This Curse Of Mine

Chapter 1: An Important Decision

That day decided it all, that one day was what changed the wheels of past and future. On that faithful day Jack Spicer's everyday life changed forever.

Okay this is my first fanfic, so don't kill me, please! xD

Further explanation below…

"-ter…Master…Master Jack, wake up, I have to bandage your wounds again, if you will sir." The Medical bot stated as he woke up Jack from his slumber. Jack woke up mumbling groggily. "Master Jack?" "Yeah, yeah, *cough* I heard you the first time,*cough* I'll get up now just give me a minute. *cough* And tell somebody to bring me something to eat, oh and a change of clothes, I'll take a shower first." "As you wish, master Jack."

It's been almost two years already…I wonder does anybody miss me? Ha! As if, nobody needs you Jack! That voice again… Sometimes I think I'm going insane…Hearing me, my voice in my own head, but it's not actually me, the me I am now…I guess a lot has change in these two years…Jack thought as he was making his way to the shower. Entering the tub and filling it to the brim with warm, hot water, he rejected all his thoughts and just relaxed, while he could anyways.

After some time, movement could be heard as the Medical bot made his way to Jack again. Leaving the bath he prepared himself for the pain again, not much preparation needed though…And so the daily medical examination started…

From afar a beeping noise could be heard, as Jack was making his way to it he felt as if something was wrong. As he reached the noise he noticed it was his Wu detecting watch, it's been a long time science I last heard it, he felt some of his bots approach him from behind. "Master Jack, will you be going to this showdown?" What? Oh…right…The Xiaolin Showdowns…I had forgotten when I have last challenged those Xiaolin losers…Maybe…yeah, maybe just today…"Yeah, I *cough*…I guess I should*cough*…Shouldn't I?" "I believe it's not the right choice Master Jack, but it is what you need now."

Jack dismissed his bot with an order.

He got dressed in dark clothes, similar to his old ones, and put his heli-pack on, making his way to outside with his bots.

"Chase?" Wuya searched the immortal man as to tell him the news. "Chase! We got a new Wu! Come on, let's go!" "Wuya! Do not let your loud, screeching voice reach my ears! We shall leave when I say so." "Che, such a-" Wuya stopped as soon as Chase's glare was looking at her direction. "Fine…"

"Guys! Guys! A new Wu has shown up! Uhh I can already feel the itch!" "Let us get ready my fellow monks, the worm will be caught by the quickest bird!" "It's the early bird catches the worm Omi, though that was pretty close…" Rai quickly corrected, as all the monks gathered and climbed on Dojo. "As close as he will get partner." Clay said while smirking at Omi.

As everybody was approaching they could feel something familiar in the air…Nobody could put their finger on it, but it seemed this familiar feeling brought an additional uneasiness in their stomachs.

Gasping…It was the only sound heard at the showdown scene as everybody noticed Jack was there too. But they all noticed something different…

It was like Jack was hiding behind two of his RoboJacks. /I'll call them RJ's for shorter/

As they landed Jack's bots made a circle formation with Jack inside and two RJ's in front of Jack.

"Jack! Where have you been my good friend?" as Omi yelled to Jack only a few could notice the flinch Jack made…But he made no answer.

"Jack? Are you okay?", again no answer. This time Raimundo started: "What's this? You came to show us you became more of a coward then you were before?"

Only now could they notice that Jack was actually giving silent commands to his bots, as they made their way to Rai and the others.

"Our Master wishes not to speak. We have been sent to find the Wu. DO not waste our time." said one of the RJ as he made his way over to the bots.

Jack only stayed silent trying to stay out of this fight. He didn't feel like fighting or talking 'cause of his injuries. Plus talking could mean more damage to his body than he already has…Better to stay silent while I can. RJ will do the talking for now…

Footsteps could be heard as Chase and Wuya made their way to the monks and RJ with his fellow bots.

"Why has Spicer chosen the silent treatment now of all times?" Chase questioned smirking as he was starting to make his way past RJ to the real Jack.

RJ stopped Chase with a hand in front of him. "Forbidden. It's not allowed to get any closer to Master."

"You dare stand in my way?" Chase glared at RJ, while RJ replied with no emotion: "Yes. It is a simple matter of not allowing anybody close to Master. We have been authorized by Master to overwrite a lot of codes including The Alpha Code, no killing, no lethal weapons…I do believe I made myself clear."

"The Alpha Code? You mean to say that Jack made you guys lose to us so many times without using all your strength? Why?" Kimiko stated confused.

"Master is evil, but not a murderer. He only wished if there is an option not to kill to use it, that or he was just playing around with you guys." RJ snickered at the end of his sentence.

"Then why start now?" Clay asked. "…" When RJ made no answer, Chase got angry.

He turned to face RJ and commanded: "Answer. Why now? What has happened over the past two years?"

The glare RJ was receiving sent a shiver down even his spine. "He-" RJ started but stopped as he felt the other RJ approach him from behind. "Not another word. Master has started feeling ill. He has ordered us to take the Wu. Waste not a single second! Jack-Bots overwrite Code Alpha if necessary, go! Find the Wu!" As the second RJ finished talking all the bots were already spreading for the search.

The two RJ looked around seeing as the monks didn't move an inch, and neither were Wuya or Chase.

"You still haven't answered our question Jack! What's up with the silent treatment?!" Rai yelled loudly so that the real Jack could hear him.

The two RJ now were talking in sync "What you wish to know is forbidden to say. Not a word has been spoken, not a word will be said."

"This is getting on my nerves." Wuya was pissed, she started walking to Jack. "JACK! Get over here you useless boy!"

The RJ's wasted no second as they appeared in front of Wuya, both hitting her in her stomach.

"The answer will still be no, even if you scream you ugly witch." As one of the RJ's said that Chase stated "Jack. I see you can hear us and talk to us just fine, even if it's over an annoying robot."

"Figures you would be the one to get it. *cough**buzz* Sorry to say but I really have no time to waste. Oh, look, my bots are back! I say, what perfect timing." Jack spoke through one of the RJ's.

The RJ's jumped into air making their way to Jack as the other bots approached him as well.

"SEE YA LOSERS!" Jack yelled with a smirk on his face, earning smiles from the monks as they remembered this Jack, until *cough,cough*…

Jack's smirk was replaced with a frown as he put a hand to his ribcage. One of the RJ took Jack into his arms and flew away fast, the rest following.

Chase only frowned as he made his way to the unconscious Wuya.

"Those RJ's really pack a punch." Mentioned Clay as he looked at Wuya. "Indeed, weird as it seems, but they might actually rival your might, young monks."

"What? That's nonsense Chase, there is no way- …Is there?" Kimiko look at her friends with a grim expression.

But Chase didn't really care about that, being immortal and all, he gets bored easily, but now

Okay, this is it, I hope you like it, please tell me what you think of this, any comments are welcome. I will try to do a lot of chapters for this, but be warned as I have not actually watched all of the episodes of the show, if the characters are a little bit different don't kill me! xD