This chapter has been a really really long time coming. I feel like I'm always apologizing for the chapters being updated so late that it sorta makes me want to scream. I've wrote and planned half of this chapter so so long ago and the I only just finished writing it. I've been so busy with university and other stuff, that it was difficult to find the time to finish writing it.

I'm still in awe that this story gets views and I get the new favourtied/followed notification.

Thank you so so so much for reading this story and still following it. I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter 23:

"Are you angry at me?"

Hinata pursed her lips, without looking behind she answered, "No."

"Hinata," Sasuke pleaded, "If you're –"

"I'm not angry at you," she huffed out.

Hinata stopped walking and turned to face Sasuke only to be met with his chest. She blinked, lifting her head up to face him. He gazed back down at her and then moved his attention elsewhere.

"Sorry," he muttered.


"You know..," he trailed off.

Hinata sighed, "No. I don't know Sasuke."

She turned on her heel and continued on her way back to the Hyuga compound. She heard Sasuke mutter an incoherent swear as he followed her. Once he made it to her side, he began to pester her again if she was angry with him. Hinata gave him no response and only eyed him from the corner of her eyes.
She had not been lying when she said she was not angry with Sasuke. It was more disappointment that she thought deep down Sasuke might have been right – it's too dangerous. He nor Naruto had said it but it didn't take a genius to figure out that that is what had been implied. It had irritated her that she felt what they said was somewhat logical. Naturally any missions came with danger at their level but Hinata wasn't a child anymore. She had worked hard to get to her position and even Sasuke had commented that she had gotten stronger during their recent spars. Hinata was irritated because she understood where Sasuke was coming from. She understood the worrisome feeling he felt. She felt it every time he would disappear for his missions. I suppose I'm a little angry at him.
Sasuke followed her silently towards the Hyuga compound and to her private quarters. It wasn't until the two were alone that they both spoke.

"Sorry," they said in unison.

Sasuke clicked his tongue, "There's no need for you to apologise. You did nothing wrong."

"Ah – I know," she bit her lip, "I was apologising because I lied. I was angry at you."

He scoffed, "Was? I think you still are Hinata."

"Fine. I'm still angry at you," she said crossing her arms over her chest.

Sasuke smiled as he walked closer to Hinata, closing the distance between them. He brushed aside her fringe, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"Sorry for being an overprotective ass. I shouldn't have overreacted like that. You're capable of taking care of yourself and making decisions. I'm just… worried."

Hinata grabbed Sasuke's hand, leading them to her bed to sit down together.

"Sasuke," she squeezed his hand, "It's only natural to be worried about people you care about. I understand where you're coming from. But I need you to support me through thick and thin. Going to the Cloud – it's risky. I know that but it's for my clan."

Sasuke nodded, bringing their entwined hands to his lips. He kissed the back of her hand.

"Always. I'll always support you."


Hanabi felt herself loosing concentration. It had almost been two hours since the elders and the clan came together to meet and discuss recent events. Hanabi had to pinch herself to keep herself her awake. She wasn't sure how Hinata had managed to look interested and awake the whole time. She needed to get used to these meetings. This would very well soon be her life.
The Hyuga clan had two types of meetings – private and public. The private meetings occurred between the Hyuga Head and the Elders. Recently, to Hanabi's dismay they had added her to these meetings. The elders and Hinata thought it would be good for her to get a sense of how these meetings ran. On the other hand, the public meetings involved the whole clan. It was in these meetings, any disputes within the clan were handled, concerns were brought up and discussion was welcome amongst the clan.
Today's meeting had covered all sorts of topics – an argument between a third cousin once removed and his brother-in-law, discussion about the new academy education that would soon be implemented, members of the clan who'd be promoted in rank and even some drastic business proposal that was immediately rejected.

Hanabi let out a yawn. Is it over yet?

"Before we adjourn this meeting, we have one last topic to discuss. Hinata-sama will be travelling to the Cloud village for diplomatic reasons."

Hanabi sat up at hearing that. It seemed the rest of the clan were just as shocked as they murmured amongst themselves.

"What for?" Hanabi spoke up.

She didn't like it. Even if they were currently living in peace, the idea angered her. The clan had obviously felt the same as she could feel their unrest.

"Diplomatic reasons," it was Hinata who had replied, "I too understand the concerns of the clan. But this is something I must do. We must renew our treaty with them in this new era of peace."

Hanabi gritted her teeth.

"May I ask, why must Hinata-sama travel to the Cloud?" A clan member asked.

"They have requested for the treaty to be renewed at the Cloud. According to documents, the Cloud had travelled to the Leaf last time. It is simply our turn to travel to the Cloud."

Before anyone could interrupt her grandfather cleared his throat.

"Hinata-sama has discussed this with us and we have agreed to it. I will not tolerate any more discussion."

Hanabi pursed her lips as her grandfather ended the meeting. Before she could leave though, the elders and Hinata had called her over. Another meeting!?
As the room cleared up, Hinata ushered for Hanabi to sit next to her.

"Only those present in this room will know who'll accompany Hinata-sama," an elder spoke and pointed to Hinata, "May we ask, who you've been assigned or chosen to accompany you to the cloud?"

Hinata smiled, "Uchiha Sasuke will accompany me."

An elder raised her eyebrow, "The Uchiha boy?"

Another elder pursued their lips, "Uchiha Sasuke has caused the village trouble in the past."

"He's repented for his sins and proved himself a loyal and valuable shinobi of this village. If he did not aid us in the war, none of us would be alive," Hinata replied.

Hanabi and Hinata's grandfather nodded his head.

"We've already agreed for the two to marry, so I see no reason as to why we should oppose him escorting Hinata to the cloud."

Hanabi smirked, "Speaking of marriage. Onee-san and Uchiha-san already act like a married couple. I don't understand why their marriage has been delayed."

Hinata blushed, "I should discuss it with Sasuke first."

Their grandfather waved his hand as to dismiss the thought.

"I've already spoken to Uchiha Sasuke about it. He said he'd leave the decision to Hinata-sama. Despite his scowling and rough appearance he seems considerate of you Hinata-sama."

Hinata nodded her head. She had told the elders that they'll begin with preparations for the marriage once they returned from the Cloud.

"Before we leave, I would like to address the succession of Hanabi-chan as the new clan head."

Hanabi bowed, "I am honoured to take the position."

The elders, Hinata and Hanabi had agreed that the succession would take place before Hinata's wedding.

"We will begin our preparations then."Hinahkhajaifncf


Hinata had found Sasuke waiting for her outside the Hyuga compound on the day of their departure. She had greeted him with a smile and a quiet good morning. He only smiled at her and checked that she was ready to leave. They walked in silence, side by side with their hands brushing past one another. There was no need to hold hands, but occasionally she found herself wrapping her hand around his. He would squeeze her hands and eventually they would let go of one another only to find themselves holding hands again.
By the time they neared the gates of Konoha, it was close to sunrise. There had been no reason for them to leave so early as the mission was officially scheduled for departure at noon. Yet, Sasuke had insisted they leave before sunrise. Hinata had initially thought it was for safety reasons but she later found out Sasuke only wanted an excuse to spend more time with her. She had teased him that he had a hidden romantic side to him and Sasuke only grumbled out he was not such a sappy person.

As they exited the gates of Konoha, Hinata waved to the people guarding the gates and the two of them began their journey. By the time the sun had risen and the main travel routes began to crowd with people, Sasuke and Hinata decided to travel through the forest. Sasuke's speed was incredible and she was grateful that he slowed down to what she considered her fastest speed. As noon crept upon them, they had already covered a significant distance. Sasuke signalled for them to take a break as he halted at a tree a few metres ahead of her. He waited for Hinata before they jumped down to the forest floor together.
During the break they ate and quenched their thirst. Hinata stretched her legs as she ate her crackers. Sasuke had offered to go at a slower pace but Hinata refused to change the pace.

"We've already covered a lot of distance Hinata. Slowing down won't affect us," Sasuke argued.

Hinata frowned, "I'm not that weak Sasuke."

Sasuke ran his hand through his hair, "I'm just worried that you're straining yourself out."

She pressed her lips into a thin line, "I'll repeat, I'm not that weak."

Sasuke clicked his tongue and muttered out, "Whatever."

He turned his head away from her and finished off his food in silence. He got up and grumbled out that he was going to relieve himself and suggest that if she needed to take a piss she do it now. Hinata only blushed at his sudden choice of words. She quickly reprimanded herself for finding something so natural embarrassing. She turned in the direction opposite of Sasuke and went to relieve herself.

Sasuke returned a few minutes after she had come back. He had still seemed a little agitated after their small disagreement. Hinata had felt a little guilty for being the cause. Sasuke had only been worrying about her but Hinata had learnt to be prideful about herself. Before he could signal for them to get going, Hinata reached out for his hand.

"I'm sorry," she said rubbing her thumb on the back of his hand.

She felt Sasuke tense under her touch but immediately he relaxed into it. He turned to face her and entwined his fingers in hers.

"No… I need to remember that you're a very capable kunoichi. You have nothing to be sorry about. I was more annoyed at myself."

"You're just being nice and I'm just –"

"Standing up for yourself. You're strong Hinata and I'm glad you're not letting someone like me tell you what to do. I like that."

Hinata blushed, "I – you do?"

Sasuke smirked and pulled her closer. He leaned down to whisper in her ear, "Confident Hinata really turns me on."

He laughed as she blushed an even greater shade of red.


As the sun began to set, they decided to stop for the night. Hinata began to set up their sleeping bags whilst Sasuke prepared a small campfire and began preparing their meal for the night. As they ate, Sasuke shared stories of his past travels with her. The variety of people he had encountered and the aftermath of the war. He had helped around in numerous smaller villages. Assisting those in need as much as he could. He spent his time alone reflecting on his past actions and the regret that would always be there. He thought a lot about his family and the sacrifice Itachi had made. He told Hinata he did a lot of thinking for once.

Sasuke was grateful Hinata listened in silence. He hadn't realised but in the middle of his storytelling she had packed away their dinner and had moved their sleeping bags next to each other. Hinata eventually gestured for him to come over and they found themselves lying beside one another. Sasuke laid on his back, whilst Hinata had snuggled comfortably against him. He could hear her steady breathing and the faint sounds of the forest animals. He thought for a second that she had already fallen asleep. When Sasuke glanced at her, he found Hinata smiling in awe. Her eyes were twinkling in fascination. He looked up to see the stars. A vast sea of stars that had witnessed many things. He wondered how many people were seeing the exact same stars as they were.

"I never thought much about the stars before," he said quietly, "until I met you… the most radiating of them all."

Hinata had blinked at his words before a faint smile graced her lips. She propped herself up on her elbows, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. He grinned and pulled her in closer, kissing her on the lips. She smiled into the kiss and found herself deepening the kiss. As they parted for air, Hinata gazed into his eyes. She had heard various stories saying the sun was the brightest in existence and would guide you to the light. But they had forgotten about the moon – the shining moon, hidden amongst the shadows. It was the embracing moon that shed light even in the darkest areas. It was the moon that had saved her.

"I love you."


Thank you once again for reading and I'm so so sorry for always updating so late.