Me-Yolo. Here is my next Kuroshitsuji fanfiction, Counting Stars. Inspiration? Counting Stars by OneRepublic! Trust me, I think you'll like this one (or will you?). Why I thought of this? Well, this song has got me hooked and then, bam! Here comes this wonderful idea.

Here's the FULL summary: "Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep, dreaming about the things that we could be..." "But, baby, I've been, I've been praying hard, said no more counting dollars, we'll be counting stars..." "Yeah, we'll be counting stars..."

Ciel's a teenager with a dark past and a low-paying job at a bar, yet he still remains happy. Sebastian's a lonely college student who wishes to live a stress-free life that does not involve sorting out bills. They meet through a chat group three years ago and they wish to meet again in person ever since then. How do you look for a person when you only have a single song to go by? How do you look for someone if you don't know what they look like or if you don't have their number?

I do not own Kuroshitsuji in any way (wish I did) or any of the other things mentioned throughout this chapter. And no, the story and account on Quotev is fake. I just needed to make something up. So, please read on!

Warnings: None, really...yet

Year is: 2015 (yay, us!)

Chapter 1~Prologue

The bright screen from a laptop illuminated an otherwise dark room. It shined in a tired, fifteen year old bluenette's face as he went onto a chat group website. He looked to find a group to talk to, but nobody seemed to interest him. The talk of most groups were something about a picture on MySpace or the newest dish in Olive Garden.

The bluenette rolled his eye at one topic for one chat group, which was on Minecraft. Honestly, what was up with teenagers and Minecraft? It made no sense to him.

But, what drove him crazy was the huge talk about Candy Crush. Everyone played it at school. Even the teachers played it while kids were taking tests! Everytime Ciel was taking a Physics test, he could hear the familiar chime and voice say, "Sugar Crush" everytime the teacher completed a level. It drove him nuts. There was even such a thing as a Candy Crush club after school! His friend, Alois Trancy, hosted it and he had over fifty people in the club. Those people included his beautiful girlfriend, Lizzie Middleford.

He despised the game more than anybody else at his high school. Why did he have to lose his best friends to that wretched game?!

A soft bleep came from his laptop and in the far right corner of it, it had a red blinking circle with a 1 in it. The bluenette hovered his mouse over it and a bubble popped up.

mcdonaldsrule101 has invited you to a voice group chat on: misc.

Accept or Decline?

A finely shaped eyebrow arched in confusion at the topic.

"What the heck? Misc? What, do they talk about random stuff or something?" he asked himself.

His mouse hovered over the Decline button, but he then began to think about it. Misc could possibly mean anybody else besides MySpace. He could get away from that kind of talk for a little while. He shifted his mouse over to the Accept button and clicked on it. He plugged in his headphones with a mic attatched to it and he waited for the voice group chat to commence.

"Hello! This is mcdonaldsrule101 here! Name's ciel_phantomhive, right?" a chirpy voice made its way to his ears.

"Yes, this is ciel_phantomhive. Hello, mcdonaldsrule101." Ciel spoke into the mic as loud as he oculd without waking up his parents this late at night.

"Our topic is misc, which pretty much means go wild with the topic. You can just call me Ronald, by the way. There are also three other people in this chat: kittypaws02, redone101, and pierce-da-veil." Ronald explained.

" anyone in here interested in Star Wars?" Ciel asked, trying to join in the conversation.

"Stars Wars is so last century. It sucks." a male voice said, joining the conversation.

"Yah." the sound of a bubblegum popping on the other end was heard. "Who cares for Star Wars?" a peppy girl's voice spoke up.

"Who wants to talk of McDonalds?" he heard Ronald holler.

"I do!" the peppy girl replied.

The conversation began shifting in different directions and sooner or later, the other four users had forgotten that Ciel was even there. Ciel sighed in exasperation as he minimized the voice group chat tab and went onto Quotev, his favorite site to read stories. He checked up on the first (and only) story he put up under his account name, Lonely and Waiting. Cries of the Wolf was the name of the story and so far, he had gotten 550 hearts and 61 comments on the first chapter. He smiled softly at that.

"At least my writing skills are working out on here..." he thought to himself.

He heard another soft bleep and instantly went back onto the voice group chat site. He saw another bubble in the far-left corner and he read what it said.

Compter les étoiles has joined the conversation.

Ciel arched his eyerow at the username. He did not know anybody with that name, let alone speak with them. The name was in French, but he had no idea what it said. He was more into Chinese than French. He found the language to be confusing and even though Chinese is more complicated than French, he could understand Chinese more.

"Who's that?" he asked himself.


Ciel's breath hitched in his throat at the voice. The voice was smooth like silk, making goosebumps appear on the teen's porcelain skin. The thick British accent was what drove Ciel crazy. He had always wanted to meet a British perosn, let alone hear that wonderful accent.

"Allo? Is anyone there that is willing to listen to me?"

Ciel felt small jolts of delight shoot through him. The English voice was like a melodic bell ringing in his ears. It was simply beautiful.

"Maybe I should log off...?"

"Wait." Ciel's voice sounded a little quiet as he spoke. "Don't log off."

A deep chuckle made its way to his ears, making Ciel nearly melt.

"I am quite glad I have found someone to speak to. Or someone who is willing to listen to me, that is."

"" Ciel was at a loss of words. Now, that he has gotten the British person's attention, he did not know what to say to him. It was like being able to talk to your crush for the first time, to meet a famous person face-to-face, to visit a relative after so long. That feeling warmed him a little as the British person spoke.

"I assume you are American?"

"Yes, I...are you a male?" Ciel began to beat himself up at the question that quickly slipped past his pale pink lips.

It had to be the most retarded question he had ever come up with. He could've asked him a better question like, what is your name, or, do you live in England? It was frustrating. He was thinking the British person would mock him, laugh at him for asking such a stupid question, or even log off and not speak to him ever again. But, what came from the person nearly shocked him.

"I am indeed a male. I do not think your question is utterly ridiculous, but rather that it is cute. It shows how curious you are about me."

The male's voice made Ciel shiver. For some odd reason, he liked that feeling. He liked hearing that deep voice seinding chills through his body in a way that was not revolting.

"May it be safe to assume that you are also a male?"

"Yes, you can. I am Ciel." Ciel introduced himself.

"Ciel...what a gorgeous name. You must really be a beautiful angel if you were to be named such a name." the British man said charmingly.

Ciel's face flushed furiously. Never in his life had a man ever complimented him like that. Sure, there were men who tried to hit on him multiple times, but it would disgust him. He was straight, not gay. Normally, those kinds situations would result in the guy bleeding on the floor with Alois and Lizzie protecting him (he honestly felt so weak when his girlfriend had to protect him from molesters). He was pretty glad the man could not see how red his face was. He didn't want to grow more red with the man teasing him.

"However, it is such a shame to see how beautiful you truly are."

"I...Um...thanks?" Ciel answered uncertainly in a bashful voice.

"How adorable." a laugh came from the man. "You are so cute when you are bashful."

"How can you say that when you haven't even seen me?" Ciel questioned.

"I can just tell." the man replied.

It was silent between the two males besides the loud bickering from the other four users that Ciel had originally gotten into a group chat with. He had almost forgotten that those four idiots were there. The charming British man seemed to have made the whole world around him disappear without him even trying.

"Would you like to create our own group chatroom? These bloody fools are extremely loud and I can barely hear you. Plus, it would be quite embarrassing if I were to be caught supposedly flirting with you." the man suggested.

"Sure. I would like that." Ciel replied, a soft smile dancing across his lips.

"First, let me exit. I shall send you a message when I am ready."

"Alright." Ciel replied as the man exited out of the conversation. He also exited, leaving those four squabbling idiots to keep arguing over whether Freddy's or McDonald's was better.

He opened up a Word document and began typing away on it.

Blood. Tyler inhaled the copper smell and it invigorated him to the point that it drove his senses mad.

He felt the pain course through him and he gripped his arm, knowing what was coming next. He collapsed to the murky ground of the marsh near the mad scientist's lab and

He heard the all too familiar soft bleep and his mouse zipped over to the red blinking circle almost too eagerly. He read the message in the red bubble.

Compter les étoiles has invited you to a one-on-one voice chat on: anything you would like.

Accept or Decline?

A smile danced across the fifteen year old's lips as he quickly clicked on Accept and he waited for the British voice to flood through the speakers of his black and blue striped headphones.


"Hello, sexy British man." Ciel replied flirtatiously.

"Wow. You are quite the flirt, Ciel."

"I...I didn't mean to come off like that!" Ciel felt the blush on his cheeks flare up again. "I- - -" he was cut off by the man's laugh.

"It's quite alright. So, what is it you would like to speak of?"

"I...honestly don't know. You pick the subject." Ciel told him.

" about Star Wars?"

Ciel's eye went wide at this. He had tried to bring up the subject not too long ago!

"St-Star Wars?" Ciel stammered out.

"Yeah. Do you not like Star Wars?"

"Like? I L-O-V-E Star Wars! That is probably the best sci-fi movie series ever!" he exclaimed.

"Besides Star Trek."

"Besides Star Tre- - -How do you know that I also like Star Trek?" Ciel questioned.

"Just a lucky guess." the deep chuckle that made Ciel's skin grow goosebumps came back again. "I like Star Trek, as well. My favorite character has to be Spock."

"Yes! Finally, there is someone out there who appreciates Spock!" Ciel exclaimed happily.

"Let me guess: your friends are big Captain Kirk fans?"

"Yeah! Kirk is" Ciel trailed off, trying to think of the right word to describe Captain Kirk.

"Cocky!" they both exclaimed in unison. It was silent between the two males before they burst into laughter.

"We must be thinking the same thing. Stop it." Ciel said.

"Maybe you should stop, Ciel."

"Oh, you hush." Ciel said, which made the British man chuckle.

"Let's go onto something else. Tell me what you look like."

"Wh-What I look like? Why do you want to know that?" Ciel asked.

"So I can have a mental image of you in my mind. I want to remember you for as long as I live."

"Hey, stop flirting. It may be cute, but it's embarrassing." Ciel stated.

"Okay, okay. Explain away."

"Imagine a fifteen year old boy with navy blue, almost slate, colored hair with one sapphire blue eye. Imagine beautiful porcelain white skin that could marvel a porcelain doll's. Imagine a boy that is five foot two. Imagine a button-like nose and pale pink lips that every time they curl up into a smile, you can see the dimples in the porcelain cheeks. Imagine slender arms, thin hips, and long legs. Imagine small feet and small fingers. Imagine that boy and keep him well-imprinted in your mind." Ciel finished his long description on himself.

There was silence on the other end. Ciel began to fear that the man had possibly fallen asleep on him during the whole description. He then heard the man speak up again.

"Sounds like I am seeing Heaven. You must be simply breathtaking."

"No duh on that one. Dudes keep hitting on me like as if they'll ever have a chance with me." Ciel explained like as if he knew he was already beautiful.

"Would I have a chance?"

That question was what stopped Ciel from giving him a reply. He swore he felt his heart skip a beat at the question.

"Hmmm...describe yourself and let's see if you'd have a chance with me." Ciel challenged.

"Alright. I have alabaster white skin with unruly black hair and wine red eyes. I am five foot eleven and of course, as you know, I am British. If you are even interested in this kind of stuff, then yes, I am well-built. I jog and go to the gym everyday. I do have a six pack and good-sized muscles." Sebastian took a breath after his description. "So? What do you think? Would I stand a chance standing next to you as a companion in the relationship world?"

For some reason, there was this uncomfortable heat building up inside of his stomach. Combine that with a racing heart and flushed cheeks and you have a completely confused Ciel in terms of love. The image swimming around in his head was making him feel more uncomfortable than he already was. The man sounded pretty hot. Way hotter than he had already anticipated.

"If I had a choice between you and another person to be with, I would chose you a thousand times." Ciel breathed out.

The British man chuckled.

"I must be really sexy to you, huh?"

"I...I...I guess?" Ciel answered uncertainly.

"Okay, let us talk of something else. Have you ever heard of the song, Counting Stars?"

"Huh? What?" Ciel questioned, confused by the man's sudden question.

"Counting Stars by OneRepublic. Never heard of it?"

"Nah. I prefer to stay away from pop music. I prefer my punk bands better." Ciel said, his finger tracing patterns on the sky blue down comforter.


"Skillet, Paramore, Pierce The Veil, you name it. I'm all for that." Ciel explained.

"Well, Counting Stars came out in 2013. It's a pretty good song."

"Is it now? I have never heard any pop song sounding good. Last song related to pop that I listened to was Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. Such a waste and such a disgusting song." Ciel stated.

"I certainly agree. I really do not like her in general."

"Pop stars these days think that they're superior to everyone else and that they can do anything they want. Then, they go and mess up their lives with drugs, smoking, drinking, and going against the law. This is why they end in rehab, jail, or wherever the heck they are right now. Their stupid actions lead them there. It's almost like a cause-and-effect chart. One stupid action brings them down in an instant." Ciel said.

"That, I agree with, too." Ciel heard some shuffling in the background. "May I possibly tell you the lyrics of the song?"

"...Okay. I just hope I'm not regretting anything." Ciel said.

That deep chuckle ran through his ears again and Ciel felt that same jolt of delight shoot through him.

"I'm sure that this song will not disappoint. Sing along with me." he cleared his voice before beginng to sing. "Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep. Come on, sing with me." the man urged.

Ciel let out a sigh, knowing he could not tell that smooth British voice no.

"Okay. Um...Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep..." Ciel sang out the first part, waiting for the man to provide him with the next line.

The man had still yet to respond. Maybe it was because he was stunned by the bluenette's singing voice. He had the beginnings of a singer in him. If he had just one more push, he could be a star.

"Hello? May I have the next line, please?" Ciel's voice snapped the man out of his thoughts.

"Ah, yes. Just spaced out for a moment. Dreaming about the things that we could be."

"Dreaming about the things that we could be..." Ciel sang after him.

Next thing Ciel knew, he was caught up singing the song with the British man. Ciel's voice filled the silent air around him in the bedroom as he sang as quiet as he could to not wake his parents, but as loud as he could so that the man could hear him. The way their voices sounded together was like a perfect symphony, singing together in harmony. It made him like the song a little.

"Yeah, we'll be counting stars..." they finished the song and Ciel sighed.

"That actually wasn't so bad..." he trailed off.

"Told you. Song's pretty good, isn't it?"

"Yeah. Especially when we sing it together." Ciel admitted.

"I am glad to hear that." Ciel heard silence and then some muffled speaking. "Look, on the 14th of December in the year of 2019, you will see fifteen stars in the sky at midnight. That is when- - -" the line cut off before Ciel could hear the rest of his sentence.

"Hello? Hello? Are you there? British man? Hello?!" he looked at the screen to see that Compter les étoiles (the British man) had exited out of their conversation.

He sighed deeply, unplugging the headphones from the side of his laptop. He rested those on the floor by his bed and closed down his laptop, putting that next to the headphones, as well. He went under the covers and as he curled up in them, one horrifying fact dawned on him.

He never got his name.

Me-Dun, dun, dun! Here's the first chapter of Counting Stars! It is pretty long and I am pretty proud of it. I think I will like how this story will lay out. So! I'll update and put another chapter up pretty soon. Just need to find good inspiration for the next chap. *begins brainstorming in mind.

So! Here we have a simple equation: reviews=we save the kittens and no reviews=the kittens will die. And, would you also like a virtual Ciel plushie? I know you want one...

See you next time. Bai~