Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Supernatural.

A special thanks to AlElizabeth for beta'ing my story.

A/N: Well, I've done something different. This is my first crossover story, and I hope that you like it. I've cross two of my favorite fandoms Harry Potter and Supernatural.

Summary: Things are happening in the Heartland State and it will take two brothers an a certain wizard to stop these events from happening.

Dementor's Kiss

Prologue: England comes to the Heartlands.

Jocelyn Bryce was a twenty-three year old waitress at the local diner in the small town she had grown up in. It was just some small piece of apple pie in the middle of the heartland of America. Today was a special day for her because she was going on a date with the love of her life, Jacob Foster. What made it even more spectacular was that she hadn't seen him in a few weeks since he was abroad doing some kind of work in England. They had been dating since they were in high school even though they had known each other for longer than that.

Jocelyn rushed home from work so that she could take a quick shower and change before Jacob showed up. While brushing her hair, there was a knock on her door. With the biggest grin on her face, she went to open up the door for her Jacob.

Jacob didn't even get inside the door before his arms was full with his special girl and she was kissing him as a way of greeting him. Once they separated, Jacob softly chuckled at his girlfriend.

"Well, if I'm going to receive a greeting like this, maybe I should stay away more often," Jacob mused.

"No," Jocelyn voice had a light sternness to it. "You are not allowed to leave me like that again."

Jacob laughed and pulled his whole world into his arms. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Jacob leaned down for another sensual kiss. Joking about leaving again, Jacob really did miss his girl. He knew that if he had to do it again, he would follow his first thought and make sure he could take her with him when he had to leave out of town.

After finally separating again, Jacob looked down into those beautiful pale blue eyes of his soul mate and asked her, "Are you ready?"

"Yes," she said softly.

Reluctantly, Jocelyn let go of her lover and went to get her purse and coat and together, the two of them walked out of the small apartment and headed out for the evening.

In this small town there was an even smaller airport. This airport only had one runway. At this particular time, a small jet was set to land. Everything went as scheduled and the jet landed safely on the runway. It being such a small town, the airport did not have a terminal runway that went to the airplane. Steps were brought to the plane so that the passengers could get off. This particular night among the passengers was a man smaller than most with unruly black hair, wire-rimmed circle glasses, and a strange lightening bolt scar on his forehead. The man went down the stairs and looked around.

"Here goes nothing," he said to himself.

Following the rest of the passengers, they all went into the building to gather the rest of their luggage, rent cars, or check for hotels.

Harry Potter, being new to the States, walked up to the counter.

"How can I help you, sir," the woman behind the counter asked.

"Is there somewhere I can get a room close by?" He asked.

"Far from home?" She absentmindedly asked while typing on her computer.

"Pretty hard to miss," the man smiled. It wasn't hard to miss that he had a very thick English accent.

"Yeah," she smiled in return. "Well, I love your accent. Here is a place that might do you good. I can book you a room from here, if you like."

"Please. Thank you."

"So proper." the girl mused. Harry couldn't help but to smile at that.

Boy, if his adoptive Dad and wife could see him now, they were worried that he wouldn't be able to do what he was suppose to do, but things weren't going as bad as they thought they would.

Harry found himself walking down the street, following the girl at the counter's directions. He was headed towards the nearest motel. She said that it would be a long walk, and since it was a mild night, Harry decided to walk.

Thirty minutes later, Harry was throwing his small backpack on the bed of the room he was staying in. It wasn't much, but for what he needed to do, it would work just fine. Not that he was settled he decided he would give his wife a call and let her know that he was settled and he would be getting started after he gotten some dinner and rested. After an extended time of assurances and promising to be safe and also talking with his adoptive father, Harry set out for the evening.

Jocelyn and Jacob were leisurely walking down the street. Jocelyn's arm wrapped around Jacob's. Her head leaning on his shoulder. They had just had a wonderful dinner and they weren't really ready to go home just yet. And since it was a beautiful night out, a walk was just the thing for two lovers. Throughout the walk, neither said a word. They were just enjoying each other's company. Then things started to get strange. It started out a warm night. It started getting cold. Jocelyn snuggled more and more in her boyfriend's side slightly shivering.

The couple stopped walking when looking up they saw something that just couldn't have been there. There was just no way that what they were seeing was real. Three cloaked figures came spirally down from the sky in front of them. The two of them were frozen with fear. Jocelyn and Jacob lived in this town all their lives and never have they seen what they were looking at right now. One of the cloaked beings floated down until they were right in front of the couple. What they saw next looked like it came off the pages of some horror movie or something. The being lifted up what looked like its head instead of regular features of a face it was only a hole. And in this hole Jocelyn could feel something being sucked out of her. She looked over and saw two more of those creatures over her Jacob. Jacob was on the ground. Jocelyn didn't even remember letting go of Jacob or him falling on the ground. She couldn't understand what this feeling she was experiencing was. Every fear that she ever had was the only thing she was thinking about.

Everything started to blur in her eyes when she saw a figure running towards her. She thought she saw the figure point something. Then everything went black.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Harry was on his way to get dinner when he felt the coldness in the air. He knew he was going to have to deal with Dementors, but he didn't think it would be this soon. What worried him more while he was chasing these Dementors away was it seemed like the woman was looking right at them.


A/N: Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Please take the time and let me know what you think. :) Reviews always make me happy.

Many hugs and kisses to you all

Mandancie :)

Please follow my Mandancie page on Facebook and Tumblr.