A.N: So...writer's block has hit me hard, and this is my attempt at getting rid of it. Lemme tell ya, I did not mean for this to turn into a lemon...I think.

Enjoy it anyway!


"Flaky? It's Flippy,"

"Oh...hello, Flippy. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah everything's fine...I, uh, I was just calling to ask if you wanted to go for a coffee sometime tonight?"

"Oh, I'd be happy to! When would you like to go? Lammy's spending another night at Pop's house with Cub, so I'm free from 7,"

"7 it is,"

"Very well, see you then."

"See you then."

Their conversation over the phone was brief, but that's how it's always been. Flaky's undeniable timidness was even more prominent with the help of the fuzzy phone line; and yet it only made the veteran feel the need to swoon at how adorable she sounded. When the line went dead, Flippy placed his phone back. Tonight will be the night - after prolonging his hesitations for so long - Flippy was going to confess every inch of his feelings that had been bottled up and hidden away for the past two years.

The bear sat back against his leather couch and exhaled. The silence that settled in house as the call ended was deafening, but it was soon replaced with the voice of Evil as he shared his thoughts with Flippy.

"So I see you've arranged another one of your petty little coffee outings with Flaky...for the umpteenth time that is."

Flippy's face scrunched up at the sarcastic tone of his counterpart's voice, "Shut your trap, Evil. They aren't 'petty' for a start, if Flaky enjoys going for coffees, then so do I," he stood up from his couch with the intentions to freshen up with a shower, "besides, whatever goes on between me and Flaky has nothing to do with you."

Flippy heard Evil scoff after a small moment of bemused silence, "You can't be serious!"

"Oh I'm dead serious. Wait...what's so bad about that anyway? You've never cared for Flaky before, so why the sudden change in tone when I talk about her?" despite Evil hearing his question, he never responded. Flippy shrugged him off for the time being. But something about Evil's reaction to his words made his stomach twist uncomfortably; Flippy hoped that Evil wasn't feeling what he thinks he was feeling.

After a quick revigorating shower, Flippy wrapped a white towel around his waist and stood before his bathroom mirror. The bear used his palm to clear away the condensation, allowing a clearer reflection to show. Evil must be skulking away at the back of Flippy's mind, because for the first time in a long time, he wasn't welcoming Flippy with his cocky smile and comments, leaving the bear to stare into his real reflection. A frown slowly found its way onto his expression as he managed to get a better look at his reflection. The battlefield has left such an impact on him, aging and roughing up his stern features with faint scars, and hardening his eyes that were once gleaming with happiness. Now they were just dull, and almost lifeless. He was in his thirties, but looked like he was verging into his mid-forties. God how it made him feel old.

Drifting in and out of thoughts, the tantilizing porcupine he adored so much popped into mind. He couldn't help but wonder what it is that makes her stick around by his side, and remain as close as they'd been since their years of childhood. But that was something that strengthened Flippy's ever-growing affections for Flaky; to the point where he's just yearning to show them.

'Get over yourself, damn it. You've faced harder things than telling someone how you feel about them, hell, you've looked in the eyes of death more than you should have...' Flippy mentally contemplated his struggles, almost arguing with himself, '...but this is Flaky, and not even words can justify what I feel for her.'

He shook his head, pushing his negativity to the back of his mind - where Evil was likely idle for now - and left the bathroom to get dressed and ready to meet Flaky. It was 6 o'clock. Plently of time for him; if he doesn't choke on his nerves along the way.


Tightly holding her foster mother's hand as she swayed back and forth on her heels, Lammy patiently waited for Cub or Pop to respond to Flaky's quiet knocks on their door. The young lamb took the short time to rethink everything she had packed; toothbrush, pyjamas, fresh clothes and underwear, her stuffed pickle plushie, and...'Whoops...' she thought, eyes widening in sudden realisation, "Flaky, I don't have my special medicine!"

Flaky looked down at Lammy with a reassuring smile before reaching into her bag to retrieve the said item, "Don't worry, Lammy, I have it in my bag. I have to give it to Pop so he can take care of it for you." the lamb smiled back at Flaky, feeling a lot better.

"Oh!" A young voice from the opening door sounded, and the young bear turned to call back to his father, "They're here, dad!"

Pop soon appeared beside Cub and greeted the two at his front door, to which they brightly smiled in respone. Lammy was quick to rush into the house with Cub to join the bear over by his currently paused video game to play with him. Meanwhile, Flaky and Pop continued to converse by the door, and she handed him Lammy's perscribed medication.

"Just like always, she needs one spoonful before bed." Flaky reminded Pop, but having the lamb sleep over at his house countless times, he knew too well, "No worries, sweetheart, I'll make sure she does." the older bear responded with a wink, "Say, uh, would you like to come in for a quick coffee?"

Flaky sheepishly smiled and looked the other way, disliking the thought of having to turn down his offer, but she had a greater reason, "Oh I'd love to, Pop, but I have somewhere to be shortly...sorry." Despite being a little disheartened, Pop nodded his head and smiled, "Some other time then."

Flaky nodded, then after sharing their quick goodbyes, she departed to quickly return home. The pale brown bear can be very nice at times - but a little too nice to Flaky at times. Nonetheless, she was happy that Lammy would enjoy yet another sleepover with her best friend. Right now, the porcupine had other things occupying her thoughts, and that was Flippy.

After a short trek, Flaky had arrived back at home, and went straight to her bedroom with the yearning to pick out a much better outfit than her current one. Although she was only going for a late coffee with Flippy, the secret need to impress him told her to look better than casual. So she spent a while rummaging through her wardrobe and drawers with hopes to piece together something...pretty.

A sudden doubt halted her in the middle of her search, and she sat down on her bed to gaze absentmindedly into her closet. Flaky sighed, feeling a tinge of hopelessness growing bigger and bigger as she stared at her clothes.

'What am I thinking? I never doll up, especially for the smallest things like coffees...' Flaky frowned; thinking of Flippy made her feel such a strong desire to look...well, desirable. But she'd need a little advice from an experienced friend of hers, '...Petunia would know what to do...'

With that in mind, Flaky reached straight for her mobile and flicked through her contacts to find the skunkette's name. After several moments of ringing, Petunia's voice chimed from the other side of the line,


"Hey Petunia, i-it's Flaky,"

Petunia's voice lightened as she heard Flaky's familiar one, "Oh! Hi, Flaky. Are you okay?"

"Hmm...n-not really, I'm in a bit of a struggle..." Flaky replied; the anxiousness in her voice was prominent over the phone, and Petunia was quick to learn from her tone that it was what she was already thinking,

"With what? Oh wait! Don't tell me..." there was a small silence, "...you have another little date with Flippy, don't you?"

Flaky's cheeks instantly heated up with embarressment, "Um, w-well yes- I mean no! No it's not a date-"

"Uh-huh, I believe you. Now tell me, what's the problem?" Petunia interrupted.

Flaky sighed, hesitant to respond. She took one last look at her open wardrobe, knowing she was practically stuck for ideas, "I need some advice, Petunia,"

The skunkette urged her on, "Go on,"

"Flippy and I are going out tonight...and I'm not really sure what to wear, but I want to look nice for a change,"

Petunia's growing wide grin wasn't heard over the line, but it was there alright; the skunk knew exactly what Flaky was thinking, but spared the porcupine any further embarressment, "Well why didn't you say so? I'm always here to help, Flakes! Now, what's bothering you?"

Flaky bit her lip, hoping she wouldn't sound so pathetic, "I want to look pretty this time."

To Flaky's surprise, Petunia didn't laugh at what she'd confessed, and instead rewarded her with a flurry of disbelief. It wasn't the first time Flaky had bashfully turned away from Petunia's compliments on her overall appearance, but this time Flaky wasn't at all persuaded by her beaming words. But she went with Petunia's words of wisdom, and decided to dress in whatever she liked.

After minutes of pondering and second thoughts, the worrying porcupine finally mustered up the courage to put on a dress that had been neglected months ago. She still had no idea what Petunia did to make her buy it in the end. The loose dress was a dark chocolate colour, fairly plain, and short, trailing down her legs to reach mid-thigh. So naturally, Flaky covered her exposed legs with a pair of her thigh-high stockings. The straps of the dress were tiny, leaving Flaky with no choice but to add another layer of clothing to cover her shoulders from the cold. And thus, Flaky grabbed her large maroon sweater and put it on before making her way out of her bedroom.

It was already quarter to 7. The porcupine cursed herself for spending so long picking out a lousy outfit. Once she'd fastened up her black ankle boots and fixed her mess of quills into a loose bun, Flaky was finally ready to make her way to the cafe. The bubble of nerves in her stomach, however, never ceased to leave her trembling with unsurity. Flaky told herself that this was going to be just like their other usual coffees together, but there was an itching feeling that told her otherwise. Flaky didn't deny that she loved being in Flippy's warm company, but she wasn't going to speak a word of it. Due to her constant belief that their relationship will go no further than a subtle friendship, Flaky has witheld her feelings, coating them in her denial and repeating to herself that the bear would come across a much better, brighter girl...sadly oblivious to the bear's bold infatuation with her.


Punctual, and if not a little early, Flippy was already seated in one of the cafe's booths, patiently awaiting Flaky's arrival. He was dressed in his typical attire; blue denim jeans, black laced-up boots, a dark undershirt, and his camouflage jacket. Of course, he'd donned his beret and dog tags also; two of the things he could never part with.

About five minutes had passed before Flaky arrived. The soft jingle of the door's bell was stark over the late silence of the empty cafe, but Flippy's heart skipped a beat as he saw Flaky pass through the door and approach him. As she took timid steps towards the booth, Flippy obliviously eyed her from head to toe - it'd been a while since he's seen her wear a dress, rather than jeans.

Flaky took the seat in front of him and greeted him with an apolagetic smile, "Sorry I'm late, Flippy." The bear only grinned at her, "Don't worry about it, I got here a little too early." Flippy fought back his sudden anxiousness, taking in the fact that he was only here so early due to his eagerness to see the porcupine before him.

Rooting through her bag to find her purse, Flaky shot Flippy a coy smile, "I'm paying this time, you never let me pay." Flippy chuckled and sat back in his seat, "Well too bad, I've already ordered our drinks."

After Flippy stated he'd payed yet again, Flaky huffed at the bear, and looked away as she softly kicked his shin. It humoured him to feel no pain whatsoever from her kick, but made a smile tug at his lips as her adorable attempt formed a small knot in his stomach. Flippy was already growing anxious about confessing his feelings, but he wasn't going to put it off any longer.

"Here are your coffees," the waitress said as she placed the small tray on their table, "enjoy." The two steaming cups of caffeine gave off such a pleasant smell, making their tastebuds tingle for the taste.

Noticing the extra pouch of sugar beside her cup brought a delighted smile to Flaky's face, "You remember how I like my coffees?" The bear bashfully grinned, "How could I forget? Extra sweet, just like you."

Half a cup of coffee later, both Flippy and Flaky felt the tranquility of the cafe weigh heavily down on their shoulders. They were desperate for a conversation, but the change in their shared atmosphere was holding them back. Deep in Flippy thoughts, Evil decided to knock a little motivation into Flippy.

"Look, you made Flaky come here so you could confess. So get. To. It."

Flippy would've scowled, but kept his calm expression for Flaky's sake. "I'm going to when we're finished. The last person I'd want to hear during my time with Flaky is you, so shut the fuck up!" Evil refrained from further speech, and simply sat back to impatiently watch Flippy fail to admit his feelings for Flaky. Again.

The rest of their time spent in the cafe was sprinkled with a bit of small talk here and there, but it was mostly consumed by their silence as they sipped the last of their drinks; thinking, secretly about one another. When they decided to leave, Flippy insisted on walking Flaky home. Happily accepting his offer, Flaky didn't fuss; she did want the bear to walk with her after all.

As the two quietly walked in the route to Flaky's house, Flaky decided to close the space between them and snaked her arm around his, sending his heart's pace out of control. Just the thought of telling Flaky how he feels made Flippy's palms to dampen with sweat. But there was no avoiding the situation now, it was the perfect time and he wasn't going to let it slip through his fingers again. He slowed down his walking pace until he finally stopped - right by a park bench, conveniantly. Curious, Flaky halted too, and removed her arm from around his, "Is everything okay, Flippy?" she asked him.

Flippy walked towards the lonely bench and sat, smiling as he gestured for her to join him. Flaky hesitantly did, a little confused at his strange change of mood, but managed to smile back at the man. Flaky felt unsure as she watched him frown at the ground, with a troubled expression painting his handsome features; there was something bothering the bear.

"Flippy?" Flaky quietly called to him, meekly resting her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. Flippy pryed his eyes away from the dark concrete to look at her, then turned in his seat to face her. This was it. Now or never.

"Flaky," Flippy started, swallowing his fear, "I didn't just take you out to get you a coffee tonight...I..." staring into her intent eyes was making it hard for him to put any thoughts into words. Flaky offered him a kind smile to try and ease his rising nerves, an itching feeling crawling its way up to her chest as she wondered about the possibilities of what he was trying to say.

"Tell her." Evil's words echoed in his head, clouding his own.

"I...there...there's something I've been wanting to tell you, but I just...haven't-"

The reassuring warmth of Flaky's hands touching his cold, clammy ones cut off his struggling flow of words, "Y-You can tell me, Flippy." the porcupine whispered, her heart speeding up with anticipation.

He averted his gaze down at the ground once again, tightly seeling his eyes shut, "My feelings for you are strong, Flaky. They have been for such a long time, and I can't keep hiding it from you anymore."

The silence that settled between them worried Flippy, and he didn't dare to look at Flaky. But as her grip on his hands tightened, he shot his head up to meet her moistened eyes and quivering smile. Something suddenly told him she was upset, but her next impulse told the bear otherwise. She slung her arms under his shoulders to hug them around his back, and buried her face into his chest.

Flippy's head was too fuzzy and muddled to process her hug, but when he finally did he automatically returned the hug, wrapping his larger arms around her delicate frame and nuzzling his face into her neck. Flippy didn't want their hug to end; being able to feel her embrace like this after waiting so long was such a nice feeling. She was so warm compared to him and gave off the sweetest of smells.

Flaky arched her head up from his chest to bring her face closer to his neck and planted a soft kiss against his fur, sending a shuddering wave of chills down Flippy's spine. The bear pressed her against him, beginning to crave more of her touch. Eventually they parted from their long hug, and awkwardly avoided eye contact, their cheeks flushed. That was until Flippy raised his hand to stroke her warm cheek, to which she happily leaned into it, placing her smaller hand onto his.

The inside of Flaky's chest was fluttering wildly as she met with Flippy's loving gaze, making her give in to the invisible force pulling her closer and closer to his face. She was certain that she could hear his heart pounding as she drew her lips inches away from his. The moment Flippy tilted his head forward for their lips to finally meet, he pressed his hand against the back of her waist, keeping the other by her cheek. Flaky's arms snaked up his torse to clutch his shoulders tightly. They could feel each other's faces heat up as their passionate kiss brought them closer than they'd expected.

Stunned, Flippy didn't expect Flaky to return his kiss so eagerly; he regretted not confessing sooner. Sadly, the two had to break their kiss, panting for air to ease their light heads. Flaky failed to stifle her giggling as she took in the goofy expression on Flippy's love-struck face. Flaky blushed, avoiding his gaze to look down at her hands "I g-guess you can tell that I-I've been feeling the same way...?" chuckling out of slight embarrassment, the bear didn't need to answer. He hasn't felt this happy since the years before he joined the army. Flaky, the porcupine he'd give his full devotion too, has finally shed the light on what he wanted to live for the most; herself.

Acknowledgement of the late time brought them back to reality, and Flippy had to walk her home no matter how badly he'd prefer to stay and sit here longer with Flaky. So with rosy-pink cheeks they began to walk again, silently entwining their fingers as they clutched each other's hand.


Finally standing at Flaky's door meant that it was time for them to part for the night. But there was something keeping Flaky from reaching for her keys as she looked into Flippy's eyes - glowing with a secret yearning.

"I guess I'll see you again soon." Flippy quietly said, smiling down at the porcupine. Flaky sheepishly smiled back and nodded her head, struggling to word what she wanted to say.

Seeing as though Flaky didn't say another word, Flippy assumed it was his time to leave. And no matter how much it devastated him, he turned to walk away nonetheless.

Until Flaky hurriedly called him back, "Wait!" she then blushed, noticing how loud she'd spoke. Flippy stopped to turn and look back at her, the warm feeling in his chest returning once more.

Flaky shyly looked down at her feet before speaking again, "Y-You don't have to leave y-yet..." Flippy's smile brightened as Flaky said this, and he walked back to her as she unlocked her door for them to enter.

They kicked off their boots by the door and removed their coats. Then Flippy followed Flaky to her couch and sat beside her after she timidly patted her hand the spot next to her. Flaky didn't know what had sparked inside of her to make her offer him to come inside, but now she was trembling over having him in her house.

"W-Would you like something to drink? Or a bite to eat?" she offered, nervously twiddling her fingers, and she mentally scolded herself, 'Stop being so nervous!'

Flippy noticed her flustering and gently took her hand in his, "You shouldn't be so nervous, Flakes. I mean, I'm a little nervous myself, but not as much as you," he raised an eye-brow in thought, "come to think of it, why are you this nervous?"

Flaky's smile seemed to fade, and she looked deeply into his eyes before looking down at her hand under his larger one. Why her anxiousness was starkly present - Flaky knew, but felt too tentative to admit. Until she felt the back of his fingers brush softly across her cheek, trying to soothe away her uneasiness, "You can tell me, beautiful."

Flaky's blush enflamed her cheeks once again, but his flattery helped her to find the courage to stop being so closed-in, "...Well...I, um..." she mumbled, looking away to avoid his heartwarming gaze, "...I'm just a little...surprised." she finally confessed, shrinking back.

It didn't take long for Flippy to realise what she had meant, as it was fairly obvious, "You're surprised about...us?"

"Oh, no, no, t-that's not what I meant!" Flaky then stumbled through her words, waving her hands in embarrassment, "W-What I meant was that I'm surprised you would c-confess such a thing to me." as the last sentence came out, it was almost silenced by her bashfulness.

Flippy soon found himself frowning a little, unsure by her words, "What do you mean by that?" he then watched as she looked down at her fingers again, and twiddled them to no end. Flaky was downright anxious at this moment in time.

"Well, I-I've been spending a lot of time with Giggles for the past few months; going out shopping together, and she even babysits Lammy for me when I'm not around," she smiled through talking about her bubbly, pink friend, but it soon vanished as she continued to speak, "...she talks about you a lot, Flippy."

At this, Flippy noticed exactly what Flaky was getting at, and he squeezed her hand in his a little tighter, "Giggles talks about a lot of guys, doesn't she?" he mused, the sinking feeling that Flaky was jealous suddenly springing to him.

"I know, but...she seems to really like you, and I was just expecting her to come out with the news that you two were together one day, and..." her sudden smile trembled, "...I'm so happy to know that I was wrong."

Flippy's unsure expresion soon lightened at the porcupine, and her tinted cheeks and timid eyes made his heart flutter in his chest. There was nothing he wanted more than to see her smile. The bear took her hand that was already in his hand and raised it to his lips, "Giggles has nothing on you Flaky." he uttered before planting a kiss on her knuckles. Even the smallest touch from Flippy sent a tiny rush of butterflies swarming in her stomach. But she still couldn't get the endless amount of times Giggles had swooned over the bear before her out of her head; Flippy seemed to take a notice to her troubling thoughts too, just by looking at the distancing glint in her eyes.

"Hey," he softly started to pry her attention. Flaky looked up at him as he then began to close the space between them, tilting his head to one side right before their lips met. Flaky instantly returned his kiss, happily, and soon crept her hands over his shoulders as she felt his creep around her waist and back - pressing her closer and closer so their kiss could deepen. When he eventually parted their lips, Flippy whispered reassuringly into her ear, "There's no other girl but you that I find myself thinking about, Flaky."

Pure exhalement and relief was released by Evil in the back of Flippy's mind, content with their steady flow of interracting...and the fact that Flippy had finally grew a pair, "Looks like you've got her now! The look on her face says it all."

Though secretly agreeing with his obnoxious counterpart, Flippy chose to ignore Evil for the moment, leaving his full attention on Flaky. This only ended up irritating Evil, "Hey, at least I'm not talking shit about your lovely friend!" he spat out, and Flippy inwardly retorted in annoyance, "Just shut it, Evil. I want to spend time with Flaky without your unwanted side-comments, thank you very much."

"Oh fine, go ahead and enjoy yourself. But don't expect me to just sit back and watch, I want out before you leave."

The solemn tone to Evil's voice confused Flippy into wondering what he wants 'out' for, and it pained him to soon realise that his darker half wanted time with the porcupine, "Wait. You want to spend time with Flaky?"

"Well...yeah..." Evil sheepishly mumbled. Flippy could have laughed out loud if it weren't for Flaky's presence, "What the hell do want to see Flaky for? She doesn't mean anything to you...or is there something you're not telling me?" Flippy coyly snarked, gaining a huff of embarrassment from the golden-eyed bear, "...Whatever."

Once again Flaky brought up her offer to fetch Flippy a drink, noticing that she didn't get an answer from him earlier, "So would you like anything to drink, Flippy?"

Hearing her voice shrugged him out of his trance after conversing with the annoyed voice in his head, and he kindly smiled, "Sure why not? Want some help?" Flaky shook her head, and got up from the couch to make her way into the kitchen, "It's no problem, I've got it."

As she silently trailed away and disappeared from sight, Flippy was left with a burning blush on his face after realising he'd watched her walk away with wandering eyes. Then again, it was one of the first times he's seen her in a dress with such a short length, and it was a struggle to pry his eyes away from the exposed legs he's barely had the chance to see.

Not only did Flaky want to fetch Flippy a drink, but she wanted to release the dwelling buzz of overjoyment that filled her stomach. So with a large grin on her face, she pranced over to her fridge with a skip to her step, and opened it to scope around its contents. Her smile drooped a little when the very little amount of drinks came into view; half a jug of milk, cartons of Lammy's favourite juice, and a bottle of un-touched Rosé wine.

Flaky quietly sighed to herself, "Why do I let Pop buy me wine?" but looking at the cherry red liquid long enough gave her tongue a sudden want for its taste. She just hoped Flippy would like Rosé wine too.

She opened one of the cupboards and stood on her toes to give her the height to reach the wine glasses on the top shelf. Once both drinks were poured, Flaky placed the wine back into the fridge and carried both in each hand back into the living room. The smirk on Flippy's face when he noticed the wine made her cheeks pinken with the slightest embarrassment. Flaky sat back in her seat and shyly handed him a glass.

"I-I had nothing better to give you." Flaky quietly interpreted, to which he simply kissed her forhead in hopes to rid away her tummy full of nerves, "I love Rosé wine, one of my favourites in fact." he firmly stated with a wink. With that, they began to sip at their wine.

They finished their wine later on during the night, and it succeeded in raising their temperatures, and lightening their moods. Up to now, they'd been confidently conversing a lot more, in and out of uprising topics; how Lammy has been lately, how rough life is treating them...small things. But some topics will eventually lead to escalation one way or another. And Flaky was the one to bring up the start of it all.

"...I'm sorry if my curiosity is too much, but I can't help but wonder...why Giggles has this huge infatuation with you..." Flaky felt herself hesitate before speaking on after recieving an intent-eyed expression from Flippy, "...have you guys ever..."

"Dated? Never. But there was a time when I took her shopping when her car was getting fixed," Flippy confirmed, already aware what the porcupine was so curious about. Jealous, too, if he didn't know any better, "You're not jealous, are you, Flaky?"

She instantly felt her heart drop deeper at the straightened tone to his quizzical voice, and Flaky was starting to regret bringing up silly things that masked her paranoia; now her nerves were about to impact, "Oh! Uh, n-no! No o-of course not I was just asking! I-I mean, I didn't want to invade a-any personal things, I-..."

She drifted off, eventually silenced by the bear's soft smile and equally soft eyes. Flaky's outbreak of nerves told him a lot about her, and that there was an undoubtable affection for him nestled within her. But judging by her unsure and fazed approach, Flippy could tell she was having a hard time expressing herself with unscathed speech. So he gently cupped her chin with his fingers and turned her attention to him. Her eyes were glossy and a little saddened, but Flippy was going to fix that.

He lured her into his kiss with ease, and Flaky's hands found the side of his face and the back of his neck, and the bear pulled her closer by her waist. Once again, they'd lost themselves in another deepened kiss. But this one was getting more and more deep with the simple wander of their hands. Flaky's small hands snaked their way under Flippy's jacket to hopefully pry it off of him, and he helped by moving his arms back when noticing. Then he took his turn by eagerly trailing his hands under Flaky's woollen jumper to let his hands roam over her back before it was time to tug it off completely.

They discarded their removed clothes to one side, oblivious to how far they were stretching the intimacy from their kiss. Flaky noticed Flippy's line of sight instantly lower, and she wildly blushed as his smirk grew, "May I?" he hintfully asked with a smile. Flaky's cheeks burned, but she responded nonetheless, looking away with embarressment, "I-If you like..."

And like he did as the bear gently brought a hand up to cup one; it fit perfectly in his hand. He then took in the bright pink tint on Flaky's cheeks, "What's gotten you so flustered?"

Flaky looked at Flippy and sheepishly smiled, "It...well...I-I never would have thought I'd be sitting here with you l-like this. It's all happening really fast." at that note, Flippy quickly drew his hand away and straightened up a little, "Damn I'm sorry, Flakes, I got carried away didn't I?" Flippy apologised, scratching at the back of his neck.

Her eyes widened with surprise. She didn't mean to give off the wrong impression, "N-No, no, not at all! I just meant that I...like where we are now..." Flaky timidly stated, hunching her shoulders up a little. Flippy felt relieved to know he wasn't pushing Flaky into uncomfortable positions, and beamed to show it, "...I like it too."

To keep up their current heated state, Flippy arched his head towards her the bottom of her jawline to succulently kiss down her neck, and as a response Flaky lifted her head back to give him more room. Flippy's lips felt so different, but amazing at the same time, and it made her fur stand on an end with every kiss he planted lower and lower until his lips reached her collar bone, and a small moan parted her lips at the stronger sensation. This perked Flippy's ears, and gave him the urge to continue doing so, using his tongue as well as his lips and switching from both collar bones to rouse more and more sighs and utters of pleasure from the porcupine.

As his lips slowly lowered down from her neck to her thumping chest, the bear crept his hands soothingly up her arms until his fingers found the straps of her dress, and he gently tugged them down until her dress was out of his way.

When Flaky finally opened her eyes from the previous moment, she saw Flippy stick his lip out in a childish manner, and it was obvious to read his begging expression. She frowned a little in an attempt to be more assertive, but eventually gave in and smiled out of her own desires, "Oh fine...y-you can take it off."

Flippy smirked once again and hastily reached his arms around to tug at the clips of her bra. After some struggled rushing, Flippy succeeded in loosening the bra from around her torso, and slipped it off; the motion bringing more pleasant chills to Flaky. She couldn't resist hiding her face with her hands this time, but Flippy was quick to playfully pry them away, and pin her down onto couch. A giggle from Flaky was all Flippy needed for a sudden blush to creep up on him; her face was blissfully lit up by her heated blush and bright smile. She was finally overcoming her embarrassment. Not that she even had anything to feel such a thing for. Flippy only saw a ravishing young woman who deserved nothing but the best.

With one hand still keeping her wrists over her head, Flippy used the other to cup the soft flesh of her breast as he eagerly latched his lips onto her hardening bud. A new burst of pleasure shook her in an instant, and much louder moans errupted from the porcupine this time; tinting Flippy's cheeks and easily growing the heat in his nether regions.

Flaky could feel her own heat building between her legs too, and the bear held nothing back now, swivelling his tongue over her nipple with the hunger to hear Flaky's light moans even more. And when he did, Flippy wasn't so sure he was going to resist pushing things further at this rate. But he was going to steady their pace just for Flaky - he intended on making this last.

When Flippy's actions on her chest stopped, Flaky attempted to hide the fact that she was craving for more, but her arched back and continuous panting weren't keeping anything from the all-too-aware veteran. Seeing as though things had spiralled this far, Flaky found a unexpected boldness and pushed Flippy back onto the couch this time to pile on top of him, stradling his hips at the same time.

Their eyes shared the same lustful glint as they halted to look into each other's eyes, before meeting their lips once again. As Flippy greedily slipped his tongue into Flaky's mouth, he gripped his hands on her hips and couldn't help himself any longer. He ground his yearning erection into Flaky, and heard the most tempting moan emit from her open mouth thus far. It only increased his want for more. The porcupine felt her hips buck desperately to feel the sensation again, and when she did her hands automatucally reached for Flippy's tied-back hair.

Their barriers of clothing were beginning to bug the both of them. But before they ditched any more layers, Flaky snapped out of her haze to finally speak, "W-Would it be better i-if we went upstairs?" she asked through her panting. Flippy took a deep breath when realising he was almost out of breath too, but nodded with a smirk, "Sounds good to me!"

What Flippy did next would have stunned Flaky if it didn't make her giggle so much; he wrapped his large arms around her petite waist as he stood and effortlessly managed to lift her over his shoulder, coyly chuckling to himself as they disappeared up the stairs to continue from where they left off.

The porcupine was gently placed on the edge of her bed, and her gentlemanly soldier planted a kiss on her knuckles before shifting onto his knees before her, "M'lady." he winked, errupting yet another giggle from Flaky, "...silly." she playfully mocked, nudging him with her knee.

With his eyes set on Flaky's legs, a smile crept onto his lips, "You have such lovely legs, you know, Flaky. And the stockings you're wearing compliment them greatly." as he lavished her with rousing compliments, Flaky could only speechlessly blush and watch him as he planted more kisses up her legs, starting from her ankles to teasingly trail upwards.

Her aroused scent was strong, and a sweet one to smell. Flippy could only image what her taste was like, but thinking that way only strengthened his urges to do so. And thus, he let his kisses trail further and further up her thighs until he was practically enveloped in her strong heat. Flaky's legs trembled with anticipation, and she shyly tugged the hem of her dress back to help Flippy's access. The bear lightly pushed her further back onto the bed and sat closer to its edge before reaching his hands up to slide his fingers under her panty line.

As his fingers came in contact with her warm moisture, Flippy bit his lip to stifle his animalistic urges, 'Slow and steady, Flippy...slow and steady...' he mentally instructed himself as he pushed the damp material to one side, giving him better access. Flaky dug her claws into her bedsheets when Flippy finally moved his head closer, and almost trembled when his warm tongue greeted her with a long, teasing lick. The bear grunted and growled slightly, savouring her unique taste for himself. It didn't take long for her panties to become an annoying hinderance, and they were removed in no time, giving him complete access.

To tease his way into it, he planted soft kisses on the outer lips of her womanhood, breathing his hot breath at the same time. The moment his tongue made contact again, Flaky almost felt her eyes roll back into her skull; it was far better than she could have imagined and would do just about anything to prolong it. Being able to gaze between her legs to witness Flippy taking great pleasure in pleasuring only made her wetter, and the pink-faced porcupine felt numb with the build-up of ecstacy between her legs.

Every single motion made Flaky's head lighter, causing her to lie back on her bed before succumbing to the sudden dizziness. Flippy could tell she was close when he looked up to see her chest heavily rising and falling with quickened breaths. Thus, began to quicken the speed of his tongue, and snaked his arms under her legs to grip her thighs in place. As the porcupine finally felt the start of her peak, her back arched, her moans became louder, and higher in tone, and her hips ground faster and faster, until,

"F-Flippy...I-I'm...!" she squeeled, fisting a handful of his hair to desperately push his face into her swelling as she rode out her clenching orgasm to an eventual stop. Flippy happily lapped up her secretion of juices, and sweetly kissed her delicacy once again when he was finished and satisfied.

He then crawled over Flaky's numb, quivering form to face her pleasure-stricken expression, and licked the remaining liquids from around his mouth, "Delicious." Flippy purred. Flaky smiled, still overcoming the aftermath, and let her eyes wander down to Flippy's rather largely bulging erection, "M-May I return the favour?" she abruptly asked, a little quietly on Flippy's part, but it was hard to mistake for anything else. His eyes widened with surprise, "Uh, y-yeah! I mean- of course you can." he replied, failing to bite back his sudden overjoyment; he never, in all his life, would have expected Flaky to please him that way. Perhaps the lustful side of Flaky wasn't as shy and timid as her typical demeanor.

Blushing madly, Flippy allowed Flaky to pull his undershirt over his head and watched as her dazzled eyes roamed over his bulging muscles. She then sat him down on the edge this time, but remained stood before him as she pulled her lavender dress over her head leaving the bear to drool like a hound at her naked body; the only thing that was left to take off were her stockings, but Flippy was quick to halt her.

"Keep those on...they look good." he firmly admitted with a smirk. Flaky's cheeks pinkened, but she did what Flippy wanted and kept them on.

Flaky, now on her knees before him, reached for the buckle of his belt to quickly undo it, and once that was off, his jeans were off with it. Flaky sat up on her knees a little more so she could reach his face, and pressed her lips against his. All the while, she let her hands roam over the bulge in his boxers, and she heard a slight grunt from the bear between their kissing.

A rush of excitement overtook Flaky, and she felt as though she had a sudden power over him in this situation. So she continued to tease him through his boxers before they would finally come off. And when Flippy was driven insane by her actions, Flaky decided to free his throbbing erection and removed his boxers. The size she was met with took her by surprise, and the awed expression on Flaky's bright pink face made the bear chuckle, and he stroked her cheek with his thumb, "You don't have to-"

Flaky ignored him, and dove her head in to lick it from base to tip, silencing Flippy. He couldn't hold back any moans when Flaky eventually took some of it in her mouth, and used her hand to make up for the length she couldn't fit in her mouth. The girl kept her eyes closed to save herself from the embarrassment growing inside of her; she'd never done anything like this before, but wanted to get it right. Judging by the many grunts and growls, and his hands clenching a fistful of her quills and bedsheet, she must be doing something right. The bear lay back, but remained propped up on his elbows to capture the tantilizing view of Flaky.

Surprisingly, Flaky was finding a thrill in pleasing Flippy. Yet on the other hand, Flippy couldn't believe he could feel his orgasm reaching him so soon, and had to stop Flaky from carrying on no matter how much he wanted to finish, "Hold on, Flaky," he breathed. Flaky stopped to look up at the blushing bear, "What? A-Am I doing it wrong?" she meekly asked, recieving a reassuring grin from Flippy, "No, not at all, y-you were amazing," he sat up properly to face her, "I just want you to lie down for me."

Taking the hint, Flaky stood up from the floor and let Flippy push her down onto the bed, watching and biting her lip as the man hovered over her with his starving eyes tracing the voluptuous curves of her body.

"Jackpot." Evil uttered from the depth of Flippy's mind. He could see everything that Flippy looked at from behind his eyes, and was beginning to feel a heavy case of jealousy weigh him down, "I want out. Now."

Flippy inwardly snarled at the golden-eyed bear, "Not in a million years." and proceeded in their intimacy.

With a smile, Flaky timidly spread her legs for Flippy to position himself, and he readied his member at her moistened entrance. He gave her a look as if to seek her permission, to which she granted with a nod and a soft kiss. As Flippy gently made a start by sliding the tip in, he had to grit his teeth; she was tight. Very tight. And he didn't want to cause her any pain. But when Flaky couldn't wait any longer to feel him inside of her, she begged him with a plea and bucked her hips forward. Flippy happily implied, but filled her with his length at a teasingly slow pace.

Her spine curved upwards at the overwhelming sensation, and she wrapped her arms around his torso. She dug her claws into his back mercilessly, and Flippy responded by ramming himself into her harder. He then found a steady pace for now, saving the speed for later. Her claws gnawing at the flesh of his back sent pleasantly painful jolts down his spine; Flippy wasn't afraid to admit that pain only made his drive better - so it wasn't just Evil that had the sadistic traits and tendencies. The many sweet sounds that he was errupting from the porcupine below him were too provoking for Flippy to hold back his faster thrusts. But so he didn't get carried away with himself, Flippy rolled onto his back, pulling Flaky on top of him as he did so.

Her face went blank for a moment, as if she had no clue what to do - now in control that is. So to urge her onwards, Flippy latched his hands onto her hips to guide them gently, up until she found her own steady rhythm. Flippy resisted squeezing his eyes shut out of sheer ecstacy so he could fixate his low-lidded gaze on her stunning movements and lusty expression. The sensuality in her motions as she rode him were pushing Flippy to the point where he was likely going to lose his own self-restraint. After her arms had tired from holding herself up, Flaky closed the space between them and rested on top of him, slamming their lips together for a passionate kiss.

A shared, dwelling build-up started inside of both of them, and now their movements were vigorous. Flaky had officially messed up Flippy's once neatly tied ponytail with her fingers desperately clutching at his hair. Flippy held her hips in place as he pounded into her, doing whatever he could to muster their climax. A zig-zagging pulse started to grow in Flaky's stomach as she finally reached her second, but stronger, orgasm. And as her walls tightly clenched around Flippy's throbbing manhood, and her moans heavenly heightened, he could feel himself following very closely after her. All it took was one final deep thrust, then it didn't take long for him to reach his, filling her with his hot secretion as he held her tightly against himself.

After panting away the numb ache between their legs and blinking back to their senses, Flaky nestled her face into his neck, sighing with exhaustion. Flippy breathed heavily and wrapped his arms around her again, using one hand to stroke through her messy quills soothingly. The silence of the room was calming, and made them succumb to their tiresome mood. So in a slow motion, Flaky rolled off of the bear to snuggle beside him, feeling lethargic and sluggish from the sweet euphoria that rushed through her body. Flippy felt exactly the same, but inside his head Evil's enraged cusses and demands meant that the golden-eyed bear wanted to feel it for himself.

"Come on, damn it! Hogging all of that glory is just unfair!" Evil snarled, fighting off the blush that filled his cheeks after witnessing the previous moments with Flaky. There was no denying now that he wanted Flaky just as much as Flippy, but unlucky for Evil, his good half was too at peace where he was to let him out, "There's no way I'm letting you spend the rest of my night with Flaky…but-"

"…But what?"

Flippy mentally sighed, hating to even give in to his counterpart's wants, "You can spend the next possible night with Flaky."

On that note, Flippy focused his attention on Flaky again, whilst drowning out the victorious yells of joy from Evil in his head. Her eyes were sealed shut, and her steady breathing against his chest could only mean that she'd been drained of her enegry. Careful not to wake her, Flippy dragged the covers from underneath them and pulled them over their nude bodies. It wasn't at all chilly with the amount of heat radiating from their bodies, but having no clothes on will likely welcome the cold later on in the night.

As he wrapped his arms around her sleeping form, she uncosciously shifted against him to find a comfortable position, snuggling into his embrace. With her in his arms like this, peacefully at rest despite being so tired out after making love, Flippy had yet to picture a better way to end his nights. But there was no doubting the obvious fact that nothing would beat spending those nights with Flaky.

A.N: Welp! Time for me to sleep! Apologies for any mistakes. It's four in the morning and I think I'm dead.

Hope you had fun reading like I did writing it! x3

Review please! Oh, and tell me if you think Evil deserves some lovin' too. Pfff. Probably not. Ha.


~Loli x