Elena sat at her desk, her diary was open on the desk in front of her, she had spent the last few hours writing down as much as she could about the memories she had regained, ever since she had got them back Elena had a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach that somebody or something would take them again. The sound of a door slamming told her Jeremy had left, there was a lot of upset once she had returned, particular from Damon and Jeremy but Elena had expected as much. She sighed and closed her diary, Bonnie had tried to be understanding but they had been friends far too long and her doubts and unease were plain to see. Caroline had shown no subtlety when she found out, she called Elena crazy and brainwashed, tried to drag her away and ended up just getting angry and storming off. Stefan didn't doubt or argue with her, he was calm and understanding as usual, some part of Elenas brain told her that it was because he knew love and could see that hers was genuine, whether that was true was yet to be seen.

A sudden draft and a tapping from the window behind her made her turn to see Katherine watching her from the window ledge, "how long have you been there?" Elena asked a small playful smile growing across her face, Katherine shrugged "not long" she said "i've just been watching you write, you seemed very much at peace i didn't want to disturb you". Elena walked over to Katherine her smile growing, "very stalkerish behaviour" she mocked, "oh no" Katherine exclaimed sarcastically as took ahold of Elenas hand and pulled her in closer "i guess i should get out of here before you call the cops" she joked as she began to climb back through. Elena giggled and pulled her back in "stop being silly" she said and dragged her into the room and pushed Katherine onto the bed "i'll just put this away" Elena explained picking the book up from the desk "and then i'm all yours for the rest of the night" she said winking. Katherine watched as Elena pulled a box out from under the bed and placed her diary inside, "new hiding spot?" Katherine asked, Elena nodded "i thought that it would be a good idea, if no one knows where it is the it will be a lot harder to get rid of my memories in the future".Elena pushed the box back under the bed and glanced over at the alarm clock on her bedside table "it's half past eight already?" she exclaimed "you took your time getting here", Katherine shrugged and her gaze dropped to the floor guiltily "yeah, i was waiting outside for a while" Katherine explained "Jeremy was home and i wasn't sure how he'd react seeing me".

Elena sighed and sat next to her girlfriend, placing an arm around Katherine in an attempt to comfort her "yeah he's very upset by the whole thing" Elena groaned and flopped back onto the bed "but i think its just because it was all so sudden" she said Katherine lay back onto the bed next to her. Elena snuggled up to the older vampire and rested her head on Katherines chest, "It just sucks, he's your brother i don't want to upset him but spending any time with you seems to send him over the edge" Katherine said. Elena pulled up Katherines shirt revealing a small amount of skin which she began to trace shapes with the tips of her fingers, "he'll get used to it eventually" she said and lifted her head up so she could see Katherines face "the process would go a lot quicker if you didn't hide from him and he could see your not the evil person he thinks you are". Katherine sighed and nodded in agreement "what about Damon?" Katherine asked, Elena stopped her motion and took a hold of Katherines clothes as if she was about to be ripped away "i don't know he's not come home yet, Stefan said he doesn't think he'll be back for a long time" Elena said.

Katherine reached down and ran her fingers into the young womans hair in gentle stroking motions, "you think he's gone to the originals again?" she asked Elena shrugged "i dont know, Elijah said he didn't want to do it the first time so i doubt he'd do it again, but.." she paused as she rolled over now facing Katherine "i'm not sure of anything". Katherine forced a smile hoping it would instil some confidence in Elena, but they knew each other too well for her to be able to use such a simple trick "neither am i, but i know one thing" Katherine said as she cradled Elenas cheek in her hand. "i love you, and your friends love you, they have gone across the globe to try and keep you safe, as soon they get used to us i truly believe they would rather die than see you alone again" Katherine drew Elena up the bed until she lay next to her again "we won't let it happen again" she promised sealing it with a kiss .

Nadia watched the man from across the bar, after finishing another scotch he returned to slumping against bar slowly turning the ice in his glass, the door opening drew her attention away from the drunk. The man in the pristine suit stood out like a sore thumb in the dive bar he had strolled into, a clear look of disgust on his face he searched the room for the person he had agreed to meet. The bar was almost empty with the exception of Nadia, the drunk, the bartender and two typical biker types playing poker in the courner. When the man found the drunk he sighed and approached the bar "two of whatever he's drinking" he demanded as he slid into the chair beside his friend. "Well that's very kind of you Elijah, we should go out drinking more often" Damon chuckled as he leant up onto his elbow "i'd rather not make a habit of this" the Original replied, he thanked the bartender as the drinks arrived and handed over a note "that's his last" the bartender said before walking away. "Why did you call me?" Elijah asked grabbing his drink from the counter and sipping it, Damon grabbed his and downed it quickly before slamming the glass down on the table "i need you to do it again" Damon said. Elijah looked at the vampire quizzically "do what exactly?", Damon groaned "break Katherine and Elena up" he explained rolling his eyes in frustration.

Elijah frowned "how much have you had to drink Damon?" the drunk shrugged "Katherine is dead Damon", Damon shook his head violently almost unbalancing himself from his bar stool "it was a trick, she's back and shes got Elena under her thumb again" he explained pressing his own thumb into his palm dramatically to illustrate his point. Elijahs eyebrows raised and he took a large sip from his glass "well she always was full of surprises" he said, "is that all?". Damon nodded "just do what you did last time and everything will be hunkydory", Elijah finished his drink and got to his feet "i did that despicable task for you because i owed you and i am a man of my word, but my debt has been repaid in full" he pulled a few bills from his pocket and left them on the counter as a tip before turning and walking straight out the door without another word. Damon stared in disbelief at the door as his inebriated brain processed what had just happened, once it all clicked rage overtook him, he grabbed his glass and hurled it as hard as he could against the wall smashing it into thousands of shards. The bar fell silent before the bartender charged over to Damon and grabbed a fistful of his shirt "right i've had enough of your shit" he cursed. But before he could say anything else Damon fought back, a single punch sent the bartender flying into the table behind him breaking it to pieces, the two poker player ran at Damon and tackled him to the ground "calm down" the men grunted as they struggled to hold Damon down. If the vampire had been sober they wouldn't have had a chance, but the sudden jolt to the ground disoriented him enough for the two men to overpower him. They dragged Damon through the entrance and throw him into the street outside.

Nadia got up from her stool and left through the back entrance, she could hear shouts and curses echoing off the alley walls as she walked away from the bar, at the end of the alley waited a car, as she approached the passenger door opened. "Did you do want you needed to do?" Lawrence asked as Nadia slid into the passenger seat beside him, The vampire shook her head "there was no need, he is a drunken mess and the only person who could have helped him refused". The traveler nodded turned the key in the ignition and drove them away, "Josephine called whilst you were in there" Lawrence told her "she said that they are ready to move, they're just waiting for us to join them" Nadia sighed "we better get a move on then can't keep them waiting"

Finally finished it was tempted to keep it going this had to be my favourite project so far :D sorry it took so long but i had to take a break to concentrate on my course work for a while i'm glad you guys liked it. A big thanks for all the reviews and support i really appreciated it

i have a new idea brewing for my next story so hopefully it can turn out as well as this one did