"Emma, grab the last bag in the trunk please?" Spike asked her daughter. Spike looked good for her age, really good. She was in her forties now, and carried her groceries inside their new/old house. They use to live here, moved away, and had come back.

They had lived in this town once until Emma was 10, but they had left it when some people were figuring out the town secret...there was real live wolves living about, who may of been part human. They were right, but when nobody found any evidence, the silly 'rumour' was laid to rest but it didn't stop the town from going crazy around Halloween and set up fun events for full moon nights. The Little Town of Amber was famous for its 'Wolf' suspicions like the Town of Rosewell was known for 'aliens'. The 'Welcome to the Town of Amber' sign even had a moon spray painted on it.

Spike was one of those people. Correction: One of those Wolves. To protect herself and her family, they left town to the big city for 6 years but have recently come back since their Alpha had ordered it. The pack was suppose to stay together and they were demanded to come back. Snake, Spikes husband and Emma's father didn't mind coming back. He missed his pack, his friends. He and Spike were known to be wild things back in their day, and moved around a lot but now they were home. This felt like home.

Snake was actually from another pack when he had met Spike and fell inlove. They were famously known as the two forbidden wolves from different packs who fell in love and made his pack and the Amber town pack call a truce. Emma had to hear their love story over and over alot..

..how did Emma feel about this whole wolf thing? Well, she had a sister who was already showing signs of turning soon. Her younger sister was 14, her name was Imogen, and her eyes lit up whenever she got mad or really really happy. Emma had NO signs. Some wolves didn't turn til their 16th birthday the latest, but Emma was 16 for a few months now and in her junior year of highschool and hasn't shown one sign of turning. Sometimes her parents worried, wondering if Emma had any wolf blood at all but she had to since she was theirs right? So why hasn't she changed yet? Why still fully human? Not turning yet was like other girls giggling at the 'immature' girl who hadn't gotten their period yet or something, like Emma was the 'freak' or something. Crazy right? So to say Emma liked highschool and being around humans I hope makes more sense to you. When she was at school, she was looked at as normal there, and one of the smartest girls in school. She also knew she was attractive, hell, boys wouldn't leave her the hell alone but she was more interested in books then dating which her best friend Manny just didn't understand.

Manny was also from Amber, they grew up with another and kept in touch when Emmas family moved away. She didn't look at Emma like she was some freak for not turning into a wolf yet and she wouldn't ever. She did look at her like a freak when she said no to going out with Peter Stone though when Emma came back the first night last week. Emma had blown him off at a party Manny took her to and Peter was like, the cutest guy in school! Emma blew that one. True he didn't know her dark secret but whatever! Dating was fun and since Emma was 14, she's only had two boyfriends yet could of had more yet she acted like she wasn't interested. Manny, if you haven't of guessed, was boy crazy!

Anyways, Emma's parents' friends all treated her like their own daughters and she knew their kids who some have all turned already and were waiting for her too as well. Sometimes the Pack had events, meetings or parties and Emma had to sit there watching all the wolves running in the forest. Emma at least liked that part, watching them run wild and free. At school, she was a big environmentalist and nobody understood why but found her passion for it cute.

Now, 16 year old Emma Nelson bounced down her porch steps, walking out into the sunlight and her hips swayed in her little yellow summer dress. She was a tanned girl, with blonde honey long layered hair and a good height. Model like. Some men mistakened her for being 18 or well, just hoped.

As she was grabbing her mothers last bag, a voice teased her, "Hey Stranger, want some help?" Manny asked.

Emma smiled over to the long haired brunette, like really long. Manny was known for her long hair and foxy-ness. She was a fox and a bubbly one at that with dimples that hypnotized you for days and hazel eyes like Emma.

Emma shook her head but nodded Manny to follow as she carried a bag, "Mom just went nuts shopping for the get together tonight."

"She's nervous isn't she?" Manny asked.

Emma opened the door and inhaled. She did miss home, she grew up here, and she missed Manny terribly too but the move was for their safety. Spikes family wasn't the only wolf family in town that left. "I don't know why, it's not like Raditch was mad at us for leaving right?"

Raditch was the Alpha, the pack leader. He was around his end though, but his last demand was bringing back his pack to town, back to Amber. "No, Think he just wants more people to boss around." joked Manny, closing the door behind Emma, "I heard he's ready to step down. That he has his eye on a new Alpha."

"You're not suppose to be talking this way about our Alpha, Manny." said Snake in a sing song voice, grinning playfully in the kitchen.

Manny smiled to Emma, sharing a look. "She's just stating the truth, Dad." teased Emma, both girls leaning on the counter across from him, "He's like almost 60 isn't he? Shouldn't he step down?"

"It's not the fact is he should or not Emma, the Alpha steps down when he wants to. He earned that place." Snake said seriously.

Emma tried not to smile and roll her eyes. Maybe when she actually felt a wolf in her, she'd understand the loyalty most the pack had for Raditch. To her? He was just a grumpy old man who could send a pack of wolves on your ass with a snap of a finger.

"Who do you think would get it if he did step down?" Manny asked curiously.

Spike came in from behind with Imogen, carrying pies, "None of you answer that. And no more questions like that tonight. The pack is coming over for 8 and we are going to have a nice feast."

"Aka, party." said Manny with a delightful smirk and put her hand on her hip. She was a REAL good partier.

Emma giggled beside her and Spike sighed but shook her head smiling, "OH how we missed you, Manny." she teased, hugging Manny who did so back. Spike caught Snakes look over Manny's shoulder, "Did you get the booze for tonight?"

"Your parents are so cool." Manny whispered to Emma.

Emma rolled her eyes as Imogen beamed. Imogen had the wolf already in her, ready any day to pop out but Emma couldn't feel any more human and less wolf, she didn't like partying either which the Pack did.

"It's all set up. Joey came by earlier and helped with everything." Snake explained and Spike clapped, her eyes flashing Gold. Now you see where Imogen got it from.

"How about this?" Manny asked, now downstairs in Emma's room and gawking herself in the mirror as she put a short skirt against her jeans.

Emma laid back on her bed, flipping through a magazine and didn't even look up, "Looks really good."

Manny raised an eyebrow and looked at Emma in the reflection, the blonde had no care in the world. "I'd get ready, Emma Nelson." she warned and climbed on the bed with her, "Our whole wolf pack is coming over tonight, don't you get that? All of them. The sons, the potential Alphas, Jay Hogart.."

"You still have a thing for him?" Emma asked with a smirk, remembering Manny crushing on him since she was 10 and he was 14.

Manny groaned, laying on her back and reminded Emma of the other boys, "Lucas. Sean.." she bit her lip smiling. These guys were the most handsome devils you'd ever meet..

Emma paused, remembering them.


The pack called these three boys 'The Trio', they were bad boys, always stirring up trouble since they were kids..

Jay, Sean and Lucas were 14 at the time, and they were spray painting the back of the mall while drinking and a group of girls walked past, giggling and whispering after eyeing the boys down.. Jay even turned to wink at them.

"I think I give Leonardo Dicaprio a run for his money." joked Lucas, standing back to eye his work and nodded proudly. He crossed his arms and admired his work.

Sean dropped his spray can to pick up a beer can off the ground beside him and taunted Lucas before sipping it "It's Leonardo devinici you idiot." Sean was wearing a black hoodie and tuke, he was very much the only one with some brain in this bunch rather than just good looks. Don't get me wrong though, even as just a 14 year old boy Sean still had girls fighting over him. The kid had muscels too. He was one of the youngest wolves who had turned when only just 7. Some say it was because he could really lose control when he was angry and it just stirred the wolf inside of him.

Jay turned his head and laughed at Lucas until they all looked left when the back door of the mall opened and a security guard stood there, his eyes widened, "Not you again you little punks!" he went to chase after them, grabbing his hit stick while doing so.

Jay, Lucas, and Sean just laughed, jumping the parking lot fence easily when the security had two other security staff try to chase them.

The first security stopped to call actual police and spoke into his cellphone, "It's three boys running down Main Street. Ones wearing a black hat, the other a black hoody. It's those three little shits again!"

Some people yelped when the boys ran down the street, shoving by people and ran like lightening when they heard cop sirens but laughed harder. See? Trouble makers. They cut through the little shops on the street and ended up in the woods behind and ran like wild through the forest.

It wasn't long til Jay turned first, a brown wolf and took off in the woods. Then Sean, who turned to a pure silver and white one with bright blue eyes. Lucas was last, looking over his shoulder and laughing out loud when one of the cops had stopped running, staring in horror to what he saw. Lucas then turned into his form, a big black wolf and he snarled before he took off too and away.

...maybe it COULD of been their fault the town had found out back then about wolves but at least they were having fun. Little trouble makers.

The three wolves found two girls playing behind their Alphas house in the backyard, one with long brown hair and it was in piggy tails. The other was a blonde girl who was wearing a jean skirt and a green parka vest over her white shirt.

"Is it ok?" Manny asked Emma, trying to blow on Emma's 'boo-boo'. The two were playing when Emma had fell and scraped her knee

Emma just shrugged while sitting on her butt in the leaves. It was autumn, her favorite season. So nothing would stop her from having fun and continue playing in the leaves with her best friend."I'm fine."

The two were playing as there was an 'adult' meeting in the Alphas house today. When they heard a twig snap, Manny gasped, turning her head and seeing three wolves stalking slowly over to them and her shoulders dropped, rolling her eyes. "It's just the Trio." she told Emma who hadn't even noticed and blinked, looking up.

Emma looked up and tensed a bit. She should be use to it, her parents were wolves too and these boys were from THEIR pack but for some reason around these certain wolves, she got tense. She tried to put a hand over her knee, to cover the blood but one had noticed it. The black one, Lucas.

"Manny.." Emma drifted, crawling back a little and Mannys eyes too widened. Lucas didn't look like he knew how to control himself, he was slowly and hungrily taking steps toward Emma. At these times Emma did wish she hadn't been human so they knew she was one of them.

The silver wolves head turned, and almost snarled at the black wolf. Emma couldn't remember who was who, these guys were older than her and Manny, and they barely made appearances at 'events' and were always stirring up trouble.

Both girls yelped when the black wolf tried to snap at them but cried out when Sean's wolf latched its jaw onto its neck before letting go when Lucas backed off and yelped, cowering down.

"Lets go!" Manny exclaimed, pulling Emma up and she snapped back at the brown wolf who had nothing to even do with it and tapped his nose like 'a bad boy' "BAD!" . This was Jay, who turned his head in confusion.

The girls ran back into the house, Emma was on the verge of tears, but looked back before going in.

It wasn't 15 minutes later where Sean entered the back door first, his head looking left to right but found the girls out of site.

"Dude you fucking bit my neck way too hard." snapped Lucas, coming in behind and just putting on his shirt. He put his hand on his neck but thanked god he was healing fast. He did grab a cloth though and put it on his neck.

Jay came in after and was still very shocked a little girl had actually slapped him on the nose. It was Joeys daughter, if he remembered correctly. Little fucking fire ball she was.

"You were about to go after Snakes daughter." snapped Sean. Snake may of not been Alpha, but he was right hand man and they would of been in SHIT, nevermind Lucas almost attacked an innocent girl.

"Lets just hope their daddy's don't hear about it." Snickered Jay until they heard it

"You three, get in here!" growled their Alpha from the doorway, glaring viciously and his wife Daphne beside him with her arms crossed.

Manny, as a good tattletail should, complained about the Trio that very hour. The two girls hid behind the couch as the three sat on it, being yelled at by the Alpha, his wife and Emma's parents, along with Joey. Joey was Manny's father, and he was important as well. He trained all the boys in the pack, trained them to be loyal wolves and tough, how to fight and how to be Alpha incase one day they were picked. He also trained them how to control themselves but it seemed Lucas still couldn't.

"Lucas, you're not allowed to turn again until you're fit to control yourself." Joey growled, "And for the next few times you practice, I'm going to be there making sure."

"you could of killed them!" Snapped Spike.

Jay even stared up wide eyed at the petite woman with Sean. Spike was little, but fierce and the strongest woman in the pack rumour had it. "Sorry." they all muttered. Lucas was nodding and looking down ashamed

"Got what they deserved." Manny chimed in with her nose up in the air happily and guiding Emma back outside to play. They sat back in their leaves and Manny suddenly bursted into giggles.

Emma had to giggle with her, "What?" she asked, seeing Manny proud but blushing and she shook her head.

"I think Jay's cute." she gushed.

"annnddd..." Emma asked, not knowing what the big deal was or why Manny was already so boy crush crazy.

"And I hit him on the nose!" they both bursted into giggles.


Emma smiled a little, looking back at Manny who was sighing romantically again on her bed and she smirked, "I wonder if Jay's single."

"You're still four years younger Manny which makes him 20."

Manny flipped onto her stomach to face Emma and taunted playfully, "Raditch imprinted his wife when she was 16 and he was 22."

"Ya but he had to wait til she was 18!"

"I'd wait for him." smirked Manny abit naughtily and Emma laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" she taunted Manny.

Manny just giggled. See at school, Manny had quite the repuation. She couldn't date human boys, so she went through a lot of them quickly if you know what I meant. She drove the boys wid.

The door bell rang and the girls yelped, "They're here!"