Avery's hand shook as she gripped her stomach, blood forcefully rushing from in between her fingers. Pain throbbed throughout her as tears rushed down her cheeks, blurring her already spotted vision. The shock that coursed through her was ebbing, bringing along the stinging fear and disbelief. Her once pale blue shirt was now soaked with crimson, leaving her to wonder how much longer she would live.

It had taken more effort than she realized for Jeff's name to force itself from her lips, seeing the killer's angered form step towards Liu's fading retreat. The acceptance was brutal as she knew what he would more than likely do. He wouldn't save her—he was too focused on murdering the man who had brought about too many memories for his liking.

Her breaths were growing harder to take as she saw Jeff waver, the furious pinpricks shooting to her. He didn't move, tensely standing, not even appearing to breathe.

It had felt like a decade passing as he stood there, but Avery knew good and well that it was more than likely no more than ten seconds. Was it because she was dying? Was the time that so quickly passed truly this slow, yet no one noticed?

Warm hands forced her half conscious body to lie back, before prying her own away from her wounded stomach. Her icy eyes cracked open, a flicker of shock within them as she saw that he stayed. Jeff the Killer stayed, his mouth a stiff line as he yanked what medical supplies they did have to his side.

Her awe didn't last as he ripped up her shirt, exposing the wound that still gushed blood. Bile rose up her throat as she looked at the jagged gash above her hip, her pale skin painted with red that also pooled beneath her. The world began to spin as her shaking hand jerked out, grasping on to the arm of Jeff's hoodie. He didn't stop her.

Falling in and out of consciousness, she was unaware of the needle the killer now gripped, nor the alcohol that he carelessly poured onto the gash. A broken scream left her lips as the fiery burn tore through her body, her back arching as her vision tunneled.

"Show me how tough you are, sweetheart," she faintly heard Jeff's voice murmur.

The alcohol made her wound numb, yet she was still aware of each prick of the needle as Jeff skillfully sewed. In the back of her mind, she wondered how many times he's had to do this to himself? She lost her vision, falling into the abyss of her mind as the killer continued to work over her.

Avery didn't know how much time had passed when her thoughts were no longer muddled. But she did know that she felt cold, not to mention the odd rocking motion that made no sense. Opening her hazy eyes, she saw that she was outside. Snow was beginning to fall, dusting the ground and the limbs of the trees. Her nose burned from the chill, along with each motion forward sending her wound screamed in pain.

Feeling the warmth against her side, she found that her head was pressed against a stained hoodie, the faint sound of a heartbeat against her ear. She was momentarily stunned to see that Jeff was carrying her—his boots making a light crunch in the ice-covered leaves that lined the forest floor. A gust of wind blew, a shiver trailing down her spine as she snuggled into the warmth he offered, not caring about how the killer would react.

His singed hair tickled her cheek as he looked down, his expression unreadable as he continued on.

"Just go to sleep," she heard him say, for once not worrying about how he meant that statement.

Shutting her eyes, she wondered if he was taking her to the new place he spoke of—the one which they were supposed to travel to after taking care of Liu. Hearing the soft slap of her bag against his back, she figured that must be so.

Drifting in and out of sleep, she hesitantly opened her eyes when Jeff's footsteps came to an abrupt halt. Looking in front of them, she saw that they had reached the forest's edge, an empty road stretched in front of them. After a few moments, Avery tilted her head up, her ashen face confused.

"Why did you stop?"

His eyes were set down the road, until the corners of his lips twitched upward. She tried not to pay attention to the streaks of read down his cheeks where the corners of his smile had split open.

"You'll see why in a moment. Stay still," he ordered.

He lowered his head, allowing his hood and hair to cover most of his face. It was then that Avery noticed headlights twisting the corner down the road, coming towards them. Shifting her weight to one of his arms, Jeff frantically waved the other one, starting out into the road while holding her tight.

The car came to a stop, the shocked owner yanking open the door. "Are you two alright?" the unfamiliar voice called, laced with concern.

Shutting her eyes, Avery's stomach dropped with dread as she knew what was to come.

"My girl here was hurt," Jeff's raspy voice replied, carefully laying her down. "Could you give us a ride to the hospital?"

The stranger was now close, she knew, observing her bloody form. Cracking her eyes open, she saw the shocked man knelt in front of her, all of his attention focused on her. Not on the killer who was now behind him, his knife raised high.

Her eyes shut right as it swung down, a choked gurgle being the last thing she heard before slipping unconscious once more.

On and off she woke while in the stolen car, Jeff driving with a shocking ease. The radio was silent, only the rumble of the car being heard. Trees lined the windows, although she didn't necessarily care where they were going. In all reality, she didn't know whether or not she wanted to find out. The throb in her stomach never faded, even when the world slipped away.

The final time she awoke, the setting was no longer an uncomfortable seat within the dead man's car. Now she was laying down—comfortable and soft. Warmth surrounded her, the frigid cold long gone. Chancing things, she opened her eyes to find herself within a bedroom.

A gasp of air filled her dry throat, her eyes wide as she stared around. Being so used to the dingy shack and broken down cabin from before, this appeared to be pure heaven. The walls were wooden, showing that she once again was in a cabin—although far better than the first. A light was currently on by the bed, electricity miraculously being given here as well.

The space was decorated nicely, although dust did cover most of the area. Perhaps this was a place where the owner vacationed only in the summer? If so, it would be perfect.

"Jeff?" Her voice cracked as she called his name, it feeling as if nails were scraping up her throat.

The killer stood within the doorway, a water bottle within his grip. He silently handed to her, which she gratefully began to sip. It was cold. She had gotten used to her drinks only being room temperature—a refrigerator must be here, too.

"How's your stomach?" he rasped, sitting down in the chair by her bed.

It throbbed whenever she made any immediate movement, she knew. But if she remained still, she could shove it to the back of her mind if she tried.

"It hurts if I move. Not so bad if I don't," she replied, letting out a sigh. Keeping her eyes locked on his emotionless face. "Thank you." Her voice was quiet, yet filled with more gratitude than he had ever heard. If he had left...

Jeff gave a sharp nod, breaking his gaze away from hers. Silence coated the room, it clear that he didn't intend to reply. The last thing the killer was used to was being thanked for anything.

"I'm sorry... that things didn't go as planned." Avery's voice was even softer, a frown tugging at her lips. She supposed she should be happy that they were both still alive—Liu's original desire now shifted. She was the one who would have to worry.

His pinpricks hardened when he saw her jaw lock, fear swirling within her eyes. "That bastard isn't getting near you again," he seethed, his fists tightening. "Things will go as planned. I wasn't eager to kill him before—now I'm aching for it." His voice was a thick growl, his lips pulled back into a scowl.

The tight bandages around her torso were almost suffocating as she swallowed. She had seen bloodlust within the killer's eyes, plenty. But never to this extreme. The faux calm his expression emitted was slowly breaking around the edges. Inside, he was still boiling with rage, and she knew it.

"Will he even know where we are? You drove here," Avery whispered, her brows furrowing.

A sour grin pulled across his face. "If he's been following me all these years, he should know about this place already. It shouldn't be long."

"I thought that you would follow him," she admitted, looking away as he stiffened. Daring a peek back, she saw a different flicker of anger within his eyes.

A cold, humorless laugh fell from his lips. "Don't you see what you've done?" His voice wasn't harsh, or sarcastic like it usually was. It was emotionless—empty.

Her frown deepened. "What I've done?"

Jeff's eyes narrowed, his jaw popping as it tightened. "Yes, what you've done," he hissed lowly. "You have ruined everything that I stand for. It was thrown away right after I let that fucker run away—choosing a person's life over the death of another. You've given me a weakness—the last thing that a killer needs!"

She cringed as his voice grew in volume, the movement sending a jolt of pain throughout her. Grimacing, she took a deep breath before replying. "I didn't do anything, Jeff. You are the one that took me, the one who tried to make me into something that I'm not. I can't help that you changed your mind."

If he hadn't just saved her life, she'd be terrified that he was about to take it. "I don't know why I changed my mind. I don't know what you've done to me, or how to fix it. Even more fucked up, I also know that I can't get rid of you. I wont," he snarled, viciously shaking his head as he shot to his feet.

Avery watched as he began to pace, like she was used to seeing him do when he was frustrated. But truly thinking over his words, the pieces began to fall into place. She knew that for whatever reason, she cared for the killer. It wasn't intentional, nor did she know why, but she did. It seems as though he was currently in the same position as her.

Was it Stockholm-Syndrome? And whatever he was faced with—Lima-Syndrome?

It fit the descriptions, but to Avery, it felt more than just a twist within her mind. She didn't want to leave him—a deeper connection to him than she had ever felt with anyone.

Was she in love with him?

The killer, the monster, the murderer.


Shutting her eyes, she ignored the tears that were beginning to well within them. Never has she been so confused, let alone so afraid of a feeling in her entire life. She barely noticed as he slumped back into the chair by her side, his head lowered. He appeared just as lost as she did, without a single way out of it.

Cautiously looking over at Jeff, she let her gaze roam over what she could see of his face. The smile she had grown so used to, hers matching. His pale skin, with the tragedy that caused its charred appearance. The lidless eyes that kept his thoughts hidden, always bloodshot from never blinking. The onyx hair that fell perfectly in place.

She did find him to be beautiful.

Learning his story, having their peaceful talks, the sound of his deep voice... would it truly be that bad to admit that she did feel for him? She had already accepted that she would rather stay with him than return to the dull life from before. What difference would it make if she cared for him?

Reaching out one of her hands, she held her breath as she took one of his into her grip. "Would it truly be that bad to accept it?" she breathed, feeling as though she were teetering on the edge of a cliff.

Perhaps not to her. But to him, it would give him a weakness, just like he said. That was already done, however. He would just have to be strong enough to look after two, instead of one.

He didn't say a word. Didn't move an inch. The minutes slowly passed by, as Avery accepted that she wouldn't get a response from him, disappointment churning within her.

But when she felt his hand tighten around hers, she felt a spark of hope.

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