A/N: Like I said in the last chapter, this is Epilogue is NOT a part of Bella's novel. Therefore, rather than being in the 1st person past tense, this is 1st person present-tense.

"Bella, be careful with that!"

I want to snap at Edward right now, but I know he's just looking out for me. So, I'm just going to keep walking this tray of salmon out to our friends and family, hoping he'll keep his mouth shut, and ruing the day that we agreed to host a Christmas party in the new house. I love this house, even if it makes my commute almost a full hour. But right now, I miss our tiny, navigable apartment.

"Here, do you need help?" Edward comes up behind me, and yet again my mood shifts as I feel him press into my back to reach for the tray. I can't help leaning back into him, just a little, trying and failing to hold in a smile as he groans.

"You don't play fair, Mrs. Cullen." His voice is so deep in my ear. "Our family is right outside of this kitchen." I sigh perhaps a little harder than necessary, but he's right. They're all out there, listening to gentle Christmas music while waiting for food.

"Fine, you carry it." When he takes it I grab the pitcher of lemonade and the bottle of wine.

Everyone knows I'm pregnant. It's not exactly a secret with how big I got, so quickly. At one point Edward and I had the grand plan to keep it secret as long as possible, just to see who was observant enough to figure it out without us telling them. That came to nothing. By 3 months, a time where I was barely supposed to be showing, I looked like some women on their delivery bed. We chose the band-aid approach instead, telling everyone at once.

But now, I'm sitting on an even bigger secret and I'm pumped.

To my right I hear fussing, and I see that baby Christian is awake. Angela and Ben's son is almost cherubic-looking with soft, round cheeks and Angela's dark hair. But he also has a huge set of pipes for a little boy who hasn't quite hit a year old yet and I don't want to hear him use them. So I set the drinks down on the table and scoop him up, bouncing him in my arms.

"Bella, I bet you're so excited to have one of your own!" Alice comes over towards us like a moth to flame.

"We're really excited, Edward especially." I throw it in just to potentially throw her off. It's common knowledge that I want a little boy because they're cute and need less things down the line, and Edward wants a little girl to spoil absolutely rotten.

"I see!" Alice smiles giddily at me, her hair swinging over her shoulders. She wears it a bit longer now, but she's still never gone back to having long hair. Honestly, now that she's had shorter hair for so long I feel like I wouldn't even recognize her with long black hair.

"Alice…" I start, when something occurs to me. "Where's Cynthia?"

"With Jasper!" Alice rushes to assure me. Cynthia, their daughter, is going through the worst terrible twos I've ever seen – and since she's three now it's also the longest I've ever seen. I love my niece, but last time she came over she smashed three dishes trying to climb onto the counter and sprained an ankle jumping off of it. She looks so much like Alice with long, dark hair and the same cute smile, but according to the both of them her personality is all Jasper.

"Bella, when are you going to tell us the gender?" Angela walks over and reaches for her son, who coos as his mom picks him up. She winks at me, well at my stomach, and I sigh. I've been trying to keep the surprise for as long as possible but with Edward still resolutely carrying dinner out, the time has almost come.

"Over dinner, I promise." I smile at my two best friends, still so important in my life even after so much time.

I can't believe how much things have, and yet haven't changed since the trial and the movie and everything that came along really settled. There was Alice and Jasper's beautiful, if not a bit ridiculous, wedding which involved the three of us, plus the sisters, Jasper's best man Peter, Ryan another old friend, Edward, and Ben. It was funny seeing Ben get irritated at 6'4" Peter hitting on Angela all night, before meeting Alice's friend from college, Charlotte. I think everyone expected Edward and I to get married next, but Angela and Ben in their regal church wedding beat us to it. Then Edward and I, 2 years ago, in an intimate spring garden wedding followed by a Caribbean honeymoon that had me wondering if Edward was secretly a millionaire.

"Bella, are you ready for dinner?" Nessie interrupts my thoughts with a smile, and I have to smile back. Jake and Nessie have finally moved back to Seattle so this is the first Christmas I'm getting to spend with my sister in years. Thanksgiving was always their holiday to come back and visit, but now she's just a short drive away, living in an apartment near the auto shop Jake manages.

"Yeah, let's get everyone sitting down." I smile back at her before walking further into the room. I open my mouth, but from across the room Edward beats me to it.

"My wife is due in 3 months but she still insisted on cooking dinner for everyone, so please come enjoy it." Edward laughs at his own joke, and I can hear Jasper, Ben, Jake, even my Dad getting in on the laughter too. I glance over to Carlisle and even though he's not laughing he's smiling. Even Sam is chuckling a little and Seth, who Edward surprised me by wanting to invite, is barely holding it in. Only Masen is loyal, winking at me but otherwise not reacting to the joke.

Walking past him I grumble "I should've married you when you asked me." And he does laugh out loud at that one, though I've probably said it to him or Edward once every few months since our wedding. He and Lizzie are stubbornly refusing to get married though they've lived together for years now and we all joke they aren't getting any younger.

"Aunt Bella do I have to sit at the kids table?" Emma is the spitting image of her mom as she walks up to me, tugging Sammy behind her. The three-year-old idolizes his big sister which is adorable – that and the fact that no matter how hard he tries he can't quite keep up with Cynthia's energy.

"Emma, someone has to make sure Cynthia doesn't get too wild." Emily can handle her five-year-old better than any of the rest of us. Emma is a grade-A negotiator, but she accepts this with a smile and sits happily at the little table I've put together for her, Sammy, and Cynthia.

Originally, we were expecting one more little one, but when Emmett told us why he, Rosalie, and their son Henry weren't going to make it, we understood. I had never expected to keep up the friendship that we did have with Emmett and Rosalie, but over the years it had gone from an exciting friendship to just a fun, reliable one – kept up by frequent video chats and kind surprises like when Emmett paid for our honeymoon. Hearing that Emmett was finally going to propose was excuse enough.

Shaking myself out of my thoughts again, I move to take my place at the table. I'm a buzz of energy at the two big announcements I'll be making tonight. Hopefully, I'll get the reaction I want to both. Once everyone is seated, I look out over my friends and family with a smile. Everyone isn't here – not just Rose and Emmett but also Bree and her new boyfriend Diego – but seeing just about everyone we love gathered with us at the table is incredible. Then I stand, Edward taking my hand in his and helping me up.

"Alright everyone, I think we've made you wait long enough." I smile, rubbing my stomach.

"Wait! Bree wants to call in for this!" Nessie pauses us, pulling out her phone and tapping the screen frantically. She puts it on speaker and we can hear when Bree picks up because instead of saying hello she gets to the point.

"Go ahead Bella! What is it?" People at the table laugh. Alice looks like she's about to bounce out of her chair in excitement. Angela is smiling widely at me over Christian's head. My Mom is clutching Dad's hand so hard I'm almost worried for him, except despite his attempts to look unaffected he's leaning forward in his seat.

"As you all know, Edward wanted a little girl, and I was absolutely sure that we were going to have a little boy. But what you don't know is, we've been keeping a secret much bigger than the gender of our baby. Because what we didn't tell you is that there was always the possibility that we were both going to get exactly what we want. And we are. Edward's getting his little girl, and I'm getting my little boy. Because we're having twins!"

There is absolute silence at first. I'm worried that maybe I wasn't clear, while Edward next to me lifts our clasped hands to his lips for a kiss. Then a high-pitched squeak comes from the table and I realize it's Alice when she slaps two hands over her mouth. At the kids table Cynthia starts giggling at her mom, and that's what breaks the dam.

"Bella!" I don't see my mom move, but next thing I know her arms are all around me. Then Alice, then Esme, then Nessie, then Angela, then Lizzie, and even Emily gets in on the fun and we're one giant group hug.

"Did she just say twins!" Bree yells from Nessie's abandoned phone, and a gracious Jake brings the phone closer.

"Yes! Twins, one boy and one girl." Edward looks so proud of himself. I feel my group hug start to loosen, and then Esme and my Mom are both cooing at my stomach.

"There's two of you in there…" Esme says reverently, patting my stomach. I can feel someone give her a little kick and I wince, but it's worth it to see the smile on her face.

"Wait! Everyone, Edward has more news." I smile at my husband, who's now surrounded by all the men in our family. Carlisle looks prouder than I've ever seen him, with a hand on Edward's shoulder and a smile so big it looks almost painful, and even Charlie is beaming.

"Don't tell us it's actually triplets!" Seth jokes, and Edward bursts out laughing and shakes his head.

"No, but if everyone can sit back down. Bella's food is going to get cold." With a few more hugs, kisses, and belly rubs everyone sits back down.

"We found out we were having a boy and a girl right before Thanksgiving." Edward sure can read a room because he gets a hand up before I even realize half the room is about to protest.

"The reason we waited to tell you, is because we immediately started thinking of names. Turns out, my wife is incredibly sentimental." Edward leans over and wraps his arms around me, kissing my forehead. For a second I forget that our family is there, and it's just me and him. Then I hear phone cameras clicking and I laugh and turn back to face our friends.

"Ha ha guys. We're cute, and I'm pregnant. We get it. Edward, go ahead."

"Before I say these names I want everyone here to know that we definitely agonized over them. I'm going to explain what they mean and why we chose them, and say that right now we are completely unified in why we chose these names and what they mean to us. If you hate them, that's what nicknames are for.

"First, our son's name. We've decided to name him Elliot Patrick Cullen. Mom, his initials are EPC for Esme Platt Cullen. You've obviously done a lot for me, but you did a lot for Bella too and according to her you probably saved our relationship more than once. And then, a lot of you don't know this but when Bella got pregnant she started having anxiety attacks because of what we've been through…not just her experience but also what we've seen through my work...well he's a little bit named after Kate too. Elliot, like Eleazar which is Kate's last name, because she made both of his parents feel nothing but joy over his arrival."

Everyone in the room is silent, Esme crying softly into Carlisle's shoulder. Edward glances at his mom and clears his throat before directing his gaze into the middle of the table and I would laugh at him fighting not to be emotional if I wasn't on the verge of tears myself.

"Um, and our daughter." He pauses to clear his throat, and I know right now in this moment that our little girl is going to have her dad wrapped completely around her finger.

"Our daughter's name is Carlie Danielle Cullen. The first name is all Bella. It's a mix of Carlisle and Charlie. We both wanted to honor our dads, and my wife found the perfect name so easily. And Danielle…" He glances at my mom now, who has a napkin pressed to her face.

"Danielle is first and foremost for Bella's grandmother Danielle who she never got to meet, because she passed away before Bella was found, but never gave up hope that Renee's baby girl was going to make it home." He pauses, while I smile at my mom.

Meeting my 3 living grandparents had been very emotional, as was learning about my grandmother Danielle who I would never get to meet. Everyone, including Charlie, had teared up as they told me about her unfailing belief that I was alive and would see my family again.

"It's also an acknowledgment of Bella's time as a Denali. We are not naming our daughter after them. We never would. But we did want to acknowledge a large part of their mother's past. Our children are never going to meet the people who kidnapped their mother. But the transition from her past to her present is a sign of the incredible strength that Bella has. And when she brought up the name Danielle I immediately thought it was fitting, so that our daughter always carries with her a sign of how brave, how incredibly strong her mother is."

The room is silent, and I can't be sure if everyone is shocked that we made the connection to Denali, or that it came from Edward. When he'd brought that up, I thought the name Danielle would be tainted to me forever. But when he explained why, I was so touched that I couldn't say no. Besides I think Carlie Danielle Cullen is a beautiful name.

"You're naming my granddaughter after me, after us?" Charlie nods to Carlisle as he speaks, and maybe I'm wrong about how everyone will react to what Edward just shared.

"Oh, Mom." Nessie is up out of her chair and has her arms around Mom, who's crying.

"I hope she's even half as strong as you and my mother." Renee cries. I'm starting to realize that, unlike how I felt about it, the Denali connection is clearly not a big deal to anyone in the room. They're more focused on the people who are present that we've chosen to honor.

"I'm going to have to call him Pat." Esme giggles. "Pat like Platt." She laughs again, and I can see tears leaking from her eyes as Carlisle throws an arm around her and pulls her close.

"No way! Carlie and Ellie for as long as he'll let us call him that!" Jasper cuts in, grinning wickedly. Alice slaps his shoulder, but Masen leans over to high-5 him. I want to tell them that we almost considered calling him Elmer – at least I did before Edward threatened to divorce me.

"Oh Edward! His name starts with an E just like yours!" Emily pipes up, grinning.

"Hoping for a mini-me?" Sam asks him, and just like that we're back in normal conversation. Everyone has a statement or a question.

"I just love the name Carlie – that's brilliant Bella!" "Maybe we can make the second-name nicknames a thing Esme, they can be Pat and Dani." "Elliott and Patrick are both such man names, what are we going to call him when he's a baby?" "I'm telling you, Carlie and Ellie are perfect baby names." "Oh! Eli! We can call him Eli!" "I still can't believe it's twins! I have to call Rosalie as soon as I get the okay that Emmett's proposed."

Everyone in our family is talking over each other in their excitement, little conversations that bring a smile to my face. Apparently, someone knows they're being talked about because I get two little kicks right near my bellybutton. I can't help rubbing my stomach as I look out at everyone I love most in the world smiling up at me. Everyone except for 2 tiny additions that I'm so excited to welcome.

"Bella, don't forget what else you wanted to tell them." Edward's voice feels like a caress as he whispers in my ear. I nod, and he wraps his body around mine once again, hands resting on my stomach.

"Everyone, Bella has one more announcement." Everyone settles down, still smiling from ear to ear. I have no idea how this will be received but hopefully well. Hopefully everyone will understand.

"Guys I think…well I know, I've decided to write a book."

"What?" Emily, the only person at the table who seems to be breathing. Everyone else is starting at me with wide eyes, the baby excitement blown out like a candle.

"Well, Edward reminded me last week that the 5-year-statute is officially up. We were talking about it and, there were a few parts of the story that I didn't get to tell in the film. Things that I want to talk about, that I want to share. And now, I have so much more clarity than I could have expected. I don't want to put my story in someone else's hands – even though Vlad and Shelly did a great job. I said that I'd write a book a long time back, Edward remembered, and even though I'm sure I was joking then I'm very serious now. I want to write a book. I want to be the one to tell my story."

"Go for it!" Angela cheers, somewhat loudly, and Christian echoes his mom's cheer with some loud baby gibberish.

"Bella, that's amazing!" Alice chimes in.

"Thanks guys."

"No really, Bella. That's a good idea." Nessie smiles, back in her seat, head resting on Jake's shoulder.

"Yeah! Listen, if you need help capturing how great I am, let me know." Masen winks.

"Bella, that's a lovely idea. Good for you." Carlisle smiles.

Everyone else chimes in too, including Bree who I may have forgotten was still on the line. Hearing the immediate support is heartwarming.

"Yes! You're going to be in it too Bree. And no, I don't think I'll go as far as our wedding, but I want to include all the stuff that happened during the filming. Maybe even the viewing party and your engagement Jasper. And yes, of course you can all read it before I publish it Jake, I'm going to need everyone's help to remember things exactly how they happened. And I am excited. So, so excited to share to share my story."

Edward is still behind me, head leaned into the crook of my neck, hands resting protectively over our babies. As I try to answer everyone's questions he gives my neck a quick kiss, and then he's guiding me into my seat.

"Alright, alright everyone! Let's eat!" He says, and with no further ado he grabs a dish and starts serving himself. As we all start to dig in, Edward serving me so I don't have to reach, the little conversations break out again. Emily and Alice are talking about baby stuff they want to buy now that it's twins. Angela is keeping up a lively conversation with Sam, Masen, Ben, and Jasper about how they'll have to get their hands on our twins early since neither Edward nor I are apparently adequate gamers. Jake and Nessie are talking to Liz and Seth, and I can't help noticing how well Jake and Seth seem to be getting along. Our parents are talking up a storm about all the things they want for the twins.

"I wonder if I'm ever going to stop being amazed by you." Edward draws my attention to him, holding out a fork which I gratefully eat from. He's smiling that special smile at me, eyes locked with mine, and I feel the rest of the table fall away. But it's not sexual anymore…well not just sexual.

"I hope not. You're always going to be a hero to me Edward. Because of your job. Because of what you got me through. And you're going to be Carlie's hero, and Elliott's hero too. I honestly hope it doesn't go to your head." I tease him just a little and he takes it, then steals a peck on the lips while I don't expect it.

"That's fitting. You'll be amazing and I'll be a hero, and between the two of us our kids will have perfect parents." I don't believe that, and neither does he. But Edward isn't nervous. He's told me that several times, and I believe him.

"Do you know I just realized our daughter's initials spell out CD? Or, even worse, CDC if you lump in the last name." Edward laughs somewhat loudly at my random outburst, but nobody notices as they eat and chat and have laughter of their own.

"Maybe we should give her an A name. Then she can be ACDC, CD for short. I hope she's a little musician." Edward laughs again at his own joke, then kisses me again for the heck of it.

"CDC and EPC. Carlie and Elliott. I can't wait." I break my eye contact with Edward to look down at my stomach. "I can't wait to meet you two."

"That goes double for me." Edward leans in a bit to speak directly to the twins in my belly. Then he looks at me again, head still down near my stomach.

"You two have the most amazing Mom. Do you know that? One day when you're a lot older we'll tell you the story of your Mom, or maybe you'll read the award-winning book she's about to write."

I push his shoulder for exaggerating, but he ignores me.

"Carlie, Elliott, I hope you realize how much your mom loves you. And I hope you're both a little like me, but I really hope you're both just as strong, and perseverant as her."

In a rare moment both twins start kicking, as if they want to let their Dad know they hear him loud and clear. I grab his hands, placing them carefully so he can feel both of his little ones saying hello to him. As I place his hands he looks in my eyes again, and again I'm overwhelmed by how much love I see there. Still holding his hands against 2 sets of little kicks I lean in for a kiss.

"I love you, Edward."

"I love you too, Bella. So much. And you Carlie, and you Elliott." He laughs at my belly and I smile. I'm holding our little family of four under my hands right now. And it's perfect.

Final A/N: Okay, I said it was not *part* of the novel – didn't say it wasn't related to it! That's the end guys. Thank you so, so much for coming on this journey with me. When I started writing Swansong I didn't know how invested I would get in it, or how many crazy twists and turns real life would take me on. I just knew I loved this idea, and I can honestly say that without all of the reviews, the favs, the follows – I don't know if I would have ever finished it. For everyone who's been a part of this with me, whether you started with me in the Introduction or don't find this until it's marked Complete, thank you a million times over for appreciating this story.

If you still have any faith in me as a writer and you're wondering what's next, I have a lot of ideas! For one, there's a sequel to this story that I want to write, even though right now I think I need a bit of a break from these characters. Right now, I'm working on a very different story with a very different Bella but I need a bit of a break from fic – just some time to myself to settle back into a writing routine. If you have me on alert I hope that when I publish the new story you like it just as much. And if you want a say on the next story I put up on here – check out the poll in my bio!