Challenge #3: C for Cake


'Talking in thought'




Birthday Cake

Take this birthday cake, it is the ultimate truth and essence of life, discover it.

Every moment you are taking birth. Mind it my dear here and you are in the circle of constant change, you are to understand the eternity.

Essential nectar is love. Here in this life, my dear take it, it is with you, always since your very birth.

Waste not any time. Take this birthday cake - love…by gajanan mishra.

Disclaimer: TMNT does not belong to me it belongs to Nickelodeon Animation. I will warn you again if someone is new, anyone who has any objection with gender bending then kindly do not read it, and if anyone leaves a hateful comment in my story I will not hesitate to report an abuse. Let us begin a new chapter of Splinter's Turtle Tots.

Days has passed in very slow pace, but with rewarding effort for Splinter to see his children all grown. It made him glow with pride and joy.

His four children will be turning two at age, and each of them has shown to their father of how bright and intelligent his children are baring for him to see.

Every parent will be dazzled by seeing how their children's mind progress and have the capability and the means to use, see, and understand for their life to start. But, Splinter's children are something special that their intellectual has exceeded the mind of a human child.

Splinter thought at first, was the strange glowing ooze that may have, in some way, enhanced their intelligence beyond human comprehension. Although, Splinter has doubt that the strange substance was the source of enrichment, but that didn't stop him from being overflowing with dazzle.

They are explorers to meet new things by sight, smell, and touch. They learn quicker, they understand better, and their spoken communication are undertaking. They can still chirp and click in their tongue to communicate each other but it has becoming less and less of use.

As of this moment, Splinter is showing his children flash cards with bright colorful pictures of ABC, numbers, shapes, animals, and many other joyful things to see and learn. But his son Donatello is most eager to learn, he is like a little cute sponge absorbing all things he learned, he even have all the books he likes so much in which Splinter gave it to him for his entertainment, and to keep him from wondering off and poking something that labeled dangerous.

Splinter relishes and adores seeing his children are eager to learn from him, deepening the bond of love between them and creating a new memory to cherish them forever.

And to think it's almost to the end of the year.

However, the day that is coming to end the year and, at the same time, the beginning of the new one is the exact same day where the accident has turn into greatest miracle. Tomorrow is the day where they all became what they are now, a birth of a new family.

Splinter is softly smiling as he looks at the day on the calendar. He is looking forward to this day but at the same time, he is saddened.

He is not saddened about his mutation and he'll never be a man again. On the contrary, he is most saddened that his children will never have the opportunity to celebrate their date of birth, or to be more accurate their mutation day.

The day they mutated they are now part of the world, in which they merge as man and turtle, and be someone that can make the world a much better place. This particular day must be rejoicing for being born.

But, how can he rejoice this beautiful day if he didn't have the one thing that makes the day rejoicing? A cake.

A cake is a simple symbol that's delicious and the day that you come of new age, as we place a number of candles equal to our age, and wishing a blissful and happier new year of life.

It is a forever memorable affair.

However, it saddens Splinter that he can't give his children their very first birthday celebration. He wanted to celebrate with his children to share his joy and happiness with them, showing his gratefulness when they became part of his life and rekindled when he was lost.

But because of their…circumstances, his children will never get to experience it. Cruelty had stripped from them as the children will never know this joyous occasion.

Meditation was supposed to empty his mind, relaxes the mind and body, and feel rejuvenate. But they've been invaded by the thought of his children's birthday that he could not give.

Then, the sound of four musical giggles has interrupted his meditation. When he heard his laughter, all the negativity that clouds over him was gone.

He had been in a half-complete dojo for quite a while now, so he better go check on his children. Once he exited the dojo, he found his children sitting and watching their all-time favorite show Barney.

They all look at him with a mesmerizing look on their faces, even Raphael look at it just by side glancing but his eyes twinkles with interest as he and his brothers and sister are watching and learning from their friendly dinosaur.

Splinter can only describe his children, they are significantly adorable.

However, that moment all too soon for his liking when the thought of birthday celebration come back with full force. It causes his ears to go down a sign of him being melancholic. Splinter must find resolution for his children; he wants them to have the best of everything in the world.

"Daddy! Daddy!" His new and littlest girl rushed into him and give him a hug, but her arms are too short to wrap around Splinter's leg so the best she can do in this current state, is to hug his robe. Splinter can only smile down to his sweet little girl.

"Daddy! Come, come. Watch Barney." She tugs her father's robe, inviting him to watch her favorite children show with her, and she is giving him her big, wide-opened, super baby blue eyes of absolute adorability, in which he will never ever, ever say no to her.

Inside Splinter's subconscious, he is crying, squealing, and laughing like a giggling school girl of how adorable his daughter is. He cleared his throat before he replies.

"Alright, alright." He accepts her invention and little Michelangela is cheering her hooray as she pulls his robe to lead him to the living room as Splinter let her do it.

Once he reaches there he sits in the middle of the sofa comfortably, picking his daughter up, and sits her on his lap. Then, seconds later, the three boys upon seeing their father they left their sitting area and try to climb over the sofa to sit close to their father.

Donatello leaped like a toad and grabbed the fabric of the sofa to hold onto as he lifts himself up. He smiles of his success and sits right next to his rat dad and continue to watch Barney.

Raphael and Leonardo climbed over the sofa and just when they about to sit next to their father a fight has been unfold on whom going to sit next close to their dear dad. They balled their hands into little fists and they begin to hit at each other. Well, more like trying to land a punch as cute as they looked they're little fists can hurt when they swing fast.

Splinter raised his voice but not too loud and held much power of authority.

"No!" One word alone can make the time freeze in its place just like Leonardo and Raphael who froze; they almost curled into a ball and scrunched their faces almost ready to cry when they take a look on their father's face.

"I told you two many time and you still fight, you are brothers and brothers do not fight. They love each other no matter what." He is looking at them disappointedly for fighting over who get to sit next to him.

He has seen the way they fight and it's not cute or pleasant, they balled their hands into fists and they swing around to land a hit. Their swings are sloppy and clumsy but they swing fast and it can hurt, and that's the number one thing Splinter doesn't want to see it.

They both downcast in shame for what they did is wrong and made their father upset with them. Splinter softens when his ears caught a distinct whimper. It is his eldest son, Leonardo with his eyes are forming with small tears, sniffing, and very close to crying. Raphael is not whimpering or sniffing like his brother, on his face he is scowling but Splinter can see his lower lip is trembling and avoiding his father's gaze. Splinter sigh, feeling bad for yelling at them but they need to learn from right to wrong, he must teach them and make them understand from his point of view from the experience he went through, from the mistakes he made when he was a man…when he was a blind man.

Blindness and ignorance had engulfed him from stopping the tragedy that took place in the dark of the night when he fought his brother. They must learn what they mean for each other, to value one another with respect and love like any brother should for a brother.

Because a brother will fill your life where loneliness will never cease you, but if you lose your brother, in any way, is like losing a major part of who you are.

After Splinter took calming breathe and collect his thoughts, he then eases his voice to soothe his two son's sorrow.

"My sons, you must understand when I spoke to you it was out of concern and love for both of you. Resorting to aggression is not the answer but understanding and being cooperative is the key." He softly spoke to them, silencing their whimper and calming them down. Then, Splinter proceeds with a tender smile.

"And that's why I advise a solution. Leonardo, you will sit next to me, and Raphael you will sit on my shoulders, alright?" A solution is so simple that the little tots won't say no.

Leonardo and Raphael looked at their father, then at each other, and then they made a giggling music and crawl to the pointed spot that been selected by their father.

Things are now calm all thanks to Splinter as they continue to watch Barney, explaining the joy and importance of birthday. As Splinter watches the episode his ears dropped, stare at his children and thought again about his children's birthday.

He wants his children to enjoy this wonderful celebration with cake and gifts and it seems he can't give them that.

"Daddy." The little voice of his daughter brought him back from the depth of his mind and made him look down upon his little girl.

Michelangela had her knees bent on the soft cushion of the sofa with her hands on her lap, and she has her eyes twinkling like a star and Splinter knew too well that his little girl has a question that need answering from her father, and Splinter will gladly give her answer to her question. Splinter is bringing his smile and said.

"Yes, my daughter." Splinter placed all his attention to his daughter as he waits for her to continue with her question.

"Why birthday special?" Her question has got the attention of three of her brothers; they all abandoned their T.V watching and focus on Splinter as they are waiting for his answer.

It seems fortune was not in his favor or it dislikes him for some strange reason or did Michelangela develop the psychic power to read his mind. Nonetheless, he is in a situation where he, as a Ninja Master, cannot avoid it nor escape this. He is in a very tight situation.

Splinter's ears dropped as he releases a sigh, he guessed there is no other option but to tell them about the birthday.

"A birthday is special because it is a time of celebration of one's birth. It is a special time to celebrate with a special person because his birth and existence had made a wonderful influence in people's lives in family and friends, moreover, no matter how young or old they be they are still in the eyes of their Father and Mother, are still their child, and they will be reminded of the day every single year." That concludes Splinter's explanation of Birthday and chuckled at the sight before him. Four of his darling children are struck with big awe, eyes have grown big and in them are sparkling like starlight and their jaws have dropped down, wide open like a cod fish.

Michelangela is the first to break the magical silence as she climbs onto her Father and Splinter is laughing joyfully when his sweet daughter leaped into his arms and said in her positive tune.

"Daddy, daddy! When me and bwathers birthday?" Her smile is so contagious that all her brothers are smiling, too. All of them are eager to know.

"Tomorrow, my children." He replies to them, calmly but smiling. All of them gasp in exclamation then all the four little turtle are huddling together in circle whispering to each other so their father won't hear.

Amusement is written all over Splinter's face as he watches his children whispering something and Splinter can really hear them thank those big rat's ears but he chose not to listen whatever they are going to do they probably wanted him to be surprised. Then, as soon as they're done they scattered away like leaves being carried by the wind.

Splinter look in each direction his children went with bewilderment expression before he shook his head at their antics. But he wondered what exactly they were planning on doing?

Another day went by and a new day has come.

Despite living in the dirty sewers and no sunlight can shed the dark away but he can tell thanks to the clock he found in pile of junks that been thrown in sewers. The protective glass of the clock is broken, probably by someone who throws it in anger but it still works perfectly well.

With time on the wall he is never about being too early or too late, and with time he can always know when it's time to eat and when it's time for their naps. That's the good part about it.

Splinter woke up immediately at eight o'clock sharp since his body is used to it, then he will do a stretch exercise to loosen his sore muscles first then he will go make breakfast, in other words, make more algae and worms…again.

The great Ninja Master sighs in a most irritating way and mutters in his head how he grew tired of eating the same disgusting gooey substance three times a day, and not to be reminded again from his stomach always gurgling angrily of digesting something so sticky and leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

Splinter really desires for something utterly good like…Pizza.

Splinter sighs again for wishful thinking and stood up from his futon, did his exercise, and strode to the kitchen to make breakfast. Once he slides the door open and enters the living room he, suddenly, froze right on his spot as he was greeted by the sight before him.

The kitchen is in a chaotic mess, everywhere he looks green goo, flour, and broken egg shells are painted all over the place and by the look of it, it will take hours to scrape them off. But, Splinter is really focusing right on the center of the chaos.

It is a two layer cake and it is unlike any cake he has never seen before. The cake is green and it is sagging as if the cake is being abused by the wrong type of ingredient and the vanilla and chocolate frosting of Betty Crocker that he got ( he stole them, actually.) have splattered the poor cake mercilessly, and with green it created an ugly clustered marble.

Splinter is plainly confused rather than being frustrated at the mess, he strode around eying up and down on the green cake and he has to take a wild guess he is most certainly knew who did all of this. Then his ears have caught a faint sound of padding feet and wheels screeching against the floor coming this way.

And soon enough, all his children each of them carrying cleaning supplies to clean the mess they've made. But they've stopped in their tracks when they saw their father standing in the kitchen next to the cake, the look on their faces that they are in big trouble and must've hoped they could clean the mess before Splinter wake up but now he's awake and they're in big trouble, well, except for Mikey who she smiles like radiant sunshine when she saw her father and greeted him with warm good morning.

"Ohayōgozaimasu." She said it loud and cheery.

"Anata ni ohayō sugimasu." Splinter replies with an amused smile and begins to ask questions.

"Would you mind explain to me about this…" when he directed his hand to the cake the cake start to look worse than ever when it starts to fall and melt, it kinda reminded him of the green witch being melted by water in the movie.

"…Cake?" Then the top layer of the cake has fallen on the counter with flapping sound thus the cake becomes less and less of a cake.

Splinter's turtle tuts are looking bashful and not staring at their three toes as if they've noticed it just now but they knew one of them have to tell him their reason for the mess and the cake. So Leonardo being the oldest step up and start explaining.

"Father, yesterday you said that birthday is special because it's for family and for someone who's born." Said Leonardo.

"Yes, I did say that." He showed his son that he's listening and will not get mad, and Leonardo proceeds.

"So, me and Raph and Donnie and Mikey made a cake today to celebrate our birthday together and with you father." He said with a beautiful gleam of sincerity in his eyes and Splinter was taken by surprise. He looks at Leonardo and then at his other children with the same gleam in their eyes as Leonardo, and then he noticed his children are covered in goo and flour from working so hard on the cake for them and for Splinter.

"Well, that's certainly a surprise but my children," He looks at them with amusement.

"On your birthday it is I should be the one who will make your cake to truly celebrate your new year." As he explained to them they tilt their heads and they are looking at him as if he answered them wrong, then Mikey spoke up.

"But Daddy, the cake is for all of us because you said when someone is born it become a birthday. So me and brothers were born and you too." Despite her vocabulary is off but what she said Splinter's heart skipped a beat and then it engulfed with sweet warmth. He looks at the cake in whole new light and in that moment he understood.

This green, melting, falling, messed-up cake has now become a light significant meaning.

A celebration of the birth of a new family that is him and his children after Splinter had journeyed through his life from happiness to tragedy from tragedy to accident and from accident to a miracle. And his angels had made another miracle and healed the pain of yesterday and brought a smile on his face.

"Very well, let's eat our cake, then we clean the kitchen, and afterward we will take a bath all together." When he said it the kids let out a big cheer of hooray they can eat cake and bath together as in Splinter will bring the pool big enough for all of them to swim, dip, and all the fun they could think of.

They've all seated as Splinter cut the cake and passes on to his children as they happily munch the sweet green delicacy and Splinter must admit the cake does taste a lot better with chocolate and vanilla frosting, who knew.

This is truly a memorable day for the Hamato family and Splinter could not wait for next year birthday.


Well, I gave my all and I hope you guys like it and stay tuned for the next chapter.