Yui's apartment

Yui's pov

I Was flabbergasted, shocked, bambosled if that was even a word, all of it described my how I was feeling as chinatsu and akari had just announced that they were official. That wasn't the shocking part being that I kind of already knew they had it bad for each other. I was trying to wrap my mind around the fact that they actually had sex, no scratch that akari had sex.

"well you know what this means" kyouko spoke up enthusiastically and turning towards me with a wink she said "you're the only virgin out of the four of us now yui-nyan".

"Baka!" I shouted my cheeks slightly flushed as I smacked the blond idiot for saying something so embarrassing.

"Eh! yui-senpai is still a virgin that's so cute" Chinatsu gushed.

"its not that don't want to I just never really had the chance to if that makes sense" I explained.

"awww its okay if your too ugly yui" kyouko teased. I glared and raised my hand threatening to knock her senseless causing the blonde pale.

"heh..heh just kidding yui" kyouko said frantically putting her hands up in defeat.

"so akari you never did tell me how was it?" kyouko asked thankfully changing the subject taking the spotlight of me and my virginity.

"how was what?" akari replied clueless as ever.

"you know sex with my precious china-chu!" kyouko exclaimed with a kissy face as she leaping over the table to ritualisticy molest the pinkette.

"ah! Kyouko-senpai cut it out! Akari-chan help me" chinatsu pleaded like a damsel in distress clinging onto the redhead who in turn was trying to pry the lecherous blond off of her girlfriend.

I sat smiling as I watched the threeway altercation. (they look ridiculous) I thought to myself.

Then they suddenly stopped struggling and looked over at me.

"you're here" they all said In unison

"eh! What do you mean"I'm here" this is my apartment" I Exclaimed it was as if I had Suddenly switched places with akari.

"sorry I guess with you being a virgin and all we just kinda forgot you were there" kyouko said sheepishly scratching the back of her head.

"my virginity has nothing to do with this" I shouted slamming my hands on the table. ("I couldn't believe she was bringing that up again") I thought annoyed.

"that's true but it is kind of weird how all of a sudden we didn't notice you " chinatsu said.

"yeah almost as if only virgins lose their presence" akari added with a thoughtful expression.

"well kyouko has always been noticeable but then again she was the first one out of the four of us to lose her virginity" chinatsu pointed out.

"Aww you guys I'm blushing" kyouko gushed

"that's nothing to be proud of" I said

"yeah especially since you've also been known to get around" chinatsu commented.

"Aw come on guys that the old player inside me have parted ways since I have given it to a beautiful maiden" kyouko announced posing dramatically.

"practicing your pick up lines for the next girl you plan to sleep with" I teased. My mind could't even process the thought of kyouko actually having a 'girlfriend'.

"If that girl is ayano then the answer is yes" kyouko replied cheerfully. I cringed just hearing that girls name made that unknown source of anger inside me boil.

I scoffed "and why her" I said struggling to keep the anger out of my voice

"oh I forgot I haven't told you ayano and I are finally dating" kyouko said with a toothy grin.

I froze no i...it can't be kyouko couldn't she can't actually have...a date. She's too flighty, and irresponsible she can't possibly be able to hold a steady relationship. I felt dizzy as the world around me seem to fade away with my friends frantic voices in the background.

Later that day sugiura residence

Ayano's pov

I can't believe chitose talked me into this. It'll be fine I'm sure your mom will understand she told me.

My mom sat in the living room reading the paper as usual. I was waiting, waiting for the right moment to say Mom I'm gay.

My mom and I got along well but at times she could be aloof. Now that think about it she acted a lot like funami-san with her aloof nature.

"is there something the matter aya-chan?" she questioned suddenly calling me by her pet name for me.

"ah..uh…n..not …nothing really" I replied stuttered nervously. She glanced up at me from behind her

"sure doesn't look like nothing really" she said her gaze was intimidating causing me to tremble (I'm gay…I'm gay…I'm gay) I repeated the mantra in my head.

My mom sigh as she lowered her piercing gaze back to her newspaper.

"well whatever it is I'm assuming you'll tell me when your rea—"

"but I am ready!" I shouted cutting her off. my mom gave a look and I was quickly reminded that my mom did not like it when I raised my voice to her maybe that's why I had such a tsundere personality.

"s..sorry" I apologized. my mom nodded for me to continue.

"I am ready I just…don't know how your going to react is all" I explained timidly lowering my gaze as I played with my fingers

"well you'll never find out until you actually tell me" my mom said. I could tell she was getting impatient with my hesitance.

(well here goes… everything)

"mom Im gay" I announced standing up and staring her dead in the face to show that I wasn't joking. We stared eachother down to the death until suddenly my mom started chuckling. I was taken aback (did she really think I was joking) I wondered

"uh mom just so you know I was serious when I said I was gay" I said still unsure as to what it was she found funny.

"oh..ha..I know…ha ha…I'v known for long time actually" she said still chuckling

"What! B..but when….h..how long have you known" I stuttered.

"I've suspected it for a while now but my suspicions were confirmed when my coworker called and told me she caught you and her daughter making out in her room" She explained.

(oh right I forgot that our moms worked together) I thought to myself.

"so um this doesn't faze you at all" I asked

My mom shrugged "why should it you went to nanamori after all and its no secret that the place is like a breeding ground for lesbians" she said nonchalantly.

I let out a sigh of relief feeling as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I fell back onto the couch happy that there would be no drama tonight.

"oh by the way your girlfriend came by while you were taking a nap" my mom said suddenly

"What! Wh..why didn't you wake me" I exclaimed devasted that I had missed a visit from my beloved mangaka.

"I was going to but she said didn't want to disturb you so she just told me to tell you that some girl named yui passed out and was taken to the hospital" my mom explained

No drama perhaps I had spoken to soon.

A/N sorry I took so long to update hope you all ha d a merry christmas and a happy new year thank you for the reveiws keep it up