I don't own BBC Sherlock, they are the creative works of Steven Moffat, Mark Gatiss and of course the wonderful Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Hope you had a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year. I shall be going back to my normal schedule of updating once a week on a Wednesday.

This is Sherlock's side of the Overcoming Misfortune. This starts around chapter ten of Overcoming Misfortune, so they are neck and neck at the moment. I will be doing this one up until the point that John walks into St Bart's with Mike. I do hope you enjoy it.

Overcoming Betrayal

Chapter One

Sherlock walked towards the University housing area that he and his boyfriend lived in together. He was in his second year at University, studying Chemistry, and while most of it was boring, he at least could use the labs for his own experiments every now and then. He had finished all of that years work and the next years work not that long ago. He was now free to study what he wished. The nineteen, almost twenty year old walked inside and headed towards their small apartment in the small block of flats.

Sherlock had been with Victor since just a few days after starting at University. He had been thinking about Bonding with him over the last couple of months, since Victors last heat. He reached the second floor and walked over to his front door. He could hear noises coming from inside and there was a lingering smell as well that cloyed at the back of Sherlock's throat.

Sherlock pulled out his key and opened the door. He could hear the noises further inside, in their bedroom. He rushed over and threw open the door. The noise obvious to any what was going on inside the room. Sherlock growled at the smell of sex.

Victor looked to Sherlock with dark eyes, wide in shock, "Sherlock," he whispered.

"Fucking forget him," the naked man on the bed said as he carried on with what he was doing.

Sherlock growled louder, a threat, a warning to stop, "Get out!" he yelled as he grabbed the other Alpha by his hair and pulled him off Victor.

Sherlock flung the naked Alpha out of the room and almost frog marched him into the hallway. The unknown Alpha tried to fight Sherlock off. Sherlock twisted his arm and slammed him against the wall opposite his front door.

"Get lost and made sure you don't come back." Sherlock growled as he slammed him once more against the wall, making sure that the Alpha got the message.

Sherlock slammed the door closed behind him as he went back to the bedroom. He looked to the bed where Victor had covered himself with a sheet, "Well, I had thought of Bonding with you. But why would I want to sully myself with a second rate Omega that can't help but spread their legs for the nearest Alpha?" he sneered as he stared at him.

"Please Sherlock, it just happened, I'm sorry. I love you, you're my Alpha," he pleaded as he got up from the bed and began to head over to Sherlock, a hand reaching out towards him.

Sherlock smacked the hand away from him, "I wouldn't be with you even if you were the last Omega on Earth," he hissed, wanting nothing more than to get away from Victor.

"Please, please Sherlock, I love you. You know that I'm yours," he begged going a little closer as Sherlock began to turn away.

"You're mine?" he snorted, "Oh no, you're not mine, that much was obvious when I came in to see you and an Alpha fucking on our bed" he headed towards the door and went into the living room, Victor following him.

"Please, please Sherlock, don't leave me!" he begged him as he followed Sherlock out of their flat.

Sherlock turned and growled at him as he snarled, "Fuck off Victor, we are through. I never want to see you again."

"Give me a chance to make things right between us, please Sherlock," Victor begged him as Sherlock started to leave the building going down the stairs. Victor followed him, dressed only in a sheet as he followed begging, "Please Sherlock, don't leave me. I love you!" he yelled to him, tears in his eyes as he realised that he had ruined his relationship.

"Not going to happen Victor, you spread your legs for any passing Alpha, I don't want a betrayer," he said as he called for a taxi, needing to get out of there quickly. One pulled up and he started to get in, "I will get my stuff soon, but you better be out of the flat when I do, because if I see you, I will not be responsible for what I might do," he told him, his voice shaking with anger, hurt and betrayal.

Victor watched as he got in the taxi and it sped away from him. He collapsed to the ground crying. Sherlock didn't look back and he tried to keep a tight rein on his emotions. It wouldn't do to show them while he was in public.

"Where to mate?" the driver asked, wanting to get some kind of destination from the young man in the back.

"Regents Park," he answered, almost snapping at the man. He watched out of the window as the streets went by. It didn't take that long to reach the park. He paid the fare and stepped out. Heading towards the bandstand. He walked towards one of the empty benches and looked out to the lake.

Sherlock sat there for a moment before he closed his eyes and went into his newly created Mind Palace. He had been working on it for almost a year, and it helped him keep the information he wanted and needed at the forefront of his mind. He took a shaky breath as he began to lock away the memories of Victor, not wanting to remember what he saw. He knew they would come up every now and then, but for now, he could push them away.

Sherlock had no idea how much time had passed when he heard a familiar voice come from behind him, "Sherlock?"

Sherlock didn't even both to turn as he asked dryly, "Having fun watching me fail again brother?"

Mycroft went around the bench and sat down next to him, "How could I ever have fun when you are hurting."

"I am fine," he spoke calmly as he got up and stared down at him.

He looked up to his younger brother and shook his head, "No I don't think you are. But you will in time."

"What is it you always say Mycroft?" Sherlock asked him, "Caring is not an advantage. You're right, it's not."

Mycroft shook his head, "I…" he said, not knowing what he should say at all.

"Just leave me alone Mycroft," he said with a shake of his head as he began to walk away.

"Sherlock," he called out, standing up to watch him. Sherlock turned to face him for a second, "Please, don't do anything stupid. I know about the drugs you did with him. Just, come home with me. Or we could go and see Mummy and Father. I know they would love to see you again," he suggested, hoping that the other would take him up on it. Sherlock had been using drugs a little over the last year, mostly from the influence of Victor and the young Omega's friends.

Sherlock snorted, "I'm not gong with you and I'm not going to see our parents. Just leave me alone Mycroft. For once in your life leave me alone. Don't interfere," he told him as he walked away.

Not even an hour after Sherlock walked out of Regent Park, he was lying on a damp mattress in an old building, smiling at the half rotted away ceiling above him as a drug-induced haze took him away from the pain he was feeling. His mind becoming sharper as he started to think of the series of murders that had taken place over the last few weeks. Victor was not even a ghost in those thoughts, and that, for Sherlock, was for the best.

Well, hope you have enjoyed seeing what is going on with Sherlock.