Author's Note:

Hi all!

I normally dislike AN chapters...but it was the easiest way I could think of to just say this.

I know, I've been gone for a REALLY long time. But between TB and I, we've both been sick on and off since November in varying degrees of seriousness. I'm having a colonoscopy this week, to try and see if there is something more serious wrong with me than what is currently suspected. YAY! (please note the sarcasm there.)

I do want you to know that I HAVEN'T given up on this story or totally abandoned it...but health has pretty thoroughly kept me from getting the next chapter written and up. I'm also not sure at this moment in time when I'll be able to get the next part up. Since it's been so long since I've written though, I'm trying to take the time to reread everything to get back into the grove, because once all of this nonsense is over with, I do plan on getting back into the thick of it.

Wish me luck!