Jim Miller arrived at his home after a long day at work. He pulled into the garage, right next to his new lawnmower, rock music playing loudly on his radio. Once he had pulled completely in, he reached in the back to grab his bag, when suddenly, the garage door began to close all on it's own. He looked around at the few buttons around the garage to see if they had been pushed purposely or accidentally. But he saw nothing.

Jim looked around again, seeing if maybe his wife or son had done this. Then his car doors seem to lock themselves. Jim widened his eyes at the movement before pulling on the locks to see if he could get them open again. He couldn't. Then the engine turned over, and exhaust smoke began to fill the garage.

It surrounded the car. Jim tried to get the key out of the ignition, but it refused to be moved. Jim began to cough excessively, as he continued to try to get the doors opened. He tried again to get the key out, but it broke the moment he pulled on it. The smoke thickens, filling the car through the vents, which he tried to cover with his coat.

"Help! Somebody help me!" he cried, coughing violently. He tried to kick the windows open. He pushed and pulled on the doors, hoping that by some chance, the door might break off and maybe he could get out. He tried and tried again to break out of the smoke-filled car, but his efforts remained in vain and in moments, Jim Miller was dead.

The image seemed to crackle and break apart, and Sam was suddenly wide awake. She gasped loudly, sitting up in bed. The dream was as vivid as seeing her brother and Jared asleep in the other bed at that moment. She had just watched a man die after being locked in the garage and in his car. Sam shook her head in denial before standing and chucking off the large t-shirt she slept in and slipping on some jeans.

"Dean." She said, going over and turning on the lights. She ran over to his bed shook her brother.

"Dean!" she cried.

"What's going on?" she heard Jared sleepily mumble. She quickly threw on a t-shirt and pulled on her shoes.

"Sammy, what are you doing?" Dean said, sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "It's the middle of the night."

"We have to go." she said.

"What's happening?" Jared asked quietly.

"We have to go, right now." Without waiting on her brother and his boyfriend, she opened the door and walked out, taking their bags with her.

Dean drove as Sam talked quickly into the phone behind him. Jared was nearly falling asleep against the passenger window. "McReedy. Detective McReedy. Badge number 158. I've got a signal 480 in progress. I need the registered owner of a two-door Sedan, Michigan License Plate: Mary-Frank-6-0-3-7." She listed the license plate number she had seen in her vision.

"Yeah.. Okay, just hurry." she said.

"Sammy, relax, I'm sure it's just a nightmare." Dean called back there, trying to reassure his stressed sister.

"Hah. Tell me about it." she muttered sarcastically.

"I mean it. You know, a normal, everyday, naked-in-class nightmare. This license plate won't check out." Sam shook her head. "It felt different, Dean. Real." she said. Jared sat up from his sleepy position against the window.

"Just because it feels real, doesn't usually mean it is." he said. Sam shook her head.

"Well for me it does. Like, when I dreamt of our old house. And Tommy." Dean widened his eyes at what Sam mentioned and looked to Jared who was looking back and forth between them.

"Yeah, well, we were going to bring it up at a later date..." he stared at his sister pointedly, who was staring out the back window. "...but Sammy here, has had visions before." Jared's eyes widened and he was suddenly much more awake. "We don't know why, and we don't know how. They just happen. But you dreaming about our old house and Tommy make more sense. You were dreaming about our house, your boyfriend. This guy in your dream, you ever see him before?" Dean asked, turning his attention back to his sister. Sam sighed, shaking her head no. "Exactly, why would you have premonitions about some guy in Michigan?"

Jared sat up in his seat, giving them both a wild look. "Woah! Wait, you guys can't drop a bombshell and just skip over it like that."

"I'm telling you, Jared. We don't know why it happens and we only found out a few months ago." Dean told him. The department Sam called, called her back to the phone.

"Yes, I'm here." she responded. She sent a pointed look to her brother when they told her the license plate checked out. She grabbed a paper and a pen. "Jim Miller, Saginaw, Michigan." she wrote down. Dean's eyes widened as his sister wrote down what she was being told. He had meant it when he thought it was just an ordinary nightmare.

"Do you have a street address?" Sam asked. They told her the address. "Got it. Thanks." she wrote it down before hanging up. She took a deep breathe. "It checks out." she said. "How far are we?"

"From Saginaw? A couple hours." he muttered. Sam nodded as Jared looked between the two of them with a look of disbelief. "Drive faster." he heard Sam whisper and watched as Dean followed the command.

They pulled up in front of the house where smoke was billowing out the garage and cops were surrounding the place. The three of them looked a little closer to see some paramedics tending to a body bag. Sam swallowed, staring at the scene before she set her head on the back of the seat between Jared and Dean. They all gave each other a look, grimacing, knowing her nightmare had come true.

The three got out of the car, Sam unable to take her eyes off the crime scene. They moved to join the crowd that had surrounded the house as well, and Jared stood next to an older woman.

"What happened?" he asked, as Dean and Sam moved to the other side of the woman.

"Suicide." she answered. "I can't believe it." she shook her head, sadly.

"Did you know him?" Dean asked.

"Saw him everyday at St. Augustine's." she replied.

As Jared and Dean talked to the woman, she couldn't help but notice a big, burly man. He had no uniform on, so he wasn't a cop or a paramedic. He was walking freely along the crime scene and walked towards the house, where a woman, probably Jim's wife, was sobbing on the porch.

"He always seems... seemed so normal. Guess you never know what goes on behind closed doors." The woman said, giving both men a small smile despite her sadness.

"Guess not." Dean sighed.

"How are they saying it happened?" Sam butted into the conversation, tilting her head to talk to the woman.

"I heard they found him in the garage, locked inside his car with the engine running." Sam shook her head, as it sounded exactly how she had seen it.

"Do you know what time they found him?" She asked.

"Oh, it just happened about an hour or two ago?" she estimated. Dean and Jared looked over at Sam, as she had gotten them up to leave nearly two hours ago. "His poor family." the woman sighed, not seeing the looks passed above her head. "I can't even imagine what they're going through."

Sam saw the man, hugging the crying woman as a young teenager stood off to the side. Sam stared at the scene for a few moments, tears gathering in her eyes. She shook her head, sucked the tears up, and moved from under her brother's arm to go back to the car.

Jared and Dean followed her as she sat on the hood, still watching the scene. Jared stood beside her as Dean sat next to her. "Sam... we got here as fast as we could." Dean tried to reassure her.

"Apparently, not fast enough." she gestured as the cops put the body bag in an ambulance. "This just... doesn't make sense. Why would I even have these premonitions unless there was a chance I could stop them from happening?" Dean shook his head. "I don't know." Sam took a deep breathe, trying to recompose herself.

"So... what do you think killed him?" she asked. Dean looked over at Jared who shrugged.

"Maybe the guy just killed himself?" Dean provided. "Maybe there's nothing supernatural here going on at all." Sam shook her head.

"Dean, I watched it happen. He was murdered by something, guys. It trapped him in the garage." she said.

"Well, what could it be? A spirit, a poltergeist?" Jared asked, a hand on Sam's shoulder.

"I don't know what it was. I don't know why I'm having these dreams. I don't know what the hell is happening. At all." She looked over at her brother, who was staring at her. "What?" she snapped.

"Nothing, Sammy. I'm just worried about you." he whispered.

"Can you stop looking at me like I'm a freak, Dean?" she whispered.

"Sam, you're not a freak." He said. "Although you do look like crap though."

"Gee, thanks." she rolled her eyes, chuckling. Jared smiled at them.

"Come on, guys. We can pick this up in the morning." he said. "We can check out the house, talk to the family." Sam looked back at the family.

"Jared, they're devastated. They're not gonna want to talk to us." she said. Jared and Dean looked at each other and Jared grinned. "You're right. But I bet I know who they will talk to."


Dean reached up to ring the doorbell. Sam brought her hands down to flatten her dress.

"This has got to be a whole new low for us." she whispered. Dean smirked at his sister, chuckling. The door opened and the same man Sam saw from last night opened the door.

"Good afternoon." Dean greeted. "I'm Father Simmons, this is Father Freely and this is Samantha Freely, Father Freely's wife." The two nodded in greeting. "Father Freely and I are new junior priests over at St. Augustine's. May we come in?" Dean asked, more politely then Sam had ever seen him. The man nodded, moving to let them through the door.

"Thank you." Dean said, ushering the two behind him in before he went in himself. "We heard what happened." Jared said. "We are very, truly, sorry for your loss." Sam continued. "It's in difficult times like these when the Lord's guidance is most needed." Dean said, smiling widely at the man. He rolled his eyes as Jared cleared his throat, loudly in order to cover his snort.

"You want to pitch your whole 'The Lord Has A Plan' thing, fine. Don't pitch it to me. My brother's dead." The man put his hands up for them to stop before the three heard a voice from behind them.

"Roger, please." she chastised. Roger rolled his eyes again before looking to the three in front of him. "Excuse me." he quickly removed himself from the conversation. The woman shook her head slowly, seemingly disappointed.

"I'm sorry about my brother-in-law. He's just so upset about Jim's death." The three nodded in understanding. "Would you like some coffee?" She asked. Her voice seemed jittery, as if she was broken, but frantic at the same time. Sam could easily tell by the way her eyes shifted in between the three of them. Jared and Dean both smiled at her.

"That would be great." Jared said. She nodded before going to make it.

"It was wonderful of you to stop by." Jim's wife smiled at the three who were crowded together on their couch. She poured the coffee into four different mugs. "The support of the church means so much to us right now." Dean nodded as he accepted his mug.

"Of course, after all, we are all God's children." Jared had to cough in order to keep his face, and Sam glared at her brother. When she turned away, Dean quickly grabbed a sausage off the plate in front of him and shoved it in his mouth. Sam shook her head at him.

"What?" he asked. Sam rolled her eyes. "Just tone it down a bit... father." she said sarcastically. Dean quickly threw the toothpick back down when Ms. Miller came back. She sat down beside Jared, where the free seat was.

"So, Ms. Miller... Did your husband have a history of depression?" he asked. She shook her head.

"No, nothing like that. We had our ups and downs like everyone, but we were happy." Tears gathered in her eyes, as she looked at Sam, thinking of her 'marriage' to Jared.

"I just don't understand how Jim could do something like..." she began to sob, trying to wipe her tears away.

"I'm so sorry, you had to find him like that." Sam reached across Jared to place a hand on Ms. Miller's knee in comfort. She shook her head.

"Actually, our son, Max." she pointed into the dining room where a young man was sitting in a chair in a corner by himself. "He was the one who found him." The three of them looked over, and Sam recognized him from last night.

"Do you... mind if maybe I go talk to him?" she asked. Ms. Miller's eyes's brightened at Sam's offer. "Oh. Oh, thank you, Mrs. Freely." Sam nodded and gave her a small smile. She stood brushed her dress down before walking into the next room. Sam approached the young man.

"Hi. Max? I'm Sam."

Jared offered Ms. Miller a tissue, ignoring his boyfriend who was stuffing his face with sausages Although he seemed to still be listening to the conversation.

"Ms. Miller, you have a lovely home. How long have you lived here?" Jared asked. She wiped her tears away with the tissue she was given before answering.

"Oh, we moved in about five years ago." she said. Jared nodded. "You know, the only problem with these old house- I bet you have all kinds of headaches." he laughed softly. Ms. Miller blinked at him and shook her head. "Like what?" Jared blinked a couple times, looking over to Dean, who nodded at him. "Well, weird leaks, electrical shortages, odd settling noises at night. You know, those kinds of things." Ms. Miller shook her head again.

"No, nothing like that." she smiled softly. "It's been perfect." Jared hummed, looking over to Dean who was looking at Ms. Miller.

"May I use your restroom?" Dean asked. She nodded and told him the directions towards the restroom. Dean snatched one more sausage before following her directions.

Sam used one of the dining room chairs to sit across from Max as she talked to him. "So, what was your Dad like?" she asked. Max shrugged, eyes shifting from Sam to other areas in the room.

"Just like a normal Dad." he mumbled. Sam nodded. "And you live at home, now?"

"Yeah." Max nodded. "I've been trying to save up for school, but it's hard." Sam nodded, understanding. It had taken so much for Dean and her to send herself to college, so she had an idea of what Max meant.

"So... um... when you found your Dad?" She urged him on the subject, causing him to blink a few times. He stared in the corner beside her.

"I woke up." he began. "I heard the engine running." Max's body trembled, as if he refused to believe what he had seen. "I don't know why he did it." Sam nodded, clasping her hands together.

"I know it's rough to lose a parent, especially when you don't have all the answers." she looked away, thinking of her father and why he refused to let them find him. Max's lip trembled as he watched her, but he nodded, agreeing with her.

Dean moved up the stairs, looking around once he got into the hallway. He looked around to make sure he wasn't being watched before taking out his thermal scanner he had brought and turning it on. He flashed it into the bathroom, and other areas, checking for spirits or a possible poltergeist. There was nothing that could alert Dean to any sort of supernatural presence, and he sighed, knowing his sister would be disappointed.

Once Dean made it down the hall, he heard footsteps approaching. He turned, quickly turning off the scanner and stuffing it into his pocket. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw it was just his sister.

]"Anything?" she asked. Dean shook his head no. "Zip." he said before the two went back down the stairs.

Jared sat with a computer in his lap, his boyfriend behind him cleaning guns, and Sam attaching papers to the wall. He knew Sam had been disappointed when Jared and Dean's inquiries and searches on the Miller home came up empty. So, once they had gotten back to the motel room, Jared continued his research.

"What do you got?" He heard Dean ask him. He shook his head.

"Nothing. Nothing bad has happened in the Miller house since it was built." Jared said, closing his laptop.

"What about the land?" Dean asked his sister.

"No graveyard, no battlefield, tribal lands, or any other kind of atrocity on or near the property." Sam said, sitting down on the bed, after putting the last piece of paper away.

"Hey, man, I told you. I searched that house up and down. There were no cold spots, no sulfur scents, nada." Dean said, fixing the gun back to the way it once was.

"And the family said everything was normal?" she asked. Dean looked to Jared who shook his head no.

"Sammy, if there was a demon or a poltergeist in there, don't you think somebody would've noticed something?" Sam shrugged, sighing.

"I used the infrared thermal scanner and there was nothing." Dean said. Sam stood to look at them both and began to pace the small space between them. "So, what, you think Jim Miller killed himself and my dream was just some sort of freakish coincidence?" Dean shrugged and Jared chose that time to speak up about something that had been on his mind since they'd driven to Michigan.

"So, were you guys ever planning on telling me about this premonition thing?" he asked. Sam nodded, pausing to stand in front of him.

"That was more Sammy's thing to tell, not mine. I didn't know if she'd tell you, but I probably should've given you some warning beforehand, right?" Dean had the audacity to look sheepish at the look on his boyfriend's face. Sam turned to Jared, beginning to rub at her temples at she felt a headache coming on.

"Once I found out you were joining us, of course I was going to tell you." she winced as the headache came on stronger. "I just... didn't think it was the right time." she groaned her answer, putting both hands to her head as the piercing pain got stronger.

"Sam?" she heard Jared call her, but everything seemed to be becoming white noise. "Ahh, my head." she groaned, falling to her knees. "Sam!" Dean screamed for his sister as he and Jared both jumped up to catch her. Suddenly, everything in front of Sam went white, and she was in an apartment. She watched the door open and Roger Miller walked past her into his kitchen.

He set down what looked to be groceries. He pulled a beer out of one of the bags and cracked it open. Samantha watched as a shadow passed behind the man, neither of them seeing what it was. "No." Sam muttered, almost immediately knowing what was about to happen. As Roger turned away from the window in his kitchen, it slid open. He turned slowly, knowing that it had not been open when he came into the room. He walked slowly toward it, pulling it down to lock it.

Once it had been securely locked, Roger went back to his groceries. Sam heard a distinct squeaking sound and looked over at the window, where the lock was becoming undone again. "No, no, no." She repeated as Roger looked over and narrowed his eyes at the window that had come open again. He went over, trying to close it once again. He pulls and pulls, but it just doesn't seem to move.

Roger leaned his head out to see what was causing his window to get stuck. Sam couldn't seem to look away, as the window was brought down hard and fast, effectively decapitating him. Samantha suddenly took a deep breathe as her vision whitened again. She looked around her to Jared and Dean holding her upright after she had fallen. Once the entire room had come back into focus, she jumped up, causing her head to spin again.

"It's happening again. Something's gonna kill Roger Miller!"

They asked her to state the name she was searching for. "Roger Miller?" Sam said quietly from the front seat beside her brother where her head was continuously pounding.

"No, no, just the address, please." she said before they tried to talk about additional information. "Okay. Thank you." she whispered, before hanging up the phone, still holding her head.

"450 West Grove, apartment 1120." she muttered, trying not to be too loud as to maybe calm her headache.

"Are you okay?" Jared asked from the back. Sam nodded lightly. "Yeah."

"You know, if you're gonna hurl, I'll pull the car over, cause the upholstery..." Dean joked. Sam shook her head, reaching out to shove her brother. "I'm fine. Just drive." she leant her head back against the seat and sighed.

"Guys?" Both of their attention was immediately on her, as if it hadn't been already. "I'm scared." she whispered. "The nightmares were bad enough and now I'm seeing things while awake? And these visions or whatever. They're getting more intense and painful. It's as if I'm right there with them, but I can't seem to do anything."

From the back, Jared laid a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure it'll be all right, Sam. You'll be fine." Sam sat up again and turned so that she was facing both of them.

"And what is it about the Millers?! Why am I connected to them? Why am I watching them die?" When neither man had an answer, she buried her face in her hands. "Why the hell is this happening to me?" she whimpered.

"I don't know, Sam. But we'll figure it out. But we're going to figure it out, okay?" Dean reached a hand out to his sister, taking her hand away from her face and holding it.

"We face the unexplainable every single day. This is just another thing." He tried. Sam shook her head. "No, Dean. It's never been us. It's never been in the family like this. Dean, you can't tell me, I'm not freaking you out." she said. Dean clenched his jaw and stared at the road. He swallowed before he answered.

"This doesn't freak me out." he said. Sam was unsure whether he was trying to comfort his sister or prove her wrong. She stared at him. He spared a glance at her and reached his arm out.

"Come here." he muttered. She shuffled over to lie on her brother's arm, head on his shoulder.

"You'll be fine." he whispered, kissing her head. Jared smiled softly at the two siblings. He didn't know what was going on in either of their heads, but if the way they protected each other was anything to go by, they'd be fine.

Sam could've cried in relief when they saw Roger Miller walking down the street, groceries in his hand.

"Roger!" she cried out, once the windows were open.

"Hey, wait up a second." Dean said, as he stopped the car in the street. Roger rolled his eyes.

"What are you guys, missionaries? Leave me alone." he growled.

"Please!" Sam cried out, before Dean sped into a spot to park. Sam was the first out of the car, running over to him. "Roger, we're just trying to help!" she cried. "Please!" she sped up when she saw him closing the door to the apartment building. Just as she got there, the door was shut on her. She tried to open it and it locked.

"I don't want your help." he said sternly before leaving to go up the stairs.

"Roger, they're not priests! You've got to listen to us!" Jared and Dean came directly behind her, and Dean yelled "Roger, you're in danger!" The man refused to listen to them, instead going faster up the stairs.

Sam smacked the door in frustration, when he disappeared out of sight. Jared looked over the side of the building, seeing a dark alleyway, reminding him of another way to get in. "C'mon!" he called for the siblings before leading them into the alley. They got to the back entrance, where the door was securely locked. The three looked around quickly before Dean raised a foot and kicked the door in.

Sam ran in first, leading to a ladder to the fire escape stairs. She jumped onto it, beginning to climb, Jared and Dean followed after her. They climbed the many stairs, and just as they reached two floors below Roger, they stopped, hearing a loud bang and a squelching noise.

Tears gathered in Sam's eyes, and Dean took the lead. He went in front of her, Jared ushering her to go, and he followed after. Dean reached the window, where Roger's head sat in a flower basket, just below his window. He looked at the blood sprayed across the window. Sam got there a few seconds later.

When she saw the scene, she leaned forward onto the railing and buried her face in her hands. Jared rubbed her back, and allowed her to hug him.

Dean looked over to them and when he saw his sister crying, he joined them. He allowed this moment of weakness for a few minutes before taking a handkerchief out of her back pocket. Dean turned his sister to wipe her tears before throwing the cloth to Jared.

"Wipe down our fingerprints. We don't want the cops to know we were here." Jared nodded and Sam moved over to the flower basket, making sure not to touch the railings anymore as Jared began to clean them off. Dean put a hand on his sister's shoulder before going to check around the apartment.

Jared and Dean followed Sam back down the stairs and towards the car once they had finished wiping prints and checking around the apartment.

"I'm telling you, Sam, there was nothing in there. There were no signs either, like the Miller's house." Dean said.

"I saw something in that vision, Dean. Like a shadow. A dark shape, something." she said. Jared pulled them both out of the street when a car zoomed past. "Something was stalking Roger."

"Well, whatever it was, we can be sure it's not connected to their house." Jared said. They began to walk again when the car had passed.

"It's connected to the family itself. So, what do you think, a vengeful spirit?" she asked. Dean shrugged, mumbling. "A few have been known to latch onto families, follow them for years."

Jared nodded, agreeing. "Ankiak, Banshees." he listed. "Basically like a curse."

"So, maybe Roger and Jim Miller got involved with something heavy, something curse-worthy." Dean said. Sam nodded.

"And now something's out for revenge, and the men in their family are dying." she concluded. This brought another thought to her mind, which she then voiced to the others, once in the car. "Do you think Max is in danger?" she asked. Dean shrugged.

"Let's figure it out before he is." he said. Sam sighed as she got into the backseat of the car, Jared and Dean in the front.

"Well, I know one thing I have in common with these people." She said.

"What's that?" the two in the front chorused. Sam chuckled.

"Both our families are cursed." she sighed. Dean furrowed his eyebrows.

"Our family's not cursed." he said. "We've just... had our dark spots."

"Well, our dark spots seem pretty dark." Dean didn't have any words to that while he started the car. "You're... dark." he mustered up, bringing a laugh out of both Jared and Sam.

The three were let in to the Miller home, once again. This time by Max.

"My mom's sleeping. She's pretty wrecked." he said, leading them into the living room.

"Of course." Jared nodded, understanding.

"All these people have been coming with, like, casseroles. I finally had to tell them all to go away." he said. They all looked into the dining room where there were heaps upon heaps of containers holding casseroles. "You know, 'cause nothing says 'I'm sorry' like a tuna casserole." he joked softly, but not really laughing.

Sam gave him a small smile, and seeing her smile caused Max to chuckle softly. He gestured to the couch, allowing them to have a seat. Sam sat closest to him on the far right of the couch.

"How you holding up?" she asked, once they were all comfortable.

"I'm okay." Max shrugged, curling in on himself in his chair.

"Your Dad and your Uncle... were they close?" she asked. Max looked over at him.

"Yeah, I guess. They were brothers." a small smile curled at his lips. "They hung out all the time when I was little." Instantly, the smile was gone. Sam, Dean, and Jared all noticed, but none said anything.

"But, not lately much?" Sam asked. Max shook his head.

"No, it's not that. It's just, we used to be neighbors when I was a kid. We lived across town in this house, and Uncle Roger lived next door, so he was over all the time." Max slowly looked between them, his voice quiet and raspy.

"Right." Sam nodded. "So, how was it in that house when you were a kid?" she asked. Max took a deep breath, turning away from them.

"Fine." he shrugged. His eyes began to seem panicky and he began to look between the three of them again. "Why?"

"All good memories?" Dean reiterated, noticing the look on the boy's face. "You remember anything unusual?" Max swallowed hard. "Something that involved your father and your uncle, maybe?" Max grimaced, slowly shaking his head. He began to fidget slightly.

"Wh-why do you ask?" he stuttered. Sam stared at him, noticing something wrong.

"Just... a question." Dean shrugged. The three of them could tell something was off about Max. Max took a few more deep breaths, supposedly to calm himself.

"No. There was nothing." he shrugged again. "We were totally normal. Happy."

"Good." Jared nodded. "That's good." Jared and Dean shared a look, before looking over at Sam, who was still looking at Max.

"Well, your probably exhausted, we should take off." Dean said. Jared patted Sam's back, ushering for her to get up. Sam nodded. "Right. Thank you." she said to Max, putting a hand on his shoulder.

The three walked down the house's pathway towards the Impala. Sam continued to glance towards the house, only stopping when her brother began to speak. "Nobody's family is totally normal and happy. Did you see when he was talking about his old house?" Sam nodded.

"He sounded scared." she voiced what they had seen.

"Max isn't telling us everything. I say we go find the old neighborhood, find out what life was really like for the Millers." Dean said, as he pulled on his collar to unfasten it. Sam and Jared nodded in agreement before following Dean into the car.

They all made quick work of changing into normal clothes before heading down to the neighborhood. Sam had found it while searching through their old addresses. They approached one of the neighbors and began a conversation with him.

"Have you lived in this neighborhood for very long?" Jared asked.

"Eh, almost 20 years now. It's nice and quiet. Why? You looking to buy?" the man asked. Sam shook her head.

"No, no, actually, we were just wondering if you might recall a family that used to live right across the street, I believe?" Sam asked, stepping between her brother and Jared, so she was in the front. "The Millers? They had a little boy named Max?" The man nodded, eyes turning sad.

"Yeah, I remember them. The brother had the place next door." The three turned to look at the house behind them.

"So, uh, what's this about? The poor kid, okay?" he asked. They all looked at each other.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked. The man raised an eyebrow.

"Well, in my life, I've never seen a child treated like that." Sam's eyes widened as her suspicions became confirmed. "I mean, I'd hear Mr. Miller yelling, and throwing things clear across the street. He was a... a mean drunk. He used to beat the tar out of Max- bruises. Broke his arm two times, that I know of." he explained.

"And this was going on regularly?" Jared asked. The man nodded.

"Practically every day." he said. "In fact, that thug brother of his was just as likely to take a swing at the boy, but the worst part was the stepmother." He shook his head in disappointment. They all shared looks again. "She's just stand there, checked out. Never lifted a finger to protect him. I must have called the police seven or eight times. Never did any good." he sighed.

"You said stepmother?" Dean asked, to clarify. Sam, trying to listen to the conversation, blinked when another headache came on.

"I think his real mom died in some sort of accident. A car accident, I think. It- are you okay, there?" He asked, looking to Sam. Jared and Dean both turned their attention to her, holding her head with one hand. She breathed in deeply before nodding.

"Yeah." she managed.

"Thanks for your time." Jared said, grabbing onto Sam's arm.

"Uh, yeah, thank you." she whispered as they turned her away from the man.

"You all right?" Dean asked. Sam tried to nod her head, but before she could, everything went white again. And she was suddenly in a kitchen.

From what she had seen earlier, the kitchen of the Miller's home. Ms. Miller was chopping onions.

"I don't know what you mean by that." she whispered. Sam couldn't see who she was talking about until Ms. Miller moved to put the onions in a bowl. "You know I never did anything." she said. Max was standing in the corner, eyes red and shaking.

"That's right. You didn't do anything." Max stepped closer to her. The knife on the table began to rattle and Sam gasped as Ms. Miller watched in shock. "You didn't stop them, not once." The knife suddenly lifted off the cutting board.

"Max, what the hell?" Sam whispered, knowing they couldn't hear her.

"How did you...?" Max stepped forward and this caused the knife to race forward until it was directly in front of her face. "Max, please!" she cried as she was backed into a wall. Max said nothing as the knife moved closer to her, becoming directly in front of her pupil. He listened to her whimpers and stepped closer. Sam reached forward and tried to grab the knife, but her hand went right through it.

"For every time, you stood there and watched. Pretending it wasn't happening." Ms. Miller tried to breathe through the little space the knife was giving her. "I'm sorry." she pleaded Max shook his head.

"No, you're not. You just don't wanna die." he whispered.

"Please!" she cried out. The knife pulled backwards, causing her to sigh in relief, just before it plunged through her head, hitting the wall. Sam looked over to Max who began to breathe deeply, taking in what just happened. "Max. What the hell have you done?" she whispered, before everything went white again.

Sam shook her head as her brother zoomed down the road.

"Max is doing it." she sighed. "Everything that I've been seeing."

"Are you sure about this?" Jared asked from the backseat.

"Yeah, I saw him." she said, putting her hand to her pounding head.

"How is he pulling it off?" Dean asked. Sam shrugged. "I don't know. It looked like telekinesis." she said.

"So, what? He's psychic? He's a spoon bender?" Dean said. Sam sighed, leaning against the seat. "I didn't even realize it, but the whole time, he was there. He was outside of the garage when his Dad died, he was in the apartment when his uncle died. This whole time... I wasn't connecting to the Millers. I was connecting to Max. But... I just don't get why. I guess... we're alike?" Dean narrowed his eyes.

"What are you talking about? Dude's nothing like you." Sam shrugged. "We both have psychic abilities. We're both-"

"Both what?!" Dean cut Sam off and Sam sighed, shaking her head.

"Sam, Max is a monster. He's already killed two people, now he's gunning for a third." he said.

"Well, with what he went through- the beatings- to want revenge on those people. I'm sorry, Dean. I hate to say it, but it's not that insane." Dean gave her a look.

"But it doesn't justify murdering your entire family. He's no different than anything else we've hunted. We got to end him." Dean said. From the back, Jared finally spoke up. "Woah, woah, wait, you're not gonna kill Max." he said. "He's still a human, Dean." Dean looked back at both of them in disbelief.

"Then what? Hand him over to the cops and say 'Lock him up, officers. He kills with the power of his mind!'" Sam shook her head as they pulled up at the Millers. "No, Dean. Forget it."


"Dean. He's a person. We can talk to him." Her brother looked away from her and she pulled him back. "Dean, promise me you'll follow my lead on this one." she said. It took Dean a few moments, glowering at his sister, but he shrugged.

"All right, fine. But I'm not letting him hurt anybody else." He reached over to his glove compartment, taking out a pistol and exiting the car. Sam and Jared looked at each other and sighed, knowing Dean needed the precaution.

"You know I never did anything." Ms. Miller said, pulling the onions over to a bowl, once she had finished chopping them.

"That's right. You didn't do anything." Max appeared from the corner, stepping closer to his stepmother. The knife began to rattle on the table. "You didn't stop them. Not once!"

The door was bashed open and Max turned to see the two priests and the wife standing there. But... they weren't dressed as priests should be. Mrs. Freely stepped forward in ripped jeans, boots, and a jacket. For a split second, he thought 'That's not what a priest's wife should wear.'

"Fathers?" Ms. Miller stepped forward, also not used to seeing them in normal clothing. Max internally groaned at having lost his chance. Sam smiled softly, seeing that they weren't too late this time.

"What are you doing here?" Max asked.

"Um... sorry to interrupt." Dean apologized. Sam stepped forward some more. "Max, could we, uh, talk to you outside for just one second?" Max looked suspiciously between the three.

"About what?" he asked.

"It's... private." Sam said. "I wouldn't want to bother your mother about it." Sam gestured to Ms. Miller. "We won't be long at all though, I promise." she smiled, trying to reassure Max. Max tried to calm his breathing, looking to his stepmother before looking back at Sam. She gave him another small smile and Max felt as if he could trust the brunette. He did not know about the two behind her, but he felt connected to her, specifically.

"Okay..." he nodded.

"Great." Sam smiled. He walked towards them and Dean moved to lead the way out of the door. Sam sent a small smile to Ms. Miller before following Max. Dean gave Max a smile as he twisted the door open, but as he leaned forward, the mirror showed Max the gun in Dean's pocket.

At the sight of it, Max stopped. Sam and Jared stopped behind him and the door was ripped from Dean's grasp. The blinds shut, as well as every window, on their own as Max stepped back, shaking.

"You're not priests!" Max cried, his trust breaking quickly. Dean pulled the gun out of his pocket, against his sister and his boyfriend's protests and it was snatched out of his hand almost immediately. It stopped at Max's feet and he reached to pick it up. Dean ran forward, but Jared stopped him.

"Max, what's happening?!" Ms. Miller cried from behind him.

"Shut up!" Max cried, shaking.

"What are you doing?" she said, moving forward. Without looking at her, Max flung her into the kitchen counter, knocking her out. Jared moved to go towards her before being knocked into a wall as well.

"Jared!" Dean cried.

"Max, calm down!" Sam yelled over the chaos Max had caused.

"I said, shut up!" Max screamed.

"We just want to talk to you!" Sam said.

"Yeah right, that's why you brought this!" He held up the gun in his hand. Dean looked back and forth between his sister and Max, hoping that Sam knew what she was doing in trying to calm the boy down.

"That was a mistake, all right? So was lying about who we were, but no more lying, Max. Okay? Please... just hear me out." she pushed her brother and Jared back behind her.

"About what?" Max yelled. Sam took a deep breath and held her hands up in surrender.

"I saw you do it. I saw you kill your Dad and your Uncle before it happened." Max's hand that held the gun shook. "What?"

"I'm having visions, Max, about you." she said.

"You're crazy." Max whimpered. Sam raised her eyebrows.

"So, you weren't just about to launch a knife at your stepmom? Right here?" She pointed directly beneath her own eye. Max didn't answer. "Is it that hard to believe, Max? Look at what you can do." She pointed to Max's stepmom, sprawled along the floor, knocked out from her fall. "Max, I was drawn here, all right? I think... I think I'm here to help you." she said. Max let out a sob, still shaking, looking over to his stepmother, and at Jared who had just gotten up from the floor.

"No one can help me." he sobbed. Sam shook her head.

"Just let me try." she stepped closer. "We'll just talk. Just me and you. We'll get Dean, Jared and Alice out of here." she promised. Dean immediately shook his head.

"No. No way." he said. A loud shaking was heard and Sam and Dean looked to see the chandelier above them shaking dangerously.

"Nobody leaves this house!" Max yelled. Sam yelled over him. "Max, no one has to. They'll just go upstairs."

"Sam, we're not leaving you alone with him." Jared said.

"Yes. You are." Sam looked back at both of them. She turned back to Max.

"Look, Max, you're in charge, here. All right? We all know that. No one's going to do anything you don't want them to, but I'm talking five minutes here, Max."

"Sam." Dean hissed. She raised a finger for him to hush as the chandelier shook harder. "Five minutes." Max muttered. As he said this, the chandelier stopped. "Go." he pointed at Dean and Jared. Jared moved over to pick Alice up, bridal style as he and Dean moved towards the stairs.

Sam watched as Max's telekinesis picked up a small butter knife, twirling it, by just staring at it. She watched as he slumped into his spot on the couch and she didn't know where to begin. All this boy had gone through had broken him.

"Look, Max. I can't begin to understand what you went through." she started. "That's right, you can't." Max snapped. Sam was taken aback by his snappiness, but had to remember to keep her calm before anyone else got killed. "But, Max. This has to stop."

"It will. After my stepmother." he whispered. Sam shook her head.

"No. You need to let her go." She said. Max grit his teeth angrily. "Why?" Sam clasped her hands together. "Did she beat you?"

"No. But she never tried to save me. She's a part of it, too." he whimpered. Sam shook her head, looking at the broken, beaten boy in front of her. She didn't know if she'd ever be able to fix the mental part they broke of him, but she could try everything else. "Look, what they did to you. What they all did to you, growing up, they deserve to be punished, but-"

"Growing up?" Max finally turned his eyes to Sam, cutting her off. "Try last week." Max stood up and Sam sat back, but he lifted his shirt to show his stomach covered in purple and red bruises, cuts across it.

"My Dad still hit me, just in places people wouldn't see it. Old habits die hard, I guess." Max brought his shirt back down and Sam grimaced in sadness.

"I'm sorry." she whispered. They both looked back at the knife that had continued twirling, without him paying any attention to it.

"When I first found out I could move things, it was a gift. My whole life, I was helpless. But now I had this. So, last week, Dad gets drunk-first time in a long time-and he beats me to hell-first time in a long time. And then I knew what I had to do." Sam shook her head.

"Why didn't you just leave?" she asked. Sam flinched when the knife fell against the table.

"It wasn't about getting away. Just knowing that they'd still be out there... it was about not being afraid. When my Dad used to look at me, there would be hate in his eyes. Do you know what that feels like?" Sam thought back to every time she and her Dad would fight, and she knew that every time they'd get into those arguments, he was usually trying to protect her. She knew her father didn't hate her. They just had their... disagreements. Sam shook her head. "No."

"He blamed me for everything. For his job, for his life, for my mom's death." Sam tilted her head, confusion in her eyes.

"Why would he blame you for your mom's death?" she asked. Max leant forward, eyes lighting up in feigned happiness.

"Because she died in my nursery, while I was asleep in my crib. As if that makes it my fault." he laughed snarkily. Sam blinked, heart rate quickening.

"She died in your nursery?" she repeated the familiar words. Max nodded. "Yeah. There was a fire." Sam's eyebrows furrowed as she looked away, remembering the light and the heat. "And my Dad would get drunk, and babble on like she died in some insane way. He said that she burned up. Pinned to the ceiling!" Max got louder with every word. Sam gasped. If their mothers had died in the same way... did that have an affect on their abilities? And if so, how else were they connected? She shook her head violently.

"Listen to me, Max. What your Dad said about what happened to your mom... it's real." she breathed, trying to work through her realization. Max sniffed.


Sam nodded. "It happened to my mom, too. Exactly the same. In my nursery, my crib. My Dad saw her on the ceiling." she said. Max snorted.

"Your Dad must've been as drunk as mine." he chuckled. Sam shook her head.

"No. No, Max, it's the same thing. The same thing killed our mothers."

"That's impossible." Max said. Sam looked away. "This must be why I'm having visions during the day. Why they're getting more intense. Because... you and I must be connected in some way." Max teared up, but he didn't move. "Your abilities, they started, six or seven months ago, right? Out of the blue?" Max sniffed again, wiping away his tears.

"How'd you know that?" he asked.

"Because, that's when my abilities started, Max! I mean, yours seem to be much further along than mine, but still, this means something, right?" At this point, Sam was talking more to herself than Max, happy she finally had some piece of this puzzle she called her life.

"I mean, for some reason, you and I, you and I were chosen." she said.

"For what?" Max grunted. Sam shook her head. "I don't know. But... but Dean, Jared and I- we're hunting for your mom's killer. And we can find answers, answers that could help us both. But... but you gotta let us go, Max. You've got to let your stepmother go." she rambled. Max sat, staring at her, thinking. Sam had no idea what was going on in his head, but all she hoped for was a chance. But that chance was broken, when Max began to shake his head.

"No." he whispered. Sam's smile dropped. "What they did to me. I still have nightmares." He became progressively more aggressive as he continued and Sam tried to reach out to him causing him to flinch away.

"I'm still scared all the time, like..." he sniffled. "Like I'm just waiting for the next beating. I'm just tired of being scared." he stood and moved towards the stairs, Sam jumping up and following him.

"If I do this, it'll be over!" he cried. Sam jumped in front of him, stopping him.

"No, it won't, Max. The nightmares won't end, Max. Not like this." she shook her head. "It's just, more pain. And it makes you as bad as them." Max sniffled as more tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Max, you don't have to go through this, alone." she said. Max's eyebrows raised and he seemed to calm down, as if calculating her words. But then he whispered "I'm sorry." Sam looked up at him in confusion before hearing the doors swing open behind her and a force shoved her in.

"Max, no!" she cried, banging on the doors. She watched as the slits of the closet got darker, meaning Max had pushed something in front of it.

"MAX!" she screamed, but the boy was already gone.

Jared was using a wet cloth to nurse the scratch on Ms. Miller's head, who was whimpering softly. His boyfriend paced near him, as they both worried for his sister.

"If you're not priests... then who are you?" she whimpered. Jared gave her a small smile before looking to Dean, who stopped.

"We're just people who want to help your son." Jared nodded, before the door swung open slowly. Max stumbled in slowly, everyone turning to face him. Jared stood from his position, handing Ms. Miller the cloth. The door swung shut behind Max once he entered the room.

Dean walked towards him to stand in front of Ms. Miller before being launched into the wall, effectively cracking it. Ms. Miller gasped while Jared reached out for him, before suddenly being unable to move. Max reached into his pocket, pulling out Dean's gun.

"Max." Ms. Miller cried out, turning towards him. Dean stood and walked over to Max, who aimed the gun at him. As Max took his hand off the gun, it floated in mid-air causing Dean to stop in his tracks. The gun then cocked itself, turning to face Ms. Miller, who stood.

"Max." she whimpered again. Dean moved to stand in front of her, before the gun pointed at him.

"Stay back." Max ordered. "It's not about you." He said.

"You wanna kill her, you're gonna have to go through me first." Dean growled. Max nodded, looking over to Jared, back to Ms. Miller, and back to Dean.

"Okay." he whispered. Three consecutive shots went off, killing everyone in the room. The room whitened and Sam pushed her head against the closet, the image of her older brother, dead on the ground, fresh in her mind. "No." she whimpered. He couldn't leave her. Not again."No, No, NO!" she cried, banging against the closet. He and Jared had just gotten together again. This couldn't be how it ended. "NO!" she screamed, hearing a loud scraping in front of her. Suddenly, light flooded through the closet again. Sam widened her eyes, looking around before slowly pushing on the door.

"Max." Ms. Miller whimpered again. Dean moved to stand in front of her, before the gun pointed at him.

"Stay back." Max ordered. "It's not about you."

"You're gonna kill her, you gonna have to go through me first." he said. Max nodded, looking over to Jared, back to Ms. Miller, and back to Dean.

"Okay." he whispered. Suddenly, disrupting everything, Sam slammed through the door.

"Dean!" she screamed. Dean's eyes turned to her immediately, thinking she was hurt. He wanted to go towards her, but Max still held the gun up. Sam's breathing calmed when she saw everyone in the room still alive.

"Max, please, don't. Don't." she begged, looking to the boy in front of her. "Max, Max, they're all I have... please. We can help you, all right?" Max began to cry at the sight of her, as tears rolled down both their faces. "But what you're doing, it's not the solution." she whispered. "It's not going to fix anything." she reached a hand out to him, which he looked at, but didn't take.

"You're right." he whispered. Sam smiled, thinking she had gotten through to him, until the gun turned and shot Max, straight through his head. "NO!" Sam screamed, as the body fell, motionless on the floor. Sam shook her head, turning away from the scene, hands to her heart. She felt a hand on her back, and turned, seeing her older brother, who immediately brought her into his arms.

Sam, Dean and Jared watched as Alice Miller was questioned by the police, a patch taking care of the bleeding on her forehead.

"Max attacked me. He threatened me with a gun." she said, voice shaking. She had lost everyone in just a span of few days. Her heartbreak and fear was understandable.

"And these three?" The officer pointed to Sam, Dean and Jared.

"They're... family friends." she whispered, tears in her eyes. "I called them as soon as Max arrived. I was scared. They tried to stop him. They fought for the gun." Her voice got softer as she began to cry.

"Where did Max get the gun?" the officer asked. Alice shook her head, shrugging harshly.

"I don't know!" she sobbed. "He... showed up with it, and he..." she couldn't finish the sentence as she cried harder. The cop, seeing her obvious pain, closed his book.

"It's all right, Ms. Miller." He tried to comfort.

"I've lost everyone." she whimpered. The officer looked over at the Winchesters.

"We'll give you a call if we have any further questions." he told them.

"Thanks, officer." Dean said. "Come on." he tapped Sam's arm, who flinched, before allowing her brother to guide her out of the home. Jared followed behind them, closing the door.

"Maybe... maybe if I'd said something else. I could've gotten through to him." She whispered, shaking her head. She couldn't get the image of Max's dead body out of her head. He was the only connection she had had to everything that was happening and now he was gone.

"Don't do that." Dean grumbled.

"Do what?" she asked.

"Torture yourself, Sam. It wouldn't have mattered what you said, Max was too far gone." Sam shoved her hands in her pockets.

"When I think about how he looked at me... right before... I should've done something."

"Sam, you risked your life." Jared placed a hand on her back and she nodded. "I mean, yeah, maybe if we had gotten here 20 years earlier." Dean shrugged. Sam stopped, in front of the Impala and turned to her brother. He stopped fiddling with his keys and looked over at her seeing the emotion vibrant in her eyes. She suddenly, hugged him close to her.

"I'm happy you're okay. What I saw, when Max locked me in that closet... I don't know how I'd be able to live if I hadn't gotten there in time." Dean smiled, hugging his sister. He rubbed her back in comfort before she turned to Jared. He was smiling at them and Sam rushed him in a hug as well.

"You too, Jay. Thanks for not freaking out on us about this whole thing." she said into his shoulder.

"No problem, Sam." he whispered into her hair. Dean smiled at the scene before Sam pulled away and she and Jared moved to the passenger side of the car.

"But you know, I'm really happy we had Dad." Dean raised his eyebrows.

"Never thought I'd hear you say that." he chuckled. Sam climbed into the backseat, allowing Jared in the front as Dean sat in the driver's seat. Sam shrugged.

"Well, it could've gone a whole other way after Mom. A little more tequila, a little less demon hunting, we could've had Max's childhood. But... all things considered, I think we turned out pretty great, thanks to him." she sent them both a small grin from her place in the back. Dean smiled back at her, before looking towards the Miller's home. "All things considered." he chuckled, starting the car.

Sam entered the motel room from opening the impala to pack it, seeing her brother and Jared working on packing their own bags.

"I've been thinking." she said as she walked in.

"Well, that's never a good thing." Dean shook his head as he walked past her. Sam rolled her eyes.

"I'm serious. I've been thinking, why would this demon, or whatever it is, why would it kill Mom, and Tommy, and Max's mother, you know? What does it want?" she asked, picking up the guns and weapons to pack them up as well.

"No idea." Dean shook his head, folding clothes.

"Do you think, it was after us? Us being, Max and I?" Dean looked over to her.

"Why would you think that?" he asked. Sam looked back over to him, shrugging.

"I mean, either telekinesis or premonitions, we both had abilities, you know? Maybe it was after us for some reason?" Dean stopped her.

"Sam, it if wanted you, it would've just taken you. This is not your fault. It's not about you." he told her. Sam gave him a small kicked puppy look.

"Then what is it about?" she muttered.

"It's about what that damn thing did to our family. The thing that we're going to find, and the thing that we're gonna kill. That's all." Sam put the weapons in the trunk of their car, before moving back inside the door to look at her brother.

"Actually, there's uh... there's something else, too." She avoided her brother's eyes.

"What?" He asked.

"When Max locked me in that closet, with that big cabinet against the door... I moved it." she quickly cleared her throat, trying to move over the subject. Dean chuckled.

"Well, it seems you've got more body-strength then I give you credit for." She shook her head.

"No, Dean. I moved it. Like Max." Dean and Jared stared at her.

"Oh." They chorused.

"Yeah, oh." she sarcastically grumbled. Dean turned, picking up a metal spoon that was near the TV. He held it up to his sister.

"Bend this." he said. Sam rolled her eyes.

"I can't turn it on and off again, Dean."

"Well, how'd you do it?" Jared asked, snatching the spoon from his boyfriend with a glare.

"I don't know. I can't control it, I just... I saw you guys die, and it just came out of me, like a punch. Like this, freak adrenaline thing." She said. Dean raised his eyebrows, turning to Jared who was looking back at him.

"Well, I'm sure it won't happen again." Dean said, turning back to his bag.

"Yeah... maybe. You aren't worried? Aren't you worried that I could turn into Max or something?" she asked, turning her full body towards them. Jared chuckled.

"No, Sam. I'm really not." He said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because, Sam, you have one advantage that Max never had." Jared smiled. Sam rolled her eyes.

"And what is that?" He pointed to Dean who put his hands out. "Hello! Standing right here." Dean yelled, putting his arms out. Jared rolled his eyes playfully. "Sam... you have people that care about you. Max never felt that." He said.

Dean walked over to his sister and wrapped his arm around her. "Sammy, as long as I'm here, nothing bad's gonna happen to you." he promised. He grabbed her leather jacket and wrapped it around her. She smiled at him and reached up to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you, Dean. And thank you, Jared." Jared smiled softly, nodding, before Dean just had to ruin it.

"Now then, I know what we need to do about your premonitions. I know where we have to go." he said seriously, picking up their bags.

"Where?" Sam asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Vegas." Dean said, grinning. Sam shoved him, laughing as she walked out the door.

"What? Come on, Sammy. The craps table, we'd clean up!" He called after his sister who scoffed at him before stuffing her bag in the car. Jared walked over to Dean, who was grinning, having made his sister laugh.

"You're a great big brother, baby." Jared whispered, wrapping an arm around his waist. Dean smiled. "I know." he chuckled, kissing his boyfriend before they followed Sam out the door.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? (I made Sam cry a lot in this one, I know.)