I'm a terrible person... I know, I'm sorry.

I just had the biggest, most laziest writer's block in the century. As you can see, my other TMI fics are crying from abandonment in the corner as well...

Either way, I'm gonna try to entertain you with this chap.

Also, at the end of every chapter, tell me which character's point of view you'd like to see next.



After Chiron's IM, there was a lot of silence. Like a hundred pounds of silence.

So much silence.

My mother asked me and Zoë to go upstairs to dad's old bedroom and we didn't argue. Dad and her were probably going to have an intense conversation with grandma and Paul.

"So... Can we, like, grab some kitchen knives?" I said, while sitting down on the bed. "Our weapons won't do anything to mortals."

"We're not killing mortals, Kelp Face." Zoë sighed in annoyance. The fact that her gigantic brain couldn't comprehend our situation was one of the very amusing things for me.

I hummed.

"I dunno... if people start coming at me with shotguns and stuff, I'll imagine a monster's face on them and attack.

Zoë rolled her eyes at me. The times she does that a day... I wonder how her eyes are still in her skull.

"Generally, Shotguns are faster then your stupid sword, Luke.

I shrugged.

"What if I'm right next to them?"

"If they wee smart, they'd start attacking you from a distance. That's kind of the whole point."

"I-" I wondered for a second. "I'd-"

"Die. That's why, you shouldn't stand out. It's only a matter of seconds before everything's put under martial law.

"Marshy-what?" I frowned.

"Are you dense?" she stared at me, exasperated.

"I do have a lot of head injuries like uncle Jason..."

She groaned, like she was in physical pain from this conversation.

"No you don't! You're just short on brain cells!"

"Wait..." I pretended to be awed. "My brain has cells? There's a prison in my brain?"

Her eyes looked enraged, while I was grinning. I mean, I did take her mind away from our problem for a second, but if she kills me on the spot, I don't think it'll be worth it.


Just then, the door to the room opened up, and mom stepped in with dad.

"So?" I grinned. "Are we going on the Only-Jacksons quest? Are we saving the world. I haven't saved a world, and I'm already sixteen, so we should get a move on. Maybe-"

"You two aren't going anywhere." my mother interrupted me, crossing her arms and just being her usual self. "You two are staying here, while we head to Olympus."

"Can't it be closed up?" Zoë suggested, looking upset at life.

"It could be. Still, worth a try. If we're gonna get any answers, that's where we need to start."

"Just to.. ah," I cleared my throat "Clarify.. When you say 'here', you mean like... 'here in New York'-"

My mother gave me a sour smile.

"I mean 'here' as in 'in this house', Luke."

"Oh come on! I'm sixteen. I can go to the Camp or something. You guys did stuff like this since you were like, twelve. Sure, Zo can stay, being fifteen and all-"

"Both of you are going to stay here, until we say other vise." the look in my mom's eyes kind of shut me up. "It's not even about the monsters, mortals are something to worry about too. Specially, a lot of them had seen you today."

"Fine." I said a little too quickly, and Zoë looked at me, a little taken aback from my agreement. "I want gran's cookies anyways."

Mom and dad said their goodbyes in a quick matter and were out in ten minutes. Bob and Mrs. O'Leary were put in garage to avoid attention and well... Basically people screaming. Neither of the Hellhounds were happy about that.

"So where to next?" Zoë glanced at me expectedly.

"What do you mean?" I said, not looking at her.

"Oh, come on." she rolled her eyes. "We both know that you're not staying here, and neither am I."

I shrugged.

"You said it, not me."

She looked like she's gonna attempt to strangle me.


I sighed and nodded.

"M'kay. Honestly, I was thinking Camp Half-Blood is what we need right now. Not like they'll be able to reach us as quick, which is why we should go exactly there. Also, maybe Red will give a Prophecy or something."

We started heading to the garage, nice and easy, not to tip off Gran or Paul.

"You know, calling Rachel 'Red' isn't nice. That's like me calling you 'Stupid'." she said, when we got downstairs.

"I'm not being insulting... Her name's initials literally spell out R.E.D. It's like, her legit name."

When we got to the garage, Mrs. O'Leary was laying on the ground, while Bob was restlessly stomping around.

"Right. So we-"

"Going somewhere?"

We both turned around in a quick motion, to see gran standing behind us, a soft smile on her face.

"Erm.." I look around like the awkward turtle I am. "Nowhere..? We're just looking at how the dogs are holding up."

Gran pointed at him.

"Don't even try lying at me, young man." she smiles at the two. "I would be guessing Camp Half blood?

Zoë and I both nodded solemnly.

"Well.." Gran shrugged. "It's not like I'm going to stop you. You two would find a way to get out later anyways.

Zoë sighed happily.

"Thanks, Gran. Also, it's just one jump to the Camp, it'll be safe."

Gran chuckled.

"I would hope so. I don't want you two to get in more trouble then you already have." she put her hands on both of our shoulders and smiled tenderly. "Percy's and his friends' time has passed. No matter how much they try to deny it, you won't be protected forever. It's time for them to leave the world saving to the kids. Just like your father, you two have amazing friends, and if you stick together, everything will be fine. You can and you will stay alive.

"Not.." Zoë started, a slightly pained expression on her face. "Not all of them are."

Sally Jackson smiled, and even though it looked close to grimace, she hugged her grandchildren tightly.

"Stay safe you two, and protect your friends."

"You too gran."

Me and my sis got on Bob's back, choosing to leave Mrs. O'Leary here, in case our parents got back.

The Hellhound was happy to shadowtravel and it ran into the nearest shadowy corner, to disappear from Sally Jackson's eyes.

When we get to the Camp, not many people pay attention to us. Most of them are going back and forth, however tension radiated from them like a nuclear explosion of feelings went off.

While we headed to the big house, Bianca Solace came up to us. Well, not directly to us, since she's not a fan of me, but more like, talking with my sis.

They were all like "Girly giberry giberrish". And I was like "Hey Bi... bye".

She honestly glares too much.

Anyway, we made it to the Big House. It hasn't changed much over the years, only two flags - one of Camp Half-Blood, the other of SPQR were added to the entrance.

Inside, Chiron was already waiting for us. Apollo sat by the Tennis table, with other people like his son Will and his husband, the Rodriguez family and other 'important' legacy families.

"Where's Rachel?" Zoë asked them when us three joined them.

"She'll be back soon." Chiron said, not even questioning our presence. "She left around the week ago for personal reasons. She might be back today.."

"Or not, with all the held up." answered Apollo, looking at his notepad. "What rhymes with 'see'?"

"Pee." I grinned at him, and he grinned back, nodding and getting back to his notepad.

"Thanks." okay, I don't know what type of thing he's writing, but I so want it as my ringtone. And yes, I do own phone. Hermes teamed up with Hephaestus and his kids, to make a special type of phones that are... well, demigod-friendly. Not everyone has them though, because it's not only super hard to make them, the ish is expensive like an army of satyrs.

"We need to focus on the problem at hand..." started Chiron, looking over everyone by the table. "The lack of Mist does not just reduce our safety to the minimum. The Gods also start lacking certain abilities. We are unable to hide from the mortal eyes, and monsters that had been seen all over the world might start getting hunted. However, we can't just focus on dealing with the result. We need to find a solution, we need to get the Mist up again. The question is - what could be powerful enough to disrupt this balance?"

"Well..." Will Solace spoke up. "Everyone who's capable of it are, well... in pieces. Sure, maybe even Ouranus or Gaea hadn't been capable of it if they weren't physically shattered."

"Even Hecate, the creator of the Mist can't completely get rid of it, since it's stretched this far and is used by most godly creatures."

Zoë seemed very silent. Too silent. And I wasn't the only one who noticed, since she, as a brainiac of the camp, spoke about everything, even when she was trying to solve something.

Unless she already had.

"Zoë?" Bianca leaned forward to look at her. "Any... ideas?"

My sis stood up and started walking around. She may have tried to hide her shivering and her shaking hands, but I saw it. Whatever just came to her mind left her completely terrified.

"Something that can disrupt the balance." she began. "Something... that has to be older then Gaea and Ouranos. Something that..." she looked at Chiron. "Let's say has been there.. Before the start of the world. Something that everything that now exists came from... and is now erupting in waves all over the world.

I glanced at Chiron and I had to make a double check. For the first time in my life, I saw hope, even a will to talk drain from his eyes.

"Pure, wild, and impossible to comprehend-"

Zoë nodded solemnly.
