Happily Ever-After(s)

The kingdom was in a fit of excitement. A new monarch was to be crowned today, and after decades of the terrible rule from the last king, the change was always a welcome thing. And for the first time in the long line of the Bennett House, there was a chance that the change would be for the better.

So yes, joyful excitement flowed throughout the kingdom, despite the unusual circumstances of the coronation.

Aster stood toward the front of the crowed, nearest to the podium that displayed the throne, and for the first time in his life, he didn't have to hide his appearance. For the first time since he lost his people, he felt no fear of revealing himself as a Pooka. After all, he'd been a crustal part of obtaining the crown. That got him some special protection.

People did still gave him curious glances when they weren't staring intently at the thrown. Some whispers accompanied those stares, both judgmental and curious. Aster cheerfully ignored them, and glanced at the two at his side.

Jack stood closest to him, smiling contently with eyes that were alight with excitement. He was finely dressed for the occasion, with a sharp outfit all hand made by North. And finally had clothing that didn't belong to a woman, Aster thought with a wry smile. The top was made of silk and a deep blue in color, as Jack had proven fond of the color. It was accented around the color and cuffs with a stormy grey, North's way of paying tribute to Jack's star heritage. The trousers where simply black leather. They flowed seamlessly into the black shin-length boots that Jack detested so. His ever present staff hung at his side like it was an extension of his arm. With his wild hair pulled into submission – by which he meant that it was manageable and not sticking out at all ends quite as much – he made for a very nice picture.

The only thing that ruined that picture was the cast around his hand. It had been a month, and the hand was nearly healed, but it still remained as a constant, nagging reminder of what had happened. Jack had become much quieter, subdued, after what had happened with Pitch. He was recovering, ever so slowly, but he wasn't the same.

A small part of Aster said that the boy never would be. He tried to ignore it.

Nightlight and Sandy stood just behind Aster, nearby as always, and boxing Jack in on his other side, was Sera. Though she still preferred trousers and long-sleeved blouses, she'd gone more traditionally feminine for the occasion. She wore a long sleeved, simple green gown. Other than the v-cut at her chest, the dress was plain, though the shade of green looked lovely on her. Her hair was down and undecorated, well below her waist in dark waves.

Aster studied her, the way she kept a hand on Jack's shoulder with a small, pleased smile on her face, and thought that she'd never looked more beautiful than in this content happiness. He placed his own hand over where hers rested on Jack's shoulder, linking the three of them as a unit, and she sent a full smile his way.

Then trumpets blared in announcement of the royal family's arrival, and they jumped to attention along with the rest of the room. A hush fell over the room as they filed in.

In the front of the group were Jamie and Ana, walking arm to arm. Ana wore an elegant purple gown, the same shade of her eyes, that was accented with teal beadwork. The long fur cape that dragged against the fur behind her way was died with those same violet and teal swirls, so that it looked like the feathers of an exotic bird. Her dark hair was pulled slick against her head, so that the usual feather-like spikes formed a crown of dark locks.

Beside her, Jamie's own outfit of forest greens and blacks was simple, but elegant and crisp in its own way. The only decoration on his person was the newly repaired royal stone, with the ruby re-set in a golden chain that had the stone hanging at the center of his chest. Directly behind them came their youngest sister, Sophie, dressed in a robin blue gown and a silver circle over her brow, which marked her as the kingdom's princess. Aster felt a smile bloom as he watched the young girl practically bounce after her siblings. He'd developed a slight soft spot – or very soft spot, if you asked Jack, which Aster did not – after they first met at North and Ana's wedding the week before.

And, speak of the devil, North took up the rear back of the group, wearing an outfit similar to Jamie's, with red as the primary in color. In his arms was tiny Tania, held with her back to North so that she got a full view of her surroundings. The baby wore a small dress much like her mothers, largely teal in color with purple accents. Those blue and violent eyes scanned the room almost appraisingly, every bit like a princess.

Sera leaned over to Aster as the royal parade passed. "It's still hard to believe that he did it," she whispered, motioning to Jamie. "Giving up that kind of power, well, I wouldn't have though anyone could manage it."

"Nice ta know ya hold men in such a high regard, Sera."

"It's not a man thing, Aster. It's a human thing. People like power, and they don't like to give it up. Unless you're Jamie, apparently."

"I think it's a sign of strength when someone knows themselves well enough to turn down power that they know they can't handle."

"Fair point."

"Jamie's a great kid, no doubt. But he's not someone others would follow as a leader, 'cause...well, he's just a kid."

Sera hummed in agreement. Jamie had the kind of face that was youthful despite his actual age. It was difficult to respect someone as a king when the first thing you thought upon seeing him was 'kid'.

"Give him credit though," she said after a moment. "He's changed the entire foundation of the kingdom. Not bad for a kid with a short reign of power.

Jamie had been king for little more than a month. In that time, he'd found a way to transfer the power over the kingdom to his older sister. The decision had been met with a great deal of shock throughout the kingdom, even some hostility. But in the end, no one could stop him, because for the moment, Jamie was king. That being said, Jamie didn't have any desire to rule the kingdom. As he'd explained at North and Ana's wedding, when he'd shared the plan with them:

"Pippen was crazy, sick in the head and an overall terrible person. But he was right about one thing: I don't have what it takes to be king. I'm not the right person for the throne, and while I don't mind taking the kingdom if there's no one else, I shouldn't be the one to take because I'm the only male left in the family. Not when there's someone else who can do it better."

As it turned out, Ana was suited much better for the throne as it was. She was very proficient in the kingdom's politics, and had been for years – which was why Jamie was comfortable leaving the throne in her hands. The two older siblings came to a stop in front of the throne and turned to face the room, with Ana standing in the center. North and Sophie fanned out on either side of them.

If Ana was nervous in anyway, she didn't show it. She stood regal and calm, with a faint smile. The bishop – new and improved – came to a stop in front of her, and held the crown up for all to see. A murmur spread through the room. As the bishop stood to the side, Jamie came forward and took his place, unclasping the stone from his neck and placing it around his sister's. The deep red of the stone stood out in blaring contrast to the rest of Ana's outfit, but at the same time looked like it belonged. Jamie bowed deeply and stepped away, leaving room for the bishop to come forward with the crown once more.

One of the servants took hold of the velvet pillow, allowing the bishop to take hold of the crown. Holding it reverently in two hands, he placed the crown on Ana's dark tresses.

"I present to you, the first of her name: Queen Ana, of Stormhold."

The room erupted in applause, and Ana beamed.


Night fell, and the kingdom was celebrating. Aster stood off to the side of the room, leaning against the wall casually as he watched the rest of the room. North had pulled the new Queen into the center of the room for a dance, leaving his daughter with Jamie. Just off to the side, Jack and Sophie alternated between bouncing around the room – Aster guessed it was supposed to be a dance, but both teenagers were so high on sugar it was honestly hard to tell – and bouncing around Jamie to get a look at the baby.

Aster felt a slight twinge of concern, especially when the two teens were doing the bounce around the room that may have been a dance. Jack and Sophie were spending a lot of time together. Was that because the princess was the only one even close to Jack's age? Or was this what teenaged love looked like? Oh, please let it be the first one, Aster thought with a rush of panic. I can't handle teenage love.

However, seeing the happy grin that was spread over Jack's face, he decided he might be able to handle it a little bit, if indeed that's what it was. This was the happiest he'd seen the kid in the last month. Luckily, Sera joined him before his thoughts could spiral back into a panic about whether or not Jack was on the verge of having a love life. And his inability to handle that.

He sent a smile her way. She returned the gesture, and Aster was warmed again by how content she looked.

"You seem happy," she said, voicing his thoughts.

"It's largely your doing."

"I think it's about half my doing." She sent a meaningful look in Jack's direction. "I've been worried that we'd never see him happy like this."

"He's doin' better." He was tempted, for a moment, to ask the question that was constantly hanging over them. About the man who had not only permanently scarred Aster's life, but Sera and Jack's as well. The man who was currently stashed away on her ship. But, as always, the question stayed glued to his tongue, though he knew they would eventually have to discuss this. Instead, he took her hand and pulled her gently away from the wall; "Dance with me?" he offered.

Sera's fine eyebrows shot up. "I didn't think you were one for dancing."

"Oh, I'm not. Terrible at it." He motioned to his oversized feet, and Sera laughed and his expense. "But the night's got me in a mood. So, 'dance with me'?"

Sera gladly let him spin her into his arms. The danced just around the crowd, and as Aster promised, his dancing was less than stellar. He spent half of the time tripping over his own feet, and the other half tripping over Sera's.

It should have been mortifying. He should have been running from the room in a fit of embarrassment. Instead, he was grinning so wide that his face felt like it would split, and pulling Sera into another dance as the music changed.

"I can't believe North's the new king of Stormhold. I'm a little terrified," he said, gazing over at where North and Ana were twirling around the room.

"Technically he's the 'lord' of Stormhold. And don't worry; he'll be too busy micromanaging the company he's left me to do much ruling of the kingdom. Which is awesome," she said back with bitter sarcasm.

"Still surprised that he left ya his workshop?" Because Aster sure was.

"Of course not. I'm the best businessman – woman – that there is. Plus I have dozens of hard working men to flood the staff with. Business is going to flourish under my management. He respects my skills." She tossed her hair over her shoulder in a preening move. Then a shadow passed over her face. "Not that he actually left it to me. Micromanaging, remember?

"He knew that he couldn't manage a multi-stage business and be the lord of Stormhold. I can only imagine that he left it to me so that he could irritate me with his hovering."

Aster snorted and twirled her a final time, turning her so that her back was facing his front. "It'll be nice to see so much of you," he said, resting his chin on her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. He nuzzled the side of her neck, inhaling the strong concentration of Sera's scent at the junction of her shoulder and neck.

"That tickles," she complained, shouldering away Aster's nose.

He snorted a laugh, nuzzled that area again – this time getting an elbow to the ribs, but it was worth it for the shrilled giggle he got out of Sera – and then just rested his head onto her shoulder again. He gazed over at North and Ana, still nowhere near tiring out. At Jack, hovering over Tania with Sophie by his side. At Jamie, who smiled at the two teenagers and looked lovingly at the baby, smiling in total contentment. And at Nightlight and Sandy, who stood among the crowd, staying just close enough to keep a constant eye on Jack. His strange little family.

Aster sighed happily and tightened his grip on Sera.

"I'm ready to face the future with ya."

Sera beamed as she turned in his arms to face him. She nuzzled noses, and then pressed her lips to his. Kissing Aster with a snout was more difficult than kissing human lips, but no less enjoyable. They broke apart at the sound of exaggerated chocking. Aster sent a heated glare over to Jack, who just sent him an impish grin back.

"You guys should be more careful. Everyone is watching you: you don't want to choke on each other's tongues with all those eyes on you."

"Kid, I'm gonna have ta kill ya," Aster said back with what was likely supposed to be a dark look. The delighted grin on his face betrayed that illusion.

He lunged at Jack and wrapped an arm around the boy's head, trapping Jack's chin with his elbow. Jack twisted and flailed in attempts to get free, and Aster stumbled with the momentum. They both staggered off, laughing like mad. Sera shook her head fondly and followed after them to make sure no one got hurt.

She sighed in contentment, knowing that whatever the future threw at them, she was ready to face it. They all were.


Thanks to all of my loyal readers who've stuck with me this far. Hope you all enjoyed and that I'll see you again in the future.