Everyone was off doing their own thing, except for Ratchet...her Ratchet. She walked up to him slowly as he worked. Looking up once her presence registered. "Hello there..." He gave her a half-smile. It was enough for her. It was how they worked.

She nodded. "I'm sorry."

Ratchet nodded and scoffed " You don't have anything to apologize for" Rose nodded in agreement, playing with her hair. Her wounds, at least the external ones were slowly healing. She could finally walk without it hurting...much.

"I don't blame you...it wasn't your fault." She looked at the medic, then at the floor quickly.

Ratchet ex-vented quickly. "I know it wasn't... I was concerned... about you." He shifted awkwardly on his peds.

The small human nodded slowly "I know."

She wrapped her arms around his leg, being careful of Mira in her pouch "I'm just glad to be... home."

The large 'bot vented softly, going back to his work before speaking. "I'm glad you're... home...too."

Mira shifted in her pouch softly "I think she's glad I'm back too." The stoic 'bot nodded. "I wouldn't doubt it…. it's been a rough bit for her."

Rose smiled, taking a moment before looking up at her massive guardian "I don't blame you." He stopped, looking down at her, kneeling to be closer to her height, as laughable as that concept might be "I blame myself." He finally said.

"Why?" Her head tilted softly "You were fixing the groundbridge...you COULDN'T come. You sent Crystal and Knockout. You did everything right... everything in your power to get to me!"

The medic's helm shook "I'm your guardian..."

The tiny girl's brow furrowed "...and you GUARDED me. I don't blame you!" She hugged his leg as tight as she could manage. Ratchet tapped a digit on her back softly, ex-venting harshly. "If you insist." Rose cracked a half smile at that.

"I Do!" She stood on her tip–toes, trying to seem more authoritative, which only made Ratchet laugh, as he scooped her up in his servo, setting her on his shoulder, standing carefully. "I really missed you."

"I missed you too..." She smiled "What we have is special." The 'bot smiled at that. "I never imagined I'd have...you. Not in all my vorns on this planet did I ever imagine myself as someone's... guardian. Then you showed up, crept into my spark. " He vented again softly as she nodded " You were...there... when I needed you. When I needed to feel safe."

He nodded again. "You'll always be safe with me, Rose."

She sighed "I still worry somehow he'll come back... find me. Take me from you."

Ratchet vented gently, shaking his helm. "Agent Fowler took care of everything. Your ...father...and his goons can never touch you again. They're gone for good now."

Rose shut her eyes, tears of relief slipping down her cheeks. "I'm...safe now."

He tucked her close to the warmth of his neck cables "You'll always be safe here. You'll always have a home here, Rose...you and Miracle. He pulled her down slowly, over his sparkchamber. "Everything is alright now. You're home."

"Home..." she smiled up at him slowly. "I never imagined finding home would feel so good."

Ratchet vented softly. "Home is a good place when there's love in it. You're loved here." Rose hugged him closer, finally, for once in her life at peace.