A/N: So sorry how late this is, guys, I just didn't know where to start! Alright, so here goes!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail

Working with the 'enemy'

"Urgh! This is so infuriating! What the hell kind of Mafia do you come from, Black-Steel!?" The small girl let out a muffled screech of exasperation as she threw herself, dejectedly, onto her kitchen counter. After letting out a long moan of defeat, and emerging from the deep pit of despair - her arms - she glanced up to grimace at the bright screen.

5:30 am

She groaned again, how long had she even been going for? She pushed herself off of the counter, stretching her arms high above her head and allowing a symphony of stress-easing cracks and pops to work out the kinks in her aching joints, along with a moan of relief. She turned back to her laptop, pursing her lips in thought, before typing in a few more codes; only to come up with another 'scarer' on the screen, mockingly laughing in a high-pitched tone with the message Nice try! flashing in red.

She let out yet another frustrated scream.

She'd spent her entire night - when she should have been sleeping - frantically attempting to hack into Phantom Lord's records, scooping out anything she could about this Jose person. They all knew who he was and what he did, his motives, however, were a mystery to even Gajeel.

5:40 am

"I wish Freed was here! He'd have cracked this hours ago!" Sighing heavily she decided to give up; her head was fuzzy, eyes watering and she was beginning to come down with some sort of cold. She shut down the laptop and pulled the plug on her hacking gear, before drowsily stumbling to her room and onto her bed.

It had been just over a week since she'd met Gajeel and his daughter and she'd been busting her ass to try and find out everything she could about Jose, Phantom Lord and Juvia Lockser, the friend Gajeel had talked about in his terms for working with her.

5:45 am

Bleep! Bleep! Bleep! Bleep! The incessant and extremely irritating sound of her alarm clock rang in her ears. She angrily reached forwards, hitting the off button, before throwing it as hard as she could at the wall opposite her. It hit the wall with a resounding crash and then fell limply to the floor. Levy's crumpled face emerged from her covers and she let out an all but pained sob as she dragged herself out from the comfort of her bed.

6:00 am

"Great, that's the third one this month... I need to stop throwing my alarm clocks..." She mumbled, grabbing a red blouse and a black skirt, before throwing them onto her bed and heading to the bathroom. Once she was showered, hair dried and teeth brushed she proceeded to get dressed; hastily shoving her legs into a pair of fish-nets and yanking a brush through her unkempt locks.

She grabbed a large shoulder bag off the counter, throwing bits of completed paperwork into the file space, and rammed her tiny laptop in with it. After slipping on a pair of black heels and a small, black, trench-coat, she was on her way to Fairy Tail HQ.

The poor girl was exhausted and passing by a Starbucks and quarter to 7 in the morning, she was on time, so she decided to indulge herself and walked into the quaint coffee shop.

"Good morning, what can I get you, Miss?" A waitress asked as Levy's drowsy eyes scanned the menu.

"The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caff, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don't know what the hell they're doing or who on earth they are can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self: Tall. Decaf. Cappuccino." Levy mumbled, sighing heavily as the waitress giggled, "It's funny, I can remember the exact line from a movie but I can't make a simple decision... He's right you know, Joe Fox, well I guess it's more than just six decisions now, isn't it? Cream or no cream? And whatever else he didn't mention... I'll have a tall, caff, Cappuccino, please."

"Right away, Miss." Levy smiled as her drink was handed to her and she chuckled to herself when she left the café, life was strange.

"Levy, what happened to you? You really do go from one extreme to another in the mornings, don't you?" Lucy asked as soon as the bluenette had entered the room.

"I'm fine, just tired... Got, like, three seconds of sleep this morning." Levy murmured, sipping her coffee and sitting down in her seat.

"Well, all we're waiting for now is Gajeel, you'll all be meeting someone else today, as well." Makarov announced from the head of the table, his eyes were calculating, yet when they set sights on the sleep-deprived girl, they softened with sympathy. Only he and Levy knew about Wendy, and today the others were going to meet her.

"Asuka, stop pulling mama's hair, hm?" Bisca smiled down at her daughter as her hair was pulled lightly from its loose braid, "Aslack, control your daughter."

"She's your daughter too, sweetheart." Aslack drawled, flashing his wife a smirk, which Bisca returned with an equal amount of malice.

"Yeah, she is, before sunrise, if I heard you correctly this morning." The others around the table laughed as Aslack, floundered for a response.

"Well played, darlin'." He chuckled, bowing his head to his wife respectfully, before taking their daughter and exiting the room.

"You two are so cute!" Lucy gushed, wriggling her eyebrows at the green haired woman, "Any more Asuka's on the way, hmm?"

"N-No! At least not yet anyway..." Bisca mumbled mumbled, face bright red and she stared down at her lap. The other girls squealed and giggled at her bashfulness.

"I think we should just star-," But before Makarov could utter another word the doors where blasted open and in stumbled two, extrememly out of breath, people. There was a long pause of silence as everyone blinked blankly at the two. Gajeel's laboured breaths echoed around the large meeting room, and, as he slowly began to slide Wendy off of his back, his heart rate started to slow.

Everyone gasped in shock at the small bluenette, her cheeks were tinted with a flush of red - most likely from the harsh and old winds outside - her hair, albeit slightly disheveled, was pulled into two neat bunches, and her cute dress was both flattering and formal.

Gajeel was a completely different story, though, Levy had to physically stop herself from smashing her head down on to the table, and, instead, went with a drawn out groan. He was dressed worse than a four year old dressing himself for the first time. Half of his collar was turned up, his tie was just horrendous, his shirt was untucked and his buttons weren't done up properly

She pinched the bridge of her nose, taking a deep breath, before cautiously looking up. She was straight away met with his piercing gaze, his crimson eyes staring so shamelessly and obviously, that she had to physically stop herself from blushing.

"Gajeel," Makarov began, his booming voice silenced every hushed whisper, "You realise that you're twenty minutes late to this meeting? We were considering starting without you."

"Sorry, Gramps," He took Wendy's hand, sitting her down in one of the seats before placing himself next to her, "My alarm... broke..."

"Sorry for being so late, Mr. Makarov!" Wendy apologized, her angelic and worried tone electing an instant reaction from all of the girls in the room, "Gajeel smashed his alarm clock again."

"Hey, quit makin' me look bad, kid." Gajeel hissed, ruffling her hair, tiny smile peeking through his lips as Wendy giggled.

"You don't need her for that, Gajeel." Levy scoffed, smirking and rolling her eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean, Shrimp?"

"If you don't mind, I'd like to get back to the purpose of this meeting?" There was silence again and the man spoke up, "Thank you. Now, as you all know, Gajeel here, is working with us." There was a murmur of agreement as he paused, "And I don't doubt that you're all wondering who this young girl is? Well that's what this meetings for; Wendy, my dear, would you like to introduce yourself?"

"O-ok!" She stood from her seat, shaking slightly from nerves, however Levy and Gajeel's reassuring smiles gave her the confidence she needed. With her head held high, the small girl began to speak, "Hello, my name is Wendy Marvell-Redfox, I'm 12 years old and I'm Gajeel's daughter."

To say that everyone was shocked, wouldn't have been entirely true. The contence of the room - excluding Levy. Gajeel and Makarov - all blinked blankly as the small girl. There was a thick silence as they all took in the news, Gajeel simply sat expressionlessly, arms crossed and staring at a smirking Levy.

"Wait... Hold on a minute... Are you telling me that you, the - honest to god - sweetest thing I've ever seen, is related to that, the most foul-mouthed and one of the scariest people I've ever actually encountered!?" Lucy's jaw dropped when Wendy nodded and giggled.

"Yep!" She chimed, "But he's not that bad! Last night he let me put his hair in braids and even let me put a flower clip- Mmph!"

"Hey, t-that's enough kid!" Gajeel clamped his hand over the bluenette's mouth, blushing a brilliant shade of red. Suddenly a couple of boisterous chortles erupted through the meeting room, all eyes turned to Gray and Natsu as they cackled, neither even trying to be subtle.

"GAJEEL IN PIGTAILS!" Natsu wheezed banging his fist on the table, Gray just flung his head back, causing his chair to tip and - too busy laughing - he lost his balance and toppled backwards, which caused Natsu to start laughing even harder than before.

Lucy sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and turned to Levy, who was giggling into the Palm of her hand, "That moronic dunce is having a field day... So, Levy, how come you're not reacting like the rest of us?"

"Gajeel and I are together - ish - don't you think I'd already know if he had a daughter? I did sleep with him the first time we met." She shrugged casually, having already talked about it with the girls over a night of cliche chick-flicks and popcorn. (They may have been hardcore Mafiosa's but, come on, they were still girls, ok?)

Lucy paused for a moment before nodding in agreement, "True."

"Listen up! Brats!" Makarov boomed, standing up on his chair and almost growing with anger. Wendy squeaked, diving into the nearest lap she could find (Levy's) and burying her face in her hands.

Master!" Levy chided, stroking the poor girl's hair, "Wendy is a Fairy Tail guest! Don't scare her on her first day! Or at least give her a few hours to adjust!"

"Right..." He cleared his throat and sat back down, "Forgive me, my dear, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Its ok! S-sorry for being so rude!" She flushed with embarrassment and bowed her head.

"How can a girl living with that," Lucy's nose wrinkled as she glanced at Gajeel - who was glaring at Natsu and cussing like a sailor, "Be this polite?"

"Gajeel! Pay attention!" Levy hissed, earning a glare and a mumbled apology.

"Anyway," The master continued, "Wendy will be joining us, she will be under our protection when Gajeel is out on missions, and, of course, someone will have to care for her when Gajeel is away over night."

"Master," Levy spoke up, smiling slightly, Gajeel and I already discussed some arrangements, for instance, with over night stays, Wendy will spend the night with me. And after school, I'll pick her up from the library when Gajeel can't."

"Alright, but what about when you're on a mission?"

"Natsu and I can look after her!" Lucy interjected, "Um... I mean, if that's alright with you, Wendy?" She smiled and nodded eagerly.

"And when you're not available, Jellal and I can take her, right Jellal?" Erza gave him a menacing glance, daring him to say no, it would seem that Titania was quite taken with Wendy's adorable charm.

"Of course." Jellal smiled kindly, not really needing Erza's terror tactic, "We blue-heads have got to stick together, right?"

"Right!" Wendy giggled, electing an 'awww' from most of the girls. Levy smiled and yawned, barely listening as the meeting carried on, Gajeel had come to sit next to her and Wendy was perched on her lap. She smiled and tested her eyes - only for a second! - before drifting into a much needed power nap.

A/N: Welp! After a long wait here's your much awaited third chapter! Hope you guys like it! It's not all that great, but next chapter they'll be some more Levy/Wendy cutsy moments and a load of Gajevy! So stay tuned guys!

That's all folks!

