hello everyone, so heres chapter one of 'jumping to conclusions' hope you enjoy. disclaimer all rights to characters got to Cassandra clare

'Jace and Clary are happy couple with no worry in the world... until an unexpected surprize makes its way into their lives... will they be able to accept it? or will everything they ever had together start crumbling down?'

"Clary stop ignoring me... or you'll pay dearly in training today. So... I'd suggest you get up off that lazy little arse of yours and make your way to the training room," Isabelle Lightwood commanded.

"Look, Izzy," Clary Fray glanced over at Izzy and carefully drawled out the words. "I would love to train with you today... but I'm happy sitting here in this comfortable white chair, that feels like clouds under my butt." Clary said, a devilish smirk spreading across her face. "Oh... and also I wouldn't want to break this new manicure you worked so hard on for me last night... would I now?" Clary fake pouted. She waved her hands in front of Izzy's face.

Izzy looked like she was about to combust out frustration and anger; her face was as red as a tomato. Clary tried her hardest to hold back her laughter, while Izzy glared at her with her arms crossed. It would be perfect if Alec or Jace happened to walk in the kitchen right at this moment, and accidently pushed Izzy over her breaking point, which would be a sight to see, Clary decided.

"Training is compulsory Clary; just you wait and see what I have in store for you today." Clary rolled her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me you may be my parabati, but I would really like to see you work your butt off today. It'll be very entertaining, you know what they say 'no pain no gain'." Isabelle shrugged. And smirked.

"You're bluffing Iz, but I will play along with your little game." Clary stated inside her head. Come here Izzy. I have to whisper something to you." Clary chuckled. This would be too good. Izzy gave Clary the weirdest look, but bent down nevertheless.

"You do realize Jace is right outside that door listening to every word". He wasn't, but Clary was feeling especially spiteful, and wanted a good laugh so she led Izzy to believe he was. "Also... he might have been the one to replace your shampoo with that fluorescent green hair dye." Izzy face had turned, at least, ten shades redder than it already was.

"Anyway Izzy, I'll meet you up at the training room in... half an hour. I assume you want time to kill your brother." Clary said. Izzy seemed to miss the mischievous glint in Clary's eyes. "Of course I would want time to kill him my hair was green for 2 months! He has hell to pay!

Just you wait until I get my hands around his throat!" Izzy puffed out an angry breath, and left the kitchen.

"You get back here Jace and don't you dare run away from me like a coward. You arse hole."

Izzy ran yelling down the hallway.

Clary was now on the rolling on the floor with tears in her eyes. She was laughing so much.

Jace was so in for it now. After some time to recover from her laughing fit Clary got up and made her way to the fridge, where she poured herself a cool glass of water with some ice cubes.

The kitchen doors opened and Alec walked in. His hair was ruffled, and he still had his pyjamas on.

"Good Morning. How did you sleep beauty queen?"

Alec blushed a deep crimson colour. "I slept real good. So... what did your Jace do this time?

Izzy is tearing the place apart like a mad man... er mad woman... looking for him."

"I may have lied... and said he was listening in on our conversation. And that he put that fluorescent green hair dye in her shampoo bottle."

Alec looked up at Clary in the middle of biting his sandwich... and broke out into a fit of laughter. Successfully spitting any remnants of food that he'd just been chewing out of his mouth. "You may as well go sign his death certificate right now." He nodded grudgingly, "good one clare bear."

They sat in a comfortable silence for awhile. A gagging sound Clary had made broke it.

"You oka- " Alec was cut off mid sentence by a very distressed Clary running to Jace's bathroom.

Clary sprinted to the bathroom holding her mouth. She felt like she was about to be sick everywhere.

Clary slammed the door to the bathroom shut with such force that it shook the room, and unfortunately for Jace it gave him quite the scare. Clearly he wasn't expecting her to run in while he was in the shower.

After he got over his hysteria, his brain registered that Clary was kneeling on his well their, for how she was taking it over bathroom floor emptying her guts out. He grabbed the nearest towel which was pink, proof of Clary's usurpation, this'll have to do. It doesn't look manly, because it wasn't, and is the worst colour ever created. But my girlfriend needs help, so this'll have to do, he said to himself.

He made his way to his favourite little red head; lifted her curly red hair out of her face, and started to rub some soothing patterns along the small of her back. He knelt there for about

five minutes with her until her puking subsided.

Clary turned to face him and her emerald eyes were welling up with tears. She laid down on him, and made those funny little hiccup sounds everyone makes after they cry. He could understand that she was clearly In pain, and exhausted. He could feel beads of sweat trickling down, his bare chest.

Now, Clary felt guilty that Isabelle was going to kill him, well not literally kill him. But still beat his arse up, she felt guilty, because of the way he was treating her right now.

"I love you," Clary said in a shaky voice, "I love you so much."

"I love you too Fray." He kissed her forehead and helped her up. "I will just be in the bedroom getting dressed call me if you need me."

She watched as Jace left the bathroom. And couldn't get over the fact that he had a pink towel around his waist, even if it was because she was sick and he had rushed over to help her. She didn't think he would ever resort to wearing a pink towel. Ever. Though that's why she put it in there.

Clary took a quick shower and hurriedly brushed her teeth. Once she was done she chucked on some yoga pants and a baggy top. She ran into the room and tackled Jace, smushing him to the bed.

But he had her pinned in less than a second, and was tickling her sides.

"Stop... stop it... Jace!" She yelled.

He smirked devilishly, "Not until you give me a kiss Fray."

"Fine!" She said ,"but you have to let me go!"

"Your wish is my command milady."

Jace bowed, and lifted her up. Clary tilted her head upwards and kissed him. This kiss was unlike any kiss she'd ever shared with Jace it wasn't too needy... or to tender. His lips were soft against hers. Electricity was running up and down her spine. Clary pulled back, after a

while, with the realization that Izzy was going to kill her too, unless she got to that training room straight away. Jace and her were just leaving the room when Isabelle stopped them.

"Slowly I am going to kill you both, it will be painful and very slow." Izzy threatened.

Jace and clary flinched, and stepped back.

"Clary get to the training room now! Jace stop distracting my parabati... its unfair."

"Unfair." Jace repeated mockingly.

Isabelle started walking away, then turned back to her brother, "I'm actually I'm not quite done yet Herondale!"

She stomped up to him and slapped him in the face. She started screaming at him again, "and if you ever put hair dye in my shampoo again... so help me... I will chop your manhood off in your sleep and I won't be nice about!"

Jace looked over Izzy's shoulder to see Clary looking back at him with an apologetic expression on her face. He smiled at her, and mouthed 'you will pay Fray'. Clary bolted to the training room.

Clary looked up from her stretching position to see Izzy making her way into the room. She kicked off both her shoes, "you are not going to live to see tomorrow, my parabati," Izzy threatened.

"You want to bet," Clary said right back. Isabelle ran towards Clary, and leaped into the air while thrusting her left foot out, aiming for Clary's face. Clary flipped back gracefully, and blocked the punches and kicks Izzy was throwing at her.

Izzy paused just for a second to catch her breath, good Clary thought to herself, she had worn her out just enough to get a good kick in. While thinking this, Clary jumped up and kicked both Izzy's knees,the results were gruesome. Isabelle screamed out, and fell to the ground. Loud popping sounds echoed throughout the room. Clary looked at Izzy and said in her best smart ass tone, "I thought you said I wasn't going to live to see tomorrow."

"Okay... I was wrong. Can you just draw some iratzes on my knees please?" Clary pulled out the stele her mother gave her it was beautiful with intricate designs of runes covering the outside of it Clary carefully traced four iratzes on Isabelle's knees.

"I'm sorry but you're going to have some very bruised knees for the next few weeks," Clary smiled sheepishly, and held out a hand to Isabelle. "How about I make it up to you and shoot you some takis?"

"Sounds good Claire bear I have to have a shower though so meet you downstairs soon."

"Okay see you soon."

Clary walked slowly down the halls of the Institute looking at all the artwork that lined the halls. She'd already seen them a million times, but she loved art and couldn't help but want to look at the paintings over and over. It was in her blood... well maybe not blood... but nature. She walked into Jace's and her room. He was asleep on the bed, his golden hair acted as a halo around his head. There was a peaceful look in his eyes. She came over and sat down next to him, she kissed him on the forehead, and whispered to herself you're my angel Jace. I wouldn't know what to do without you.

She saw his lip tilt up at the corner. He reached for her hand and kissed it, "your my angel too, beautiful." Butterflies rose in her stomach and started fluttering around. No matter how many times she was with Jace, somehow, the butterfly's never left. "I'll be back soon bub, thankfully." She said. And then she left him to his slumber.

"Isabelle," Clary yelled, " get down the stairs now otherwise I am not taking us to takis."

Isabelle was skipping down the stairs, she smiled at Clary. "Simon and me are officially dating."

Clary squealed, "you did well. He better treat you right though, otherwise I am going to skin him alive and take pleasure in it."Isabelle laughed, "easy there tiger."

Clary smiled, "I am glad you are my parabati. I would not know what to do without you."

"Back at you red."

"Anyway let us get going, I could really use a coffee."

chapter 1 finished, tell me what you thought of this chapter and if you have any questions or something you would like to say feel free to pm . until next time :)