Exhibit N

Chapter 1

Sasuke gave a subtle smirk of satisfaction as he headed toward his favorite seat in the theater. The back center was open once again, and once again he congratulated himself on his designated film-viewing procedure. He preferred to experience the productions without distraction, so not only did he arrive early to a screening, but he also let the showings run for a few months before finally attending - a small matter of discipline, but one he commended himself for nonetheless.

With fewer people to annoy him, the price of admission seemed more equitable. The riser seating in the rear of the theater guaranteed he wouldn't be looking at the back of anybody's head, and the back row not only put his eyes level with the screen, but also assured him that nobody could ever bother him from behind.

He pulled down the lower cushion of the folding seat and took a deep breath as he sat down and relaxed into its soft foam. He swung his legs apart and together a few times, pressing them against the armrests and returning to their straight position. The armrests were plastic pads resting on a metal divider, but at least they were contoured and smooth rather than rectangular with uncomfortable edges. He stretched his arms and placed them on the rests. The seats were fairly spacious compared to most other theaters, allowing him to shift his legs from side to side and rest his arms at about a forty-five-degree angle from his side. This kept his underarms from getting sweaty, and was another reason he preferred fewer people to share an armrest with.

Looking out at the theater, it was emptier than he had expected. Only two people were in the floor-level seating area at the front, and one other person was near the lower right of the riser seating area at the back. He knew that drama films weren't exactly summer blockbusters, but he expected a greater turnout for something featuring such prominent actors, even if it would be mostly older adults. Having recently turned eighteen, he knew he wasn't exactly the target demographic for films exploring such mature personal themes, but it was also late in the evening, and most of the intended audience should have been off from work hours ago.

It was no matter though. The fewer people, the better. In the ten minutes before the previews for forthcoming films began, only two other people showed up. One took a seat up front, and the other took a seat at the first step of the riser seats. As the lights dimmed, it seemed that tonight would be a calm and relaxing film-viewing experience like any other.

And then he showed up. It was during the fifth and final preview. Sasuke looked to his left as the figure walking down the entryway path came to a stop and looked to the right, seemingly scanning the seats for an open spot. The guy was, in a word, enormous. Even from a distance, Sasuke could estimate that he had to be at least six and a half feet tall. He wore a light basketball jersey with very thin neck straps and large armholes, and the flashing images from the screen along with the dim aisle lights highlighted the sleek curves and hefty bulk of an incredibly muscular physique. Sasuke supposed the jersey was supposed to hang below waist level, but the guy's immense height left it barely reaching there. Below, he had a matching pair of darker basketball shorts that ended a few inches above his knees, revealing a small but significant portion of his thigh muscles. Sasuke supposed the shorts were supposed to be loose and baggy like most other players', but the guy's thick legs left them a tight fit. And apparently he had found his desired seat, because he turned around and began walking up the steps of the riser seating. As he came closer, Sasuke could see the design of the outfit: the jersey was white with vibrant maroon numbers, stripes, and a spiraled leaf logo, while the shorts were maroon with white highlights. And then he knew.

The guy was Uzumaki Naruto, Konoha's teenage athletic sensation. Touted by newspapers as the ultimate high school athlete, there wasn't a sport or activity he wasn't overqualified for or couldn't reach top ranks in. He was agile enough that he could maneuver a soccer ball through any opposing crowd, large enough that he could charge through football players like bowling pins, flexible enough to perform elite gymnastics moves, strong enough that he could dominate any weightlifting competitions, and fast enough that he could challenge any top sprinters or racers, but his immense height led him to pick basketball as his primary competitive pursuit. At six foot nine, he was already above the average height for professional leagues, and head and shoulders above most other high school athletes.

Anybody remotely connected with the high school athletic scene had heard of Naruto and his propensity for collecting athletic records and prizes like a kid collecting candy on Halloween. He was cycling through all the sports that Konoha High had to offer, alternating between teams to cover every fall, winter, and spring sport that was available, with the intent of claiming at least one high school record for each sport. Many times he took on at least two sports per semester, and although this was often frowned upon by the athletic directors due to the inevitable scheduling conflicts, the coaches were more than happy to let the issue slide for him. And true to his intent, he held one or more high school records for every sport he'd joined. Often they were related to points scored or top performances, but there were also a few miscellaneous ones, like most sacks in football or most body checks in hockey. He even held a few individual records in public leagues, like his weightlifting eighteen-to-nineteen age group, with the state record for bench press, national record for deadlift, and international record for squat.

And he was walking up the steps of Sasuke's seating area. Apart from being drawn to his sheer presence, Sasuke couldn't help but give him a skeptical glance. If there was anybody who was as far from this film's target demographic as could be, it was Naruto. Certainly, you couldn't make a blanket statement about a person's entertainment interests from their involvement in sports, but for somebody like Naruto who lived and breathed athletics, participating in all his team trainings in addition to his own self-imposed "routine from hell" (as one paper put it), his attendance just seemed out of place.

Apart from his initial entry, Sasuke wouldn't have given it a second thought, but as the guy stepped closer and closer to the back aisle, his attention was inevitably drawn to the approaching figure. Sure, the upper rows were a good place to sit. There was nothing suspicious about that - Sasuke sat there as often as possible. Nor was there anything particularly suspicious about aiming for the back row in particular - in Naruto's case, it was probably a common courtesy to not sit in front of another viewer for the sake of letting them see any part of the screen at all. But here, with only six other people in the theater, it shouldn't have been a problem for him to take his own row - yet here he came, partially sidestepping right-foot-first down the back aisle toward Sasuke. And when it became clear that they were going to have to acknowledge each other in some way, Sasuke tightened up and pulled his legs and arms in, in case the guy would pass him.

The final preview had ended when the guy started down the aisle, and as the main film began, he indeed passed Sasuke by. Though the aisle was wide enough for the average slender person to walk straight, a guy with legs as big as Naruto's had to take half-steps since there wasn't enough room for him to put one leg in front of the other. As he took his first step in front of Sasuke, his right calf brushed the front of Sasuke's shins and kneecaps. Sasuke had been focused on Naruto's exponentially increasing height as he approached, and so stared at his torso, not wanting to make eye contact. But now the touch of skin against skin drew his attention downward, and he looked at the large muscle at the bottom of Naruto's leg. It was nearly as wide as both of his calves put next to each other, and similarly thick. It was no wonder the guy had such incredible air time in his basketball games.

As he took his next step and paused to Sasuke's right, Sasuke found himself staring directly at his backside. His eyes scanned his body upward from his calves to his head, taking in the immense figure in all its athletic grandeur. His thighs were like two thick columns of carved muscle, and even through the shorts, he could see the separate bulges of his hamstrings and his inner-thigh muscles, as well as the outward curve from the sides of the muscles spanning the front of his legs. His butt was tall and wide, and puffed out like two balloons. Sasuke thought those tall and narrow glute muscles some other guys were proud to show off looked silly, but Naruto's were nearly as wide as his thighs. Their shapes made him think of two melon-sized kidney beans, and upon realizing he was comparing his butt to food, he skimmed up to his back. It was said that the back was the mark of the true athlete, and if that were true, then Naruto deserved his praise as the ultimate high school athlete. His back was shaped like a small landscape of crests and grooves, and had the V-contour that was so popular among athletes. "Wings," those V-shaped muscles were often called, and he had them to impressive degree, but not so blown-out that they pushed his arms to the side. He supposed that if Naruto were a normal height, his amount of musculature might make him look like a professional bodybuilding competitor, but stretched across his incredibly tall frame, it took on a sleek athletic look that was both powerful as well as elegant and aesthetic.

Finally, he looked up at the spiky blond mop of hair atop Naruto's head. It was then that he realized just how colossal the guy was. He'd seen his pictures in the paper and online, and could easily tell he was quite a large guy, but seeing him in person, looking up at him from a seated position, he found it simply staggering. It was like looking at the exaggerated ground-up character drawings in comic books that were always used when things are about to get serious. Sasuke had always believed such a thing to be only a staple of the world of cartoons, but here it was in real life. It gave him a little butterfly in his stomach.

He was drawn out of his reverie when he noticed that the blond had pulled down the lower cushion of the seat next to him and turned sideways to sit down. Now Sasuke was suspicious, and he glanced at Naruto's descending form with a quick look of puzzlement before he returned his gaze to the screen. Even if the guy did like back center, he could have taken the next seat over.

That thought was vanquished as soon as Naruto fully took his seat. Sasuke was glad he had also pulled his arms in when he anticipated Naruto passing by, because his incredibly broad shoulders reached ever so slightly past the outsides of the armrests, and as his arms came down to rest, Sasuke found his right shoulder pressed into the groove between the blond's biceps and triceps.

He considered pulling away and leaning to the left, but feared that might draw attention to himself. With another glance to the right, he noticed Naruto seemed to take no heed of his presence. He hadn't looked at him as he walked up the steps to the top, hadn't acknowledged him as he passed by, didn't seem concerned that his shoulder and arm were pressing into Sasuke's seating space, and was now focusing entirely on the screen. He also noticed that Naruto wouldn't see him staring at him. All the muscle of his posterior had pressed him forward and upward, putting his line of sight well in front of Sasuke's.

And stare at him, Sasuke did. He looked directly to his right at the large round shoulder. Those were most definitely what the athletic community referred to as "cannonballs." He lowered his eyes to where his own shoulder was pressing into Naruto's arm. The guy's biceps alone were larger than his own arm. He skimmed across his forearm. It was nearly as big as his upper arm, and didn't seem to diminish in size until nearly halfway to the wrist. He briefly noticed his large hands were wrapped around the end of the armrests, but his attention was quickly drawn to the blond's thighs. They were crammed between the armrests with no space to spare, and he knew that if the guy tried to spread his legs apart even the slightest bit, he'd bend the dividers and snap the armrests out of position. They were also as high as they were wide, the sweep of his front thigh muscles making an arc that rose well above the level of the armrests. Sasuke looked down to where his own arms were resting on top of his legs. Even the tops of his arms were inches below the armrest.

It wasn't that Sasuke didn't maintain his own physique. He regularly exercised using calisthenics, and would go on a moderate jog or run at least three times a week. He was in excellent condition, and anybody looking at him could tell he was fit and active. But next to such an extreme athlete, he felt like an eight-year-old child sitting next to a grown adult. It gave him another little butterfly in his stomach.

Seeing as the situation between him and the blond had reached a standstill, Sasuke returned his attention to the screen. He would occasionally glance up at the blond, but his attention seemed to be wholly focused on the film.

After about fifteen minutes, he heard the occasional slight scratching sound from the seat next to him. Figuring the guy was just rubbing a fingertip or two through his shorts to relieve a small itch, he paid it no mind. After a few minutes, it became more frequent and louder, prompting him to glance down. He gave a surprised look as he saw two of the blond's right fingertips graze at the upper center of his shorts. 'Is this guy scratching his dick!?' Sasuke thought. He rolled his eyes and returned his attention to the screen. 'Whatever.'

He followed the events in the film for a few more minutes, until the scratching sound grew slightly louder and became constant. He glanced down again, only to see the blond using all four fingertips to scratch at an increasingly clear rod-shaped outline aimed down the blond's right leg. 'Oh no,' he thought as he looked back up at the screen, then immediately down again. 'No way.'

The blond scratched for a few more minutes before moving his hand back to the armrest. Sasuke breathed a small sigh of relief at what might have become a very awkward situation. But after a small break, the guy returned to his activity, this time holding his right-hand fingers outward and rubbing back and forth with their undersides. He would briefly pause, then continue at a slightly quicker pace. The now-obvious erection was continuing to grow, reaching almost halfway down his long leg and increasing in thickness. As the tip began to press up against the top of his shorts, he'd cease his rubbing and scratch at the tip for a few moments before returning to his rubbing.

Through it all, Naruto continued to stare calmly at the screen, as if he was doing nothing more than rubbing his eyes or scratching a slight itch on his face. Not knowing what to do in such an unprecedented situation, Sasuke tried to focus on the film, but found himself unable to take his eyes off the sensual event happening right beside him. For a brief moment, the blond stopped. But his erection continued to grow, and after another minute, he returned to his activity, now with his fingers lightly wrapped around the outside of the erection, stroking its entire increasing length.

Sasuke couldn't help staring in surprise at the growing erection. He knew the guy was huge - but everywhere!? Even through the shorts, he could tell it was one of the biggest he'd ever seen. And considering that one night that he'd been unable to resist clicking on that FierceLuster gallery of the world's largest dicks, that was saying a lot.

Now the blond had brought his left hand into play, alternating his rubbing between his two hands, and occasionally using both to stroke the length and scratch the tip. With his shoulder still pressed against the guy's left arm, there was no hiding the fact he was aware of what was going on next to him. Naruto didn't need to see Sasuke to know he would at least have occasionally looked - the flexing and pumping muscles of the arm would surely have grabbed his attention.

And his attention was indeed rapt. 'There's just no way,' he thought as he stared at still-growing erection. It was almost ready to pop out the end of the shorts. And after another few minutes of rubbing and scratching, a large crimson head poked out from beneath the material, straining upward as if rising from the stagnant underground to take in fresh air. Sasuke almost gawked at the sheer size of it. 'It's so big it could barely fit into somebody's mouth,' he thought, then briefly wondered why that was his first thought as a reference for its size.

Finally, after another short span of moments, a few more inches grew out from the end of the shorts. 'This is utterly absurd,' he thought as he watched Naruto grab the few exposed inches with his right-hand thumb and two fingers and give it a steady stroking. After a couple minutes of stimulation, it hadn't grown any further, and Sasuke figured it had finally hit its limit. It now reached all the way down Naruto's thigh, ending at the teardrop-shaped muscle spanning the few inches of thigh just above the kneecap, the tip of it reaching over the edge of the seat.

Naruto let his hand go again. The erection throbbed against the fabric of the shorts, but the extreme muscularity of Naruto's thighs left so little space in the shorts that it could only reach a small angle upward before being restrained by the material. Still, it was pushing the end of the shorts back a small bit, and he had little doubt that it would lift the shorts right up if he were standing - but since he was sitting, the material was bound by the pressure of the thigh against the seat.

After a few minutes of letting the erection strain against the fabric, Naruto wrapped both his hands around it, his right one up top and his left one at bottom. Even with both his gargantuan hands grabbing it, there was still a few open inches between the hands as well as at the top and bottom. He gave it a brief twist in opposite directions, and then a few more, back and forth. He paused for a few moments, removed his left hand and stroked down the erection with his right, stopping to scratch it right by the crotch.

After another moment, he grabbed it from the bottom, pressing it against his thigh as he slid his hand toward the top. Once he reached the tip, he pressed the head into his thigh with the palm of his hand, then slid it past the top, letting it spring up and catch against the fabric of his shorts. He continued this for a few minutes, stroking the erection upward while pressing it into his thigh, then letting it spring up and hit the shorts.

Sasuke could almost feel what the blond was feeling. He too had experienced the encumbering tension of having a boner restrained by tight clothing for far too long, and the ever-increasing desire to forego any form of public decency and give it a quick rub and readjustment. But the scale to which the blond must be experiencing it… he knew he would never comprehend it.

Yet, his face betrayed nothing. He still stared ahead at the screen, barely giving his below-the-waist activities any visual focus whatsoever. Sasuke couldn't comprehend it. There was absolutely nothing happening on screen that would warrant even a blush, let alone this carnal display. Throughout all his scratching, rubbing, palming, twisting, and stroking, the blond had only spared a few brief glances downward, yet he continued his self-service as if the world's most intense erotica was playing on the screen.

And finally, after all the foreplay, a stream of precum began leaking out from the tip. He stretched his right foot forward so the stream wouldn't land on his calf. After the first load of dribble had emptied into a small puddle, he forewent the stroking and simply palmed the head of the erection into the side of his thigh, letting it spring up once more, and repeating the action every few seconds. A couple minutes later, another stream of precum poured out from the tip and gathered in the puddle on the floor by his feet.

When his palming finished, he opted for a right-handed stroking again, this time without pressing it into his thigh. He moved quicker than before, and not more than a minute later, another stream of precum poured out the tip and the puddle grew even more. He then put his palm to the end of the erection and ground it into the side of his thigh, this time holding it there as he wiggled and twisted his palm back and forth, the erection throbbing as if it were trying to escape being strangled. With one last long push of his palm, he let the erection spring up, and yet another long stream of precum leaked out and onto the ground.

Suddenly, he leaned his back against the top of the seat and planted his feet forward on the ground, lifting his rear and thighs slightly above the seat. Sasuke wondered what he was up to, but quickly got his answer as the blond wrapped his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts. 'You've got to be kidding,' Sasuke thought as the blond began to pull his shorts down. 'You've got to be freaking kidding,' he thought once more as the blond pulled his shorts down further and further, revealing more and more of his muscular thighs and throbbing erection. The erection pressed down slightly as Naruto pulled the shorts toward its end, then suddenly sprung upward when the waistband finally passed the tip. Naruto passed the shorts just past his kneecaps, letting the waistband rest on the top of his calves.

Sasuke was again overwhelmed by the sight of the blond. His fully exposed thighs showed every immensely built muscle in full detail, every peak, curve and groove exposed in a display of power and artistry. But his attention was again drawn to the erection, now standing up at a perfect forty-five degree angle, directly between the blond's thighs and his torso.

At this point, Naruto grabbed the erection with his right hand and simply started masturbating. He slid the hand up and down the long length, at a moderate speed, then picked up faster and faster. He would push the erection down so it reached over the edge of the seat to let out more and more frequent precum dumps as his masturbating grew more and more intense. Soon he brought in his left hand, once again grabbing the top with the right and the bottom with the left. And again, even with both his gargantuan hands holding the erection, there was still space to adequately slide them up and down. And like before, he would occasionally press the erection down to dump another load of precum over the edge of the seat.

Soon, he changed tactics, using his right hand to stroke the base of the erection downward, sliding his hand from the halfway point and pressing it into the crotch area, only lightly stroking the top with his left hand. Then he made one great slow push down with his right hand and kept it pressed into the end while quickly putting his left hand back on the armrest. His breath hitched in his throat, once, then twice, his eyes closed and his head tilted back, and he removed his right hand from his erection.

Immediately, a thick white stream of semen burst forth from the tip, arching over five rows of seats and spattering the backs and cushions of the seats in the next row up, as well as the floors in front and behind. Sasuke could only stare in shock as the stream continued to flow, dousing the targeted area in floods of white liquid. Soon it came to a stop, the decreasing flow causing the arc of fluid to diminish in size, leaving a trail of semen from the target area to the first row. He was absolutely amazed, not just at the sheer volume of the ejaculation, but at the fact that it poured out in one continuous stream.

But it was even more to his surprise when a second stream burst forth, again spraying in an arc nearly the same size as the first, this time spattering the seats and floor in the fifth aisle with a torrent of white. This one didn't last quite as long, but there were still a number of well-doused seats when it came to an end, and another a trail of semen leading back toward the row in front.

This couldn't mean that the blond actually ejaculated the same amount of shots as a normal person, but that they were actually so big, could it? Sasuke thought he simply dumped his entire load in one continuous shot, but sure enough, he noticed the guy's right hand had already returned to the base of his erection, and as he stroked it down and pressed it against his crotch, a third stream of semen burst forth. This one was notably smaller - in relation to the first two at least - but still lasted long enough to douse the back of a single seat in the fourth row.

As Naruto again stroked his hand downward and pressed it, another stream of the same size burst forth and landed on the cushion of another seat in the fourth row. It turned into a series as he launched a fifth, sixth, and seventh stream of semen, each spattering different areas in heaps of white fluid. Then an eighth, a ninth, and a tenth stream burst forth, again spattering different areas as Naruto changed the grip on his erection. One he angled downward, and it shot well past the eighth row of seats. Another discharged to the right, landing on a seat at least five over from the main target area. Another one he gripped tight and angled upward, spraying in a thinner but more propulsive stream, reaching an incredible height before falling on the armrest and edges of two seats in the second row. Then an eleventh and twelfth came, followed by a shorter thirteenth, each once more spraying the general target area. The thirteenth seemed like it would be the end, as it barely reached the third row at full force. And indeed, the streams came to a stop - for a moment. But then Sasuke saw Naruto grab the erection one last time, and slide his hand down it slower and tighter than ever, pressing extremely hard against the base. Soon a final stream shot forth, this one nearly the size of the second. At first, it matched the distance of the initial stream, but a sudden increase in intensity caused it to spray all the way down to the tenth row for nearly two seconds, before quickly dying off and leaving a final trail of semen from the tenth row back to the first.

The blond took a few deep breaths, letting the erection die down for a few moments before wiping the tip with his finger and wiping that on the seat to his right. He then leaned his back against the top of the seat, planted his feet on the floor and lifted his rear and thighs again, this time to pull his shorts back up. The diminishing erection was still visible through his shorts, but apparently he wasn't too worried about that, as he simply stood up and walked out of the theater in as casual a matter as if the movie had simply ended.

Sasuke didn't know what to do after that. He certainly wasn't going to be able to resume watching the movie. He didn't even know what had happened during the last twenty-or-so minutes. He didn't want to leave the theater immediately, lest the blond still be lingering around. That was a meeting he'd rather avoid. So, after leaving the blond enough time to do the things anybody would do after leaving a theater, he also left, and fortunately, saw no signs of the blond anywhere.

Sasuke exited the building dazed and confused, wondering what exactly had just happened, and more to the point, why. He racked his brain, but couldn't discern any rhyme or reason to the events of the night. He soon found himself standing at his car door, not knowing just when he had arrived there. He opened the door and sat inside, but didn't put the keys in the ignition. His brain kept trying to process what happened, but without any rationale to work with, he was unable to draw any conclusion. Things were what they were. What happened, happened. That was that, and that was his final thought for the night.

Shikamaru sighed as he entered the empty theater with his dustpan and brush. He didn't know why his parents insisted he work a needless job when the family had no shortage of finances. There were plenty other people who'd be good and willing to clean up after others. He wasn't even good at cleaning up after himself, let alone willing.

He groaned as he pulled at the neck of his uniform. If the green and yellow colors weren't ugly enough, the tight collar chafed his neck every time he moved his head. With a rash forming after filling in for an absent refreshment stand employee, he was most definitely not in the mood to work tonight. And when he looked out at the theater and saw the glossy damp spots covering all those seats in the riser area, his head fell forward and his shoulders sagged.

Wonderful, a spill. And at closer glance, a lot of them. Had people simultaneously thrown their drinks at some troublesome person? He didn't think there were that many people in the theater. He stepped up to observe the damage and see how many other supplies he'd need to bring to clean up.

As he looked down the aisles, he saw there were also glossy puddles on the floors and even more liquid on the backs of the seats. 'It must have come from the back then,' he thought as he moved closer to observe what he was dealing with. He stepped up to the edge of one of the puddles and looked at the liquid dripping from the back of one of the seats. It looked familiar. Against his better judgement, he stuck out a finger and wiped a bit on the tip. It felt familiar. Suddenly his eyes shot open, and he promptly jumped back and wiped his fingertip on the edge of the nearest seat. The sheer volume of it all… 'How the hell?!'

Shikamaru stared at the mess, dropped his dustpan and brush, walked to the management office, and handed in his resignation note.