "Oswald Junior! Where are you?!"