The room was dark for a second. Then the lights worked again. I looked over to see Ayana (in Bonnie's body). Bonnie was herself, she looked confused enough but she spoke as herself.
"Lucy?" she said.
"Bonnie. Welcome back." I said to her.
"What happened?" she asked.
"You don't remember anything?" I asked her.
"Kind of. I remember a spell. Vampires, Originals, and Esther." I quickly explained what I could before everyone woke up. Lying scattered about the room were Damon, Stefan, Isabella, Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol. They were still out, but slowly they came to. All waking up slowly, and looking around curiously. When Bella saw Klaus, they could not believe their eyes.
I woke up groggy and with a splitting headache. It was a little foggy in here. I sat up and looked around me, that's when I saw him. Klaus was sitting similar to me, when he saw me our eyes locked. Either our plan had worked and they were back, or we had died and I was with him. We were in my living room so I imagined it worked. I got up and ran to him and hugged him. He was real I could feel him, smell him. It was amazing. He hugged me back and even though I heard everyone around me standing up, I couldn't. I didn't know why, but this was the happiest I'd ever been. Finally we got up and looked at our family. Everyone was here, but something was different I looked and saw Bonnie and Lucy looking at us.
"Thank you." I said smiling from ear to ear. "Ayana we are so grateful." I started to say but was interrupted.
"I'm just Bonnie." She said.
"Ayana has one final message, for you." Lucy's eyes closed and when she opened them again they were all white. Ayana voice escaped her lips.
"The world is rid of Vampires. You have all been given a second chance. You are the last to know of Vampires. Witches are still around but supernatural beings such as vampires and werewolves are not. The world is how it was before your mothers intervene"
"What do werewolves have to do with our mother?" Elijah asked.
"She knew her affair would surface eventually and Mikael was the strongest warrior. She found a way to protect her lover by making them into beast but by making the change involuntary she could blame the curse on nature. She created Vampires and Werewolves and now the world has neither." We were all confused. She kept saying rid of vampires, but we were all still her.
"Thank you Ayana." I said to her.
"Do not thank me yet child, I will let your father explain the rest. For now enjoy your lives, they are a gift." She was gone. Lucy and Bonnie exited the house. We turned to daddy who then told us to have a seat. Elijah, stood with him. Weird.
"Ayana showed me a vision, when I had doubts about the rules. These rules weren't something we had to decide to follow, they were guidelines to how we would now live our lives." We were still confused.
"As humans." Elijah said.
"What we are not human." Kol said. "There is no way for that to happen, or for them to change us."
"Test it." Elijah said. Daddy nodded. Kol and Rebekah tried to run with vampire speed, no such luck. Uncle Stefan poked his finger with a needle, and bled but did not heal. Klaus tried to compel me, but couldn't. We were human.
"And you both knew this part of the deal?" Klaus asked.
"I knew from the vision, at first I was upset, I didn't want to be human. Then she showed me what that meant. We are normal. No more plots for world domination. No more drama. No enemies, no dangerous threats looming around the corner. Nothing we are free. We could live without being hunted. I wouldn't have to worry about my daughter being safe, or my brother turning into a ripper. I saw the things we could have because of this. A family."
I guess he was right. I mean without all that, we could be in each others lives for as long as we live.
"I was told by Damon of the new family he saw in his vision."
Wait new family? Mikaelsons plus the Salvatores?
"We can have our own individual families. We can procreate. Rebekah you can have the children you've always wanted." Elijah said. Rebekah's eyes glossed over and Kol smiled with her.
"Wait, daddy what did you see?"
"I saw my grandchildren, and I couldn't not meet them." I smiled and could not stop smiling. I never thought I would be a mother, being a vampire for so long, I knew my options. But hearing him say it. I guess I could. Niklaus wrapped his arms around me. He gave me a squeeze. This was a good thing. We were going to be normal. I loved being a vampire sometimes, but this was better. We don't have forever but. We have each other.
"So what does everyone think?" Elijah spoke.
"This is a good thing Elijah." Rebekah said. Kol simply nodded.
"I have wanted this for as long as I could remember." Uncle Stefan said.
"I'll miss being the most powerful being on this planet but this is a good thing." Klaus said.
"We all have second chances." I said.
"Then let's start our new human lives. Part two." Said daddy. Elijah smiled and Klaus kissed me. We wouldn't have forever, but our legacy would live on.
5 years later.
Here is an update to see how our lives have gone. Thankfully the money that we had was still around. We had plenty of cushion. Klaus and I got married a few months after the change. We had twin boys our first year, Alexander and Nickolas, and a beautiful daughter named Anna the next year. Uncle Stefan and Rebekah were together which was weird but they wanted the same things out of life. They are expecting their first child this year. Daddy hangs around the kids a lot, he can't exactly tell people he is their grandfather, but they'll take eccentric Uncle. He's calm these days. Still searching for the right one. Kol went off to college believe it or not, and had the full experience of a student. He met a woman named Katy, who turned out to be more of a challenge than he was. Elijah mostly travels to different places. Italy is his favorite by far. The women love a classy man. Human life fitting us beautifully, getting everything we wanted without even knowing it's what we wanted.