Hello everyone!

Sorry this is no new chapter, but I have something good!

For those who have followed this story from the beginning, or came in later or.. or just read it when it was all done.. Thankyou so much for following/liking/commenting on my story! it means a lot to me.

But I'm so happy to say, that my lovely beta surprised me when she Beta'd this story for me! she beta'd all the chapters for me, and Im going to be uploading them from today on. I will upload them not here, but on my other account ( ). the reason for that is because the stories on there are beta'd by my lovely beta Lordxena. and the stories on this account are mostly not. so to get a clean start with beta'd work, i started that account. ofcourse I leave this account right where it is, cause I just love all the comments and like and love i get from you guys.

So here we go, I will leave a comment on this chapter with my other account so its easy for you to find. you can see my other stories on there as well!

love you guys Xx