Hey guys! How long has it been? Almost a month huh? Well my apoligies for the wait I have been quite busy with school and now with my new job with my parents new buisness. Also This is the last chapter of this story all stories must come to an end at somepoint right? Anways I wanted to tell those who don't know I am now on Wattpad and I'll be publishing some some stories I WON'T be publishing here. So if you want to read my untold stories please follow me on Wattpad, Thank You.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kung Fu Panda


Po sat in his cell with frustration. He was finally caught and now he was going to pay for his crimes. Nayi and the rest of the bandits were put in a different cell due to their fear that Po would do something that would surely kill them. Surprisingly, though, Po was sitting calmly doing nothing to let his frustration out. He told her everything she needed to know. He knew for sure she hated him now. But the way she looked at him, as he was being taken away, told him otherwise. He had fallen in love something he told his dad he would never do. His father told him he would find either way but he would always deny it. Now he was experiencing it at the time he had to pay for his crimes. He discovers love and now he has to pay for the crimes he made…with his life. Marvelous right?

"It was time brother" Nayi interrupted his thought from across the hall. Po looked at her with his expression half angry and the other saddened. "I knew something was going on with you and that tiger. You know it too" Po turned his back at her knowing she was right. How could he be so stupid?! Tigress would never love him. Even if he did try.

"Po?" a familiar voice came. He turned around slowly seeing the one he thought he would never see again.

"Tigress" Po looked at her with a surprised expression. "What are you doing here?" He walked towards the bars.

"I came to see you again." She told him. She was holding a small box in her hands.

"What's in the box?" Po asked her. She handed it to him through the bars whispering.

"I brought you something that can help you escape" Po opened finding a copy of the original key to his cell.

"You're helping me?" Po looked at her. "Why?"

"Let's just say I may have stronger feelings for you as well" She smiled as Po smiled back.

"Thank you"

"Times up" A guard told her.

"I better go. Be careful"

"I will I promise" Tigress smiled at him before kissing him through the bars and left.

Later that night Po looked around making sure the guards had fallen asleep, like they always did. Once he made sure they were he took out his key and unlocked the door, getting out quietly. Po, being himself, didn't like things being simply so he "accidentally" woke up a guard.

"Guards!" He yelled waking the others. Po smirked at them and began to fight them. For a non-kung fu master, he did pretty well and was able to defeat them in half an hour.

"Well that was easy" He stated taking the keys and went over to the cell of Nayi and the others.

"Please don't kill us" Chang freaked hiding behind Nayi, who rolled her eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you but I'll need your help"

*The next morning*

Tigress yawing as she got up from her deep sleep hearing someone knocking on her window. This was odd she never heard anyone knock from there. She went over and opened it cautiously only to see Po.

"Po what are you doing?" She whispered hoping the others weren't up yet. "You know what would happen if Shifu knew you were here? He would kill you!"

"I know. I know." Po said leaning against the window. "But I had to come."

"For what?"

"I wanted to tell you that…. I love you" Po told her. "And I know I'm a bandit and you're a warrior. But I'm going to go for a while and change that. I'm going to set my record straight and come back. I promise" Tigress looked at him surprised.

"Y-you would change?" Po nodded.

"I know it seems impossible but I will and I'm starting by returning the prince and the jewel. Both will be here tomorrow morning. At the palace" He told her. Tigress's ear twitched hearing footsteps.

"You better get going Po" She told him. "My father is coming and he'll kill you if he sees you."

"Ok just be careful Tigress" He told her. His eyes were sincere and truthful"

"As long as I know you'll be coming back I'll be fine." She smiled kissing him one last time before he climbed down and left. Tigress smiled waving good bye and sat down feeling tears wanting to fall but prevented them wiping her eyes. A knock soon came to her door. "Yes?"

"Tigress the Emperial Guards are here they said Po is missing" MaSha said through the door.

"Oh" Tigress responded trying to sound like she didn't know.

"They want to know if you have any ideas where he went." Tigress sighed and got up going over and opened the door and headed over to the guards.

Now you may think the story ends here. But there is more to this Love Story than you think. Po WILL see Tigress again but things will change through the years that they're apart. You'll see that later this April-May what I'm saying for this in Forbidden Love: Po's Return.

So what do you guys think of my ending? Awesome? Good? It's alright? Bad? Terrible? You tell me! I won't judge. If I get at least 5 positive coments I will write the sequel. Forbidden Love: Po's Return. I already have an idea for it but I want to see if you guys want a sequel to this. Anyways Please Review and Have an awesome panda day.