A/N: Hope you guys enjoy the chapter since I retyped the whole thing, the first one I didn't like how it went too much. By the way this is not revised I kinda just skimmed it and claimed it worthy.
"I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once." -John Green
It didn't take long for, as Kaede promised, Midoriko to arrive.
As I entered the room with Sesshomaru at my side, I found her power to be electrifying. More so than I have ever felt, in fact, I could feel her aura before she entered the house. Sesshomaru was calm while I was finding it hard to not let my own power try to battle her reiki.
She turned to us and instantly her eyes went to Sesshomaru, in that moment I felt Sesshomaru flare his own youkai. I relaxed at the familiar energy but I saw her grow rigid in response.
I knew where this was going, they were having a pride battle and from the looks of it neither party was going to stop first.
"Hello Midoriko, it's nice to finally meet you in person." I immediately shot my hand forward and left Sesshomaru's side. I felt his eyes bore into my form, but he didn't make any move to step forward as well.
"Ah Rin," Midoriko gushed as she dismissed my formal greeting and instead enveloped me in a spine crushing hug. Immediately I noticed how nice she was, for someone who was so regal moments ago, she had completely changed into a warm woman.
It just made me wonder, what was she before this whole mess? What could she have been if it weren't for the dominance demons had in this life?
Midoriko released me and flashed a brilliant smile, "I'm relieved to see you so powerful, but more importantly safe." She said as she placed a strand of hair behind my ear adoringly. Her gaze locked on to Sesshomaru and she smiled at him as well.
"I cannot even begin to thank you, Sesshomaru. The fact that you saved Rin and the others speaks volumes to our cause." Her voice boomed with authority, but she suddenly bowed, catching me, and even Sesshomaru off gaurd.
She fixed her posture, "Now I will happily take them off your hands." She concluded, swinging an arm around my shoulder and pulling my closer to her chestplate. The men around her bowed to Sesshomaru and marched past him, probably going to inform the others of our migration.
I was relived, finally I would have someone to help me organize the others. And most likely Midoriko had some cool hide-out where we will begin calculate our attacks. But then the horrifying realization came to me, I wouldn't have Sesshomaru with me anymore.
I glanced at him and saw that he had left. A life without Sesshomaru? My stomach twisted painfully at the thought of going through the rest of this journey without him. I hadn't realized how attatched I was to him until the actual moment came to say goodbye.
I thought we would have stayed the night, to gather whatever we could to leave, but even then I had assumed that Sesshomaru would be accompaning us per usual.
I swallowed thickly and asked, "We are leaving this soon?"
Midoriko glanced at me a little confused, "What did you expect?" She stated obviously,
"We can't live here forever, and no doubt we will have to leave him with something to survive off of."
I quirked a brow, "What do you mean 'survive'?" I asked and Midoriko gawked at me. "Don't tell me this rich guy doesn't have a tv?"
A tv? What is that?
Midoriko sighed and released me from her hold, "Sesshomaru's picture is all over the country Rin, and so is yours. You both are fugitives, and he will most likely won't have a job or family to support him now that he has become an enemy to demon society."
My blood ran cold, Sesshomaru was a target now all because of me. Of course he knew, so why didn't he tell me?
My face flushed and I excused myself from Midoriko and ran in the direction Sesshomaru left. I felt betrayed, and I know it was something I shouldn't be feeling but if he knew this was going to happen why wouldn't he have told me?
This entire time I thought Sesshomaru would just have to hide out for a while and his rich dad he had told me so much about would ship him off to some island far away from this mess. And if he planned on escaping he would have left by now wouldn't he?
The edges of my eyes stung as every realization hit me like a blow to the stomach. My abdomen tightened when I finally reached the what I assumed to be his room. It was where his youki was spilling out off, and if I didn't know any better I'd say this is where he is. Duh.
I was too mad to knock so I just barged in, my adrenaline was pumping through my veins. Every ounce of my body was screaming in confidence. I did a quick survey of the sultry room, the wood was all dark, and the only thing illuminating the room was the dying fire in the chimney.
He sat in a chair, his amber eyes fixated on the fire before him and he tipped his head back and tilted a cup onto his lips and swallowed. My nose wrinkled as the familiar scent of sake wafted into my nose.
How many of those has he had already? I looked and sure enough he was already finished with one bottle and on the second. "Why didn't you tell me about you having to live in hiding?" I asked, my eyes burning into his form.
His gaze never left the fire, but I knew he heard me. I sighed after a couple of moments and sat down in a chair by his desk, I hated when he did this. But I could wait, we both knew that I could.
Two more bottles of sake later, he finally stood up, but it wasn't with his usual grace, instead it was much more clumsy. My anger had long faded away and I just looked at him, his eyes turned to me and I was surprised to see red.
I stood up, "Sesshomaru are you-"
Instantly his form was pinning me to the desk behind me painfully. His hand ran through my messy hair and yanked me back, exposing my neck to him. I gasped and attempted to stop him but he used his body to trap me down.
He shifted a leg in between mine and growled and in response I whimpered. I felt so vulnerable, my eyes watered as the strain on my hair was growing more painful by the moment. I sensed his hot breath fan over me and before I knew it I felt sloppy wet kisses begin to trail up and down my throat.
"Sesshomaru!" I gasped, the sensation was alien and it felt way to weird for my comfort. Another growl rumbled through his chest, and the proximity allowed for me to feel his vibrations.
He stood straight and pulled back his hand slowly, I groaned when I lifted my head back into its regular position. It felt stiff and my head pulsed in response to his rough ministrations. His eyes, they were different now.
They were the beautiful molten gold I had grown so accostumed to, only a bit darker. It was a bronze, dark and deep, it held many answeres but dared questions. His skin illuminated under the sparce light from the fireplace and his silver hair was disheveled, his entire appearance was very opposite of what he usually is; calm and collective. He looked more like a feral animal then anything, even his marking were a little jagged.
My breath hitched, he was always so beautiful, even more now than ever. This untamed side of him made my heart beat faster, and kami did I hate the feelings he was causing. We never had a moment really like this, where we were both so raw and bare. He was always professional, denying me of any emotions, he did not allow himself to be read. And I was always so focused on the movement I always ignored these emotions.
Until now, that is.
"I never told you, because this Sesshomaru does not plan on abandoning our deal." He said slowly, his eyes never left mine and I felt tears stream down my cheeks unwillingly. My throat closed up and I didn't know what to say anymore.
He never planned on leaving me in the first place...oh Sesshomaru. My eyes trailed down his face to his lips, they looked soft, something I would have never thought of using to describe him.
I wanted to kiss him, the idea was surprising but the more I stared at him, the more I wanted his hands on my again. My body heated up and I licked my lips as my eyes found his again. His eyes narrowed and I saw him flare his nostrils before he backed away.
My face heated up in embarrassment as I watched him turn towards the fire place, watching the last of the embers die out, I was finally able to breathe and I straightened out my clothes and hair.
Sesshomaru just rejected me...kami this is embarrassing. The room was becoming more and more suffocating, and I just wanted to leave so I ran over to the door and gripped the handle. "Midoriko plans on leaving today...so if you are certain that you want to come-"
"I will be ready."
I pursed my lips and didn't say another thing as I made my way into the hallway once again. I took in another shaky breath and put my hand over my racing heart, I never knew I could feel that way towards him...
My face heated up in rememberance, we were never that close before either. I shook my head, Get a grip Rin, don't you have a shit ton to pack? With that in mind, I quickly made my way to my room.
But I couldn't shake the feeling of our bodies so close together.
What a cliche ending, but hey I didn't really know how to end this. I took quite the twist with out little fluff up there, but idk, I don't think they should have any fluff right now, I wanted to wait a little more but I think that is too cruel for you guys. Next chapter I will DO IT THEN BECAUSE IT IS LIKE PAST TEN CHAPTERS AND WE HAVE SEEN NO FLUFF.