Disclaimer—I do not own Harry Potter, The Avengers, or any of the characters therein. Nor do I make any moneys from the posting of this fanfiction.

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well. Here it is a newish week and I'm posting an oldish fanfiction. I wrote this about two years ago. Specifically the summer before Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. first started airing. So needless to say this story is so not cannon. We're talking alternative universe. And seeing as this takes place during the first Avengers movie, expect spoilers. But honestly, if you're reading this, chances are you've seen the movie. That being said—Enjoy!

Please read and review!

Chapter One

Hermione walked briskly over to the bridge, quickly switching on the communications to find out what was going on over at the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. She heard gasps and curses going on around her and knew she wasn't the only one seeing and hearing what was happening.

She stood up and snapped out, "We are now headquarters, people! Let's get operational! Anderson!" He looked over to her. "Get the engineers going with that final inspection!"

"Yes, ma'am!" he called out and rushed out.

"Peters!" He looked over to her. "Final inspections of all computers."

She answered the hail. "Granger."

"Operational?" Nick Fury asked with no preamble.

"Final inspections are beginning and we should be completely operational within the hour, sir." She paused. "When should we expect you?"

"Within the next fifteen minutes and, Granger, we're bringing our wounded."

"I'll see to the med-bay A.S.A.P., sir."

"I knew you would," he murmured, and hung up.

She turned to her chief assistant telling her. "We better make a lot of coffee."

The woman grimaced. "Pardon me for saying so, Doctor, but something tells me that we're going to need stronger before this is over."

Hermione nodded and went about finishing giving out the orders before she went off to see to the med-bay.


"Here." A coffee was placed into her hand.

Taking it gratefully, she took a sip as she looked over to see Nick Fury sitting across from her. His one eye was shut and he was leaning back in the chair he was in. Exhaustion was clear in every line of his form. He wouldn't be here if it wasn't for reports or if he too were in some way injured. She pulled out a healing potion out of her pocket, uncorked it, and held it out.

"Take it," she said to him.

His eye opened and looked at what she was holding out to him. "What is it?"

"To take care of all the cuts, bumps and bruises you got."

He took it from her, saying, "You never said you were a mind reader."

"It doesn't take a mind reader to know that you'd be in the center of the action," she replied dryly, making him smile to himself.

He took the potion and gritted out, "Report."

"Of the one hundred and fifteen injured we were able to clear ten. Fifteen died on the operating table, sixty-two didn't even make it that far, and the rest are in ICU. As soon as they're stable, I recommend transfer to a hospital." She looked at her watch and did some calculations in her head as she thought over the injuries and the amount of time each of the patients would need to stabilize. "Which will be within the next twelve to twenty-four hours," she told him. "They should be shipped out by the time Coulson and Natasha are back."

He stood up. "Very good." He started to leave, but stopped and asked, "Did you check on Hill?"

"She hasn't come in," she replied, sounding concerned. "Do you need me to make a house call?"

He thought it over and nodded. "I need her in one piece."


Hermione knocked on Maria's door and waited. She could hear the other woman limping over and could practically see her pulling together her professional, no nonsense demeanor into place before opening the door.

"I brought tea…" she waved a thermos. "Healing potion, an ace wrap for the leg, and an understanding ear."

Smiling, Maria opened the door wider and let her into the room. "It's not that bad, Hermione."

"Nothing that a little potion and a night's rest can't cure," she told her, she handed her the healing potion. "I heard the nasty rumor that you were in the tunnel when it came down."

"That I was, Doc," she muttered, her voice tight and took the potion. "I came so close to stopping them. If only…"

"Ah, the dreaded, 'If only…'," Hermione sighed. "Which leg and do I need to see all of it or just your ankle?"

"My right ankle and knee," she told her. "Let me get into some shorts."

"Of course," she murmured, watching her carefully as she grabbed what she was going to change into and went to the restroom. "So is what I heard about Phil having to pick up Captain America true?"

"Oh yeah," she answered, the laughter clear in her tones.

Hermione groaned. "I don't know who I feel sorrier for."

Maria limped out of the bathroom. "I've never seen him go so fan boy over someone before, have you?"

She thought it over. "When we were courting, he may have had a bromance or two, but nothing like that. I'm almost regretting getting him that first card as his birthday gift." Smiling she went over and looked over the leg. "It's already starting to heal up, but I brought the bruise paste with me." She held it out to her. "It may not smell like roses and sunshine, but it gets the job done."

"Yeah," she answered, sounding relieved that hoe wouldn't have to ask for the balm. "So have you met any of the Avengers yet?"

She shook her head no, handing the jar of the bruise salve over to her. "Can't say that I've ever had the privilege, but then again I don't know all of the people involved."

"I just wanted to give you a heads up," she told her.

Arching her brow, Hermione asked, "They're really that bad?"

"Ironman is all arrogant pride and ego. Don't try to out smartass Tony Stark. It won't happen. Dr. Bruce Banner is quiet, but don't piss him off…"

"I've been told that I'm fairly intelligent," she murmured, dryly. "Only an idiot would wake a sleeping green giant."

That had Maria laughing. "You know Natasha, right?"

"Yes, of course," she replied. "Will she be a part of it?"

Nodding she said, "And if you know her, you know Clint…" She stopped talking. "They have him. Loki did something to him with this staff that he has." She looked at the jar in her hand and Hermione could tell she wanted to throw it in frustration. "I should have been able to stop them!"

"Oh yes, because we both know a demigod and his mind controlled minions are just so easy to capture," Hermione said dryly. Her phone rang and she looked at the number. "I have to get this. Do you need anything else before I go?"

"No, thank you, Hermione," she answered with a kindly smile as she took the thermos of tea that she was offering to her. "Say hi to Phil for me, would you?"

"You know I will." Waving to her, she went on her way. "Business or personal?"

"Personal," he replied. "How are you, sweetie?"

"I'm fine," she said. "I miss you."

"I miss you too," he told her, his voice going even softer when he did so. "Have you gotten any sleep yet?"

"I still have patients in ICU," she stated. "But I have the other doctors handling them for the night. They'll only call me in an emergency. When should I be expecting you?"

"In the morning," he told her. "Hermione, I get to ride in the jet with Captain America!"

Smiling she said, "Yes, my love, and I will be here when you need a shoulder to blush into once you express your unrequited bromance to him."

"I…I…" She could practically hear the embarrassment come through the phone. "Oh shut up."

"I can't help it if I find it adorable," she teased, walking into their bedroom. "Maria says hello by the way."

"Please tell me that you didn't say all that in front of her!"

"Of course I didn't," she replied. "Besides she already knew about your love that no one dares say its name."

That even had him snorting with laughter. She got ready for bed, talking with him the entire time, as she did so. Hermione turned out the lights and lay down on their bed.

"Time for bed?" he asked quietly.

"Yes." She snuggled down, wishing that he were next to her. "Why did we get a king sized bed? This bed is too big without you here."

"And this bed I'm in isn't big enough," he stated. "But it's still too empty for my liking."

"You'll be back before we know it," she said, as she always said when he was gone on assignment.

"Why do you put up with me and my work?" he inquired.

"For the same reason you put up with me and mine," she reminded him. "Good night, Phil."

"Good night, Hermione," he sighed, sounding drowsily happy. "I love you."

"And I love you."


There's the first chapter for you! I hope you liked it. Review, as usual, to let me know what you think. Thanks for reading and have yourselves a health filled day.