Oh god. Not another fucking hangover. Never have I ever been so glad to have a room decked out in black. No bright lights, no need for this headache to worsen. Without opening my eyes, I feel around my bed for my phone. Instead, my hand encounters something warm and round. Whoa, that's not a phone. That's a boob. And it's certainly not mine.

Well, I can't say that I'm surprised. I've gotten wasted and taken girls and boys home with me multiple times before. Ugh, I guess I should see who my temporary companion is. As I open my eyes, I see a familiar face. A face that I'd never thought I see in my bed. "Vega?"

Vega wakes up from the euphoric slumber that I no doubt put her in, and rubs her eyes. When she turns to look at me, her eyes widen in a way that I've never seen before. "Easy, Vega. Your eyes might pop out. Though, that would be entertaining to watch."


"I love it when you scream my name."

The blush on her face could only be described as disgustingly cute. Eww, feelings. "Jade... I..you..we... How?"

"Well, when a girl and another girl get drunk and are very hormonal, they-"

"JADE. Come on, did we really...you know?"

I stop to think a moment. "You know, I really don't remember. I mean, we woke up naked in my bed. I don't think there's any other explanation."

Vega's face turns thoughtful. "Come to think of it, I don't remember anything from last night. Besides, I'm pretty sure I'd remember doing...it with Jade West."

I give her my evil smirk to mask the fact that her statement flustered me. "Complimenting me, Vega? I thought that was supposed to come before fucking."

Ugh, there goes her blush again. "Jade, come on. We have to figure out what happened last night."

I try to hide my frown as she starts to get dressed. "Aww, but I was enjoying the view so much..."

She turns around to glare at me. "Get dressed. Don't you wanna find out why we can't remember anything from last night? I'm pretty sure hangovers aren't supposed to be this severe."

I dramatically sigh before answering. "Ugh, fine. So I guess we're going to Andre's house."