Disclaimer: I do not own Kung Fu Panda or any of it's characters.
Tigress and Shifu never really had that father daughter relationship, it was more of a teacher and student relationship. Tigress didn't mind though, she was used to it. Although, lately she's been feeling down. She feels like all the pain she's ever avoided has come back and hit her in the heart. She wouldn't cry though, that's out of the question. Crying is weakness and weakness is an open opportunity for enemies to attack.
Tigress awoke at the crack of dawn ready for her day of training. The gong sounded and she stepped outside of her room. She looked around at her fellow Masters and bowed.
"Morning, Master Shifu" they greeted him in unison. Shifu nodded.
"Morning students, go outside and start your daily training with some sparring." The students nodded and went to the destination they were given.
Po ran up to Tigress and tried to start a conversation.
"Hey Ti, how's it going?"
"Leave me alone, Panda" Tigress responded in a monotone voice. Po sighed, he knew she wouldn't talk to him but it was worth a shot. They all strolled to the outdoors and picked their sparring partners.
Monkey started off picking someone, he stood infront of all his friends and looked at them all, thinking of who to pick.
"I pick...Mantis" he announced. The two went over to one part of the court yard. Po jumped up at the chance to pick next, happily skipping and jumping.
"I-pick-Tigress!" He said quickly, afraid someone else would shout before him. Tigress pulled a face of annoyance but followed him to another part of the court yard anyway. That left Crane and Viper who went to the other part of the court yard. Po looked at Tigress with a smirk on his face. "I'm going to beat you this time!"
"Go ahead then" Tigress replied, jumping into a fighting stance. Po ran forward and, without warning, pulled out a bat from behind him. Tigress hadn't noticed him hiding it and didn't expect him to pull it out. With a quick swing he hit Tigress in the knee full force. Tigress howled in pain and went down. Po laughed and pointed at her.
"I told you I'd beat you!" Po got up to celebrate, dancing around like a drunk man. Monkey high fived him in the middle of his sparring session and then continued fighting. Po was unbelievably happy with his victory. He ran inside to get something to eat as a reward. The others seen him go in so they followed, everyone except Tigress. Tigress was still on the floor craddling her knee, it had hurt more than expected. She tried to get up but couldn't put weight on her knee. She pushed through the pain anyway. Finally standing, she limped in to the Jade Palace.
Master Shifu seen his students pass one by one. All but one, Tigress. Master Shifu shrugged his shoulders and walked into the kitchen.
"How was training?" He asked. Po, who had just been stuffing his face with dumplings, swallowed hard.
"I beat Tigress in our spar today!" Po announced proudly.
"Very good, Panda" Shifu congratulated. "Training hall after you've eaten" he announced and continued on down the hall.
Half way to the training hall he spotted Tigress. He nodded at her and continued. Tigress looked towards him and stopped.
"Uh, Master Shifu?" She started. Shifu turned around and repeated his previous gesture.
"Yes?" He asked. Tigress was about to say something but a flashback came to her.
A young Tigress cradled her bruised hand. She had injured herself in the training hall. Shifu was looking at her shaking his head.
"Continue on child" he said. Tigress had tears streaking down her face.
"B-but" she stammered "it hurts."
"Continue on I said, pain is weakness Tigress. Again." Shifu pointed over to the waves of metal going across the floor like waves of water. Tigress sighed sadly and proceeded to her training.
Tigress felt tears sting at her eyes, but she wouldn't dare let them fall. She took a short in take of breath and made eye contact with her Master.
"Nevermind, it's nothing" Tigress turned and walked away, trying her best not to let her limp be visible. Shifu shook his head and sluggishly walked down to the training hall. Tigress waited by the kitchen for her friends. Tigress wasn't hungry, she was in too much pain to eat. The pain gave her a sick feeling in her stomach, like any move would make her throw up. She finally decided that this couldn't go on. She hobbled down to the training hall to talk with Shifu.
Tigress opened the doors to the training hall slowly, she was beginning to regret what she decided. Although, a sharp pain in her knee steered her to a different conclusion. Shifu swivelled around as soon as he heard the door be pushed open.
"Tigress, what are you doing here without the others?" Shifu asked confused by the lack of the others presence. Tigress took a deep breath in.
"I need to t-talk with you" she stuttered. Shifu's eyebrows furrowed in concern, Tigress was never the one to stutter.
"What is it?"
"I, um, got injured" she said feeling quite awkward. Shifu's face contorted into a deeper expression of worry.
"What did you do?" He asked, waiting for further information to analyse the situation.
"Po hit me in the knee with a bat" she recalled the event. Her knee began to throb wildly and a sharp sting shot through her leg causing her to wince. Shifu's face flashed to a face of anger.
"I'll be talking with that panda later" he confirmed. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Because...Well...I never really..Thought you cared" she said slowly letting the words drag along. Shifu's face faded from anger to sadness. He recalled the last time she hurt her self and what he had said.
"I realise that I've never been the best to you Tigress, I don't mean for it. You are still my beautiful daughter though, okay? I swear I'll be here for you from now on, I'll make up for lost time" he said. Tigress smiled.
"Thank you..Father" she thanked. The red panda spread his arms out to the sides and smiled. Tigress hesitated but then hobbled forward and knelt down. Shifu pulled her into a tight embrace and Tigress returned it. They stayed in that position for a while until they heard footsteps come down the hall.
"Well I'd best get ready for them lot, you go down to the infirmary..I think you have a moderate sprain in your knee. Partially torn ligament to be exact" Shifu said releasing from the hug. Tigress did the same and nodded, turning to leave for the infirmary.
What did you guys think? If there's any mistakes in spellings or medical errors that I made then I apoligise :) thanks for reading