It was The start of high school for the girls of nanamori and akari was excited determined to start the year off with more presence than ever. This time she had gotten up early ready and dressed as she waited for her friends to show up. A loud knock at the door. "coming" akari exclaimed enthusiastically she opened the door to reveal the her friends the energetic toshino kyoko,the reserved funami yui, and the cute and kinda creepy yoshikawa chinastu. "You look nice" chinastu commented "Thanks china chan" akari replied. "Yeah your actually awake on time and dressed in the right uniform this time" kyoko added. "lets hope you don't give an embarrassing speech this year" chinastu pitched in the last three years were bombed attempts. "You guys don't be mean" Akari whined as she while she had tried very hard to come up with an solid intro speech they all ended up becoming awkward for everyone somehow. "All right everyone lets leave poor akari alone" yui said "don't worry akari I'm sure this year will be different" she added trying to cheer akari up. "Thanks yui-chan" akari said with a smile even though yui had been saying that the past three years they all said the same thing even her teachers but yet she remained invisible she yearned for someone to notice something in her to stand out to have some kind of personality. The wind blew snapping akari out of her thoughts. She realized that her friends had stated walking to school without her. "Hey wait for me" akari said running frantically after them. Hopefully this year will be different.

"Mmmmm toshino kyoko ayano" mumbled as she had fallen asleep doing paperwork for the student council as a second year in high school she had achieved become the elected vice president at yamamura high. Yet her shy personality from middle school never changed and she still wasn't any closer to being honest with her obvious feelings for a certain blonde otaku. "Hey ayano-chan are you done with those…my my" chitose said entering the room "ayano-chan sleeping on the job isn't like you". She leaned into ayano's ear and said "toshino kyoko is here to see you". As always This got the tsundere's attention as she shot up wide awake trying to fix her hair. Chitose chuckled at the sight that joke never gets old suddenly she took off her glasses and entered fantasy mode

"Kyoko I got dressed just for you" ayano said In a seductive voice "mmm just the way I like it" kyoko replied in the same tone embracing her.

Blood began to trickle down chitose's face. "Ah! ch…chitose that isn't funny" ayano said realizing the joke was on her. She grabbed a tissue and handed it to chitose. "Arigotou" chitose said thanking her. Ayano sighed "I don't know what I'm gonna do about her chitose I can't get her out of my head after three years its's driving me crazy". "Well have you tried thinking about what you really like about her" chitose asked. "What I like about her! what is there to like about her she's lazy annoying perverted lacks common sense ayano trailed off but the she so sweet and smart and beautiful hah I she just doesn't know what she does to me" ayano finished with a dreamy look on her face. "My my you have thought about this a lot haven't you" chitose said. "Its all I can think about when I'm alone its starting to affect my work" ayano said holding up papers that had doodles of toshino kyoko. "Aw ayano-chan you really should at least try to confess your feelings" chitose suggested as always. "But what if she rejects me" ayano replied twiddling her fingers giving the excuse she would always use as to why she never acts on her feelings. "Gee ayano what makes you think that" chitose asked curiously. "Maybe she already likes someone" ayano winced at the thought it just mad her sick. "Hmmm like who" chitose thought aloud. "Like….well to be honest I really don't know I mean theres…theres" (who does toshino kyoko like) ayano wondered as she looked out the window of the school building. She perked up when she spotted her blonde crush arriving at school with her friends. "Toshino kyoko" ayano sighed dreamily. "Well I guess I'll leave to your business for now I have business to attend to" chitose said excusing herself leaving ayano to her thoughts. Maybe this year will be different.

A/N So how was that for the first chapter please review