*Peek* Merry Christmas? Happy New Year? Happy Birthday to Colin Morgan..? Happy Birthday to J.R.R Tolkien? To me?

Yehh.. It's been a while. I know. I know! I took my sweet time with this one, but it has been a busy busy year. I apologise for being so inactive and off the radar, but I have been typing all year, just not quite getting there to post...till now..

Few words on the fic: This here started out as a oneshot, but then it just kept growing.. o.O (Out of control!) So I decided to make it a 3 chapter fic, however it still grew, so I think it will be a standard 7-chapter..

Dedicated to Ddiweth.. because..reasons. xx Hope you all enjoy the read, don't be sparse with feedback! And I wish you all a very happy new year .. may this year be blessed as well with love and creativity~ ..and of course.. with COURAGE, STRENGTH and MAGIC!

Read on!


Arthur delivered a punch and observed the desired effect play out in front of him, as the cloaked figure slumped back on the ground with a rather disappointed and high pitched "uff".

The king let himself lean back against the earthen wall as well, trying to catch his breath with a cough here and there as the dust and debris cleared around them. He didn't know what he was waiting for; it wasn't like the hole they just fell in is going to get any brighter.

But just where did all this go so wrong so fast? And what Gods are making it their amusement to mess up each and every time he goes hunting? Perhaps Merlin's prayers were finally starting to pay off against him for "hunting innocent animals".

That was an idea!He picked his head up towards another figure in the dim light, laying on his side with his back towards the king and tried to wave the dust away, to get a better look at him.

"Merl.. Mer..lin!" He called out, infusing the name with a few coughs, but he got no reply. In the struggle to get some dry branches off himself he accidentally kicked the young man's leg, but that didn't give him a reaction either.

Just what the hell happened? He wondered.

"Merlin!" Still no answer.

He could recall a cloaked figure appearing seemingly out of nowhere, earlier; - just after he told the servant for the umpteenth time to hold his mouth already, - then the figure raised his hand and spoke words, - Arthur presumed to be - of the old religion, and before he knew it Merlin was pushing him out of the way, yelling something, the spell no doubt hitting the raven-hair full blow and when they reached the ground in a noisy landing, he wasn't moving anymore. He was just so still; and the thought made Arthur's heart jump uncomfortably in his chest.

The cloaked figure then yelped a desperate "No!" and rushed to their side, dropping himself on his knees next to the servant, and in that moment the king realized the ground sounded a bit too hollow underneath, but before he could take a breath to shout anything, there was cracking sounds and the 'ground' gave in below them and the young man found himself in a damn hole of a covered up dry well, with a cloaked sorcerer and an unconscious manservant.


He wondered if he will wake up to Merlin dragging him out of bed again, and this whole thing will prove to be nothing more than a lousy dream. - Yes, that would be nice.

Then he would have no choice but to look up at his manservant's idiotic grin, as the young man observed the mighty display, that was the king laying tangled in sheets on the ground, very much out of bed and very much annoyed; - like on most mornings, come to think of it. Perhaps even cursing and threatening him with the stocks; - but no doubt the younger man would just smile at that too, with his usual smirk and pull him to his feet instead, not minding the blonde's threats. – However that wasn't the case now, no matter how much Arthur would have preferred it. (Even if he considered Merlin's 'wake-up's more often than not to be 'inhumane', 'disrespectful' and 'really asking for it'.)

But no, this wasn't a dream. His aching limbs confirmed as much.

The blonde was still struggling to catch his breath and get himself free of the planks and branches that fell in with them, keeping an eye on the cloaked figure all the while, but their mysterious attacker wasn't moving.

Arthur called out to his manservant a few more times but the lack of reply just made his worry grow. He finally managed to untangle himself from some stubborn branches that were caught in his ripped trousers and tossing it aside he rolled over to his servant, who had his back towards them; worryingly unmoving.

"Merlin?" the king spoke and grabbed the man's shoulder.

At this moment, the cloaked figure started to stir, so without further inspection, Arthur pushed himself up, pulling his sword out and pointed the blade straight at his face with a quick move, successfully making him motionless once again.

"Who are you?" The king growled, but got no reply, so he used the sword to pull off the hood of the cloak and stared surprised at the face it uncovered. It was a boy. Not a child anymore but certainly not someone of age. He had a bruise on one cheek and a cut lip – Arthur presumed it was his doing, but even if he felt bad about hitting a youngster, he had no way of knowing who he was. His hair was messy, similar to Arthur's in colour, and he had dark eyes that now were fixed on the king's sword, and only when Arthur called out to him did he look up.

"What is your name?"


"Are you a druid?" Arthur ran his gaze though him incredulously. His wears were raggedy and dirty, but certainly resembled that of a druid's.


"Why did you attack us?"

"I didn't.. I.." he wavered, running his gaze between the two of them, but then coming to some sort of resolve he continued "I was attacking you alone!" He swallowed. "..Sire.. Not him.." He said and trailed off again looking worriedly at the still warlock. "I didn't mean to.."

Arthur frowned, then followed his gaze to his own hand that still rested on Merlin's shoulder, for a moment wondering why the boy showed concern for the servant, but wanted to attack a king.

"Well, you have failed." He stated, not really sure what to make of the strange confession. "But I swear, if anything has happened to this man because of you.." He didn't get to finish his threat, the young druid was already near tears.

"Oh Gods!" The boy mumbled in shock, his determination fast crumbling. "Oh Gods.. NO! I killed him?" He fidgeted in despair, running his gaze between the king and the servant, obviously wanting to check on the later, but held in place by the threat of the blade, making him all the more jittery. "Oh no… they are going to kill me… no.. not Emr.."

"Who?" Arthur picked his head up, raising his sword slightly and the boy backed into the wall once again.

Leigh shook his head in denial and bit into his bottom lip, as if words would escape without his consent if he were to leave his mouth open for too long.

"WHO?" The king bellowed and the echo of the well made his voice tenfold louder.

"NO ONE!" the boy shrieked almost crying.

"Who are you working for?"

The young druid just bit his lip again and shook his head vehemently. It was clear the boy wasn't exactly in charge of his doings.

"Who put you up to this?" Arthur questioned.

At that, Leigh tried to compose himself and seem strong and determined, but he was failing miserably at it and all he could come up with is another set of headshaking, all the while couldn't keep his eyes off the manservant. It was a fine mess he landed himself in. The warlock was unconscious and he was stuck with an angry Pendragon.

"No harm will come to you, just speak the truth. Who are you afraid of..?" Arthur asked again, forcing some calmness into his tone.

"My.. my… p-parents."

It took a moment for the answer to catch up with Arthur as his eyebrows wandered up towards his hairline. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

"This is ridiculous." He concluded with a huff and rolled his eyes in annoyance, looking at the boy, who was now so obviously just a child. "Why would they..?" he started, but wasn't even sure how to finish the question.

"Because they don't know I'm here.." the reply came anyway, though barely audible.

"Right." Arthur sighed. This had to be a joke. "Don't. Move." He said pointedly and let his sword down, instead turning back to his manservant, and rolling him on his back.

"Merlin? Can you hear me?"

"He's not dead, is he?" Leigh asked and he was next to Arthur all of a sudden, startling the blonde with the speed he darted from next to the wall and before the king could say anything, his hands were already prodding around the servant's neck, obviously trying to find a pulse.

"What are you doing?!" The king snapped, swatting the boy's hands away from his servant's neck. Leigh cradled his slapped wrist in front of him, but kept mumbling with worry, while he ran his gaze back and forth from master to servant.

"He shouldn't be.. dead. Not unless from the fall.." The boy bit his lip.

"Why would you care?" Arthur glared at him. "You just attacked us!"

"I do care!" he protested, and looked at the manservant.

"Back. Off." The king hissed, making a point by gripping his sword and the boy scurried back a bit, looking like he will start crying any minute now. The young man of course had no intention to harm the child, but that didn't mean, said child needed to know that.

Arthur sighed and decided to focus on the man in front of him instead; and figure this brat out later.

Merlin had a bloody scratch around his temple, disappearing into his hairline, but that could've been the result of the fall. Removing his gloves, Arthur tilted the servant's head to the side and gingerly brushed the dark flocks back and forth, peering at the damage, but it appeared to be nothing serious of what he could observe in the dim light. The king tried shaking him, tried gently slapping his face and calling out to him, but got no reaction and figured with a head injury, no matter how small looking, he shouldn't try jostling him more, even though he'd need him to wake up somehow.

His skin was warm, but Arthur decided to look for a pulse again to be sure it wasn't the worse scenario playing out, but that too proved to be difficult.

"Damn it, Merlin.. Why do you wear this stupid thing anyway.." he muttered to himself in annoyance when the neckerchief twisted and covered the man's neck in an impossible way, keeping the king's fingers from getting access to the servant's neck in search for life signs. Arthur jerked the material to get it loose, pulling his tunic as well to the side; then something caught his attention and he froze. A second later he pulled the tunic further and just stared at the sight.

"What's that?" Leigh seemed just as observant, and the king cursed him for it in that moment, as they looked down at the neat bandages covering Merlin's shoulder; bandages Arthur had no idea of being there.

"Don't know.." he mumbled and traced his fingers, pushing his hand under his servant's top to see the extent of the wraps.

"You don't know?! He serves you! He's been injured and you aren't even aware of it?!" the druid boy snapped and Arthur felt his face burn both from the annoyance and the obvious truth in the words. He really hadn't known Merlin's been injured. What made him feel worse was that he couldn't guess what and just when that had happened. Merlin was with him almost at all times. Gaius surely knew, these here his bandages after all..


Of course.. A few days ago the man reported to him, telling the king, how he needed some rare herbs gathered urgently and needed Merlin's help, so his manservant will be unavailable for a day or two, and his servant was absent indeed for nearly two days. But why lie in such manner?

Arthur started to think. Was Merlin really out gathering herbs and getting himself hurt somehow – quite possible, considering how clumsy he is – but what if?.. what if he wasn't anywhere near the forest, but instead was laying injured in the physician's chambers; recovering from an injury that now needed bandages to cover his whole left shoulder and part of his chest. Why didn't he just tell him the truth..?

The blonde's hand instinctively went up to press against his servant's forehead again, but he felt his skin's temperature being normal. He was alive and apparently well, just unconscious. Maybe it's just a strained shoulder.

"He's bleeding!" Leigh yelped and he had his fingers gently feeling about a darker patch around the man's shoulder; and the king felt his stomach make an uncomfortable somersault when he too noticed the bloodied spot.

Oh Gods. He was really injured. It wasn't just a pulled shoulder.

"Torn stitches perhaps..?" the question fell out of his mouth before he could control it.

"No.. it's dried." Leigh said with strange confidence, then with a quick move, he rolled Merlin on his side just enough to pull at his clothes and peering at the bandages on the back of his shoulder, finding no speck on them. "It's clear.." he mumbled rolling the warlock back, "It bled before though. I could.. check it, but it's best to leave it as it is for now, it's not very clean here, and there isn't much light. Just need to watch it, to see if the patch grows. Or he develops a fever, though that is unlikely.. It has been tended to, so would be best not to disturb it." He said, all the while he checked Merlin's eyes and pulse and the bloody patch on his temple with efficiency.

Arthur looked at him baffled.

"I'm.. I'm a healer in training." He mumbled when he realized the king was looking at him.

"A healer in training." Arthur stared at him. "And you attacked us? Might telling me what the hell for?" he questioned and couldn't help raising his voice a little. It all started to look like they landed in this mess for what seemed to be turning into something of a childish joke."Why would you attack your king?"

"I wouldn't!.. I won't tell!" Leigh shrieked, being well aware of what that could mean. "I just.. I w-wanted you out of the way.. I.. I.. was.." Leigh tried to compose an answer but by now he was too nervous and the king was getting too upset.

"What have you done to him?" Arthur snapped with growing anger; because a child's silly joke just may have caused harm to his friend and now they were sitting ducks in a ditch until someone would find them and make the effort to get them out; and whatever those bandages were covering could be figured out later, but right now Merlin was unconscious and they were stuck and that was more urgent to solve.

"Nothing.. it's.. it's just a sleeping spell, I promise.." The frightened answer was barely audible.

"A sleeping spell?"Arthur could hardly believe his ears.

"Yes, yes.. he is fine, I promise.." Leigh tried to assure him. "I never meant to harm anyone! Not even you..I mean.. it was meant for you, not him, but it wasn't going to harm you and I'd never hurt him! Especially not him! I-I just.. wanted to talk to him, without you interfering.."

"Interfering? In what?! What is it that you want of my servant?" Arthur asked again and he was again gripping the hilt of his sword, probably not even realizing it. Leigh, however did notice and keeping an eye on the blade he slowly backed away again, wary of the Pendragon's anger.

"I wanted.. to talk to him…I just.. Is all, I swear!" The boy spoke, voice growing frantic, more so when he saw Arthur began to lift his sword. "Please! I meant no harm! Mercy!" He had backed as far as he could and covered his head with his arms, awaiting what's to come.

But nothing came. The king lowered the weapon eventually, sliding it back into it's place and just sighed. He wasn't going to harm him. Not really. Though surely there were reasons, Arthur didn't want to think why a druid would want to attack him in the first place. It all seemed too out of place: a healer attacking with a sleeping spell and he is scared of his parents finding out. There had to be an explanation for what had happened, but so far he couldn't get much out of the boy, - at least not much that actually made sense. Just what did he mean by talking to Merlin without him interfering?! The king decided to calm down and clear his mind a little before speaking again. Instead he checked Merlin over again, then coming to the conclusion that there isn't much else to do but wait, he stood up to figure out their next move.

Leigh was curled up against the wall, eyes fixed on the unconscious man, only giving a fugitive look at the king every now and again. Arthur decided not to notice it. Instead, he observed the earthen walls of the hole they fell in; oddly a little wider then what one would expect a well to be. On some parts of the wall the rocks had caved in, other parts grown in with moss, but it was mostly dry. Least as much, - he thought as he glanced up, and noticed it wasn't even all that deep, but just deep enough to prevent them from climbing out. He tried reaching the edge of the planks, but once a piece of wood broke off in his grip, he knew he wouldn't be able to just pull himself out; not without help in any case. Tossing the piece of wood aside, it crossed his mind to lift the boy out and.. hope he gets help and doesn't simply run off? No, he couldn't trust him enough for that. Not to mention the rest of the makeshift lid could just cave in on them. And it would be foolish to yell for help in these woods, so might as well get comfortable and wait for someone to notice their absence in the castle; which again, could take a while, seeing that he made it clear he was going hunting.

Arthur slumped back against the wall with a huff. He just started to notice he had a few bumps here and there as well, but neither felt any different than a good workout on the training grounds. And he had bigger problems now then a few blue marks and bruises. He felt a little guilty thinking Merlin may have broken his fall, but he didn't want to linger on it long. Looking at the man, he saw no change; Merlin was breathing steady and calm and gave no sign of wanting to wake up.

This certainly wasn't what the king had in mind when he wanted to go hunting. Personally, the emphasis was on getting away from the castle, and the bustle of the place, instead of the actual hunt. He just wanted to get away for a short while from the meetings and patrols and hearings and reports and duties and just be himself. And he had wanted to take Merlin along, because the man just seems stressed for some reason and even questioning him why he hadn't smiled in days got nothing out of him, but a grouchy reply. Not even comparing his face to the back end of a cat had the desired effect of usual banter. Thus the king decided to take matters into his own hand and recalling Merlin's fascination with all things nature, he decided a 'hunting trip' was the ideal getaway they both needed. No crest, no knights, just the two of them on a hunt. Then this happens..

Looking at their odd companion, it occurred to Arthur that despite asking the question more than once, he still hadn't gotten a proper answer as to why Leigh had attacked them – or rather, attacked "just him". The boy kept his gaze on the servant and looked worried. The king concluded he needs a different approach if he wants answers.

"You could have just walked up to him, you know. If you wanted to talk. There was no need to attack us for it." The blonde spoke eventually, breaking the silence. "Merlin is happy to talk to anyone. Even when he should be shutting up, he still talks." He added, but felt there was some inaccuracy in that. True, Merlin had been happy to talk to people, but not lately. Lately he's been more gloomy then talkative; less cheery; focused, closed off and almost jittery, but Arthur kept this realization to himself.

He guessed that the boy wanted to talk to the man for his knowledge in the healing arts. Although he made fun of the servant on several occasions, he had to admit, Merlin picked up quite a bit from Gaius over the years and he was the physician in the group whenever they went on patrol. In a way it made sense for the boy to approach him in the forest. Arthur had pardoned the druids, and there wasn't much left he could do for them, except to let time heal wounds and people to grow out of the fears his father had instilled in them. But people were still wary, and so were the druids; so naturally, they didn't venture into Camelot, if they could help it.

"He doesn't.." Leigh added, and seeing Arthur lift his head in interest, he continued. "My father met him a little while ago, and he wouldn't talk to him."

Arthur found that unusual. Merlin was with him most of the time and he couldn't remember meeting druids in a long time. He also marvelled if his servant was wary of druids himself. More than that he found it all a little intriguing. This was a side of Merlin he didn't know. The physician Merlin. "What did your father want to talk to him about?"

"I don't know.." the boy admitted with a shrug.

"And what did you want to talk to him about?"

"Things.." the boy said curtly and avoided looking at Arthur, pulling his arms tighter around his knees.

"Tell me. You are free to speak." The young man nudged him, a little amused at the childish stubbornness and leaned his head against the wall behind him. This should be interesting, Arthur thought. It could even pass the time easier while they have to wait for some help to arrive.

Leigh looked at him in thought. He fell into a hole with the king of Camelot and the man still hasn't threatened to take his head. He had heard tales that Uther's son is different than his father had been; he had heard how Arthur had pardoned the druids and vowed to keep them safe, but he also heard it day and night, throughout his life, that his kind is better off not trusting a Pendragon.

However, he was trapped now. Surely the king's men will come looking for him and if they do get here sooner, he doubted the man will just let him go after what had happened. Now or never, Leigh figured. He might as well face it and tell the king straight, if he might not get out of this mess alive.

"I wanted to talk to him.. about leaving you." He chanced.

"What?" Arthur picked his head up.

"I wanted to ask him to join us, instead.."

"Merlin would never leave my side!" The king retorted immediately and it surprised him how confident he was in that statement. Really. Merlin never left him through all these years; though there were dire times and harsh times, people went and came and loyalties faltered and he could even recall himself not being particularly nice at times; but his servant was still there.

"He should.." Leigh said with some weird conviction that made Arthur feel chills run up his back. "His place is with us. I wanted to ask him to come to the druid camp. To convince him that his place is amongst his people and that he should leave you and your wars and come to us!"

Arthur didn't know if he heard right, it felt surreal and almost like talking to a mad man, but eventually he spat out the part that most got him confused. "His people..?"

"Yes!" Leigh said thrilled.

"You do realize, that just because Merlin knows a few things about some herbs and healing arts, it doesn't make him a druid. If you need his help and knowledge however, all you need to do is ask." The king spoke.

"Emrys isn't a druid!" The boy snapped.

"Wh.. Emrys?"

"Him!" The boy pointed at the unconscious warlock.

Arthur looked at Merlin for a moment then just shook his head.

"I'm quite certain you are mistaking my servant with someone."

"No, I'm not! He is Emrys! The greatest sorcerer ever to walk the land! The prophecies say so!" The boy spoke with conviction and even moved away from the wall, as if his words would have more weight up close.

"Him?!" The conversation was heading in a direction that was making Arthur feel uncomfortable. Yes, he had pardoned the druids, but they kept to themselves and made no trouble. Others from the magic folk however, did show up every now and again at Camelot's doorstep and most of the times they had a hidden agenda and were out for his life. The idea that his loyal servant was a magic wielder was unthinkable. He started to get the feeling the druid boy hit his head on the way down. "There is no way my manservant is a sorcerer! I would know!"

"It's him!"

"Listen. You've got the wrong man." Arthur hissed. This was just getting too irksome for his liking. First they get attacked by a child, then they end up in a godforsaken hole, Merlin is injured and unaware; and now said child accuses his servant, his friend to be a sorcerer. And all he wanted was a day out hunting..

"He has magic!" The druid insisted.

The blonde's hand reached out so fast, Leigh had no time at all to realize what was going on, let alone react, as he found himself being gripped at the neck and pulled close to the king of Camelot; - and oh boy, was the king angry.

"If he has.. and I do say IF, then I'd still like to hear it from him, not some delusional child accusing him, that had just attacked us for no sane reason!" Arthur said and it took all of his strength not to slap some sense into the boy. "Is that understood?!" He thundered and his self-control didn't stop him from giving the druid boy a good shake to empathize his words.

Leigh nodded in a matter it was weary his head will fall off, but once again he was biting his lips to keep his terrified whimpers escaping and as soon as Arthur tossed him aside he backed to the far wall, pulling his knees up and sat quietly, fearing the king might change his mind about not chopping his head off.

It was a real mess he got himself into. Thanks to him, Emrys was unconscious, supporting a mystery injury and he trapped with a very angry king. There was no telling when they will be able to get out of this place – the well really double-crossed his calculations - and right now even talking to Emrys seemed like a bad idea. He felt confident earlier, that he could convince the man to leave the king's side, and ask him to join their group instead, however he was starting to realise his idea could have really used a more thorough planning. He guessed even Emrys himself will be unhappy about their predicament when he wakes up. And he didn't even dare think what his parents will say when they find out what he had done..

Time dragged on slow and they sat in silence. Arthur noticed the boy closing his eyes a few times and furrowing his brows, but he was still too angry to ask if he was alright. It crossed his mind the druid was doing something.. but he figured he just doesn't want to know. Being close to anything even remotely magical made the hairs raise on his back, not to mention Merlin was out of it right now because of magic.. – And just how dare the brat accuse his manservant of such a thing? Merlin was clumsy and idiotic most times. Sure, he spoke with wisdom when Arthur needed it, he had even pulled him out of trouble a couple of times, and the king had to admit he had good insight on things regarding the kingdom. He was also growing into a physician under the guidance of Gaius, but he was still a servant; and above all, he has been loyal to him like none else. The mere notion was ridiculous, that the man would betray him with something as low as practicing magic right under his nose. Not after all they had been through.

They sat in persistent and angry silence.

Arthur occasionally brushed though Merlin's hair, peering at the cut, but it had since stopped bleeding and was turning dark and dry; he paused his hand on the servant's forehead or hovered his palm in front of his nose to check for his breathing when he couldn't follow the rise and fall of his chest. It was slowly getting darker and harder to see. The evening seemed to find its way into the well faster.

Leigh was diligently calling out to the druids mentally. He was sure someone will hear him and come to their rescue. The only thing he wasn't looking forward to is having to face his parents and explain the mess he made. But at this point anything was better than to be stuck with the king, and Emrys still wasn't waking up; which puzzled him a little and was really getting worried whether the warlock had sustained any more serious injuries in the fall, that just don't show on the outside. He was also observing the blonde man checking on the warlock from time to time and noted that he looked quite worried too.

"Shouldn't he be waking up?" Arthur spoke eventually, because the silence was starting to annoy him.

"It's a powerful spell. Usually used when the injuries are grave. Wounds needing stitches, or bones needing set. It puts the patient in a deep sleep."

The blonde eyed him for a moment, then glanced over at Merlin again.

"However.." Leigh continued and Arthur looked up at him. "It also depends how serious the injury is.."

The king let out an uncomfortable sigh. Maybe the wound on Merlin's shoulder was a serious one indeed. In that case the induced sleep will do him good, but Arthur couldn't help but worry. This was magic… even if healing magic. He had pardoned the druids, but this.. This was still magic. And so unusual it was to see that always lively face now all calm and oblivious to the world around him. He'd seen Merlin sleep, or even be restless and unconscious, but it has always disturbed him deeply. It was contradicting too much with the image he had of the younger man. However, Arthur could tell he was alright. No struggling to breathe, no fever or sweating, no nightmares to haunt him; he was simply asleep. And hopefully it was doing him good.

Meantime, Leigh gathered enough courage to stand and stretch his legs a bit, as well as observe the walls in hope of finding a way out. But no matter how much he tried to steady his feet, and grab onto the rocks, they fell out from the wall; he even tried grabbing onto some roots and branches and pulling himself up, but the dry vegetation couldn't hold him, and broke off in his grip, resulting in land and rocks tumbling down on him, and left the druid boy spitting dirt and rubbing dust out of his eyes.

"Stop that." Arthur called out after the third attempt. He'd already examined the walls well enough to know they weren't getting out without help. "You're going to burry us here if you keep it up."

"So, we're just supposed to sit here?" The boy snapped. The idea of spending the night in the well suddenly felt very unpleasant.

"It's your fault we're here to begin with!" The king raised his voice, but he wasn't as angry anymore, so when the druid boy didn't speak he continued. "My people will come looking for me, just sit tight and wait it out. They will get us out of here." He was starting to feel tired and cold, but didn't want to chance falling asleep in the chill of the night, and figured the boy was having similar thoughts.

Leigh stood still for a moment, with his back towards the king and thinking of what to say to him, but eventually he stepped back to the wall and flopped down on the ground with a huff. Arthur was right, but he wasn't going to admit that to him. In truth, he's been calling out to the other druids for a long while now, but they seemed to be far away, and with the growing darkness even they wouldn't be able to find them. He pulled his hood up. It was getting colder with each breath and falling asleep has tempted him. He rubbed his eyes and kept calling out.

Curses.He tugged at his hair. He really didn't think this through. But he had no way of knowing there was a damned covered hole in the ground that could ruin his plan! He'd just wanted to speak to Emrys. To tell him how his people need him; to tell him that he would be much safer with them, that his place is amongst his people and to just let kings fight out their wars and not be part of that, putting his life on the line and protecting those that have hunted them for decades. He felt so sure he can convince him; but right now Emrys wasn't talking to anyone. He had jumped in front of the king without knowing what the spell was and would do to him. He protected the king.. not caring about the cost. It was something the young druid didn't expect to happen.

Leigh looked at the warlock. He didn't want to think about what would happen if the man never wakes up. No. That cannot happen. Besides. He was breathing and seemed just fine. Only asleep. - Something Arthur was supposed to be doing now instead..

The druid looked at the king. He seemed distracted and tired. Leigh wondered if casting the spell again would knock the Pendragon out enough for him to wake the servant and talk to him, but somehow, being so close to the blonde, he didn't feel quite as brave to do it. He also had a feeling the king would slap him without a thought if he started chanting something, especially after what had happened.

He decided to wait. There wasn't much else to do anyway.

The king was lost in thoughts, trying to figure out how long it will take the knights to come looking for him. He wondered whether their horses had run off, and who would find them; or would they simply run back to the stables after dark. Arriving without their riders would surely alarm the stable hands and they would rally the people to go looking for their absent king. He thought about the hot bath he will take once back at the castle.. That notion got him thinking how Merlin probably shouldn't be the one drawing the bathwater.

Arthur looked at his manservant again and wondered where he could've gotten injured, and why hadn't he noticed before. Why hadn't Merlin just told him to begin with? Thinking back, the younger man did seem a little slow and careful in his moves, favouring his right hand, even when pulling himself on the saddle or carrying equipment. His pondering was disturbed when he heard rustling of leaves, and talking.

Leigh was the first to get on his feet.

"Hello! Anybody there?" He yelled before Arthur could yank him back and hold a palm over his mouth, signalling for him to be quiet.

"What?" The druid broke loose as a torchlight came to view and stopped at the edge of the hole, along with some ragged looking shadows gathering at the edges. The king recognised them easily.

"These men aren't here to help us.." Arthur swallowed uncomfortably and spoke so low only Leigh could hear it.

"Why?" The boy looked at him confused.

"Lookit lads, we got ourselves a king..!" A hoarse voice yelled and the rest of them erupted in mocking laughter.

"That's why.." Arthur mumbled.


Next one: Next week x