A month had passed since Averill had been taken back to King Landing, Sandor Clegane had ridden long and hard those first few nights, but to no avail. When he reached the city all entrances were being blocked off or guarded including the sewers. It was unsure if they expected him to return for Averill, either way, Tywin seemed to be taking no risks.

Of course, his goal was to save her from Gregor something he could never accomplish if he had just stormed right in the front gate. All that would accomplish would be getting his head on a spike. After all Sandor Clegane was no longer a Kingsgaurd he was a fugitive now. He was a traitor to the crown and abducted the Queen regents sister. Bursting through the front gates would only sign his death warrant and that would only ensure that Averill would remain with that monster for the remainder of her likely short life. Up until that point both Sandor and Averill had made many poorly thought out decisions, he wouldn't make the same mistake again. As much as it pained him, she would have to endure Gregor until he could figure something out.

After seeing no way into the city Sandor set up camp in a small cave far off of the main road in a small cave that didn't seem to see to much foot traffic. Each second that passed fueled the rage he had at himself for ever letting her out of his sight. Though Sandor wasn't inside Kings Landing he knew the wedding was fast approaching. It wouldn't be long until… Well, that thought was almost too much for him to bear. As he sat and stewed and cursed and drank it seemed impossible to find a way that ended pleasantly for either of them. As much as he hated to admit it he couldn't see a way to save her this time. The guards were posted at the sewers right up until the night of her wedding. That night was filled with rage, quiet desperation and more wine then anyone should consume in one sitting.

All he found himself thinking of was her, and how scared she must've felt. Was she waiting for him to come? Sandor had promised to keep her safe, but he failed. Sandor nearly became sick at the thought of the Mountain defiling her, but he was no fool he knew that if he ever did see Averill again her innocence would be long gone. It almost made him regret not taking her maidenhood for himself while to two were on the run together. Though she may no longer be 'pure' he wouldn't let his brother continue to ruin the only thing he ever gave a damn about. Though sometimes he found himself thinking if leaving her behind for good would be for the best. Maybe Gregor would see the same value in her that he did, maybe he wouldn't destroy her as he did to everything else in his life. It was foolish and wishful thinking.

A week after the wedding Sandor was skulking around the outer edge of Kings Landing. Shrouded in a tattered cloak and hunched over in an effort to hide his hulking form. Finally, there seemed to be an opening; the guards had final left one of the sewers unattended. Though rash plans were something he was trying to avoid it seemed he could either go now or not at all. He pulled the cloak up towards his chin as he slowly made his way through the filth of Kings Landing. The smell was horrid, the darkness was all consuming and none of it mattered to him at all. All he could think of was seeing Averill again. This time they would leave Westeros for good. He would take her to Bravos, or Volantis of maybe even far beyond that. Tywin Lannister shat gold, but surely even he wouldn't look that far for his bastard daughter. Sandor could care less where they were or what he had to do. Once her found Averill he would never let her down again. He would make sure she was safe and happy. She would want for nothing.

Averill shifted ever so slightly in her bed, not wanting to disturb Gregor. To her relief, she quickly realized that he must've left while she still slept. It had been a little more than a week since she had married the Mountain, though she wasn't thrilled with the arrangement he had proven too much more tender than she initially anticipated though he was taking full advantage of their marital bed which was leaving her rather sore.

The two still didn't speak much, he was sure to present her with gifts of jewels and dresses which he expected her to adorn for him and the court to see. Despite his superior wealth and some would argue looks, Averill still felt herself longing for the younger Clegane more and more as time passed. She had been lucky so far and only seen glimpses of his legendary temper since their wedding, though thankfully she never seemed to be the subject of his ire. It seemed as long as she willingly performed her wifely duties Gregor was content.

Even that which was once such a dreadful thought to her hadn't been entirely bad. He didn't seem to take pleasure in her discomfort. Of course, she still longed for Sandor, but that was out of her hands now. This was the situation the Gods had landed her with and if she had any hope of at least being content with her life she would have to make the best of it. All she had to do was anything he asked without question… That wasn't so bad… Right? Averill sighed as she rolled out of bed before summoning her chambermaid to help her get ready for the day.

"Milady, your brother was asking for you this morning."

"Where has my husband gone?" Averill asked as Lily braided her hair. The handmaiden glanced at the floor for a moment while finishing up her hair in silence.

"Uhm… Well, last I heard he was speaking with your father this morning."

"With my father?" The young girl answered with a nod. Averill quirked her brow at this development.

"I'm afraid I don't know anything more milady… I believe Lord Tyrion would know though…" Averill quirked her brow, of course, she was always willing to see her brother, but something seemed odd about this whole thing and she certainly believed her handmaid knew more than she was letting on.

Averill made her way through the hallway of the Red Keep. Whatever her new husband and father were talking about she was sure it wasn't good. Things had been decent enough so far, but they had only been together little over a week and also Gregor would have been a fool to harm Averill while all her family in the Keep surrounded her. Though there was no love lost between Cersei and herself it would look very bad if she allowed her sister to be killed right under her nose.

"Ah dear sister I'm glad I've found you I was hoping I could have a word with you." Averill nearly jumped out of her skin at the dark tone that had invaded Tyrions usually nonchalant demeanor. Something was wrong. Her heart sank to her stomach she found herself only able to answer with a small nod before following her brother to his room.

"Is everything ok."

"Of course everything is fine." His expression spoke volumes and it said something much different than his words. "Come I'm still so elated by your marriage I wish to toast to it privately in my quarters." Of course, Averill knew this was far from the truth. With each step forward her heart seemed to be closer and closer to pounding straight out of her chest. As they entered his room, Averill saw Bronn sitting in the windowsill polishing his knife. As he noticed her enter he seemed to shoot to his feet and offered her a small, very informal bow of the head. Averill stood near the doorway, trying to piece together what may be happening, but kept finding herself falling short.

"So… Is Bronn to join in the celebration as well?" She asked wondering if they were still supposed to continue their charade. Tyrion shook his head and he and Bronn made their way to their table. He motioned towards Bronn, who began pouring the three of them heavy goblets of sweet Dornish red. "Hah, I see you're breaking out the good stuff for this momentous and happy occasion."

"You and I both know I don't really feel that way, we also know this Keep has many eyes and ears who are just waiting for anyone of us to slip up. It just so happens some of my ears have heard a little rumor that more than unsettles me."

"Oh, and what would that be dear brother." She asked before taking a small swig.

"This is serious Averill…" He took a deep sigh, rubbing his temples "I happened to hear that your beloved husband is already planning to take you westwards." Of course, Averill had expected this to be the case, but it didn't make the news any easier to take. She simply nodded before taking a few small gulps and draining her goblet.

"We all know it was bound to happen sooner or later… Besides things haven't been completely unbearable we both know there's nothing that can be done about it. This is what father wanted… He wanted me married off so the families shame could be cast away and forgotten…" Averill glanced over towards Bronn. The more she thought about the odder she found his presence there.

"I won't let him ship you off with that monster. At least if you're here in the capitol there's some way I could possibly keep you safe. Bronn has already agreed to shadow you." Bronn bowed his head towards her, for some reason, the idea of him following her around did nothing but upset her. The only person she wanted protecting her was probably across the narrow seas by now. She had made her bed and now it was her time to lie in it.

"No… Gregor is no genius but he's certainly not stupid. He's also known for his jealousy. The second he sees another man following me around it will trigger his ire and I have no doubt he will mash in that head of yours."

"Better his than yours," Tyrion added.

"Hey! No one's head is getting mashed in, especially not mine." Bronn retorted. Averill shrugged. "I said I'd follow her, but I'd have to be a bloody moron to raise a blade to that thing. He's much quicker then he looks."

"Then there really is no point to you skulking about now is there?" Averill snapped. Both Bronn and Tyrion fell silent. Averill let out a long sigh before continuing "Do what you must, but I feel like your concern is wasted here. For now, Gregor has been a decent husband_"

"Decent does mean you're happy…"

"My happiness doesn't matter, the only thing I care about is…." Averill stopped herself and glanced over towards Bronn cautiously. "The only thing that matters is no longer with me so there's no use in dwelling on it." Before Tyrion had a chance to say another word Averill left the room. She set out down the stairs without a set destination in mind. Without Sandor, nothing mattered. She had been foolish enough to abandon the man she loved, though it was for a just reason all Averill could do now was live with the consequences.

Averill pressed herself into a small dark corner of an unfamiliar hallway. She wasn't lost, just disoriented. Her heart beat quickened as the reality of what Tyrion had told her really set in. She had hope that Gregor would remain kind to her, but if his past said anything that would simply not be the case. Averill brought a shaky hand up towards her eyes to wipe away the forming tears only to have her hand grabbed.

She jumped, trying to jerk her hand away from whoever had grabbed it. Which was impossible since it completely enveloped her. As she glanced up out of the shadow her husband came into view. His expression as hard to read as ever, his breath stinking of ale.

"Who must I beat to a bloody fucking pulp this time my love." He commanded while releasing her hand and bringing his thumb across her cheek gently. Averills heart raced once again as she racked her brain with what to say.

"It's nothing I'm sorry." Gregor frowned, apparently not pleased with her answer. "Where have you been…I missed you this morning." She lied. Gregor cracked a smirk and offered her his arm. Averill placed her much smaller hand on his arm as the pair made their way down the hall.

"I'm glad to see you're as eager to be with child as I am." He answered. Averills cheeks flushed red at his response, of course, that's where his mind would go. "My seed is strong, you needn't worry about that. I only hope you're strong enough to carry him to term. As I'm sure you've heard my two previous wives weren't so lucky." Averills heart sank, she wondered if he spoke the truth. It seemed doubtful.

"I only hope I can please you more then they did…" She said as a small tremble overtook her. Gregor stopped in the middle of the hall, Averill found herself flinching, expecting his massive fist to strike her or something else unpleasant. Instead, he simply placed his hand over her belly and gave it a small rub.

"You do. Your face, your voice, your demeanor and of course.." He shifted his hand up towards her breast, giving it a small squeeze "Your body pleases me most of all." Averills breath became caught in her throat at his very bold and very public show of affection. It didn't make her feel at ease, it only brought her more dread. She forced a smile to her lips as she trembled under his grasp. His expression quickly soured as he drew his hand back.

"Do I frighten you?" His words couldn't help but remind her of the Hound. At first, the Hound frightened her, but it wasn't long until she came to love him would it be the same for Gregor? Was everything she had heard simply baseless rumors.

No, Sandor would never have lied about what this monster did to him… His wives didn't die from complications, Gregor did them in just like he tried to do with Sandor… Like he did with his whole family….

"Of course not my Lord."

"' Of course not my Lord'" He mocked before spitting on the ground "You know I heard a nasty rumor, that my shit of a brother didn't actually kidnap you that you two were actually lovers." She could hear the rage boil over in his voice as his fists clenched. "Of course I was happy to find out that was a baseless rumor when I took your maidenhead myself." Averill stared at him, at a loss for words "My dear wife, you of all people should know there are many nasty and baseless rumors spread. I will be hurt and offended if I learn you are one of the many who believe such things. Don't forget I've also been kind enough to overlook the ugly truth of your baseborn birth" His last statement stung, Sandor never threw that in her face it seemed Gregor would not show her the same courtesy.

"Of course I don't, you haven't hurt me and I don't believe you will." She lied, hoping it would, of course, be true.

"I'm no fucking pushover if anyone does something that deserves punishment I will dole it out in spades" Gregor snapped. Averill dared a glance up at his face. It was snarled, his eyes almost like two black holes she quickly glanced away for fear of being sucked into his silent rage. "I am glad to hear you have faith in me though. Especially since I will be taking you home soon. I'm afraid there is still a war to be won and I must return to the frontlines. I want our son to be born at home. Being here in the Red Keep will only soften him and you. I can't have that." Averill only nodded in response, of cou,rse she had objections but she wasn't about to let him know that. "Come, I'm hungry and I need to keep you strong enough to bear my son."

(A/N: Hey guys I know you all probably hate me for taking nearly a year to post another chapter especially with the story wrapping up soon. I hope to have it finished around the same time this final season of GOT wraps up, but we shall see how writers' block treats me. I hope this chapter is worth the wait. I'm sorry there are no moments between Averill and Sandor. As always I love to hear from you guys in either reviews or messages. Thank you for continuing to stick with Averill and myself on her journey. Special Thanks to GoldenGod48 for keeping me in line and expressing continued interest in this adventure)