This is my first Chicago fire Fanfiction
Disclaimer:I own nothing,I did create the characters that are not part of the show such as the kids.
Summary: what if Mills had a little girl, and Severide had stayed with Brittany and they had a family. This is 17 years in the future, Mostly about Mills and his daughter who is 7.
A little girl with black hair, brown eyes and tan skin is seen playing hopscotch outside in the driveway of fire house 51. Her father sits on the bumper of Ambo 61 keeping a protective eye over her. 7 years ago that little girl had entered her father's life and changed it forever.
"She's a ball of energy isn't she" Brett asks her partner as she takes a seat next to him on the bumper of the ambulance.
"Her mother probably pumped her full of sugar before dropping her off"Pete muttered.
"Aunt Sylvie come play" the little girl called out.
"if I must princess "Sylvie replied standing up.
"you should not give in that easily" Pete said.
"Oh please Peter Mills, if she walked over here and asked for an ice cream sundae you'd totally make it for her "Brett teased.
"Of course I would, but she knows not to ask until after dinner don't you baby" Pete asked.
The little girl stopped what she was doing and nodded, "of course I do"
"did your mom let you have candy and stuff already today" Pete asked.
The girls face dropped from a smile to a frown, "she told me not to tell you"
"Shay Rebecca, do not lie to me" Pete warned
"she let me have ice cream with sprinkles on it and Laffy Taffy and we baked brownies for you and everyone else and I got to eat one and then she got me gummy bears which are in my bag and sour gummy worms which I ate" Shay said with a smile.
"thanks for telling me baby"Pete said.
"anytime daddy,is Leslie coming to get me" Shay asked.
"She is" Pete said as a red mustang pulled into the parking lot.
"Hey Kiddo" Pete said greeting his god daughter.
"Hey Uncle Pete" Leslie said giving him a hug.
"Hey baby girl" Kelly said as he stood up from the squad table and wandered over.
"Hey,mom said to give you these" Leslie said handing him a box of cupcakes.
"She's baking, did something happen I don't know about "Kelly asked.
"Kat needed them for something those were extra" Leslie said.
Kelly smiled at the mention of his youngest daughter, "are the boys causing any trouble"
Leslie shook her head, "Andy was out playing basketball and Noah was at Uncle Matts"
"Alright give your mom a hug for me and you munchkin you be good for Aunt Brittany" Kelly said setting the cupcakes down and ruffling Shays hair.
Shay scowled, "daddy, Uncle Kelly messed up my hair"
Pete laughed, "Leslie will fix it for you when you get back to her house, you be good"
"always am" Shay smiled as they walked out to Leslies car.