Okay so it has come to my attention that a certain reader has left nothing but negative comments on both chapters 1 and 2... Now I'm okay with negative stuff if it's constructive criticism but this person is just griping on about the subject matter which quite frankly if you don't like the subject or pairing involved which I quite clearly stated in the title of the story then that's fine but don't make yourself look like a major ass by commenting about it we all have our opinions but if Rocket/Quill isn't your cup of tea and the pairing is announced on the DAMN TITLE then there should be no reason for the negative comments in the first place... Now I apologize for bringing this up in an authors note but the person in question is listed without a profile at which to deal with he or she privately... And to all my dear readers who actually care about this story I have a separate message to you all...

No this and my other GOTG fics are not dead just on hiatus right now as my life has gotten hectic I haven't forgotten you guys and I'm trying my best to find time to work on it thank you all for the patience and support.

p.s. I apologize for the lack of good punctuation and stuff in this little rant it just irked me how this person had dealt with their opinions and I wanted to get that out also I like just woke up so proper paragraph and punctuation structure isn't high on my priorities right now and once again thanks to my fans.