Author's Note: I know, I know. I'm awful for I already have two serious Teen Titans stories on here and a ton of one-shots I should be doing, but bare with me. If you can...naturally this is not edited. I seriously need an editor or beta reader you guys must be pissed not having these stories edited. At any rate, hope you all like this for once I'm going to do what I can on giving a realistic break up, love and comfort story, enjoy.

"I just feel like you're smothering me, ever since we got back from Tokyo you been by my side nonstop. I need a break, I need time for us to adapt to our new relationship, I never been in one understand that don't you Starfire?" Richard Grayson questioned to the woman before him.

They stood in the Evidence Room alone, Robin leading on the side of the wall, one foot propped up against it, his arms crossed, his head down and his expression while disheartening also held nervousness and a small hint of worry that the Tamaeranean princess was able to catch only by knowing his posture and tone of voice for so long as the thin material that covered his eyes were for the very first time, removed and held tight in his left hand.

Ocean blue eyes that were staring towards the ground now darted towards the other occupant with him as he lifted his head, and she had to admit he was a very handsome young man, dedicated, strong willed, loyal, honest, brave and willing to give people who mattered to him a chance.

He blinked which forced her to snap out of her idol image of the teenager before her and see that though they had been through many events and cared for each other, even looking out for the other in combat they had never taken the time to get to know the person they had willingly committed themselves to in the act of courting.

Starfire looked down at her hands, her fingers nervously overlapping the other in the hopeless attempt to stop the emotions threatening to overwhelm her, she took a deep shaky breath and replied softly trying to hide the disappointment from her words.

"Of course, Robin, you're right. Perhaps we have rushed into this without much consideration for what will happen after we returned. I agree that maybe a...break is in order to collect our thoughts and feelings and find common ground." It pained her to say those words, as a being of empathy she was torn between trying to scrape the fairy tale ending she had read about in so many books and trying to remember what would come after such stories.

Robin nodded his head slowly, a small but warm smile on his face as he planted his foot on the ground and walked towards her, placing his green gloved hands on her bare shoulders and looking deep into her eyes which held the affection and care for her that he was beginning to show slowly in public.

"Hey, this doesn't mean we aren't together. We'll just give each other a bit of space for a while as we try to figure things out...alright?" His words were like a gentle, comforting blanket that wrapped around her making the alien give him a larger and more sincere smile before he reached up and kissed her on the lips, conveying all the bottle up feelings he felt at that moment in that one kiss which she eagerly returned and closed her eyes.

But while she could taste the hint of grapes he had this morning and knew for a fact this was only temporary, knowing that he made her laugh and enjoyed spending time with him while doing other activities she felt a shiver run down her spine, not from the passionate and slightly heated feel of his lips on her's but from her own lips on his and strangely she felt empty.

As though they had already lost the spark that made them so protective of each other, they had given their all in depending on the other, he had rescued her again and again, stopped a wedding from a creature she did not love or even know, confessed his fears and worries to her, even traveled across the void of space to find her after she had been forced to deal with puberty.

She had literally fought her own personal demons in an gamble to shield him from the forces that haunted them, kept his heart at bay while his was fading to darkness working with Slade in order to protect his friends who were like family and he even rejected her older and arguably more attractive sister who ruled their planet at one point just to be by her side when she needed it the most.

It should have been a very well deserved ending for the two of them after they had defeated Commander Diazo and had the enormous celebration in Tokyo that followed, the very fairy tale ending she had always dreamed of with the man she loved.

Or at least, the one she hesitated to herself to say she loved. Starfire didn't know why but there was a sudden pang of emptiness in her heart as Robin pulled away from their kiss for air.

He mumbled that he had to go to the city real quick after seeing a frown on her face and awkwardly said good bye before placing his mask back on with a small capsule of some form of glue which he had tucked into his utility belt that he spread over the edges and disappeared once the automatic door opened leaving her to her thoughts making her lift a hand towards her face and brushing two fingers to her lips she could not understand what exactly it was that made the kiss for her feel hollow.

With a loud sigh, Starfire walked towards the exit, opened the door and decided to go into the Ops room, hoping that a bottle of mustard might calm her nerves as she entered.

She expected to be alone but was surprised to find Beast Boy on the large U shaped couch lazily flipping through channels with the remote in his hand and a bored, somewhat sad expression on his face.

As she strolled to the refrigerator and upon opening it found her favorite beverage as well as a strew she fished out of the utensil drawer she could not help but feel disappointed at her friend's dejected state which made her close the large cooler and step lightly towards him.

"Friend Beast Boy?" She called out softly, not wanting to startle him and kept her voice neutral making the changeling look over his shoulder and give her a honest smile.

"Hey, Star. What's up, everything alright? " He answered back, finally turning off the t.v and tossing the remote beside him before he stretched his sore and tired muscles, unknowingly giving the alien a peek of his toned, sculpted muscles when his shirt accidentally lifted up making her immediately blush though she could not turn away until he had stopped at last and leaned back into the cushions.

Yawning, he asked her a question she did not even pay attention to, her inner thoughts waging war on how attractive the diminutive, viridian young man was before her with his pointy elf ears, forest green eyes and single canine fang that protruded out the left side of his mouth, his own eyes observed her confused and a bit worried.

"You alright there, Starfire?" He asked again making her body jolt just at the mere sound of her name coming from his lips, where were these sudden usually unknown details about the fifteenth year old superhero coming from?

He was her best friend, of the males that was, and it made her guilty that she even had these thoughts while she was still with Robin, she should have felt honored that he had removed his eye mask to her now after all the years they known each other.

And yet...after Cyborg and Raven criticized the mask Beast Boy used to wear they never saw it again. The emotions the young morpher went through were all laid out in front of whoever was in the vicinity around him, he wore his heart on his sleeve or better yet, through the humor uttered from his lips.

Unlike the Boy Wonder himself who always concealed his eyes from view of everyone no matter what they went through as a team, it seemed a bit selfish to her.

Starfire was forced to admit to her friend that she was fine as she looked away from his questioning eyes, though not judgmental it still felt like he wanted her to confide in him or if nothing else, to not be so obvious with her lie.

With a gentle response that she was going to sleep the princess of Tamaran turned away from the confused young man and ran to her bedroom, the unopened bottle of mustard forgotten in her haste.

Beast Boy knew that his friend was troubled by something, he would be lying if he said her demeanor did not seem worrisome but he had a feeling she just wished to be left alone for tonight, it was getting late and he was in no mood to watch any more television or play video games so he chose to retire for the night.

Standing up abruptly, he groaned feeling a wave of vertigo rush through him and leaned one hand on the couch for support, after it passed he stood tall and began his trek to his own bedroom, punching in the correct code the door opened to a shockingly clean area.

The blue curtains open to allow the descending rays of sun and air into it, the former bunk beds replaced with a single queen sized bed big enough for two and having a white comforter with large tiger stitched blanket neatly made, though he rarely had guest inside his room.

He had known that growing older meant he had to stop living like a pig, his brown dresser where he stored his civilian clothes having nothing on it but a framed picture of his home town in Africa and many other pictures from different events among being with the Teen Titans.

He had a large full length mirror on the right side of his silver metallic closest which held his cleaned uniforms complete with both regular shoes and what he had labeled mission shoes, a special box was stored on a top shelf he had gathered for personal items from both his parents, home town and the Doom Patrol but he rarely looked through it, not wanting to bring up painful memories or for the mask that held his usual mischievous face to crack, again.

Other than a medium sized entertainment shelf which held his black average, flat screen television set, his Gamestation, DVD player, two controllers and an impressive mix of both movies and video games plus the remote for the t.v. his room was practically not truly impressive, it was clean but...lonely.

It held certain faded and worn posters on a wall or two but it was an enormous step from a year ago, hell even a month ago once they had returned back from Tokyo.

Though his living space did little to faze him from the unsettling feeling that something was wrong with his friend, he could not shake it but did not wish to disturb her or press a matter that was none of his business.

Grumbling with a shake of his head and a snort, Beast Boy ignored the sinking feeling in his chest and removing all his clothes but his boxers. tossing them into the laundry basket by the side of his dresser near the foot of his bed, he climbed into bed tossing and turning before he slowly surrendered to the dreams he cherished in his mind.

Starfire sat on the edge of her bed, giving the mattress a light punch for she was very much aware of her true strength, her head bowed as she refused to allow moisture to run down her cheeks, she would not cry simply because her emotions were in turmoil and she did not understand why, she was a princess, a warrior...a Titan.

Glancing over to where her giant pet larva moth, Silkie was sleeping soundly on the floor in the small hand woven tan colored cloth bed Raven had made him after they returned she took a deep breath, stood from her bed, turned around and got on her knees, her hands clasped together in a prayer, her eyes closed in respect.

She had not prayed to X'Hal since she was a little girl, wishing that the Gordanians that invaded her planet and sent her brother away would disappeared from existence, she hoped that Ryand'r or Wildfire as the English translation of his name was safe from harm, wherever he was.

Not the first time she felt alone, lost, scared and now to add an even more irritating emotion to the list she was confused but she did not know why and a small part of her felt as though the goddess, X'Hal has abandoned her making her wonder why she even bothered praying.

Even still, Starfire did not know where to turn so it felt in a small way necessary to ask for the aid of divine intervention.

"I am sorry, Lady X'Hal for not giving you the praise and glory that you deserve. I as your servant have forsaken you, though you have done much for me and the planet that exalts your name." She paused, her lips trembling and her naturally joyful attitude shifted as she released all her burden from her heart onto the goddess, anger and accusation lacing her words as she continued.

"My parents are gone, my brother missing, my sister disowned by your planet and your own servant who now prays to you and heart seems torn between two Earthlings. you even care, my lady? Am I wasting my breath? My time and your own? Is anyone even looking out for me anymore?" Koriand'r bitterly whispered to herself, opening her eyes she looks at the far away dots of light in space beyond Earth's atmosphere and sighs loudly.

Laying her head on the blanket covering her bed she breathes deeply, tears staining the fabric, the flood gates opened the moment she closed her eyes.

"Does anyone even care?" Starfire mutters to herself before slowly standing, feeling the stiff muscles in her knees she shook her legs out one by one, opened the covers and climbed into the snug, embracing cocoon resting her head on the pillow and drifted off into a world she could form all on her own.