So, I lied. This is the last. After I posted chapter 18, this wouldn't leave me alone. And it seemed more fitting to go out on a major Kiliel note. So, here it is. ^_^

There had been a hope after the Battle of the Five Armies that the northern Rhovanian would be safe from the woes of the world at large. And for a time, it had been. But dark forces had begun pushing nearer to the Lonely Mountain and Dale, just as they had begun making their way throughout all of Middle Earth. Kíli had heard the rumors, brought to them by travelers and merchants, but it was not until the threat was at their door, that he began to take it seriously.

Blood and grime coated the Dwarf and he parted ways with his brother soon after returning from just such an encounter, fully intending to bathe before making his way home. Tauriel had never liked to be left behind, now more so than ever. She would still know what business he had been about, but he could try to lessen her frustration by hiding the evidence.

He had made it halfway to the bath before he was met with an enthusiastic congratulations from a passing Dwarf. Kíli's heart stopped and his breath caught. Had he missed it?

Turning back the way he had just come he sprinted full speed to his apartment, to where Tauriel would be.

He nearly made it there.

Two pairs of strong arms caught him up before he could pass through the door and he looked, wild eyed, between the smiling faces of his nephews.

"Calm down, Uncle." Thrór, the eldest, had his left arm. "You'd only be in the way."

"We've been told, in no uncertain terms, to keep you out." Frerin, the younger brother, had his right.

Kíli looked between the two, at a loss of what to do, until he heard Tauriel's horse cries from inside their chamber.

He called her name and fought against the hands that held him. Slipping his arms from his coat, and with it, out of his nephews' grasp, Kíli reached for the handle of the door. He was so close, he could nearly reach it.

A force knocked him from behind, pushing him past the entrance he so desperately wanted, and wrapped around his middle. He pushed at Thror's blond head, as Frerin made a grab for Kíli's leg.

And that was how Fíli found them, tangled together like wrestling school boys.

"Da, a little help here?" His youngest pleaded.

Kíli glared at his brother when he laughed at their predicament.

"You seem to be doing just fine on your own." Despite his words, the heir to the mountain pulled his sons from their uncle and planted himself firmly in his brother's way.

Desperation flooded through Kíli, his eyes could not stop flitting from the door to his brother as he tried to reason the most effective way through his current obstacle.

His answer came from the door itself, as Sigrid opened it from the inside and poked her silver head through. She took in the scene in the hall and shared a knowing look with her husband. She laid her hand on his arm and that was all that Kíli need before he was rushing past them and into his bed chambers.

There was Tauriel, as beautiful as the day that he had met her. Her hair had been plaited away from her face and she still glowed with a sheen of sweat, and was all the more exquisite for it. In her arms she cradled the smallest of bundles to her chest.

When she saw him staring at her from the doorway, she pulled back the edge of the blanket, careful not to disturb the babe that was suckling at her breast.

For all that he had been fighting his way to her, Kíli found that now he could not move.

Tauriel stretched out her free hand to him and, on instinct, her closed the distance to take it.

He sat, oh so slowly, on the bed, afraid that any sudden movement would break the spell that had been cast over the room.

"Say hello to your son." Tauriel's voice was soft and full of happy contentment.

Kíli met her eyes and rush of adoration for his wife ran through him. He cupped his hand to her cheek and would have kissed her had he not been so terrified of the babe between them.

He dropped his gaze once more to take in the features of the new life that they had made. There was a dusting of copper hair covering the tiny head and the ears were unlike his own or Tauriel's. Kíli ran a finger over the impossibly small feature; too small to be Dwarf ears, too large to be Elvish, with a peak at the top that was not quite pointed, but definitely not round. They were perfect.

"Kíli, my love."

He looked up at his wife again, in awe of what they had created together.

She took his hand in her own and laid a kiss on his palm. "Is that Orc blood that you have trailed into our home?"

The befuddled Dwarf peered down at his clothing and remembered where he had originally been heading to.

"Right, yes." He stood from the bed, loath to leave his family, but all too aware that if he could smell the stink on himself, than his Elvish wife certainly could as well. "I'll be right back." He was shuffling towards the door as best he could without taking his eyes from her. "Don't go anywhere." His back hit the wall by the door and he slid through with a wave and a dopey grin.

The rest of his family was still waiting for him outside of his apartment and Fíli steered him back down the hall as Sigrid slipped inside once more. For all of the talking that his brother was doing, Kíli heard not a word of it.

He was a father.

He had a son.

And Tauriel was waiting for his return.

With that thought, Kíli took off for the baths at a run, leaving his laughing brother behind him.

A/N: I made an edit of Tauriel and Kili's son years ago, if anyone wants a peak of him grown. And despite how it looks, I really did edit it quite a bit. He literally has Evangeline Lily's nose, hahaha.

deviantart /isileil/art/Son-of-Kili-and-Tauriel-526798123