Jacob and Mark vs. Seth and Juri

Author's Note: Chapter 12 to Kingdom Keepers The Next Generation in this chapter Jacob & Mark fight against Seth and Juri so enjoy.

Music: The Pit Stop Street Fighter X Tekken

The fight started off with Mark lunging for Seth with his fist out and successfully landing a punch on Seth's jaw.

"Lucky hit keeper!" Seth said after recovering from the punch.

"Oh don't worry Chrome head that was just the warm up the real punches and kicks start now" Mark said before a grin true to his nickname formed on his face causing Seth to feel a little uneasy around Mark and before he could react Mark tackled him to ground and repeatedly punched him.

Jacob however was unaware of his friend's antics for he was too caught up in his fight with Juri Han.

"For someone as athletic and handsome such as yourself you need to work on skills some" Juri taunted before getting ready to kick Jacob which he easily dodged surprising Juri in the process.

"Funny I was just about to say the exact same thing about you" he taunted before getting something that looked suspiciously similar to a taser which he put to Juri's chest and turned it on then sent a variety of electricity though her body causing the Overtaker to fall to her knees as the electricity took its toll, on her once the electricity subsided Jacob got out a police baton and used the butt of it to hit Juri with it.

"Now what did you say about my skills?" Jacob questioned while pointing a gun at her forehead.

Juri swallowed a lump in her throat then looked at Jacob fearfully.

"Now I'm going to give two options Juri" Jacob said with a hint of coldness in his voice.

"Option 1 you and Seth leave and tell Eddie and Gannon that no matter how many Overtakers they send our way

we'll always be ready to defeat you and I don't shoot you" Jacob said.

"Option 2 you don't leave then I do shoot you and my friend over there will beat you to a bloody pulp and I must warn you it won't be a pleasant experience" Jacob continued while gesturing to Mark.

"So what's it going to be Juri? Option 1? Or option 2" Jacob said while cocking his gun.

Juri although still afraid at what Jacob would do if she chose option 2 she went with the most reasonable one which was option 1 so she got out of Jacob's reach then took off with Seth who was unconscious do to to the amount of hits he took from Mark.

Pit Stop ends

Once the two were out of sight Jacob holstered his gun then rushed to help Amanda with Finn. Once within their reach he hauled Finn on his shoulder then said to Maybeck.

"Maybeck grab The Return and press the button we leaving like now!" He ordered the tall Kingdom Keeper.

Maybeck didn't bother to question or argue with Jacob he just did what he told then pressed the button and disappeared with everyone else.

Author's Note: That's chapter 12 also what did you think of the fight? Let me know in the reviews and remember if I don't see you Goodbye, Good Afternoon, Good evening, and Good Night.